10 *FX255 15 20 MODE3:VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:PROCerratum:MODE7 30 MODE7:PROCA:*LOAD !screen 40 VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 50 PRINTTAB(8,10);CHR$134;"Issue 10 Disc Magazine" 60 PRINTTAB(8,11);CHR$134;"Issue 10 Software Menu" 70 PRINTTAB(8,12);CHR$134;"Graphical Animations" 80 PRINTTAB(8,13);CHR$134;"Adventure Hints 1+2" 90 PRINTTAB(8,14);CHR$134;"Disc Magazine Help" 100 PRINTTAB(8,15);CHR$134;"Repton 3 Screens" 110 PRINTTAB(8,16);CHR$134;"*** MESSAGES FOR YOU ***" 120 PRINTTAB(2,22);CHR$134;" ISSUE 10 PD SOFTWARE AND MAGAZINE" 130 select%=FNA(3,10,33,16) 140 IF select%=1 THEN PROCmagazine 150 IF select%=2 THEN PROCmenu 160 IF select%=3 THEN PROCanimations 170 IF select%=4 THEN MODE0:PROChints:RUN 180 IF select%=5 THEN type$=":2.$.MagINS":MODE0:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"'"Press Return to start"'':A=GET:OSCLI("TYPE "+(type$)):PRINT:PRINT"Press any Key":A=GET:CLEAR:RUN 190 IF select%=6 THEN PROCrepton 200 IF select%=7 THEN MODE3:PROCmessages:CLEAR:GOTO 30 210 RUN 220 : 230 : 240 DEF PROCmenu 250 FOR X=8 TO 22 260 PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34) 270 NEXT X 280 PRINTTAB(8,8);CHR$134;"Infinate Triangles" 290 PRINTTAB(8,9);CHR$134;"Citadel Cheat Program" 300 PRINTTAB(8,10);CHR$134;"Crazy Balls Game" 310 PRINTTAB(8,11);CHR$134;"Liverpool Manager" 320 PRINTTAB(8,12);CHR$134;"Coldtea Music (basic)" 330 PRINTTAB(8,13);CHR$134;"Screen Transfer Routine" 340 PRINTTAB(8,14);CHR$134;"Bubbles Animation" 350 PRINTTAB(8,15);CHR$134;"Complex Equations" 360 PRINTTAB(8,16);CHR$134;"Graphical Gears" 370 PRINTTAB(8,17);CHR$134;"Space Planets Animation" 380 PRINTTAB(8,18);CHR$134;"Mandlebrot Set" 390 PRINTTAB(8,19);CHR$134;"Printer Command" 400 PRINTTAB(8,20);CHR$134;"Lumberjack Tune" 410 PRINTTAB(8,21);CHR$134;"Gisburns Castle Cheat" 420 PRINTTAB(8,22);CHR$134;"Concept Car Graphics" 430 choice%=FNA(5,8,30,22) 440 *FX 4 0 450 IF choice%=1 THEN CHAIN"Triangl" 460 IF choice%=2 THEN CHAIN"Citadel" 470 IF choice%=3 THEN CHAIN"Crazy" 480 IF choice%=4 THEN CHAIN"Liverp" 490 IF choice%=5 THEN CHAIN"Coldtea" 500 IF choice%=6 THEN CHAIN"ScreenT" 510 IF choice%=7 THEN CHAIN"Bubbles" 520 IF choice%=8 THEN CHAIN"Complex" 530 IF choice%=9 THEN CHAIN"Gears" 540 IF choice%=10 THEN CHAIN"SpaceP" 550 IF choice%=11 THEN CHAIN"Mandle" 560 IF choice%=12 THEN CHAIN"Print" 570 IF choice%=13 THEN PROCtune 580 IF choice%=14 THEN CHAIN"Gisburn" 590 IF choice%=15 THEN CHAIN"Concept" 600 RUN 610 ENDPROC 620 630 640 650 660 670 END 680 DEFFNA(`%,a%,b%,c%):d%=(a%-1):*FX4,2 690 REPEATPRINTTAB(`%,a%);CHR$132;CHR$157;CHR$134;TAB((`%+b%),a%);CHR$156:*FX15 700 A$=GET$:e%=VALA$:IFA$=CHR$13GOTO750 710 IFe%=0THENe%=-1 720 IF(a%+e%)>c%PRINTTAB(`%,a%);SPC2:a%=(d%+1):GOTO750 730 IF(a%+e%)<(d%+1)PRINTTAB(`%,a%);SPC2:a%=c%:GOTO750 740 PRINTTAB(`%,a%);SPC2:a%=a%+e% 750 UNTILA$=CHR$13:*FX4,0 760 =(a%-d%) 770 DEFPROCA:*KEY14 1|M 780 *KEY15 0|M 790 *KEY12 0|M 800 *KEY13 1|M 810 ENDPROC 820 : 830 DEF PROCmagazine 840 CLS 850 PAGE=&1900 860 OSCLI("DRIVE 2") 870 CHAIN"$.Viewdat" 880 : 890 DEF PROCtune 900 FOR X=8 TO 22 910 PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34) 920 NEXT X 930 CHAIN"Tune1" 940 ENDPROC 950 : 960 DEF PROCanimations 970 OSCLI("DRIVE 2") 980 OSCLI("EXEC !Swars") 990 CLS:END 1000 : 1010 DEF PROCrepton 1020 FOR X=8 TO 22 1030 PRINTTAB(3,X);SPC(34):NEXT 1040 PRINTTAB(3,10);CHR$134;"The Filename R.TROG on the disc" 1050 PRINTTAB(3,11);CHR$134;"contains the Repton 3 Screen" 1060 PRINTTAB(3,12);CHR$134;"files. Load REPTON 3 as normal" 1070 PRINTTAB(3,13);CHR$134;"before loading the screens in" 1080 PRINTTAB(3,14);CHR$134;"the normal way. Passwords will" 1090 PRINTTAB(3,15);CHR$134;"be revealed next month." 1100 *FX15 1110 A=GET 1120 CLEAR:RUN 1130 ENDPROC 1140 : 1150 DEF PROChints 1160 CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"'"Press Return to start"'':A=GET:OSCLI("TYPE :2.V.Hint1"):PRINT:PRINT"Press any Key for next hints file ...":A=GET 1170 CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to Pause"':OSCLI("TYPE :2.V.Hint2"):PRINT:PRINT"Press any Key to return to menu":A=GET 1180 ENDPROC 1190 : 1200 DEF PROCerratum 1210 PRINT"ERRATA: 8-bit Software Issue 10 Magazine" 1220 PRINT 1230 PRINT"There is an article in this months magazine which briefly referrs to the" 1240 PRINT"program ""Letterhead Designer"" which appeared in last months disc (issue 9)" 1250 PRINT"Unfortunately, the magazine does not make the following too clear ..." 1260 PRINT"Basically, a lot of members have been asking for fuller instructions for the" 1270 PRINT"issue 9 Letterhead Designer. These instructions can be found on SIDE 2 of" 1280 PRINT"this months disc under the filename L.LETTHEAD. This is an ASCII text file" 1290 PRINT"which should be *TYPEd in mode 7. Just select MODE 7 and issue the command" 1300 PRINT"*TYPE L.LETTHEAD to view the instructions." 1310 PRINT 1320 PRINT"May I apologise for any confusion regarding this program and should you have" 1330 PRINT"any further enquiries then please get in touch .... Duncan Webster." 1340 *FX15 1350 PRINT:PRINT"Press "; 1360 A=GET:ENDPROC 1370 ENDPROC 1380 : 1390 DEF PROCmessages 1400 CLS:PRINT"Press Control & Shift to PAUSE"'"Press RETURN to view your messages"'':A=GET:OSCLI("DRIVE 2"):OSCLI("TYPE $.Message"):PRINT:PRINT"Press RETURN to go back to !Menu ....":A=GET:OSCLI("DRIVE 0") 1410 ENDPROC 1420 :