10 REM JOINER (BASIC) 20 REM Version 0.1 30 REM By Andrew Black 40 REM (c) Andrew Soft 50 : 60 REM This program is designed to 70 REM join small text files together 80 REM into one file. You can have 90 REM as many files joined together 100 REM as you want. 110 : 120 REM"ƒThis program has been placed 130 REM"ƒinto Public Domain. 140 : 150 *FX14,6 160 ONERRORPROCerror(0) 170 DIMfile$(70) 180 a$="" 190 MODE7 200 VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 210 VDU15 220 PROCtitle 230 PROCchoose 240 END 250 : 260 DEFPROCjoin 270 CLS 280 INPUT" How many files to join",fnum% 290 INPUT" Destination file",ofile$ 300 IF LEN(ofile$)>7 THEN GOTO 290 310 ofile$=":"+STR$(ddrv%)+"."+ofile$ 320 a$="!" 330 output=OPENOUT(ofile$) 340 FORQ=1TOfnum% 350 INPUT" Enter file(s) to join",file$(Q) 360 NEXTQ 370 : 380 PROCsearch 390 : 400 FORW=1TOfnum% 410 input=OPENIN(file$(W)) 420 IFinput=0THENPROCerror(1) 430 length%=EXT#(input) 440 time%=((length%/1024)*9)DIV1 450 PRINT 460 PRINT" Joining "file$(W) 470 PRINT" Joining time: ";(time%DIV60)" minutes and ";(time%MOD60)" secs." 480 FORZ=1TOlength% 490 BPUT# output,BGET# input 500 NEXT 510 CLOSE#input 520 NEXT 530 CLOSE#output 540 PRINT'"ƒˆTransfer successful‡‰" 550 I$=INKEY$(200) 560 PROCchoose 570 ENDPROC 580 : 590 DEFPROCchoose 600 CLS 610 IFa$="!"THENPROCexit 620 INPUT" Source drive (0-3)",sdrv% 630 IF sdrv%>3 OR sdrv%<0 THEN PROCchoose 640 PRINT 650 INPUT" Desination drive (0-3)",ddrv% 660 IF ddrv%>3 OR ddrv%<0 THEN PROCchoose 670 PROCjoin 680 ENDPROC 690 : 700 DEFPROCerror(num%) 710 CLOSE#0 720 IFnum%=1THENPRINT "File not found" 730 REPORT 740 PRINT 750 ENVELOPE1,1,4,-4,4,10,20,10,127,0,0,-5,126,126 760 SOUND1,1,100,100 770 END 780 ENDPROC 790 : 800 DEFPROCtitle 810 PRINT"—ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp"; 820 VDU134,157,141 830 PRINT"„ File Joiner by Andrew Black" 840 VDU134,157,141 850 PRINT" File Joiner by Andrew Black" 860 PRINT"”```````````````````````````````````````" 870 VDU28,0,24,39,4 880 ENDPROC 890 : 900 DEFPROCexit 910 a$="" 920 CLS 930 INPUT" Exit (Y/N)",ext$ 940 IFext$="N"THENGOTO230 950 END 960 ENDPROC 970 : 980 DEF PROCsearch 990 FOR S%=1 TO fnum% 1000 file$(S%)=":"+STR$(sdrv%)+"."+file$(S%) 1010 NEXT 1020 ENDPROC