10 ONERRORMODE7:CLS:REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL:END 20 MODE7:CLS:PROCb:GOTO1020 60 DEFPROCb 70 c=128 80 REPEAT 90 FORN=0TO1:PRINTCHR$(c)CHR$141TAB(12)"Picture Displayer":NEXT 100 c=c+1 110 UNTILc=135 120 PRINT 130 PRINT:PRINTTAB(13)"‚By P.A.Walden" 140 PRINT:PRINTTAB(14)"„Version 1.1" 150 PRINT:PRINTTAB(7)"ƒPress any key to continue";:d$=GET$ 160 CLS 170 ENDPROC 1020 PRINT"ƒEnter mode to be used." 1030 PRINT"e.g. 1" 1040 INPUT"ƒ:"e 1050 PRINT 1060 ONERRORMODE7:CLS:REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL:END 1070 PRINT"ƒEnter OS command" 1080 PRINT"ƒor RETURN to continue" 1090 INPUT"ƒ:"f$ 1100 IFf$=""THEN1130 1110 PRINT 1120 OSCLI"*"+f$ 1130 CLS 1140 PRINT"ƒDirectory of current drive" 1150 PRINT 1160 *. 1170 PRINT 1180 INPUT"ƒEnter number of filenames: "g 1190 IFg<1ORg>30THENPRINT"Invalid number - please input another":GOTO1170 1200 DIMh$(g) 1210 FORi=1TOg 1220 INPUT"ƒEnter filename: "h$(i) 1230 IFh$(i)=""THENPRINT"Invalid filename.":GOTO1220 1240 NEXT 1250 PRINT 1260 INPUT"ƒAre the above filenames correct? "d$ 1270 IFd$="Y"ORd$="y"THEN1300 1280 IFd$="N"ORd$="N"THEN1130 1290 GOTO1260 1300 MODEe 1310 FORi=1TOg 1320 OSCLI"*LOAD "+h$(i)+" FFFF3000" 1330 PRINT"Press any key...";:A$=GET$ 1340 CLS 1350 NEXT 1360 MODE7:CLS 1370 INPUT"ƒAnother run (Y/N) ?"d$ 1380 IFd$="Y"ORd$="y"THENRUN 1390 IFd$="N"ORd$="n"THENCLS:END 1400 GOTO1360