10 REM 3D FROM TYPEWRITER 20 REM by L Knight 11/94 30 MODE7 40 FORX=1TO2:PRINTTAB(7)CHR$129;CHR$141,"3D FROM A TYPEWRITER":NEXT 60 PRINT'"It has been pointed out to me that"'"simple 3D‚Magic Eye‡pictures can be"'"produced just using a typewriter or"'"word-processor. The example given here" 70 PRINT"shows the kind of effect possible."''"Basically, each line contains a"'"repetitive pattern of 13 to 17"'"characters, 13 for foreground, 17"'"for background, but where applicable"'"the background pattern can be seen" 80 PRINT"showing through the pattern for a more"'"forward plane."''"To print out the example, switch on"'"your printer and press any key." 90 PRINT'"For an even more impressive result,"'"preprogram the printer to close the"'"gap between lines. (E.g. for an Epson"'"dot-matrix printer use‚VDU1,27,1,49‡)" 100 G=GET 110 MODE3:VDU2,1,27,1,69 120 *TYPE 3Dpic 130 VDU3