10 REM Read the current directory's catalogue into memory using a modified version of the block used for OSFSC 20 REM 0,WRADDR,NOF,0,0,0,0 30 REM WRADDR=address at which catalogue is to be written (4 bytes) 40 REM NOF=no. of files to read catalogue for ie.32 max for DFS (4 bytes) 50 REM Set up block to CAT at block % and use code% as block area 60 DIM code% &40 70 DIM block% 512 80 P%=code% 90 [ 100 EQUB0 110 EQUD&FFFF0000+block% 120 EQUW&0000:EQUW&0080 130 EQUW&0000:EQUW&0000 140 .docat 150 LDA#8 160 LDX#code% MOD256:LDY#code% DIV256 170 JMP&FFD1 180 ] 190 REM On exit the first byte in the block is the Disk's cycle number,followed by the number of file's catalogues that were not read (if NOF was too small) 200 REM At the address block% data is returned as LON1,NAME1,LON2,NAME2 etc and does not include the directory name 210 OSCLI"MEM."+STR$~(code%) 215 REM Or replace the above line with your memory dumper's command name,for example *MZAP for Disc Doctor 220 CALL docat 230 PRINT:PRINT"Cycle number:"~?code% 240 OSCLI"MEM."+STR$~(block%) 245 REM Or replace the above line with your memory dumper's command name,for example *MZAP for Disc Doctor 250 PRINT''"Proof:"' 260 *. 270 A=GET:RUN