10 *KEY2 RUN |M 20 CLS 30 VDU2:REM You must Change this line to 30REMVDU2 if you want to read it and NOT Print it out" 40 : 50 VDU1,14:PRINT"…MARTHA'S PIE CRUST"' 60 PRINT"‚When Geordie Brown of Backwo‚rth started courting Martha Gray" 70 PRINT"‚he knew he'd found the right‚ one so he named the wedding day," 80 PRINT"‚She was fetched up to be use‚full she could make a lovely cake" 90 PRINT"‚She could set about spring c‚leaning and wash and cook and bake."' 100 : 110 PRINT"†She could make some lovely d†inners with thick gravy meat and veg" 120 PRINT"†and the pies she made was sm†ashing with lovely patterns round the e†dge," 130 PRINT"†and Martha very happy made h†er Pies and Cakes for George," 140 PRINT"†But one day George went back† home he found his wife in tears."' 150 : 160 PRINT"ƒWhy Martha he says 'WHAT EVƒER IN THE WORLDS GONE WRONG WE EVERS PASƒSED" 170 PRINT"ƒAWAY, She said 'I'VE BROKE ƒME TOP SET AND I'M PASSED MESELL TODAY," 180 PRINT"ƒTHEY STOTTED OFF THE HEARTHSƒTONE FIRST AND I NEARLY LOST ME WITS"' 190 : 200 PRINT"„When Georgie tried to comfor„t her he said 'WHY LASS DIVUNT FRET'" 210 PRINT"„but Martha said 'MY TEETHS„ ALL BROKE AND THEY WHERE A PERFECT SET" 220 PRINT"„THY FALSE TEETH I'SNT BROKEN „ITS QUITE ALRIGHT FOR THOU BUT TELL ME,"' 230 : 240 VDU1,14:PRINT"'HOW CAN I PUT THE PATTERNS" 250 VDU1,14:PRINT" ROUND THE PIE CRUST NOW'"' 260 PRINT"********"; 270 VDU1,27,1,83,1,1 280 PRINT"ƒPIES"; 290 VDU1,27,1,84 300 PRINT"********" 310 VDU3:END 320 REM"ƒRead Line 30 IF you do œ ƒ NOT want a Printout œ 330 REM" ”<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l 340 REM"”5 ƒVerse œ ”j 350 REM"”5 ƒVerse œ ”j 360 REM" ”5 … By An Uknown ”j 370 REM" ”5 † Author ”j 380 REM" ”5ƒModified By Fred Price ”j 390 REM" ”5‚ 230194 ”j 400 REM" ”-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 410 REM" ƒ Martha's Pie Crust œ 420 REM" † SAVE"PIES" œ