102. Speech procedure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you with an Acorn Speech system, here is a procedure to conveniently call up speech, without using a clumsy string of SOUND statements or DATA lists. Note that the word numbers must be passed as one long string, with separating commas if necessary. Actually, you can use this technique whenever you wish to pass varying length lists of parameters, to a procedure or function. You would simply use num% for something else other than SOUND in line 1030. 100 PROCspeak("241,246,252"):REPEATUNTILGET=13:REM Now press 110 PROCspeak("265,275,128,266,209,230,211"):END 120 : 1000 DEFPROCspeak(data$):LOCALcom%,num%:REPEAT:com%=INSTR(data$,",") 1020 num%=VAL(LEFT$(data$,com%-1)):data$=RIGHT$(data$,LEN(data$)-com%) 1030 SOUND-1,num%,0,0:UNTILcom%=0:ENDPROC