10 MODE1:VDU19,128,132;0; 20 T$=" ELECTRIC APPLIANCE RATINGS" 30 L$=STRING$(40,"_") 40 PRINTT$ 50 PRINTL$;"First, find your torch....":PRINT 60 PRINT"This program calculates the power consumption and running costs of any electrical appliance. The only data you have to enter is the time your electricity meter takes to make one or" 70 PRINT"more revs, first without the item you want to rate, then with it. Just follow the program prompts. Timing 2 or 3 revs should be slightly more accurate than 1." 80 PRINT"THIS PROGRAM ASSUMES THAT: 1)Your electricity meter revolves at a rate of 112.5 revs/kWh - it should say on the meter. If not, adjust variable REVS appropriately." 90 PRINT:PRINT"2)Your electricity costs 7.27 p/unit. If not, change variable PENCE to suit." 100 PRINT"3)You have turned off any item which uses power intermittently, such as a fridge, which could confuse the situation. "; 110 PRINT"And don't blame me if you forget to turn it back on and your ice cream melts. Try a straw..." 120 PRINT:PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY" 130 A$=GET$ 140 ONERRORGOTO620 150 MODE6:VDU19,0,4;0; 160 REVS=112.5 170 PENCE=7.27 180 Y=16 190 F=3600/REVS 200 PRINTT$ 210 PRINTL$ 220 PRINT:INPUT"WHICH ELECTRICAL ITEM",IT$;":" 230 IF IT$=""THENIT$="APPLIANCE" 240 CLS:PRINT"RATING AND RUNNING COSTS OF ";IT$;":" 250 PRINTL$;"First enter timing without ";IT$;":" 260 PRINT"(if meter stationary just press RETURN)" 270 PRINT 280 INPUT"NO. OF REVS",R1 290 IFR1=0THENW1=0:PRINT:PRINT"EVERYTHING ELSE TURNED OFF":Y=13:GOTO420 300 PRINT:PRINT"ENTER TOTAL TIME - MINS & SECS:" 310 INPUT"MINS",M1 320 INPUT"SECS",S1 330 T1=M1*60+S1 340 IF T1<=0THEN620 350 PRINTTAB(0,7)"TOTAL TIME= ";M1;"min";S1;"sec. " 360 PRINTSTRING$(10," ") 370 TR1=T1/R1 380 W1=INT(1000*(F/TR1)) 390 PRINT"Rating without ";IT$;"= ";W1;" watts." 400 C1=INT(PENCE*W1/10)/100 410 PRINT"COST= ";C1;"p/hour or ";C1*24;"p/day." 420 PRINTL$;"Now enter timing with ";IT$;":" 430 PRINT 440 INPUT"NO. OF REVS",R2 450 PRINT:PRINT"ENTER TOTAL TIME - MINS & SECS:" 460 INPUT"MINS",M2 470 INPUT"SECS",S2 480 PRINTTAB(0,Y)"TOTAL TIME= ";M2;"min";S2;"sec. " 490 Y=16 500 PRINTSTRING$(10," ") 510 T2=M2*60+S2 520 TR2=T2/R2 530 W2=INT(1000*(F/TR2)) 540 IFW2-W1<0THEN620 550 PRINT"Rating of ";IT$;"= ";W2-W1;" watts." 560 C2=INT(PENCE*(W2-W1)/10)/100 570 PRINT"COST= ";C2;"p/hour or ";C2*24;"p/day." 580 PRINTL$ 590 PRINT"PRESS: N FOR NEW RUN SPACE TO ESCAPE" 600 A$=GET$:IF A$="N" THEN150 610 END 620 PRINTL$ 630 PRINT"A GLITCH HAS OCCURRED-PLEASE CHECK DATA" 640 PRINT:PRINT"PRESS: R TO REPEAT SPACE TO ESCAPE" 650 A$=GET$:IF A$="R"THEN240