10 REM ADFS/DFS identification 20 REM Works on all machines with DFS 30 REM (C) 1996 Jon Ripley 40 REM This program is PD 50 REM Please DO NOT ALTER this program 60 REM FNdisctype(drive%) returns a string containing either ADFS, DFS or ERROR 70 REM drive% is the drive number you wish to test 80 REM You may include this function in your programs but you should credit me in the REMs for writing it. 90 DEFFNS="AorDfs" 100 MODE 7 110 DEFPROCcentre(A$,Y):PRINTTAB((40-LENA$)/2,Y)A$;:ENDPROC 120 FORY=1TO2:PROCcentre(CHR$141+CHR$(128+Y)+"ADFS/DFS Disc Identification ",Y):PROCcentre(CHR$141+CHR$(127+2*Y)+"(C) Jon Ripley 1996 ",22+Y):NEXT 130 VDU28,0,21,39,4 140 PRINT''"This program can be used to identify"'"whether a disc is ADFS or DFS."''"The program checks to see is a disc is DFS formatted, if not it will presume that the disc is ADFS format."''"This program will work on all computers" 150 PRINT"with DFS."''"Press any key to continue...";:IFGET 160 REPEAT 170 CLS 180 PRINT"Insert a disc into drive 0 and press a key..."; 190 IFGET 200 A$=FNdisctype(0) 210 IF A$="ERROR" PRINT''"I cannot identify this disc." ELSE PRINT''"This is a";STRING$(-(A$="ADFS"),"n")" ";A$" disc." 220 PRINT'"Press any key to check another disc or E to end..."; 230 A$=GET$ 240 UNTIL INSTR("Ee",A$) 250 MODE 7 260 END 270 DEFFNdisctype(drive%) 280 LOCAL B%:B%=&100 290 ?B%=drive%:B%!1=&E000 300 B%!5=&5303:B%?9=33 310 X%=0:Y%=1:A%=&7F 320 CALL&FFF1 330 IF B%?10=0 ="DFS" 340 IF B%?10=&18 ="ADFS" 350 ="ERROR"