10 REM Sixty Six Instruction 20 REM by M.Bobrowski 4'94 30 : 40 MODE7:VDU23;8202;0;0;0;:FORY%=1TO2:PRINTTAB(13,Y%)CHR$141CHR$129"Sixty Six":NEXT:PRINTTAB(5,24)CHR$131"Press SPACE BAR to continue"; 50 VDU28,0,22,39,4 60 PRINT"Sixty Six is an old German game played with a pack of 24 cards (from Aces to Nines). The values of the cards are as follows: Ace - 11, Ten - 10, King - 4, Queen - 3, Jack - 2, Nine - 0." 70 PRINT"In each round, the opponents lay their cards, one at a time, trying to win tricks. The values of the cards in the tricks are summed up. Additional points may be obtained if a player announces" 80 PRINT"that he has a pair in his hand, i.e."'"the King and the Queen of the same suit.The first player to reach 66 points is a winner of the round. Usually several rounds have to be played to constitute a final winner of the game." 90 PRINT"In this version, the computer plays one of the hands, and will prove a tough opponent to beat.";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 100 PRINT"At the start of each round six cards are dealt to both, the player and the computer. The top card of the pack is then turned face up and covered partly with a pile containing the rest cards" 110 PRINT"of the pack. This card is of a great importance as it defines the current trump suit." 120 PRINT"A card is then played by one of the players and the opponent may lay the card of the same suit but with a higher value or the card of the current trump suit to win the trick. Otherwise the" 130 PRINT"opponent loses the trick."''"†A card to be played or discarded are †selected by pressing the number shown †beneath it.‡";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 140 PRINT"To fill the hands up to six cards, the player who wins a trick picks up the topcard of the pack, and the other player gets the next one.‚(This operation is ‚done automatically by the computer).‡" 150 PRINT"Furthermore, whoever wins a trick"'"becomes the lead for the next go."''"‚The order of playing is checked by"'"‚the computer and displayed in the"'"‚text window." 160 PRINT'"If the player owns…the Nine of trump‡ in the hand, he can, but may not, swap"'"this card with the bottom card of the"'"pack (i.e. with that card which is"'"layed face up). However, to make such" 170 PRINT"a swap, the player has to win one trick at least.";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 180 PRINT"When a player owns a…pair‡in his hand (the Queen and King of the same suit), he shouldannounce it‡by leading with the Queen‡which is a member of the"'"pair‚(just press the number displayed" 190 PRINT"‚underneath the Queen in question)‡and by pressing theY‡key in reply to the prompt that appears in the text window."''"If the pair is the one of the trump"'"suit, the player will obtain…40‡points" 200 PRINT"as a bonus. With the pair of any other suit, only…20‡points are added to the"'"score. Again, to announce a pair, the player has to win one trick at least.";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 210 PRINT"As long as the…pack is not empty‡either player may play or discard†any‡card."'"For example, it is possible to counter the opponent's card with a trump (and to win a trick), even though the player" 220 PRINT"could follow the suit of the card"'"played by his opponent. Also there is no need to lay down the card of the"'"trump suit in a case when a player has no card of the opponent's suit.":REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 230 PRINT"When the…pack is empty‡the round is"'"continued with a decreasing number of cards, until no card remains in either hand. However, with a moment of the"'"pack exhaustion, the rules of the game"'"are a little different." 240 PRINT"Firstly, when replying the opponent's"'"lead, a player has to follow the suit."'"Secondly, if a player has no card of"'"the suit of the lead, then he must lay down a card of the current trump suit" 250 PRINT"(of course, the latter rule applies to situations when a player has any trump card in the hand).":REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 260 PRINT"During the play, a player can…stop the …round,‡if he has reached 66 points, or more, in the tricks he has won. To do so just‚press the 0 key‡instead of the keys 1-6." 270 PRINT"When the 0 key has been pressed a check is made, and if the player really has scored at least 66 points, then the"'"round is over and the player is"'"announced the winner, even though his opponent has collected more points." 280 PRINT"However, when the round has been "'"stopped and the player's score is less than 66, a penalty of 10 points is"'"executed and the round is continued to the end. (It is therefore advisable to" 290 PRINT"count carefully the points during the game).";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 300 PRINT"When a round is over and the loser has not won even a trick, then the winner gains†3 match points.‡If the loser's score is less than 33 (but not zero), then†2 match points‡are given to the" 310 PRINT"winner. In any other case,†1 match pointis awarded to the winner."'"The game is eventually over when one of the players collect†8 match points‡or"'"more." 320 PRINT'"…The rules may seem a little daunting …when written down but, as ever, the"'"…easiest way of becoming familiar with"'"…the game is to play it.‡":REPEAT UNTIL GET=32:CLS 330 PRINTTAB(10)"ƒSome useful hints‡"''"(i) When laying your first card, it's"'"advisable to play one of the low value."''"(ii) Until the pack is not empty, try to save single Queens or single Kings - you may pick up the complementary" 340 PRINT"card, which will make the pair with"'"your Queen or King, in the next goes."''"(iii) Try to save your trump cards -"'"don't use them all up at the start"'"unless it's vital." 350 PRINT'"†And remember that the computer plays"'"†quite intelligently, but if you think †carefully - and luck is on your side"'"†- you can win.‡";:REPEAT UNTIL GET=32 360 PAGE=&1100:CHAIN"66LB"