10 REM QUEST FOR RIEMANNIAN 15 REM Made Beeb compatible 16 REM by Janny Looyenga 20 GOSUB 5460:REM INITIALISE 30 OXYGEN=INT(100*(OXYGEN-3))/100:IF OXYGEN<1 THEN OXYGEN=0 40 FUEL=FUEL-5:IF FUEL<1 THEN FUEL=0 50 PROVISIONS=PROVISIONS-3:IF PROVISIONS<1 THEN PROVISIONS=0 60 TE=TE+1 70 PLACE=PLACE+1 90 GOSUB 330:REM PRINTOUT 110 IF OXYGEN<10 AND OXYGEN>0 THEN PRINT "* *ˆOxygen level needs attention‰‡* *" 120 IF OXYGEN=0 THEN PRINT"ALL OXYGEN TANKS EXHAUSTED":GOTO 490 130 IF PLACE=24 THEN PRINTCHR$141CHR$134"You have arrived safely back on Earth" 135 IF PLACE=24 THEN PRINTCHR$141CHR$134"You have arrived safely back on Earth":FORI=1TO4500:NEXT:GOTO 490 140 IF PROVISIONS<10 AND PROVISIONS>0 THEN PRINT">>ˆSupplies must be supplemented ˆ<<" 150 IF PROVISIONS=0 THEN PRINT"YOU HAVE RUN OUT OF PROVISIONS":GOTO 490 160 IF FUEL<10 AND FUEL>0 THEN PRINT"<<ˆWARNING - Fuel low‰‡>>" 170 IF FUEL=0 THEN PRINT"YOUR FUEL IS EXHAUSTED":GOTO 490 190 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 200 *FX21 210 IF RND(1)>.5 THEN 270 220 IF RND(1)>.82 THEN GOSUB 760:REM HOSTILE ALIENS 230 IF RND(1)>.4 THEN GOSUB 1410:REM RIEMANNIAN RESERVES 240 IF RND(1)>.7 THEN GOSUB 2040:REM REFUEL STATION 250 IF RND(1)>.6 THEN GOSUB 2580:REM FRIENDLY ALIENS 260 IF RND(1)>.97 THEN GOSUB 3050:REM BLACK HOLE 270 IF RND(1)>.6 THEN GOSUB 3380:REM TRADING POST PLANET 280 IF RND(1)>.9 THEN GOSUB 4330:REM MEETING WITH LEGENDARY 'SPACE ARK' 290 IF RND(1)>.851 THEN GOSUB 4920:REM SPACE ATTACK 300 GOSUB 5780 310 GOTO 30 320 REM * * * * * * * * * 330 REM PRINT OUT 340 CLS 350 L$="" 360 PRINT 380 PRINT"„++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 400 IF PLACE<13 THEN PRINT"ƒYou are in the ";A$(PLACE):PRINT TAB(5);"ƒsector of the Galaxy" 410 IF PLACE>12 THEN PRINT"†You are now in ";A$(25-PLACE):PRINT"†on your way home" 420 PRINT"„++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 430 PRINT" Fuel:"FUEL,"Money Res : ";WEALTH 440 PRINT" Oxyn:"OXYGEN,"Riemannian: ";RIEMAN 450 PRINT" Prov:"PROVISIONS,"Stardate : ";TE 460 PRINT"„++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 470 RETURN 480 REM * * * * * * * * 490 REM END OF QUEST 500 IF PLACE=24 THEN PRINTCHR$141CHR$131"Well Done !!" 505 IF PLACE=24 THEN PRINTCHR$141CHR$131"Well Done !!" 510 PRINT'"Now we will see how well you did on" 520 PRINT" that trip !" 530 PRINT "You managed to mine ";RIEMAN;" tons":PRINT TAB(7);" of Riemannian" 540 IF RIEMAN=0 THEN PRINT "You failed in your prime objective":PRINT " which was to mine Riemannian" 550 GOSUB 5780 560 PRINT "Your rating, Captain ";N$;"," 570 PRINT "for this run in the ";S$;" is:" 580 PRINT 590 X=0:PQ=0 600 GOSUB 720 610 PQ=PQ+3*FUEL:GOSUB 720 620 PQ=PQ+4*PROVISIONS:GOSUB 720 630 PQ=PQ+55*RIEMAN:GOSUB 720 640 PQ=PQ+12*OXYGEN:GOSUB 720 650 PQ=PQ+45.5*WEALTH:GOSUB 720 660 PQ=PQ-2*HALIENS+4*RSTATION+5*FALIENS-2*SARK+3.4*TPOST 670 PRINT :PRINT 680 PRINT "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 690 PRINT "Your final score is ";INT(PQ) 700 PRINT "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 710 END 720 X=X+1:PRINT"Rating after factor ";X;" is ";INT(PQ) 730 GOSUB 5780 740 RETURN 750 REM * * * * * * * * 760 REM HOSTILE ALIENS 770 HALIENS=HALIENS+1:IF HALIENS>2 THEN RETURN 780 R$="Sauronian" 790 Y=RND(7) 800 IF Y=1 THEN R$="Haradrim" 810 IF Y=2 THEN R$="Nebulian" 820 IF Y=3 THEN R$="Sproul" 830 IF Y=4 THEN R$="Arecibo" 840 IF Y=5 THEN R$="Hertzsprung" 850 IF Y=6 THEN R$="Lallemand" 860 IF Y=7 THEN R$="Countermixian" 870 VDU157:VDU129:PRINT"The ";S$;" is under attack from a" 880 VDU157:VDU129:PRINT" fleet of ";R$;" ships" 890 GOSUB 5780 900 CODE=INT((RND(1)*10000)*100+(RND(1)*100)) 910 PRINT'"To defeat the dreaded ";R$ 920 PRINT" you have to confuse their control " 930 PRINT" computer by sending a code signal" 940 PRINT" which the computer interprets as" 950 PRINT" meaning you are also a";R$ 960 PRINT" ship.....stand by to see the code....." 970 PRINT"Once it vanishes from the screen, you" 980 PRINT" must send it back to the ";R$;"s" 990 PRINT'"STAND BY...." 1000 FOR T=1 TO 1400+RND(1)*400 1010 NEXT T 1020 PRINT "The code is >"CODE 1030 FOR T=1 TO 900:NEXT T 1040 CLS 1050 *FX 15,1 1060 PRINT' 1070 PRINT"…Send that code back to confuse them" 1080 INPUT Q 1090 GOSUB 5780 1100 PRINT' 1110 IF Q=CODE THEN 1290 1120 PRINT"OH NO...You were wrong !" 1130 PRINT"You signalled "Q" and" 1140 PRINT" the code was‡"CODE 1150 GOSUB 5780 1160 PRINT' 1170 PRINT"The ";R$;"s attack..." 1180 GOSUB 5780 1190 IF RND(1)>.5 THEN PRINT "They have ruptured an oxygen tank!":OXYGEN=INT(3*OXYGEN/4):GOTO 1290 1200 Q=INT(RND(1)*3) 1210 IF Q=0 THEN Y$=" shields" 1220 IF Q=1 THEN Y$=" hull" 1230 IF Q=2 THEN Y$=" engines" 1240 PRINT "Their fire has hit our ";Y$ 1250 PRINT :PRINT "Draining energy from our reserves" 1260 FUEL=INT(3*FUEL/4) 1270 GOSUB 5780 1280 RETURN 1290 PRINT'"You have been successful..." 1300 PRINT TAB(8);"in repelling their attack" 1310 PRINT :PRINT "The ";R$;" are leaving the" 1320 PRINT " space sector around the ";S$ 1330 GOSUB 5780 1340 PRINT "Congratulations, Captain ";N$ 1350 GOSUB 5780 1360 PRINT TAB(8);"Continuing with flight" 1370 GOSUB 5780 1380 PRINT"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 1390 RETURN 1400 REM * * * * * * * * * * * 1410 REM RIEMANNAIN RESERVES 1420 Q=RND(5)-1 1430 IF Q=0 THEN Y$="Tau III" 1440 IF Q=1 THEN Y$="Eridani IV" 1450 IF Q=2 THEN Y$="Draconis II" 1460 IF Q=3 THEN Y$="Hermu II" 1470 IF Q=4 THEN Y$="Hydri VIX" 1475 PRINT"†++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 1480 PRINT"†You land the ";S$;" on" 1490 PRINT"† the mining asteroid ";Y$ 1500 GOSUB 5780 1520 PRINT''"†Your ore detecting computer generates" 1530 PRINT"†two (2) numbers, less than 10.":PRINT"†If you can" 1540 PRINT"†correctly predict a fact about the" 1550 PRINT"†third co-ordinate, you'll be able to" 1560 PRINT"†mine for the precious Riemannian" 1570 GOSUB 5780 1580 PRINT"†++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 1590 Q1=INT(RND(1)*9)+1 1600 Q2=INT(RND(1)*9)+1 1610 IF Q2<=Q1 THEN 1590 1620 Q3=INT(RND(1)*9)+1 1630 PRINT" First two (2) co-ordinates are ";Q1" and "Q2 1640 GOSUB 5780 1650 PRINT'" Enter 3rd co-ordinate prediction:" 1660 PRINT TAB(3);"A - is between "Q1" and "Q2 1670 PRINT TAB(3);"B - is equal to "Q1" or "Q2 1680 PRINT TAB(3);"C - is greater than "Q2 1685 PRINT TAB(3);"D - is smaller than "Q1 1690 T$=GET$:PRINT 1700 IF T$<"A" OR T$>"D" THEN 1690 1710 PRINT TAB(6);"Third co-ordinate is "Q3 1720 IF T$="A" AND Q3>Q1 AND Q3Q2 THEN 1800 1745 IF T$="D" AND Q3M$ THEN 1930 1960 TX=(400-TX)/20 DIV 1:IF TX<1 THEN TX=0 1970 PRINT'"†You have mined "TX" tons" 1980 GOSUB 5780 1990 PRINT'"…Now we'll return to our flight..." 2000 RIEMAN=RIEMAN+TX 2010 GOSUB 5780 2020 RETURN 2030 REM * * * * * * * * * 2040 REM REFUEL STATION 2050 RSTATION=RSTATION+1 2060 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2070 PRINT"ƒYou are approaching refueling orbiting" 2080 PRINTTAB(11);"ƒStation Number "RSTATION 2090 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2100 PRINT"ƒYour current banks hold "FUEL 2110 *FX 15,1 2120 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2130 GOSUB 5780 2140 PRINT"ƒPress 1 to attempt landing" 2150 PRINT"ƒ or 2 to continue flight" 2160 T$=GET$ 2170 IF T$<>"1" AND T$<>"2" THEN 2160 2180 IF T$="2" THEN RETURN 2190 PRINT'"†Follow the co-ordinate landing" 2200 PRINT"†sequence for a safe touchdown..." 2210 GOSUB 5780 2220 J=1 2230 *FX 15,1 2240 K$=STR$(INT(RND(8))) 2250 K$=RIGHT$(K$,1) 2260 TR=0 2270 PRINT J" - Press the '";K$;"' key" 2280 PRINT 2290 T$=INKEY$(0) 2300 TR=TR+1 2310 IF TR>200 THEN PRINT "You took too long !" 2320 IF TR>200 THEN GOSUB 5780:RETURN 2330 IF T$="" THEN 2290 2340 IF T$<>K$ THEN PRINT T$;" is wrong":GOSUB 5780:RETURN 2350 IF J<10 THEN J=J+1:GOTO 2240 2360 PRINT"‚++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2370 PRINT"‚You managed to complete the sequence.." 2380 PRINT"‚You are now cleared for landing..." 2390 GOSUB 5780 2400 CST=13+INT(RND(1)*8) 2410 PRINT"Here on station ";RSTATION;" the cost" 2420 PRINT"of fuel suitable for the ";S$ 2430 PRINT TAB(9);"is ";CST;" per unit" 2440 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2450 PRINT" You have ";WEALTH;" credits" 2460 IF WEALTHWEALTH THEN PRINT"You do not have sufficient credits":GOTO 2470 2500 FUEL=FUEL+NEED 2510 WEALTH=WEALTH-CST*NEED 2520 GOSUB 5780 2530 PRINT :PRINT "Your tanks now hold "FUEL 2540 PRINT'"and you have ";WEALTH;" credits" 2550 GOSUB 5780 2560 RETURN 2570 REM * * * * * * * * * * 2580 REM FRIENDLY ALIENS 2590 FALIENS=FALIENS+1:IF FALIENS>3 THEN RETURN 2600 PRINT"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2610 M=INT(RND(1)*7) 2620 IF M=0 THEN Y$="He'Idani" 2630 IF M=1 THEN Y$="Beta Lepoiis" 2640 IF M=2 THEN Y$="Gamra Gamra" 2650 IF M=3 THEN Y$="Keoimumi" 2660 IF M=4 THEN Y$="Draconmh" 2670 IF M=5 THEN Y$="Tuu Epsoni" 2680 IF M=6 THEN Y$="Yydronica" 2690 PRINT"Your navigation computer signals that" 2700 PRINT"an Alien craft has been spotted" 2710 PRINT"approaching your ship...it has not yet" 2720 PRINT"been able to identify it. Is it friend " 2730 PRINT TAB(13);"or foe ?" 2740 GOSUB 5780 2750 PRINT"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2760 PRINT"†Computer indentifies ship originates in" 2770 PRINT TAB(5);"†the ";Y$;" system" 2780 GOSUB 5780 2790 PRINT"†Alliance not yet determined..." 2800 PRINT TAB(8);"ˆ>>> STAND BY <<<" 2810 GOSUB 5780 2820 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2830 PRINT"…The Alliance of the ";Y$;" is" 2840 GOSUB 5780 2850 IF RND(1)>.4 THEN 3010 2860 PRINT"‚with our Empire...Allow them to board" 2870 GOSUB 5780 2880 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2890 PRINT"ƒThe ";Y$;"ns offer you either" 2900 PRINT TAB(9);"ƒ1 - FUEL" 2910 PRINT TAB(6);"ƒor 2 - OXYGEN" 2920 *FX15,1 2930 PRINT TAB(6);"ƒ## Which one do you want ? ##" 2940 T$=GET$ 2950 IF T$<>"1" AND T$<>"2" THEN 2940 2960 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 2970 IF T$="1" THEN PRINT TAB(12);"ƒ>FUEL it is ! <":FUEL=FUEL+INT(RND(1)*20)+19 2980 IF T$="2" THEN PRINT TAB(12);"ƒ> OXYGEN it is <":OXYGEN=OXYGEN+INT(RND(1)*30)+29 2990 GOSUB 5780 3000 RETURN 3010 PRINT"Against the Empire...FLEE !!" 3020 L$=Y$ 3030 GOTO 5290 3040 REM * * * * * * * * 3050 REM BLACK HOLE 3060 FOR J=1 TO 12 3070 PRINT TAB(J);"> DANGER !! <" 3080 FOR T=1 TO 200:NEXT T 3090 PRINT TAB(13-J);"> DANGER !! <" 3100 FOR T=1 TO 200:NEXT T 3110 NEXT J 3120 GOSUB 5780 3130 CLS 3140 GOSUB 5780 3150 PRINT 3160 PRINTCHR$141"The ";S$;" is being sucked" 3165 PRINTCHR$141"The ";S$;" is being sucked" 3170 PRINTCHR$141TAB(9);"into a Black Hole !" 3175 PRINTCHR$141TAB(9);"into a Black Hole !" 3180 GOSUB 5780 3190 CLS 3200 GOSUB 5780 3210 FOR K=1 TO 7 3220 FOR J=1 TO 10 3230 PRINT TAB(J+2*K);"Dragging us in..." 3240 NEXT J 3250 NEXT K 3260 CLS 3270 GOSUB 5780 3280 FOR J=1 TO 5 3290 FOR K=1 TO 5 3300 PRINT TAB(J);"ALL COMMUNCATIONS HAVE STOPPED !" 3310 NEXT K 3320 NEXT J 3330 GOSUB 5780 3340 CLS 3350 GOSUB 5780 3360 END 3370 REM * * * * * * * * * * * * 3380 REM TRADING POST 3390 TPOST=TPOST+1 3400 IF TPOST>15 THEN TPOST=15 3410 PRINT"‚++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 3420 PRINT"‚You're approaching a" 3425 PRINT"‚ Trading Post Planet" 3430 PRINT"‚++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 3440 GOSUB 5780 3450 PRINT"‚It is the Planet ";X$(TPOST); 3460 IF TPOST=15 THEN PRINT RND(6) ELSE PRINT 3470 PRINT"‚++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 3480 PRINT"‚The inhabitants of ";X$(TPOST) 3490 PRINT"‚wish to buy Riemannian, and will sell" 3500 PRINT"‚you provisions, fuel and oxygen" 3510 PRINT"‚++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 3520 GOSUB 5780 3530 *FX 15,1 3540 PRINT "Enter your choice:":PRINT 3550 PRINT TAB(5);"1 - to sell Riemannian" 3560 PRINT TAB(5);"2 - to buy provisions" 3570 PRINT TAB(5);"3 - to buy fuel" 3580 PRINT TAB(5);"4 - to buy oxygen" 3590 PRINT TAB(5);"5 - to continue flight" 3600 T$=GET$ 3610 IF T$<"1" OR T$>"5" THEN 3600 3620 IF T$<>"1" THEN CLS 3630 IF T$="5" THEN RETURN 3640 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 3650 IF T$="2" THEN 3870 3660 IF T$="3" THEN 4020 3670 IF T$="4" THEN 4170 3680 IF T$="1" THEN 3700 3690 GOTO 3600 3700 IF RIEMAN<1 THEN PRINT"You have nothing to sell !":GOSUB 5780:PRINT TAB(5);"Please enter new choice":GOTO 3600 3710 PRINT'" You have ";RIEMAN;" Riemannian" 3720 PRINT "How many tons do you want to sell"; 3730 INPUT SELL 3740 IF SELL>RIEMAN THEN 3730 3750 PRICE=50+INT(RND(1)*50) 3760 PRINT"The Trader offers ";PRICE;" per ton" 3770 PRINT "Do you accept this (Y or N)"; 3780 INPUT U$:IF U$<>"Y" AND U$<>"N" THEN 3780 3790 IF U$="Y" THEN 3820 3800 IF U$="N" AND RND(1)>.5 THEN PRICE=PRICE+INT(RND(1)*6)+3:PRINT "They now offer ";PRICE:GOTO 3770 3810 PRINT"They won't haggle":GOSUB 5780:RETURN 3820 PRINT "It's a Deal !" 3830 GOSUB 5780 3840 WEALTH=WEALTH+SELL*PRICE 3850 RIEMAN=RIEMAN-SELL 3860 RETURN 3870 REM * * BUY PROVISIONS * * 3880 PRINT "You have ";WEALTH;" credits" 3890 Y=INT(RND(1)*9)+6 3900 PRINT :PRINT "The Traders are selling provisions" 3910 PRINT "at ";Y;" credits per unit" 3920 IF Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT"So you cannot afford a single unit":GOTO 3520 3930 PRINT :PRINT "How many units do you want to buy "; 3940 INPUT AMOUNT 3950 IF AMOUNT=0 THEN 3520 3960 IF AMOUNT*Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT "You cannot afford ";AMOUNT:GOSUB 5780:GOTO 3940 3970 PRINT TAB(5);"> The sale has been made <" 3980 GOSUB 5780 3990 WEALTH=WEALTH-Y*AMOUNT 4000 PROVISIONS=PROVISIONS+AMOUNT 4010 RETURN 4020 REM * * BUY FUEL * * 4030 PRINT "You have ";WEALTH;" credits" 4040 Y=INT(RND(1)*8)+16 4050 PRINT :PRINT "The Traders are selling fuel" 4060 PRINT "at ";Y;" credits per unit" 4070 IF Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT"So the price is too high for you":GOTO 3520 4080 PRINT :PRINT "How many units do you want to buy "; 4090 INPUT AMOUNT 4100 IF AMOUNT=0 THEN 3520 4110 IF AMOUNT*Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT"You cannot afford ";AMOUNT:GOSUB 5780:GOTO 4090 4120 PRINT TAB(5);"> The fuel is now yours <" 4130 GOSUB 5780 4140 WEALTH=WEALTH-Y*AMOUNT 4150 FUEL=FUEL+AMOUNT 4160 RETURN 4170 REM * * BUY OXYGEN * * 4180 PRINT "You have ";WEALTH;" credits" 4190 Y=INT(RND(1)*6)+25 4200 PRINT :PRINT "The Traders are selling oxygen" 4210 PRINT "at ";Y;" credits per tank" 4220 IF Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT"So you cannot buy right now":GOTO 3520 4230 PRINT :PRINT "How many tanks do you want to buy "; 4240 INPUT AMOUNT 4250 IF AMOUNT=0 THEN 3520 4260 IF AMOUNT*Y>WEALTH THEN PRINT"You cannot afford ";AMOUNT:GOSUB 5780:GOTO 4240 4270 PRINT TAB(3)"> Oxygen is now in your exo-webs <" 4280 GOSUB 5780 4290 WEALTH=WEALTH-Y*AMOUNT 4300 OXYGEN=OXYGEN+AMOUNT 4310 RETURN 4320 REM * * * * * * * * * * * 4330 REM MEETING WITH THE SPACE ARK 4340 SARK=SARK+1:IF SARK>1 THEN RETURN 4350 FOR J=1 TO 3 4360 PRINT TAB(J*3);"STAND...":GOSUB 5780:PRINT TAB(J*3+5);"...BY" 4370 GOSUB 5780 4380 NEXT J 4390 PRINT :PRINT 4400 PRINT "It seems impossible to believe but your" 4410 PRINT "Central Computer says that an object" 4420 PRINT "resembling the legendary 'Space Ark' of" 4430 PRINT "long, long ago, in a galaxy far away" 4440 PRINT TAB(6);"has been spotted" 4450 PRINT "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4460 PRINT "Computer to Captain ";N$ 4470 GOSUB 5780 4480 PRINT TAB(8);"Checking Identification..." 4490 PRINT "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4500 GOSUB 5780 4510 PRINT "Identification confirmed. Craft is the" 4520 PRINT "Nasmyth Focus, which vanished 200 years" 4530 PRINT "ago in what became known as the" 4540 PRINT "First Temporal Displacement..." 4550 GOSUB 5780 4560 PRINT "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4570 PRINT"WARNING....";:GOSUB 5780:PRINT"WARNING...." 4580 GOSUB 5780 4590 PRINT "The Nasmyth later became known as the" 4600 PRINT "Space Ark. It is supposed to appear to" 4610 PRINT "Ships just before disaster is due to" 4620 PRINT "strike them....":GOSUB 5780 4630 PRINT"…++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4640 PRINT"…The Temporal Flux around the Nasmyth" 4650 PRINT"…is affecting the Force Warp holding " 4660 PRINT"…our exhold oxygen web...." 4670 GOSUB 5780 4680 PRINT"…++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4690 N=0 4700 *FX15,1 4710 PRINT "Press the 'J' key on your controls" 4720 GOSUB 5780 4730 P$=INKEY$(0) 4740 N=N+1 4750 IF P$="J" THEN 4840 4760 IF N<99 THEN 4730 4770 PRINT "You took too long...." 4780 GOSUB 5780 4790 PRINT"…++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4800 PRINT"…The Flux has caught our O2 web !" 4810 GOSUB 5780 4820 OXYGEN=INT(3*(OXYGEN/4)) 4830 RETURN 4840 PRINT :PRINT "Well Done ! Your reflexes are" 4850 PRINT "excellent Captain ";N$ 4860 GOSUB 5780 4870 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4880 PRINT"†We can now continue on our flight..." 4890 GOSUB 5780 4900 RETURN 4910 REM * * * * * * * * * 4920 REM SPACE ATTACK 4930 ATTACK=ATTACK+1:IF RND(1)3 THEN RETURN 4950 PRINT"„++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4960 PRINT"„LKJS 8907843":GOSUB 5780 4970 PRINT"„CAgT#IN ";N$;", TjER\ ^S" 4980 PRINT"„SOM*THIN% WRO$G #ITH OU& SYST9m@..." 4990 GOSUB 5780 5000 PRINT"„We A%e b&^NG jAM!eD iN SoM# oDd w%Y..." 5010 GOSUB 5780 5020 PRINT"„JAgM!n& D7ViC% b#INj oP!$aTEd bU aLI-x" 5030 PRINT"„CjAfT %N vE@jOR 9q37-231A" 5040 GOSUB 5780 5050 PRINT"„++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 5060 Y=INT(RND(1)*8) 5070 IF Y=0 THEN L$="Lexo" 5080 IF Y=1 THEN L$="Sabu" 5090 IF Y=2 THEN L$="Repi" 5100 IF Y=3 THEN L$="Aste" 5110 IF Y=4 THEN L$="Prie" 5120 IF Y=5 THEN L$="Cona" 5130 IF Y=6 THEN L$="Zusi" 5140 IF Y=7 THEN L$="Inqu" 5150 Y=INT(RND(1)*8) 5160 IF Y=0 THEN L$=L$+"taje" 5170 IF Y=1 THEN L$=L$+"ll'e" 5180 IF Y=2 THEN L$=L$+"proc" 5190 IF Y=3 THEN L$=L$+"leal" 5200 IF Y=4 THEN L$=L$+"mapo" 5210 IF Y=5 THEN L$=L$+"hercon" 5220 IF Y=5 THEN L$=L$+"oral" 5230 IF Y=6 THEN L$=L$+"kok" 5240 IF Y=7 THEN L$=L$+"zucc" 5250 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 5260 GOSUB 5780 5270 PRINT"The Alien Craft is under the" 5280 PRINT"control of the dreaded ";L$ 5290 PRINT" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 5300 GOSUB 5780 5310 IF RND(1)>.9 AND RIEMAN>0 THEN PRINT"ƒThe ";L$;" are heading":PRINT"ƒfor the Riemannian hold":RIEMAN=INT(RIEMAN/2):GOTO 5360 5320 IF RND(1)>.8 THEN PRINT"ƒFire from their craft hits our":PRINT"ƒexternal fuel web !!":FUEL=4*(INT(FUEL/5)):GOTO 5360 5330 IF RND(1)>.57 THEN PRINT"ƒThe ";L$;"ƒlasers strike our":PRINT"ƒoxygen web !!":OXYGEN=7*(INT(OXYGEN/8)):GOTO 5360 5340 IF RND(1)>.8 THEN PRINT"ƒOh no ! The nasty ";L$:PRINT"ƒhave sent a robot raider to our":PRINT"ƒprecious provisions !":PROVISIONS=3*(INT(PROVISIONS/4)) 5350 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 5360 GOSUB 5780 5370 IF RND(1)>.46 THEN 5320 5380 GOSUB 5780 5390 PRINT"ƒ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" 5400 PRINT"ƒThe ";L$;" are retreating..." 5410 GOSUB 5780 5420 PRINT"ƒThe attack seems to be over..." 5430 GOSUB 5780 5440 RETURN 5450 REM * * * * * * * * * * 5460 REM INITIALISATION 5470 GOSUB 5860 5480 REM RANDOMIZE VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)) 5490 DIM A$(12),X$(15) 5500 PLACE=0 5510 WEALTH=INT(RND(1)*50)+75 5520 FUEL=INT(RND(1)*50)+75 5530 OXYGEN=INT(RND(1)*25)+50 5540 RIEMAN=0 5550 PROVISIONS=100-INT(RND(1)*73) 5560 HALIENS=0:REM HOSTILE ALIENS 5570 RSTATION=0:REM REFUEL STATION 5580 FALIENS=0:REM FRIENDLY ALIENS 5590 SARK=0:REM SPACE ARK 5600 TPOST=0:REM TRADING POST 5610 ATTACK=0:REM SPACE ATTACK 5620 TE=0:REM STARDATE 5630 INPUT''"†Please enter your name ";N$ 5640 PRINT 5650 INPUT"†Now the name of your ship ";S$ 5660 FOR J=1 TO 12 5670 READ A$(J) 5680 NEXT J 5690 FOR J=1 TO 15 5700 READ X$(J) 5710 NEXT J 5720 RETURN 5730 DATA Terra,Pegasus,Mira,Cita,Delphinus,Cygnus,pleides,Hyades,Hydrus,Lepus,Carina,Spica 5740 DATA Asimov III,Galieo IV,"Barnard's Rest",Praesepe,Sagan IX 5750 DATA Neutrinon,Seyfert VI,Torusk,Lemaitre,Markaria 5760 DATA Leverrier,Gamow,Heisenberg,Fizeau,Cerenkov 5770 REM * * * * * * 5780 REM DELAY 5810 FOR T=1 TO 3000:NEXT T 5830 PRINT 5840 RETURN 5850 REM * * * * * * * 5860 REM INTRO FRAME 5890 MODE 7 5900 VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 5910 FOR J=0 TO -1 STEP -1 5930 IF J=0 THEN CLS 5940 PRINTTAB(16,5)"ƒJoin the"; 5950 PRINTTAB(11,7)"ƒsearch for the most" 5960 PRINTTAB(3,9)"ƒprecious substance in the universe"; 5970 PRINTTAB(9,14) 5980 PRINT CHR$(148);STRING$(21,"/") 5990 PRINTTAB(9,15) 6000 PRINT CHR$(149)+" ";:COLOUR (31+J):PRINT "RIEMANNIAN";:COLOUR (30+J):PRINT " "+CHR$(149) 6010 PRINTTAB(9,16) 6020 PRINT CHR$(148);STRING$(21,"/") 6070 NEXT J 6090 Q=GET:CLS 6100 RETURN