USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. USE CURSOR KEYS TO SCROLL TEXT. 8-Bit Software 8-Bit Software Issue 33 Program Documentation. Issue 33 Program Documentation. Program Castore By 2J3 Use Audio Cassette Database. This program was originally sent in by 27N but was Master only and required BAS128 before it would run. This was because the DATA was held in the program itself. I changed the program so that it would read in data from disc. This enabled me to add a bit more to the presentation and handling facilities. DFS users. Copy the program onto a fresh blank disc before running it to avoid "Can't Extend" errors later. When Castore is run it looks for a data file called "Data". If it does not find this file it will create a new file containing one blank record on disc called "Data". You will then be presented with the main menu. You will be presented with record one and a message telling you what number record you are looking at and how many records there are in the data file. From this menu you can choose these options: X To move one record forward. If you move past the last record, the first record is displayed. Z To move one record back. If you move back from the first record, the last record will be displayed. E (E)dit this record. You may alter the data on screen. An arrow appears underneath the current field. Use the cursor keys to move to the field you wish to alter. Press COPY to change that field. When you press COPY a prompt appears underneath the field to be altered. Enter the required text/number and press RETURN. The usual editing functions are enabled whilst in this mode so that you may use COPY to copy data already on the screen if it is just a minor alteration that you wish to make. Press RETURN to leave the editing mode and return to the main menu. A (A)dd a blank record to the end of the data on the disc. You may then move to this record and fill it in using option "E". There must be sufficient room on the disc before you use this option, this is why it is essential that DFS users save the program to a blank disc before starting to use "Castore". Q (Q)uit. Close all open files and end. Use this option to end the program. Pressing BREAK is not a wise move as you may ruin the data file. ESCAPE. Press ESCAPE at any time to return to the main menu. ESCAPE is disabled during disc drive activity to prevent corruption of the data file. You may need to tap ESCAPE two or three times if the program is accessing the disc. S (S)earch facilities. There is a separate menu for the search facilities. The options are as follows: A. View all. All the data is displayed one record after another with a keypress to display the next. If Q is pressed instead, then the search is abandoned and you are returned to the main menu. B. View all the information on side A of all of the tapes. C. View all the information on side B of all of the tapes. D. View all the artist names on the selected tape number. E. View all the titles on the selected tape number. F. View the names of all artists in the database. G. View all of the song titles in the database. H. Search by song or part song title. I. Search by artist name or part name. J. View all of the information on a particular tape number. K. Turn the printer on/off. L. Go to a particular record number. M. Quit to main menu. If the printer option is switched ON, then the data is presented slightly differently in some cases and may appear badly formatted on the screen. IMPORTANT! These files are compacted into the file "WW+Uts". Decompact them using the program "ARC" on this disc. Program XFERstr Data WWbas DEMOstr By K2B Use Transfer of variables between Wordwise Plus and Basic. NOTES - on variables from BASIC to WW+ and vice versa by K2B. 1. 'XFERstr' from BASIC, load 'XFERstr' and list to see the 3 demo strings held in A$ B$ and C$, in lines 40 50 & 60. You can add more or change to suit your needs. The program defines function keys to do the main work. When the program is run, f0 accesses WW+, loads segment 0 with 'DEMOstr which transfers the 3 strings into WW+ main text area for use within your text. f1 holds the 3 strings for use within WW+. f4 is a quick means of getting back to BASIC and into 'XFERstr' for editing purposes. 2. 'DEMOstr' - this segment program makes use of the 3 strings defined in f1, and automatically inserts them into your text area. The segment is well remmed to aid any changes you wish to make. 3. 'WWbas' - load this program into segment 1, then enter a couple of lines of text in the main text area. Make a note of 3 words/strings from your text that you wish to transfer to BASIC. From main menu, press SHIFT+f1 to access segment 1, and respond to message in lower screen. Enter 1 2 or 3 words/strings from your typed text, which will be searched for and, if found, displayed and entered into the text area. You may wish to modify the program so that it searches for many more strings. Having selected the strings, to now transfer them to BASIC simply press f3, and then when prompted, press f2 to reveal the strings which you can now add to your BASIC prgram. The above programs are examples of a way of transferring variables from BASIC to Wordwise+ and vice versa, rather than complete programs in themselves. They could form the basis of a custom-built program to suit your own needs, such as address files, stock control data etc. IMPORTANT! These files are compacted into the file "WW+Uts". Decompact them using the program "ARC" on this disc. Program: PWLDCT (WORDWISE+) By : K2T (Jack Tourle) Use : To calculate mailing costs The set of WORDWISE+ programs entitled "MAILING COSTS" calculates the cost of postage for letters sent to persons on a mailing list. The list of names and addresses contains data on the number of copies (of one A4 sheet), and - for overseas addresses - codes showing the postal "zone". For INLAND addresses with only one copy of the letter, nothing is added to the name; if more than one copy is to be enclosed the number of copies is shown in curly brackets at the end of the first line. For OVERSEAS addresses square brackets are used in all cases, with the postal zone letter to the left of the closing bracket; for one copy a space appears to the left of that letter; for more than one copy the number appears there. Reference to the dummy file DWADS should make this clear. The codes used are:- Europe..EU.."E"; non-EU.."N". Outside Europe..zones 1 or 2.."A" or "C" (the former codes). Each address can be of any number of lines, but must end with a double RETURN. LOADING: Select Segment 6, load file PWLDCT, and press Shift-f6. This will load the address file, and the stamp and count files, and run the last, printing out the results. If the stamp count is wanted press Shift-f2. The stamp count print includes an extra copy of some of the detail, which can be cut off and handed over the Post Office counter as a "shopping list"; if not wanted, delete the program lines "DOTHIS" and "TIMES 2" in .calc and in the main part of the program. The postage rates are those current at 1st November 1993; second class for U.K., and the appropriate Air Mail rates for Overseas. Program MenRead By 2J3 Use Print out 8BS menus 0E7 and 15A suggested that the menu printer gave the full pathname so that in particular ADFS users could see where a particular program lay on the disc. I have re-designed the layout of the printed sheet and used a mnemonic for the type of file. (A)SCII file (T)eletext file and (P)rogram so that the pathname has more room. For DFS users this will make virtually no difference. For ADFS users this could give a name as long as your arm! 15A also suggested a SPOOL option so that data could then be tidied up with a text editor and used however you want. He also suggested using SPOOLON (Master only) to append data to an existing SPOOLed file. This has all been implemented. Remember though that you need a twin drive for this. Data is SPOOLed to drive 1 to the name 8BSmenu. Place the data disc in drive 1 and the 8BS discs in drive 0. Any complaints NOW then??!! I tested the program out on all the relevant 8BS menus, they print out fine all apart from ADFS issue 32 in which I discovered ANOTHER bug. Drat! The menu refers to a directory twice in relation to the 4 message files. This makes no difference to the running of the programs but makes the pathname look a bit odd ($.Mag.$.Mag. etc when it should really be $.Mag. etc). I have of course corrected this on the master copies. You need not worry about it!