10 REM"ALL LOTTERY COMBINATIONS 20 REM"(13,983,816 - NINE DAYS) 30 REM"John Davis -'98. 40 REM"======================== 50 REM *TV255,1 60 MODE7 70 ONERRORVDU26:END 80 VDU23,1,0;0;0;0; 90 PRINT 100 PRINT" Our computer has decided - against ourbetter judgement - that, as a kind" 110 PRINT"of perverse public service, it wants todisplayALLthe possible combinations of National Lottery numbers." 120 PRINT" Well, here they are..." 130 PRINTTAB(0,7)CHR$(145)STRING$(39,"|"); 140 FORN=8TO16 150 PRINTTAB(0,N)CHR$(145)CHR$(255) 160 PRINTTAB(31,N)CHR$(145)CHR$(255) 170 PRINTTAB(38,N)CHR$(145)CHR$(255); 180 NEXT 190 PRINTTAB(0,17)CHR$(145)STRING$(39,"/"); 200 PRINTTAB(33,9)"TIME" 210 PRINTTAB(33,10)"Days" 220 PRINTTAB(33,11)"0" 230 PRINTTAB(33,12)"Hrs" 240 PRINTTAB(33,13)"0" 250 PRINTTAB(33,14)"Mins" 260 PRINTTAB(33,15)"0" 270 PRINTTAB(0,18)" This will take about 9 days, running"; 280 PRINT"24 hours a day. It started at 5pm on Saturday, Jan.17, and should finish -if"; 290 PRINT"nobody bashes the plug - sometime next Monday, Jan.26." 300 PRINT" (To win the lottery, all you have todo is pick the right one...)"; 310 VDU28,2,16,30,9 320 C%=0:TIME=0 330 FORM%=1TO44 340 FORN%=M%+1TO45 350 FORO%=N%+1TO46 360 FORP%=O%+1TO47 370 FORQ%=P%+1TO48 380 FORR%=Q%+1TO49 390 C%=C%+1 400 PRINTTAB(0,7);""C%" "M%" "N%" "O%" "P%" "Q%" "R% 410 NEXT:NEXT 420 MIN%=INT(TIME/6000) 430 HR%=INT(MIN%/60) 440 MIN%=MIN%-HR%*60 450 DAY%=INT(HR%/24) 460 HR%=HR%-DAY%*24 470 VDU26 480 PRINTTAB(33,11)"";DAY% 490 PRINTTAB(33,13)"";HR%;" " 500 PRINTTAB(33,15)"";MIN%;" " 510 VDU28,2,16,30,9 520 NEXT:NEXT:NEXT:NEXT 530 VDU7:VDU7:VDU7 540 VDU26 550 PRINTTAB(2,16)"WHEW! Finished." 560 GOTO560