Too Big For Issue
This is the section that set off the largest collection of BBC public domain discs there is. Duncan Webster called it the 'Too Big for Issue' section as items too big to go on to the disc based magazine were placed into it. When I took over the running of 8BS, this section grew very large and the library then developed new sections as it grew. There are chunks missing from the list due to the originals being duplicates of discs elsewhere in the library and some being of copyright stuff.
TBI-02 Red Shift Games 1D 18 48Invasion Game. Dungeons And Dragons Character Editor. Space Commander game. Sumvaders Educational Game.
TBI-07 32016 Utils 2D 60 37532016 Utilities
TBI-07 32016 Utils A 60 52232016 Utilities. This version also contains BBC 12
TBI-11 AMX Stop Press Fonts 2D 62 179AMX Stop Press Fonts
TBI-13-1 Digitised Pictures 1 2D 25 361Digitised pictures 1
TBI-13-2 Digitised Pictures 2 2D 22 347Digitised pictures 2
TBI-13-3 Digitised Pictures 3 2D 43 380Digitised pictures 3
TBI-16 Animations 1D 28 87Large Number Of Interesting Animations
TBI-17 Digitised Pictures 4 M2D 38 330From Purple Domain. Master Only
TBI-18 Satellite Pictures 1 2D 21 368Pictures From A Weather Satellite
TBI-19 Satellite Pictures 2 2D 21 350Pictures From A Weather Satellite
TBI-20 Satellite Utilities 1D 16 40Manipulate Data From Receiver
TBI-21 Digitised Pictures 5 2D 24 377From Mick Needham
TBI-22 Mandelbrots 1D 19 146By Andrew Snodgrass.
TBI-23 Desk Top Publisher 1D 27 88Different Ideas Disc 37
TBI-35 Football Management M1D 21 103MASTER ONLY. Sideways Ram Based Football Management Game. Pick Your Team. Choose Your Players And Try To Get To The Top Of The League
TBI-35 Football Management ADFS A 21 103MASTER ONLY. Sideways Ram Based Football Management Game. Pick Your Team. Choose Your Players And Try To Get To The Top Of The League
TBI-37-1 Small C + XTEL A -- 466Small C Plus Tutorial. XTEL Teletext Editing Suite
TBI-37-2 Small C Workdisc A -- 200TBI 37 1 Requires a little 'Setting Up'. This is the disc that I used. It may be of help if you are new to the language
TBI-37-3 I-APL 1D 24 146Programming Language. Needs 2*16K SWR Banks
TBI-38 Cheats disc 2D 62 223A must for your collection. A large number of useful items for the games player: 34 Ready to run cheats for PD and commercial games. Solutions to Insomnia, Bored Of The Rings, Spiderman, Test Of The Turnip and Eridan Rescue. Saved game files for Exile and Sim City. UIM saved game file editor. A list of all cheats available on back issues of 8BS. Two articles on putting cheats into games. 60 hints and tips for various games. The A to Z of Game Cheats (Database featuring 99 games). Two teletext files containing cheats data for 62 games. A Disassembler complete with info. Saved game file for Elite. A program containing a list of 16 games with inbuilt cheats plus passwords
TBI-39 Red Shift Utilities 1 1D 31 120Character Designer. Logo. Tolkien Runes. Comms Software Including: Autodial, XBEEB Terminal, Tone Dialler. Career Forecaster. Letterhead Designer. Morse Code Tutor. EPROM Programmer. Printer Buffer For SW RAM. Disc Backup. Teletext Editor
TBI-41-1 Digitised Pictures 7 2D 20 37018 Digitised Pics From The Archimedes
TBI-41-2 Digitised Pictures 8 1D 11 185Digitised Pics From The Archimedes
TBI-42 Radio Amateur 2D 40 283Radio Amateur software
TBI-43 8006 Words 1D 30 1388006 Words in 26 files, A to Z. Plain ASCII text. Complete with a program to display them all or one file at a time. Plus a facility to join all of the files A to Z into one file. Word count. The separate files will load into a word processor such as EDIT so that they can then be added to easily. The words have no specific use but may be useful for applications
TBI-45 Repton 3 Screens 4D -- --Updated 15-Apr-2011. Many Repton 3 screens in several files on four single sided discs. The game Repton 3 is required before these screens can be used. Complete with all passwords plus passwords for the original Repton 3, The Life of Repton, Repton Thru Time and Repton Around the World in 40 Screens. Included also a Repton 3 cheat. Two sets of the screens may cause offence due to content of a sexual nature and bad language: 'JOKE' on TBI45-1 and 'Rude' on TBI45-3. There are some sets with screens not finished, some screens that are not designed very well and don't work. Some screens are duplicated but with differently designed characters. Some of the screens are of very high quality with good puzzles, some are not, but overall they are well worth a look at if you are a Repton fan. I picked up these screens from all over the place and have kept the original filenames that they were given. As is usual with these things, it is entirely likely that many of these filenames are not the original ones that were given by the authors, I have found the ones that I wrote all over the place with different names. If you are the author of any of the ones I have not given credit for, please get in contact with me. Update 15-Apr-2011 tweaked my own 3 sets of screens. They are all now working perfectly, having tested them out thoroughly without a cheat this time.
TBI-46-40t Peter Davy Educational Freeware 40 Track 18D -- -- The collection of discs in TBI-46 contain 145 Adult Basic Education programs by Peter Davy, for many years a volunteer adult literacy tutor at Wakefield College. The software may be suitable for primary schools. Peter Davy numbers his discs 1,4,6,8,10,12 and so on up to 38. Each disc contains full documentation. Peter Davy asks that his programs are not altered in any way. If you pass his software on, please inform him.
This first section (TBI-46-40t) is eighteen single sided 40 track disc images containing all of the Peter Davy Educational software.
TBI-46-ss Peter Davy Educational Freeware 80 Track 10D -- --Ten single sided 80 track disc images containing all of the Peter Davy Educational software.
TBI-46-1 (Side 1) P.Davy 1 and 4 2D -- --5 Subtraction, Addition And Division Programs. 18 Literacy Programs Including Spelling Test. Sentence Construction. Pronunciation
(Side 2) P.Davy 6 and 8. Pick The Meaning Of Words. Pick The Missing Sound From The Word. Spelling Exercises
TBI-46-2 (Side1) P.Davy 10 and 12 2D -- --Unscramble Sentences. Missing Sounds. Choose The Missing Letters. Fill In The Missing Letters. Reconstruct Chosen Words. Missing Sounds. Find The Missing Three Letter Word. Easy Spelling Exercise. Fill In The Punctuation. Homophones Test (words that sound the same). Rules Of Adding Suffixes. Multiplication Exercise. Missing Sounds. Where?
(Side2) P.Davy 14 and 16. Fill Boxes With Words. Produce A Form To Fill In. Produce Four Letter Words From 3 Given Letters. Find The Missing Word. Sentence Construction. Fill In The Consonants. Identify Words Given The First And Last Letters. Where? Fill In The Location In Derbyshire. Fill In The Missing Sound. Replace The Vowels
TBI-46-3 (Side1) P.Davy 18 and 20 2D -- --Calculate The Area Of A Triangle. Bus Time Table. Count The Days Between Dates. Fractions. Division. Fun With Factors. Fun With Primes. Calculate Angles. Multiplication. Numbers In Words. Rectangle Perimeter. Volumes. Fraction To Percentage. Fill In The Missing Sound. Long Division. Where? Time Intervals.
(Side2) P.Davy 22 and 24. Calculator. Copy A Passage. Decimals. Find The Words In A List. First And Last Letter. Words Fruit Machine 1 And 2. Where? In Leicestershire. 24 Hour Clock. Addition. Where? In Bedfordshire. Change For 50p. Copy 3 Words. Make Four Letter Words. Subtraction
TBI-46-4 (Side1) P.Davy 26 and 28 2D -- --Copy Typing Practice. Keyboard Practice. Put A Line Of Text In The Right Order. Short Answers. Spelling. Bingo Caller. Bingo Card Printer. Build A Passage 1 And 2. Find Words Within Words. Find The Missing Letters. Compare A Word With A Passage.
(Side2) P.Davy 30 and 32. Where? In Worcester. Make A Number Up To 10. Points Of The Compass. Find The Key, Simple Keyboard Practice. Short Mixed Sentences. Pick Word Beginnings. Print Words. Where? In East And West Sussex
TBI-46-5 (Side1) P.Davy 34 and 36 2D -- --Exercises In Word Endings. Where? In Liverpool And Manchester. Solitaire. Two Shuffled Words. Picture Co ordinates, Drawing
(Side2) Talking Disc. This disc will not work unless you have an original SPEECH! disc from Superior Software. A collection Of talking Programs. Find And Speak. Anagrams. Find And Speak. Alphabet. Social Sight
TBI-46-6 P.Davy 38 40 1D 17 68This Disc Contains Two Programs With Very Large Word Data Files. Find The Missing Word. Spell The Missing Word. To Be Able To Use This Disc, You MUST Have Superior Software's Speech (still available from Superior Software at reduced rates for 8BS Members). Side two of this disc is still blank. Peter Davy is at this moment hard at work filling it. Watch this space. If you would like the software supplying on reversible (flippy) discs please write to: Peter Davy. 68 Headlands Road. Ossett. Wakefield. WF5 8HX. Please enclose an SAE
TBI-47 Electronics and Menus 2D 40 240Electronics And Presenting Programs Articles From 8BS. The complete set of Steven Flintham's Presenting Programs series. These articles explain with the use of example programs how to make your program menus 'user friendly'. The example programs provide several very useful routines that you may incorporate into your own programs with great ease. Examples included are 3D boxes, rolling bar and different ways of making selections. Also on this disc is the full set of John Ilsley's very popular electronics series. Aimed at the complete novice, it starts with a detailed explanation of equipment required and a description of various components. The projects are: Sound Control. Master Battery Backup. Dampness Detector. Alarm. Light Pen. Low Voltage Detector.
TBI-48 Hints and Tips 1D 26 183The BBC Operating System Map. Operating System Calls. Operating System Commands. Basic 2 Keywords. ROM Help For: BBC Monitor. BROM. Caretaker. Enigma. Printmaster. Sleuth. Spy. Starbase. STL DDFS. Toolstar. Toolkit. Disc Doctor. Exmon. Graphics Extension. Rutils. Solimon. Wordwise+ Differences. All in plain ASCII text files which will *TYPE. The disc is menu driven with option to print out the text
TBI-49-1 Posters 4D 121 368Adapted by M.Bobrowski from the Acorn User package 'Poster'. A suite of programs to produce A4 sized posters. There are over 100 fonts provided and a large number of borders. Six styles of box to enclose text. Utilities to design and view your own fonts and borders. Printer dump routine and full info included. The package is supplied in both ADFS and DFS format. Due to the large number of fonts, the DFS version requires 2 discs
TBI-49-2 Posters 4D -- --Adapted by M.Bobrowski from the Acorn User package 'Poster'. A suite of programs to produce A4 sized posters. There are over 100 fonts provided and a large number of borders. Six styles of box to enclose text. Utilities to design and view your own fonts and borders. Printer dump routine and full info included. The package is supplied in both ADFS and DFS format. Due to the large number of fonts, the DFS version requires 2 discs
TBI-49-A Posters A -- 475Adapted by M.Bobrowski from the Acorn User package 'Poster'. A suite of programs to produce A4 sized posters. There are over 100 fonts provided and a large number of borders. Six styles of box to enclose text. Utilities to design and view your own fonts and borders. Printer dump routine and full info included. The package is supplied in both ADFS and DFS format. Due to the large number of fonts, the DFS version requires 2 discs
TBI-50 Digitised Pics 9 A -- 63730 Digipics Mainly Of Vintage Cars Taken From Archimedes PD
TBI-51-1 Masterdisk 1 2 3 MA -- 475Andy Nibbs has given permission for 8BS to distribute his series of ADFS based discs for the Master. Masterdisk has ceased trading but you may obtain the full set from 8BS. The discs use a WIMPS system contained in a ROM called Aristotle. The ROM is fully documented and over the 5 discs there are several tutorials for the ROM. Masterdisk 1 contains: Marbles Game. Games Hints And Reviews. Scramble A BASIC Program. Help ROM. Icon Designer For Aristotle. ADFS Disc Cataloguer. Masterdisk 2 contains: Marbles I Game. Crazyball Game. Christmas Demo. Left To Right And Upwards Scroll Demos. Games Hints and Reviews. Multicolour Demo and Tutorial. Aristotle Info and Tutorial. Digitised Pictures. Network Scanner. Masterdisk 3 contains: Noteworthy Sound Sample Utility ROM. Zoom, Mode 0 Screen Editor. BASIC Help ROMs, Extensive BASIC Help Plus Tutorial On Creating A Help ROM. Games Reviews. Electricity Bill Calculator. Network Utility. Careers Analysis
TBI-51-2 Masterdisk 4 MA -- 280Teletext Editor, Display System and Logos. Xpander Program. Teletext Screen Grabber. Help ROM Tutorial Part 2. 6845 Demo And Tutorial. Music And Pictures. Aristotle Tutorial. Graphics Demo
TBI-51-3 Masterdisk 5 MA -- 249Inventure, Adventure Creating System With Adventure. Aristotle Tutorial. Hello Game. BASIC Help ROM 2. Patience Card Game. Fast Backup. Util ROM. Bungle Brothers Game. 3D Graphics Demo. Tech Tips Info. Aristotle ROM Update
TBI-52-1 Amusing Text Files 2D 32 383Twelve collections Of text, Mostly amusing. Answer Phone Messages. Dark Suckers (light theory). Do It. Drive List. 2001 The Real Story. Electrons. Golf Rules. Training Message. Merakai. Star Trek. Cinderella. Vax Trek, a massive Star Trek story in 16 parts
TBI-52-2 Amusing Text Files 1D 3 88One large file. Leap Trek. Sam Beckett leaps into captain Pickard. Very large story
TBI-52-3 Amusing Text Files 2D 6 321Pulp Fiction. Huge Story
TBI-53 Beebnet Vol. 1 1D 29 202A disc of software from Australia containing games and utilities. Flags, Pairs Game. Function Key Strip Designer. Fractions. Crosswords. Chinese Checkers. Cave Adventure Game. Trading Game. Morse Code Tutor. Pictures. Japanese Numbers. Traveller Game. Disc Map Utility. Zoonayman, Spot The Cheat Game
TBI-54 Mandelbrot and Julia 1D 14 88You have never seen anything like this on a BBC before! Produce the Full Mandelbrot set in only 40 seconds! Produce in minutes screens that previously took hours. Full editing facilities. Zoom, temporary save, screen save and colour change. Source code and detailed info. The finished mode 2 screens are detailed and colourful
TBI-54-A Mandelbrot and Julia A -- 203You have never seen anything like this on a BBC before! Produce the Full Mandelbrot set in only 40 seconds! Produce in minutes screens that previously took hours. Full editing facilities. Zoom, temporary save, screen save and colour change. Source code and detailed info. The finished mode 2 screens are detailed and colourful
TBI-55-1 DSPD Dreamscape Demo 1D 28 160Impressive Scrolling Routines
TBI-55-2 DSPD Music Tracker 1D 22 67The Digital Solutions Music Tracker. Comprehensive Suite Of Music Editing Programs
TBI-55-3 Music Tracker Utils 1D 10 59Info And Utilities For TBI 55-2 Includuing A Neat Text File Reader Works Best On The Beeb
TBI-55-4 DSPD Graphics Kit 1D 25 22Lots Of Utilities To *SPOOL Into Your Programs To Improve Your Graphics
TBI-55-5 DSPD Windows Kit. 1DM 10 7Produce Character Based Windows Such As Those Used By EDIT. MASTER ONLY
TBI-55-6 DSPD Miscellaneous 1 1D 15 56Big Text, Mode 7 Add-In Proc. Mode 7 Graphics Procedure. Octagon Animation. Star Wars Demo (will not work on an unexpanded B). Note Writer. Dizzy Demo. Music. Music Roms. Vertical Scroller
TBI-55-7 DSPD Music 2D 28 210Music and utilities
TBI-56 ADDOS. VP Support 2D 53 304This was BBC PD disc 172 but is not in the catalogue. View Professional Support. Accounts Package. Assembly Language Utility. Printer Manager Including Graphics Dump. Ram Filing System. Utilities Rom. ADDOS Double Density Disc Filing System For The Master. Sideways Printing Utility. Clever Squares. Funfair Game
TBI-57 Europhile 2D 57 361A Disc Packed With Info About 42 European Countries. Contains Hi Resolution Maps. Comparison Graphs To Compare Area, GNP, Trade, Population And More. View A Map Of The Country. Read About It's Demography, Culture, Tourism, And History. View It's Location On A Map Of Europe
TBI-57-1 Europhile 1D 57 361Single Sided version on 2 discs. A Disc Packed With Info About 42 European Countries. Contains Hi Resolution Maps. Comparison Graphs To Compare Area, GNP, Trade, Population And More. View A Map Of The Country. Read About It's Demography, Culture, Tourism, And History. View It's Location On A Map Of Europe
TBI-57-2 Europhile 1D 57 361Single Sided version on 2 discs. A Disc Packed With Info About 42 European Countries. Contains Hi Resolution Maps. Comparison Graphs To Compare Area, GNP, Trade, Population And More. View A Map Of The Country. Read About It's Demography, Culture, Tourism, And History. View It's Location On A Map Of Europe
TBI-58 Wordpower 1D 30 80A powerful word processor package complete with full on screen help and introductory text file which is loaded automatically into the word processor when you boot up the disc for the first time. A ROM image is included on the disc for anyone using sideways ram. This software is from Ian Copestake and is shareware. Registration details are contained within the initial info file
TBI-59-1 Mad Rabbit Comms 1D 10 27Includes 2 Scrolly Terminals And One Viewdata Program. For Use With Modems
TBI-59-2 Mad Rabbit Texts 1D 12 62Includes Hayes-Modem Command Listing. Blakes 7 And Doctor Who Programme Lists. Plus Other Communications And Bulletin Board Text Files
TBI-60 Nutworks Text Files 2D 43 308A Collection Of 40 Text Files Compiled On A VAX In The Mid 80s By Brent CJ Britton From Maine, USA. Includes Menu To View And Print
TBI-61-1 Comm-edy Text Files 2D 33 409A Collection Of 30 Text Files From Various Bulletin Boards. Communications. Adult Humour. Star Trek TNG Meets Red Dwarf, Etc. WARNING!! Some Of The Text Files On This Disc Contain Offensive Language
TBI-61-2 InterTexts 2D 15 408More text from Bulletin Boards. DEC Wars. Articles On Getting The Most Out Of Bulletin Boards. Dwarf Trek. Light Bulb. Star Trek XIII. Idiots Guide To Internet. Using Acorns For Internet Access. Touch-Tone Phone Songs. On-Line Addiction. Internet Providers List
TBI-62 Mad Rabbit Ample Music 1D 14 30Ten Ample Music Files By Joel For The Music5000 System. Includes The 13 Amps Suite (6 Original Pieces), Raindrops Keep Fallin, Take Five, Etc
TBI-63-1 Rolling Pictures 1 2D 51 233Mode 0 Screens Of Dungeons And Dragon Characters. 46 Imported From The PC
TBI-63-2 Rolling Pictures 2 2D 52 274A Compilation Of 48 Mode 0 And 1 Graphics Screens From Odyssey Bulletin Board System And PC
TBI-64-1 Destroyed Realities 1 1D 28 1063D Animation. Date Program. Mandelbrot Program. Triangles Demo. Pantheon. Fractals. CMOS Utility. DFS Backup. Magazine, Including PD Info And Software Documentation
TBI-64-2 Destroyed Realities 2 2D 62 370Destroyed Realities Disc Based Magazine Issue 2.
Utilities SWR RAM Backup. jCrunch Screen Compaction. Photocopy Util. Util ROM. ROM Lister.
Features Bulletin Board List. Utils Text. Mode 2 Articles. Hax Cheats. Hints And Tips.
Graphics S.W.A.T Demo. Mode 2 Images. Converter Utility.
Misc Reviews. Andrew Weston menu. Headfirst PD.
Destroyed Realities Magazine.Various articles
GamesCheat It Again Bazza. Insomnia Text Adventure. Gravitrak.
TBI-65-1 MRPD 24 1D 13 23Mad Rabbit PD Disc 24. Mode 0 Dump. Cassette Labeller. Screen Utility. Character Definer. Hard Disc Park. Key Strip Writer. Prommer. Rom Saver. Wimbledon. Wiggle
TBI-66 Radio Amateur 2D 37 270Once Commercial Software On 4 Discs. Now Released To The PD By Technical Software. Morse Code Tutor. Locator. Radio Amateur Examinations Revision. Log Book. Complete With Full Info. Also Included On The Disc Are A Number Of Calculation Utilities. Power Supply Calculation Programs PI Network. Tuned Circuit. SW Coil Design. Audio Filter. Plus Full Info. These Utilities Sent By Lorin Knight G2DXK (K4D)
TBI-67 View Printer Drivers 1D 13 27Due To Popular Demand, I Have Compiled This Disc Of Printer Drivers For What Appears To Be The Most Popular Word Processor. 5 Drivers Plus One Example/ Info File. I shall add to this disc as more drivers turn up
TBI-68 Screen Thief 1D 19 29Freeze Your Computer. Save The Screen To Disc, Then Continue. Dump Out The Screen. Several Dump Programs Provided. Including Colour Dumps That Could Be Used To Dump Any Screen. SWR Version Included. This Disc Is Freely Copyable For Educational Use Only
TBI-69-1 Humour A-J ADFS A -- 646Humorous Text Files
TBI-69-2 Humour L-Y ADFS A -- 653Humorous Text Files
TBI-69-3 Humour A-D DFS 2D 62 340Humour (same as the ADFS version)
TBI-69-4 Humour D-J DFS 2D 61 342Humour
TBI-69-5 Humour L-P DFS 2D 60 211Humour
TBI-69-6 Humour Q-W DFS 2D 62 296Humour
TBI-69-7 Humour P and Y DFS 1D 12 30Humour
TBI-70 Tape To Disc Transfer 1D 20 81Several Tape To Disc Utilities. DFS To ADFS Transfer Utility. Snapshot, Memory Saver. Two Tape To Disc Text Files Containing Lots Of Hints And Tips On How To Run Your Tape Games From Disc
TBI-71 Amateur Radio 1D -- 167TNC Driver. Plot Real Antenna Polar Diagrams. BBC B Component Identifier. TNC Driver For Multi Connect QSOs. Morse Tutor. Diagnostics. + More
TBI-71-A Amateur Radio A -- 167TNC Driver. Plot Real Antenna Polar Diagrams. BBC B Component Identifier. TNC Driver For Multi Connect QSOs. Morse Tutor. Diagnostics. + More
TBI-72 KangaTerm Pagerom 1D 9 42TNC Driver. Pagerom, Allows Basic Or Machine Code Programs To Be Saved And Run From SWR Or Blown To Eprom
TBI-73 More Amateur Radio 2D -- 35843 Programs Of Interest To Radio Hams
TBI-73-A More Amateur Radio A -- 35844 Programs Of Interest To Radio Hams
TBI-74-1 View Professional + 2D 25 1948BS has obtained the distribution licence for Acornsoft View Professional from Colton Software. This package is commercial software and NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN. However it is available from 8BS free of charge. View Professional is a powerful combined word processor/spreadsheet. Complete with supporting software. Also on the disc are the shareware VP support and utility roms (also available on TBI-56). (NOT 40T VERSION) View Professional requires 2*16K banks of Sideways Ram. VP Support requires 1*16K bank of SWR. VP Utilities also requires 1*16K bank of SWR. These two roms are not required, but expand the system considerably. On disc is a VP command summary file in plain text. This should be enough to get experienced word processor/ spreadsheet users off the ground.
TBI-74-A View Professional + -- -- 204ADFS version
TBI-74-2 View Professional Manual 1DA 18 156I have now typed the manual in as plain text files. Disc comes with Jonathan Harston's text file reader. If ordering 40 track, requires 2 discs. Now also available on 720K DOS in Word 6 format and plain text
TBI-75-1 Plato. Republic Disc 1 2D 41 655The book by Plato. Republic. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. TWO ADFS OR TWO DFS Discs. This book may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-75-2 Plato. Republic Disc 2 2D -- --The book by Plato. Republic. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. TWO ADFS OR TWO DFS Discs. This book may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-75-2A Plato. Republic 2A -- --The book by Plato. Republic. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. TWO ADFS OR TWO DFS Discs. This book may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-76-1 Mark Twain Disc 1 2D 32 557Two books by Mark Twain. What is man? Crime. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. Two DFS discs, ONE ADFS disc. The books may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-76-2 Mark Twain Disc 2 2D -- --Two books by Mark Twain. What is man? Crime. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. Two DFS discs, ONE ADFS disc. The books may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-76-A Mark Twain A -- --Two books by Mark Twain. What is man? Crime. Split into small files easily loaded into a text editor. The discs are menu driven. Two DFS discs, ONE ADFS disc. The books may be read directly off disc or printed out
TBI-77-1 Beeb Developments 1 1D 18 38Hints and Tips. Nightmare Park Game. Squish! Game. Music. Big Print Demo. Single File Transfer. Disc Catalogue Printer. News
TBI-77-2 Beeb Developments 2 1D 20 49News. Pike's Poser. Solitaire. Ghost Hunter Game. Music. Menu Information Editor. Hidden Input. Scrolling Text. Teletext Crib Sheet. Double it
TBI-77-3 Beeb Developments 3 1D 21 93News. Hints and Tips. Music. Worm Game. Smoke! Pattern! Superior Offer
TBI-78 Fonts. Clipart 2D 55 264From GFX. 20 Fonts. 30 Pieces of Clipart For AMX Stop Press
TBI-79 DFS and ASCII Utils 1D 22 62File Loader. Backup. Format. Verify. Directory Alter. Useful Utilities. Text Editor. File Readers. Splitter. Joiner
TBI-80-1 Online World Texts Disc 1 2D 66 850Three discs of text. A handbook that deals with 'The Practical Aspects of Dealing With Global Online Information resources.' Converted and put into an easy to use menu by K5U. The text is shareware
TBI-80-2 Online World Texts Disc 2 2D 66 850Three discs of text. A handbook that deals with 'The Practical Aspects of Dealing With Global Online Information resources.' Converted and put into an easy to use menu by K5U. The text is shareware
TBI-80-3 Online World Texts Disc 3 2D 66 850Three discs of text. A handbook that deals with 'The Practical Aspects of Dealing With Global Online Information resources.' Converted and put into an easy to use menu by K5U. The text is shareware
TBI-81 C Tutorials 2D 16 225Three sets of tutorials for the programming language C. Menu driven with the option to print out
TBI-82-1 8BS Games 1 2D 58 350Games from issues 1 to 26. 23 in all. A wide variety including zapping, adventure and card games
TBI-82-2 8BS Games 2 2D 55 270Games from issues 27 to 42. 21 In all A wide variety of varied games
TBI-82-3 8BS Poems And Stories 2D 21 162Poems and stories from 8BS magazines
TBI-82-4 8BS National Lottery 1D 11 43Eight programs. Select Numbers. Also a lottery simulation
TBI-82-5 8BS Games 3 2D 41 265Games from 8BS issues 43 to 63. A wide variety of varied games
TBI-83 BOFH Amusing Text 1D 27 118Operator From Hell Text From The Net. WARNING! Contains some bad language
TBI-84-1 Acorn User Show. Pics 2D 34 395Digitised from photos of the show by Mick Needham. Various members of 8BS plus the famous beer mat being put to use (TBM-01)
TBI-84-21 Acorn User Show. Pics 2D 41 569Digitised from photos of the show by Stephan Richardson
TBI-84-22 Acorn User Show. Pics 2D 41 569Digitised from photos of the show by Stephan Richardson
TBI-85-1a Assembler Notes 3D 55 444Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and programs
TBI-85-1b Assembler Notes 3D -- --Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and programs
TBI-85-A Assembler Notes ADFS A -- --Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and programs
TBI-85-2a SWR Notes Disc 1 2D 64 434Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX
TBI-85-2b SWR Notes Disc 2 1D -- --Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX
TBI-85-3 Teletext Receiver Notes 2D 19 249Originally Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX
TBI-85-4 Advanced Teletext 2D 22 337Advanced Teletext Receiver Notes. Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and example programs
TBI-85-5 Mouse Notes 1D 21 172Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and example programs
TBI-85-6 Light Pen Notes 1D 17 141Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and example programs for Light Pens
TBI-85-7 DFS Notes 2D 29 239Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and example programs for Acorn DFS
TBI-85-8 Speech Notes 2D 23 129Transmitted by the BBC on CEEFAX. Contains lots of text and example programs for Acorn Speech. ADFS Versions of TBI-85 are available containing compilations of the above entries. They are: TBI-85-3-4 TBI-85-5-6 and TBI-85-7-8
TBI-86 Wapping Editor Pictures 2A -- 1124TWO ADFS ONLY Discs.
Disc One: Places. Hand Scanned pictures for Wapping Editor. The disc contains a viewer so that the pictures may be viewed even if you do not have Wapping Editor.
Disc Two: Famous People. Hand Scanned pictures for Wapping Editor. The disc contains a viewer so that the pictures may be viewed even if you do not have Wapping Editor.
TBI-87 Samples Disc 1D 24 172Five short samples demonstrating how the Beeb can resonate with digital information: FLUSH Sample, GHOSTBUSTERS Sample, Two ROBOCOP Samples plus THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM. Plus an impressive machine-code VU-METER and accompanying tune demonstration
TBI-88 Packet Radio Text 1D 13 162Compiled By Mick York. Contains info about Packet Radio and a number of text files on subjects such as UFO's, Space News from NASA and general messages
TBI-89 Text And Z88 Transfer 1D 18 79By John Allen. Z88 Transfer Utilities. Text Conversion For View, Interword, Mini Office, Wordwise And Wordwise+
TBI-91-1 The Jargon File 7D 84 1258A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang, illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore and humour. The four discs contain a text file reader and are available one at a time if you wish (TBI-91-1 to TBI-91-4)
TBI-91-2 The Jargon File 7D 84 1258A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang, illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore and humour. The four discs contain a text file reader and are available one at a time if you wish (TBI-91-1 to TBI-91-4)
TBI-91-3 The Jargon File 7D 84 1258A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang, illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore and humour. The four discs contain a text file reader and are available one at a time if you wish (TBI-91-1 to TBI-91-4)
TBI-91-4 The Jargon File 7D 84 1258A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang, illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore and humour. The four discs contain a text file reader and are available one at a time if you wish (TBI-91-1 to TBI-91-4)
TBI-92 Computer Jokes 2D 30 25326 Scanned pictures, jokes about computers and their uses
TBI-93 Adventure Compilation 1D 28 1896 Text Adventures taken from the rest of the library. Old Dreams, Search For Riemannan, Cave Adventure, Diamond Adventure, Warlord and Zoth. BBC 154 contains the rest of the text adventures from the library
TBI-94 King Lear 1D 9 184King Lear. Includes text file reader. Printout Facility. Split and Join programs in case you want to edit the text yourself
TBI-95 Worms. Scanned Humour 2D 36 15331 Scanned pictures of a humorous nature regarding worms
TBI-96 Teen Text. Risc1. Risc2 MA -- 129Master Only. 3 magazines submitted by D.Bradforth
TBI-96-1 Teen Text 1D 9 10Magazine submitted by D.Bradforth. Mainly of interest for the menu itself which uses mode 7
TBI-97 Touch Typing Tutor 1D 25 27Bazzasoft Touch Typing Tutor. 22 lessons. Lesson Generator
TBI-98 Archi Disc Accessers A -- 532Read and write to Archimedes discs
TBI-99 8BS Rogues Gallery 1D 30 200A collection of scanned photos submitted by members.
TBI-99-A 8BS Rogues Gallery A -- --A collection of scanned photos submitted by members.
TBI-100-1 Food Database 4D 8 6602510 Records in a database by C.R. Different Foods with facts such as fat, vitamin and calorie content
TBI-100-2 Food Database 4D -- --2511 Records in a database by C.R. Different Foods with facts such as fat, vitamin and calorie content
TBI-101 PC<>BBC Graphics 2D 29 395Utilities to convert PC graphics to BBC format and vice versa. Sample screens are provided on the disc to show how very worthwhile it is. Programmed by D.Robinson
TBI-102 Compression/Decompression 1D 31 184Utilities by Steven Flintham to compress and decompress files
TBI-103-1 Master Welcome A -- --Master in ADFS L
TBI-103-2 Master Compact Welcome 3A -- --Master Compact in ADFS L (four versions). One of which is for the Olivetti Prodest 128S, the Italian version of the Compact
TBI-103-3 BBC B Welcome A -- --BBC B and B+ in ADFS L
TBI-103-4 BBC Welcome 1D -- --BBC Welcome in DFS 1D
TBI-103-5 Electron Welcome A -- --Electron Welcome in ADFS L
TBI-104 Digitised Grand Prix 2D 19 133Video Digitised by Chris James, the 1996 Grand Prix, 16 Pictures
TBI-105 Pictures From The PC 2D 20 370By 8BS Member 4WL. Elite. Doom
TBI-106-1 120 Fonts 4D 124 242Fonts for the BBC and Master
TBI-106-2 120 Fonts 4D 124 242Fonts for the BBC and Master
TBI-107 Diets A -- 84ADFS only! Menu driven containing many healthy diets
TBI-108 Citizen Swift 240C Dump 1D 5 34Needs sideways ram or shadow mode and ADFS. Should also work for Epson Compatibles with ESC P2
TBI-109 Crypt Paint II A -- 511MASTER ONLY. Requires all 4 Banks of SWR free. NOW PUBLIC DOMAIN. A Superb Drawing Package containing Clip Art, Fonts and Printer Drivers. Thanks to Craig Edwards for releasing this to PD on 16th April 2014.
TBI-110-1 Digitised Pictures Disc 1 2D -- 1284Four DFS discs. Available separately as TBI-110-1 to TBI-110-4. Pictures from the Apollo missions taken using a video digitiser. From Neil Parry
TBI-110-2 Digitised Pictures Disc 2 2D -- 1284Four DFS discs. Available separately as TBI-110-1 to TBI-110-4. Pictures from the Apollo missions taken using a video digitiser. From Neil Parry
TBI-110-3 Digitised Pictures Disc 3 2D -- 1284Four DFS discs. Available separately as TBI-110-1 to TBI-110-4. Pictures from the Apollo missions taken using a video digitiser. From Neil Parry
TBI-110-4 Digitised Pictures Disc 4 2D -- 1284Four DFS discs. Available separately as TBI-110-1 to TBI-110-4. Pictures from the Apollo missions taken using a video digitiser. From Neil Parry
TBI-111 Games Reviews 2D -- 250Games Reviews taken from 8BS issues
TBI-112 Digitised Pictures A -- --Digitised Pictures submitted by 8BS member 4WL. Various. ADFS ONLY!
TBI-113 Dictionary Utility A -- --Real time search. Easily add your own dictionary. ADFS ONLY!
TBI-115 Adventures 1D 20 164A disc of adventures from Viking Software
TBI-116-1 NTAU2 Pictures Disc 1 2D 64 1224Not The Acorn User Show 2. Scans of pictures taken at the 8BS club meeting. Some of the images on these discs are viewable in the 'Other BBC>The Shows' section of the 8BS website, however, there are a lot of images on these discs that you will not find elsewhere.
TBI-116-2 NTAU2 Pictures Disc 2 2D -- --Not The Acorn User Show 2. Scans of pictures taken at the 8BS club meeting. Some of the images on these discs are viewable in the 'Other BBC>The Shows' section of the 8BS website, however, there are a lot of images on these discs that you will not find elsewhere.
TBI-116-3 NTAU2 Pictures Disc 3 2D -- --Not The Acorn User Show 2. Scans of pictures taken at the 8BS club meeting. Some of the images on these discs are viewable in the 'Other BBC>The Shows' section of the 8BS website, however, there are a lot of images on these discs that you will not find elsewhere.
TBI-116-4 NTAU2 Pictures Disc 4 2D -- --Not The Acorn User Show 2. Scans of pictures taken at the 8BS club meeting. Some of the images on these discs are viewable in the 'Other BBC>The Shows' section of the 8BS website, however, there are a lot of images on these discs that you will not find elsewhere.
TBI-116-2A NTAU2 Pictures 2A -- --This is the ADFS version containing the same images that are on the DFS version. Not The Acorn User Show 2. Scans of pictures taken at the 8BS club meeting. Some of the images on these discs are viewable in the 'Other BBC>The Shows' section of the 8BS website, however, there are a lot of images on these discs that you will not find elsewhere.
TBI-117 8BS Christmas Disc 1D 21 130A collection of Christmassy stuff from the rest of the pool
TBI-118 Three Men in a Boat 2D 25 370A story by K.Jerome
TBI-119 Bubble Bobble Game 1D 17 104By Peter Gillett. This game almost became a commercial release
TBI-120 Alligata Games 2D 60 235These games were commercial, Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given 8BS permission to make these games available. Crown Jewels, text Adventure. Hell Hole. Bug Blaster. Neandethal Man. Blagger. Son of Blagger. Video's Revenge. Starship Discovery (Master Only). Guardian. Dam Busters. Tarzan. Diamond Mine(Master needs to use Convert from the Welcome disc). Uncle Claude. Growing Pains. Ultron. Chichenitza (Master needs Convert). Cosmic Asteroids. Fruit Machine. Comes with a text file containing info for the games
TBI-121 Alligata Games 2D 27 118BBC ONLY. These games were commercial. Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given 8BS permission to circulate them. Eagle Empire. Roboman. Web Runner. Night World. Qbix. Monaco. 3D Space Raiders. Space Rescue. Comes with a text file containing info for the games
TBI-122 Alligata Games Decathlon 1D 24 77This was a commercial game. Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given 8BS permission to circulate it. Decathlon runs on the BBC and also on the Master although for the Master, you may need to use 'Convert' from the Welcome disc to get it to run optimally. Presently the only info with these games is that which the games themselves contain
TBI-123 Alligata Software 1D 6 18This was commercial software. Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given 8BS permission to circulate it. Art, drawing program. Time, learn how to tell the time. Contract Bridge
TBI-124 Two Christmas Adventures 1D 28 97The Lost Slipper and Jingle Bells. These Adventures were commercial. Jack Foster who wrote them has given 8BS permission to circulate them. They are both primarily aimed at children, but adults that enjoy adventures will find them interesting. Both are in mode 7 with graphics, some animated
TBI-125 The Mad Painter Adventure 1D 25 117The Mad Painter is another ex-commercial mode 7 adventure with graphics by Jack Foster. Primarily aimed at children, adults will also enjoy it. Text files are included on the disc which include The solution and follow up work
TBI-126 Tish The Spaceman Adventure 1D 12 63This is another ex-commercial mode 7 adventure from Jack Foster. Definately for Primary school children. It uses speech and gives practice in the digraph 'SH'. Lots of large graphics and simple to play
TBI-127 Lester The Lump 1D 15 33This is a platform game written by Jack Foster for Primary School Children based on the Beebug program 'Pitfall Pete'. Collect the sweets avoiding the falling jars
TBI-128 Play With Pip 1D 21 94A simple graphic adventure written by Jack Foster for Infant School aged children. Gives practice in vowels
TBI-129 System Wadgebury 1D 17 27Push the radioactive items into the chutes and detonate the TNT. Altered from The Disk User Version by Jack Foster with many different levels. Also comes with level editor
TBI-130 Two Text Adventures 1D 17 27Volcano, escape from the volcanic island. Dracula, escape from Dracula's castle
TBI-131 Who Dares Wins 2 Alligata 1D 27 84Another Alligata game, not PD
TBI-132 Inter-Base Programming Manual 2D 54 310Written by Martin Pickering. Copyright Released to the Public Domain
TBI-132-A Inter-Base Programming Manual A -- --Written by Martin Pickering. Copyright Released to the Public Domain
TBI-133 XMenu Rom 1D 2 21Front end menu for programmers in the Inter-Base language. Released to the Public Domain by Martin Pickering.
TBI-134 Select Rom Manager Rom 1D 3 35Released to the Public Domain by Martin Pickering. Two Rom images on the disc. Rom contains: *SELECT Select or deselect a ROM even through a hard break. *CHECK compare a physical rom with an image. *RIMAGE. Save image of ROM or SWR to disc. *CLEAR Fill SWR with &FF. *CLOSE Close all files on disc. Info on disc
TBI-135 INTER-MAIL Letter Manager A 8 76ADFS only. Released to the Public Domain by Martin Pickering. INTER-MAIL is a letter manager rom for Inter-Word.
TBI-136 Wordwise+ Programming Ideas 2D 61 118Programming Ideas and applications for Wordwise +
TBI-137 INTER-BASE Examples 1D 20 129Examples for the INTER-BASE program. INTER-BASE required!
TBI-138 Elite A (Elite 3) 2D 35 185Yes! The original Elite, rewritten by Angus Duggan, this is an enhanced version including a saved commander converter to allow you to use your original Elite saved commander file with this game. Includes a text file of instructions explaining the differences between this version and the original
TBI-139 Starquake 1D 4 36Yes! Believe it or not, this is the original Starquake. Released by its author
TBI-140 C.R Dewhurst 1. Games, Utility and Demos 1D 18 59Programs by C.R.Dewhurst. Grace, powerful graphics character editor. Vliv, arcade adventure game, 46 levels. Fruitmania Arcade adventure game. Three demos
TBI-141 C.R Dewhurst 2. Games, Utilities 1D 31 74More Programs By C.R.Dewhurst. GAMES: Santa on the Rooftop. A seasonal levels game, guide Santa to the chimneys to deliver his presents avoiding (the inevitable) disaster. Pipeman arcade strategy game, build a pipeline. Antique Freak game, collect objects on the screen, but only those in fashion or you die. Bombhunt game, collect the bombs avoiding the mines that are produced. UTILITIES: Multicolour Character Editor. Character Investigator. Colours, new colours with * commands. Program Minder, displays various statistics regarding memory usage. Dither, extends mode 2 colours. Fibonacci Figures, complicated geometrical shapes. Fractals, fractal generator. All of these program have accompanying articles and info written by C.Dewhurst
TBI-142 C.R Dewhurst 3. Games, Utilities 2D 58 145More programs by C.R.Dewhurst. GAMES: Jetman. Guide a jetman through mazes collecting fuel and keys. Litterbugs. Collect cans with a grab and push them into a melting tank. UTILITIES. Basic utilities to clear screen in new ways. Large Letters. Scrollers, article and demos. DIY Screens. Set the screen size. Article and programs. Menus, Article and demo. High Scores, write your own high score routines, article and examples. Tiny Text, article and character graphics demo. 3D Text, Article and program. Magnifier, article and utility that allows you to zoom in on individual screen pixels. DIY Cursors, program a different cursor, article and program. Multifile, Article and program discussing the 32 file limit of DFS. Hints and tips on converting games to the Master.
TBI-143-1 D.Edwards Sunday Adventure Disc 1 2D -- 860Excellent graphical text adventure from D.Edwards. There are three versions of this game. The Master 128 version (TBI-143-1 ADFS ONLY) and the Electron Version (TBI-143-2 ADFS ONLY). BOTH versions require 2 ADFS discs. (TBI-143-3 DFS ONLY) The DFS version for Electron and BBC B requires 3 discs
TBI-143-2 D.Edwards Sunday Adventure Disc 2 2D -- --Excellent graphical text adventure from D.Edwards. There are three versions of this game. The Master 128 version (TBI-143-1 ADFS ONLY) and the Electron Version (TBI-143-2 ADFS ONLY). BOTH versions require 2 ADFS discs. (TBI-143-3 DFS ONLY) The DFS version for Electron and BBC B requires 3 discs
TBI-143-3 D.Edwards Sunday Adventure Disc 3 2D -- --Excellent graphical text adventure from D.Edwards. There are three versions of this game. The Master 128 version (TBI-143-1 ADFS ONLY) and the Electron Version (TBI-143-2 ADFS ONLY). BOTH versions require 2 ADFS discs. (TBI-143-3 DFS ONLY) The DFS version for Electron and BBC B requires 3 discs
TBI-143-A D.Edwards Sunday Adventure 2A -- --Excellent graphical text adventure from D.Edwards. There are three versions of this game. The Master 128 version (TBI-143-1 ADFS ONLY) and the Electron Version (TBI-143-2 ADFS ONLY). BOTH versions require 2 ADFS discs. (TBI-143-3 DFS ONLY) The DFS version for Electron and BBC B requires 3 discs
TBI-144 Shipwrecked. Jigsaw 1D -- 48A compilation from D.Edwards. Shipwrecked, Graphical Adventure Game. Jigsaw, makes your image into a jigsaw. Tower of Hanoi Patience. Idiot's Delight Patience. Supersonic Snail Racing
TBI-145 Gateway to Karos 1D 12 57Released to the public domain by Acorn, a text adventure. Works on a real Master 128 fine. Needs a BBC tape machine or downloader. Works on an emulator with the co-processor
TBI-146 Mirror of Khoronz 1D 16 65Released to the public domain by Acorn, a text adventure.
TBI-147 C.R.Dewhurst 4. Games and Utilities 2D 43 259More software from C.R.Dewhurst. Lemons game. Arcade Adventurer, writing games info. Edimus, music editor. Video Titler. Professor Bubble Arcade/Strategy game. Professor Bubble Screen designer. Manic Mansion fantasy arcade adventure. Magna Font, large fonts. Star Dither. Dino Poetry, a poem. Count Inkey Text. Cocktails collection of short utilities.
TBI-148 Packet Radio 1D 29 139Siskin Electronics AX 25 Packet Radio. Includes manual
TBI-149-1 Poems Disc 1 2D 124 352Two discs of poems from Fred Price. These poems are held within BASIC programs. Chain each file and then it is sent to your printer. No menu.
TBI-149-2 Poems Disc 2 2D 124 352Two discs of poems from Fred Price. These poems are held within BASIC programs. Chain each file and then it is sent to your printer. No menu.
TBI-150-1 Electron User Game Reviews 1 1D 31 8610 EDUCATIONAL GAMES (Dimax), CASTLE FRANKENSTEIN (Epic), CATERPILLAR (IJK Software), CHESS (Program Power), CROAKER (Micro Power), CYBERTRON MISSION (Micro Power), CYLON ATTACK (A n F Software), DRAUGHTS AND REVERSI (Acornsoft), DRAW (Micro Power), FELIX IN THE FACTORY (Micro Power), GHOSTS OF GRUNLEY GRAMMAR (Magic), GRAPHICS SYSTEM (Salamander), HOROSCOPES (Third Program), KAMAKAZI (A n F Software), KINGDOM OF KLEIN (Epic), METEORS (Acornsoft), MONSTERS (Acornsoft), MOONRAIDER (Micro Power), PHAROAH'S TOMB (A n F Software), POSITRON (Micro Power), PUNCMAN (Chalksoft), STARSHIP COMMAND (Acornsoft), SUPERGOLF (Squirrel Software), SWOOP (Micro Power), TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (Acornsoft), WHAT MAKES YOU TICK? (Third Program), DATA STRUCTURES DEMONSTRATOR (DP Pubs)
TBI-150-2 Electron User Game Reviews 2 1D 31 88ABYSS (Cases Computer Simulations), ADVENTURE (Program Power), ANIMATOR (Screenplay), BEDBUGS (Optima Software), BLAGGER (Alligata), BUGS (Virgin Games), CENTIPEDE (Superior), CHUCKIE EGG (A n F), CORN CROPPER (CComputer Simulations), DANGER UXB (Micro Power), DATA HANDLER (Dialsoft), ELECTRON AID (Dynabyte), ELEMENTARY STATISTICS (Garland), GRAPHS MATHS TUTOR (Salamander), HAPPY LETTERS (Bourne Educational), HORSE RACE (Dynabyte), INVADERS (Program Power), JOHNNY REB (Lothlorien), OMEGA PROBE (Optima Software), QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL (Epic), ROYAL QUIZ (Ivan Berg/Acornsoft), SEA WOLF (Optima Software), SPACE SHUTTLE (Microdeal), SUPER HANGMAN (IJK Software), VORTEX (Software Invasion), WHEEL OF FORTUNE (Epic Adventures)
TBI-150-3 Electron User Game Reviews 3 1D 31 91ALIEN DROPOUT (Superior), ADVENTURE QUIZ (Dialsoft), CITY DEFENCE (Bug Byte), CORPORATE CLIMBER (Dynabyte), EARLY READING (Cheshire Cat), ELECTRO-ART (Quicksilva), EYE OF ZOLTON (Softek), FORTH (Acornsoft), GAMEMAKER (Holly Computers), HAPPY NUMBERS (Bourne Educational), INVADERS (Superior), INVISIBLE MAN (Chalksoft), KILLA (Bit Twiddlers), LEMMING SYNDROME (Dynabyte), MAP RALLY (Bourne Educational), MATHS LEVEL 1 [4-6] (Cheshire Cat), NIGHT SKY (Bridge Software), PENGWYN (Postern), PLAYBOX (Comsoft), SAVAGE POND (Starcade), SPACE TREX (Dimax Structured Software), SPRITES VERSION 2 (Simonsoft), SUPER FRUIT (Simonsoft), TRAFALGAR (Squirrel Software), WOODLAND TERROR (M+P Software), WORLD GEOGRAPHY (Superior)
TBI-150-4 Electron User Game Reviews 4 1D 31 933D BOMB ALLEY (Software Invasion), 3D TANK ZONE (Dynabyte), ANSWER BACK SENIOR QUIZ (Kosmos), ARENA 3000 (Microdeal), BLUE DRAGON (MP Software), BUMBLE BEE (Micro Power), CLASSIC ADVENTURE (Melbourne House), CONSTELLATION (Superior), ELECTRONIC COLOURING BOOK (A-Wesley), GALAXY WARS (Bug Byte), GHOULS (Micro Power), JET BOOT JACK (Micro Power), JUNGLE JIVE (Virgin Games), LISP (Acornsoft), NIGHTMARE MAZE (MRM Software), ONE LAST GAME (Clemoes Software), OSPREY! (Bourne Educational/RSPB), PENGI (Visions), PINBALL ARCADE (Kansas City Systems), SCIENCE 1 (Shards), STARMON (Slogger Computers), STRANDED (Superior), SURVIVOR (MP Software), SWAG (Micro Power), WARP ONE (Icon Software), WHAT'S THE TIME (Collins)
TBI-150-5 Electron User Game Reviews 5 1D 31 97ANSWER BACK JUNIOR QUIZ (Kosmos), DATA STRUCTURES DEMONSTRATOR (DP Pubs), EDDIE KIDD JUMP CHALLENGE (Martech), ELITE (Acornsoft), FIVE STONES OF ANADON (Softek), FRENZY (Micro Power), GUARDIAN (Alligata), GUNSMOKE (Software Invasion), HERE AND THERE WITH MR MEN (Mirrorsoft), JUNIOR MATHS PACK (Micro Power), MYSTERY OF THE JAVA STAR (Shards), PLANETOID (Acornsoft), POLAR PERILS (Squirrel Software), REDCOATS (Lothlorien), ROMAN EMPIRE (Lothlorien), RUBBLE TROUBLE (Micro Power), SADIM CASTLE (MP Software), SAS COMMANDER (Comsoft), SIR FRANCIS DRAKE (LCL Software), SMASH AND GRAB (Superior), SPACEMAN SID (English Software), S-PASCAL (Acornsoft), STAFF OF LAW (Potter Programs), SUPER POOL (Software Invasion), ZALAGA (Aardvark)
TBI-150-6 Electron User Game Reviews 6 1D 31 99ACES HIGH (Oasis Software), ADDCOMM (Vine Micros), AUF WIEDERSEHEN PET (Tynesoft), BLITZKRIEG (Software Invasion), BUG EYES (Icon Software), COMBAT LYNX (Durell Software), COMPLETE COCKTAIL MAKER (Acornsoft), ELKMAN (Slogger), FREE FALL (Acornsoft), GAMES COLLECTION (PCW/Century), GAUNTLET (Micro Power), HOUSE OF HORRORS (Kay-Ess CProducts), MILLIONAIRE (Incentive), ROBOTRON 2084 (Atarisoft), SERPENT'S LAIR (Comsoft), SPHINX ADVENTURE (Acornsoft), STAR FINDER (Century), STARTER PACK (Beebug), SUPER AGENT FLINT (Potter Programs), TEMPEST (Superior), TWIN KINGDOM VALLEY (Bug Byte), ULTRON (Icon Software), WHERE? (Micro Power), WHICH SALT? (Micro Power), WONGO (Icon Software)
TBI-150-7 Electron User Game Reviews 7 1D 31 103ADVANCED DISC TOOLKIT (AdCom Products), BEACH HEAD (US Gold), BERT BOOT (Highlight Software), BOFFIN (Addictive Games), BRIAN JACKS STAR CHALLENGE (Martech), BUMPER BUNDLE (Alligata), CAVEMAN (Kansas City Systems), CONFUZION (Incentive), DEATHSTAR (Superior), DRAIN MANIA (Icon Software), EIFFEL TOWER (Chalksoft), FIRIENWOOD (M & P Software), GREEDY DWARF (Goldstar), LISP ROM Cartridge (Acornsoft), MINESHAFT (Durell), OVERDRIVE (Superior), PAINTBOX II (Beebugsoft), PINBALL (Microbyte), READ RIGHT AWAY Pack 1 (Highlight), READ RIGHT AWAY Packs 3 & 4 (Highlight), REPTON (Superior), RING OF TIME (Kansas City Systems), TALKBACK (Acornsoft), TARZAN BOY (Alligata), VIEW FILE A (Acornsoft), VIEW FILE B (Acornsoft)
TBI-150-8 Electron User Game Reviews 8 1D 31 102ADVENTURELAND (Adventure International), BATTLEFIELDS (BBC Soft), CAVEMAN (Kansas City Systems), CHEMISTRY (Letts), COMPETITIVE MATHS (Duckworth), DIAMOND MINE (Blue Ribbon), DIAMOND MINE II (Blue Ribbon), GREMLINS (Adventure International), HAMPSTEAD (Melbourne House), KISSIN' KOUSINS (English Software), LASER REFLEX/WEST (Talent), MANIAC MOWER (Kansas City Systems), MATHS WITH A STORY:2 (Mirrorsoft), MEXICO '86 (Quadsoft), PHYSICS (Letts), PIRATE ADVENTURE (AInternational), QUICK THINKING (Mirrorsoft), ROBIN OF SHERWOOD (AInternational), SECRET MISSION (AInternational), STRIKE FORCE HARRIER (Mirrorsoft), ANSWER BACK SPORTS QUIZ (Kosmos), STAIRWAY TO HELL (Software Invasion), THE HACKER (Firebird), VIEWSHEET (Acornsoft), WORD GAMES WITH THE MR MEN (Mirrorsoft), WORKSHOP (Acornsoft)
TBI-150-9 Electron User Game Reviews 9 1D 31 98ASTRO PLUMBER (Blue Ribbon), BUG EYES 2 (Audiogenic), CHIP BUSTER (Software Invasion), CITADEL (Superior), COMMANDO (Elite), FOOTBALL MANAGER (Addictive Games), FRAK (Aardvark), GYROSCOPE (Melbourne House), JET SET WILLY (Tynesoft), KARATE COMBAT (Superior), MAKE SAM SMILE (Garland Computing), MOUSE TRAP (Tynesoft), MR MEN MAGIC STORYMAKER (Mirrorsoft), MUSIC MAESTRO (Mupados), NIGHTWORLD (Alligata Software), PHANTOM COMBAT (Doctorsoft), PRIMARY TIME (Alligata Software), SHUFFLE (Budgie), SOUTHERN BELLE (Hewson), STAR DRIFTER (Firebird), STARMAZE II (Mastertronic), TERRORMOLINOS (Melbourne House), THE MOLE CONCEPT (BBC Soft), WAY OF EXPLODING FIST (Mastertronic), WINTER OLYMPICS (Tynesoft), WORDPLAY (BBC Soft)
TBI-150-10 Electron User Game Reviews 10 1D 31 105ACTION PACK 2 (Alligata), BULLSEYE (Macsen), CARE SERIES (Squirrel), COMMONWEALTH GAMES (Tynesoft), CRACK IT! TOWERS (Mirrorsoft), ENTHAR SEVEN (Robico), FRANKENSTEIN 2000 (Audiogenic), GEOFF CAPES STRONGMAN (Martech), IAN BOTHAM'S TEST MATCH (Audiogenic), JACK ATTAC (Bug Byte), LOONY LOCO (Kansas City Systems), MIKIE (Imagine), MYOREM (Robico), PROJECT THESIUS (Robico), PSYCASTRIA (Audiogenic), RICK HANSON (Robico), ROBOTO (Bug Byte), SAVAGE POND (Bug Byte), STAR FORCE SEVEN (Bug Byte), TENNIS (Bug Byte), THE QUILL (Gilsoft), THRUST (Superior), TWIN KINGDOM VALLEY (Bug Byte), U.S. DRAG RACING (Tynesoft), VINDALOO (Tynesoft), WHAT'S EEYORE? (Magus)
TBI-150-11 Electron User Game Reviews 11 1D 31 113Adventure 4 pack. Computer Hits 3. Cricket. Electron E00 DFS. Elite. Future Shock. Galactic Patrol. Galadriel in Distress. Galaforce. Goal. Impossible Mission. Jetset Willy 2. Kane. Last of the Free. League Challenge. Micropower Magic. Operation Safras. Poker. Ravenskull. Repton 3. The Ferryman Awaits. Thunderstruck. Thunderstruck 2. Treasure Hunt. The Twin Orbs of Aalinor
TBI-150-12 Electron User Game Reviews 12 1D 31 121AROUND TWORLD IN 40 SCREENS (Superior) BIRDSTRIKE (Firebird) CONDITION RED (Blue Ribbon) CRYSTAL CASTLES (US Gold) DUNJUNZ (Bug-Byte) HUNKIDORY (Bug-Byte) ICE HOCKEY (Bug-Byte) MAGNETIC MOON (Elk Adventure Club) OMEGA ORB (Audiogenic) PAPERBOY (Elite Systems) PHANTOM (Tynesoft) PLAN B (Bug-Byte) SPHERE OF DESTINY (Audiogenic) SQUEAKALISER (Bug-Byte) THE ACORNSOFT HITS 1 AND 2 (Acornsoft) THE ADVENTURE CREATOR (Incentive) THE BIG K.O. (Tynesoft) THE GIDDY GAME SHOW (Mirrorsoft) THE HACKER (Firebird) THE KET TRILOGY (Incentive) THE LOST CRYSTAL (Epic) THE NINE DANCERS (Larsoft) URANIANS (Bug-Byte) VIDEO PINBALL (Alternative) WYCHWOOD (Larsoft) XOR (Logotron)
TBI-150-13 Electron User Game Reviews 13 1D 31 134COPS AND ROBBERS (Atlantis) CRAZEE RIDER (Superior) CRAZY ER*BERT (Alternative) DESPATCH RIDER (Audiogenic) FIVE COMPUTER HITS 1 (Beau-Jolly) FIVE STAR GAMES II (Beau-Jolly) GRAHAM GOOCH TEST CRICKET (Audiogenic) LIFE OF REPTON (Superior) OXBRIDGE (Tynesoft) PALACE OF MAGIC (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 1 (Superior) POWER PACK 2 (Audiogenic) RANSACK (Audiogenic) REALM OF CHAOS (Robico) SAGA OF A SPY (Robico) SPELLBINDER (Superior) SPY VS SPY (Tynesoft) STRYKER'S RUN (Superior) SUDS (Riverdale) SURVIVORS (Atlantis) THE HUNT (Robico) THE PUPPETMAN (Larsoft) TRIPLE DECKERS 1, 2, 3 (Alternative) TV DIRECTOR (Squirrel) WAREHOUSE (Top Ten) ZIGGY (Audiogenic)
TBI-150-14 Electron User Game Reviews 14 1D 31 13310 COMPUTER HITS 4 FILE A (Beau-Jolly) 10 COMPUTER HITS 4 FILE B (Beau-Jolly) 3D DOTTY (Blue Ribbon) BONECRUNCHER (Superior) BOULDERDASH (Tynesoft) CREEPY CAVE (Atlantis) DREAMTIME (Heyley) FIVE STAR GAMES 3 FILE A (Beau-Jolly) FIVE STAR GAMES 3 FILE B (Beau-Jolly) HEX (Larsoft) ICARUS (Mandarin) IMPACT (Audiogenic) PHANTOM COMBAT SIMULATOR (Doctor Soft) PHILOSOPHER'S QUEST (Topologika) PLAN B2 (Bug Byte) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 2 (Superior) QUEST (Superior) SCOTT ADAMS SCOOPS (Adventuresoft) SKIRMISH (Go Dax) SPITFIRE '40 (Mirrorsoft) STAR WARS (Domark) STARSHIP QUEST (ELK Adventure Club) THE AXE OF KOLT (ELK Adventure Club) TRAPPER (Blue Ribbon) WINTER OLYMPIAD '88 FILE A (Tynesoft) WINTER OLYMPIAD '88 FILE B (Tynesoft)
TBI-150-15 Electron User Game Reviews 15 1D 31 140AMERICAN SUDS (Riverdale) ANARCHY ZONE (Atlantis) BARBARIAN (Superior) BREAKTHROUGH (Audiogenic) CHEAT IT AGAIN JOES 1 & 2 (Impact) COUNTDOWN TO DOOM (Topologika) DARTS (Blue Ribbon) FOUR GAMES VOLUME 3 (Tynesoft) FRANKENSTEIN 2000 (Atlantis) GOLF (Blue Ribbon) IN SEARCH OF ATAHAULPA (Lee Software) INDOOR SPORTS FILE A (Tynesoft) INDOOR SPORTS FILE B (Tynesoft) PIPELINE (Superior) PLANE CRASH (Labyrinth Software) REBEL PLANET (Adventuresoft UK) REPTON THRU TIME (Superior) ROUND ONES (Alternative) SHARK (Audiogenic) SPYCAT (Superior) STRANDED (Heyley/PRES) TETRIS (Mirrorsoft) THE TARODA SCHEME (Heyley/PRES) THE TIMES CROSSWORDS (Akom/PRES) TRIPLE DECKERS 4 & 5 (Alternative) WAY OF THE XPLODING FIST (Mstertronic)
TBI-150-16 Electron User Game Reviews 16 1D 31 140A QUESTION OF SPORT (Superior) BARBARIAN II (Superior) BY FAIR MEANS OR FOUL (Superior) CIRCUS GAMES (Tynesoft) CLOGGER (Impact) EXILE (Superior) FOOTBALLER OF THE YEAR (Gremlin) HOLED OUT! (4th Dimension) JOE BLADE (Players) JOE BLADE II (Players) MR WIZ & PERCY PENGUIN (Blue Ribbon) ORBITAL (Impact) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 3 FILE A (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 3 FILE B (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 4 FILE A (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 4 FILE B (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 4 FILE C (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 5 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 6 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 7 (Superior) REPTON INFINITY (Superior) SUPERMAN - MAN OF STEEL (Tynesoft) TANK ATTACK (CDS Software) THE GOLDEN FIGURINE (Atlantis) THE LAST NINJA (Superior) ZENON (Impact)
TBI-150-17 Electron User Game Reviews 17 1D 31 155ALPS (Alpine Software) ARCADE SOCCER (4th Dimension) AVON & MURDAC FILE A (Topologika) AVON & MURDAC FILE B (Topologika) BALLISTIX (Superior) BLAST! (Audiogenic) BUFFALO BILL'S RODEO GAMES (Tynesoft) FAB FOUR VOLUME ONE (Audiogenic) HI Q QUIZ (Blue Ribbon) HOBGOBLIN (Atlantis) IT'S MAGIC (Central Computing) LAST NINJA 2 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 8 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 9 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 10 (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 11 (Superior) PREDATOR (Superior) RICOCHET (Superior) SPOOKSVILLE (Blue Ribbon) STORMCYCLE (Atlantis) SUBWAY VIGILANTE (Players) SUPERIOR SOCCER (Superior) SYSTEM 8 POOLS (Blue Ribbon) TOMCAT (Players) WHITE MAGIC (4th Dimension) WHITE MAGIC 2 (4th Dimension)
TBI-150-18 Electron User Game Reviews 18 1D 14 80HELTER SKELTER (Audiogenic) INERTIA (4th Dimension) PERPLEXITY (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 12 FILE A (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 12 FILE B (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 13 FILE A (Superior) PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 13 FILE B (Superior) *WATCH YOUR WEIGHT (Acornsoft) *THE JOFFE PLAN (Mirrorsoft)
TBI-151 Shipwrecked II Jupiter 3 1D 20 155Graphical Action Adventure game by Dominic Ford
TBI-153 Brainteasers 2D 45 16928 Brainteasers from Electron User Group
TBI-154 Games 1D 5 30Two games from Brian. Connect 4 and Pontoon
TBI-155 Pictures 2D 17 293Pictures by Joseph Lavery submitted by D.Edwards of Electron User Group. These pictures can be found scattered throughout the rest of the 8BS library.
TBI-155-A Pictures A -- --See the DFS version for full info. The ADFS version is in ADFS M format (single sided). To write this to floppy use the FDC commands: bbc640 write0
TBI-156 Best of PCW 1D 29 157
Submitted by Dave Edwards of Electron User Group. The best of Personal Computer World. 24 Games for the Electron
TBI-156-A Best of PCW A -- --
See the DFS version for full info
TBI-157 Electron Programs 1D 32 102
Submitted by Dave Edwards of Electron User Group. The following text by Dave: It's another EUG rerelease compiled from the book of the same name and one Carl Graham of Duckworth fame. All the programs also work on the BBC and all seem to work under emulation. The utilities on it are rather uninspiring but it does have some nice graphics display demos and also some great adventure games. One point you might want to make in the catalogue is that the SPREADSHEET is bugged. I've checked it ASCII by ASCII without finding the problem but I'll send the update if it ever becomes available.
TBI-157-A Electron Programs A -- --
See the DFS version for full info
TBI-158 Walk in the Clouds Music Compilation 1D 7 56
A compilation of 4 new four channel mixes from demo group Hydroxide. The eye-catching menu lists the following: (1) HYDROXIDE, (2) RESERVOIR OF WORDS, (3) STUPID GAMES, (4) SNOW DROPS, (5) LITTLE RICH GIRL, (6) HAPPY SQUAD, (7) THE PROMISED LAND, (8) MESSED UP HAIR, (9) LONDON BOUND and (10) BITCH. Unfortunately the disc itself only contains the 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th pieces. Anyone got a complete version to submit? Or any information at all? Was this a work in progress disc?
TBI-159 Page 3 Video Grabs 1A -- 637
Video Grabs taken by the Watford Video Digitiser
TBI-160 Timecop Video Grabs 1A -- 637
Video Grabs taken by the Watford Video Digitiser
TBI-161 Ren and Stimpy Video Grabs 3A -- 1300
Video Grabs taken by the Watford Video Digitiser
TBI-162 Pictures NTAU 2A -- 1300
Photos from a Not The Acorn User Show
TBI-163 The BBC Project 2HD -- 2444
Peter Shaw sent me this. The software is Windows 95. It comes on 2 floppies. Download the two zipped files, unzip them to 2 high density floppy discs. Insert disc one and run setup.exe.
TBI-164 Crosswords 1D 31 53
Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting this disc of crosswords
TBI-165 The Larsoft Collection 1D 13 135
THE LARSOFT COLLECTION. Six classy text adventures written with THE QUILL by Geoff Larsen, now PD. This disc is fully compatible with ALL BBC and Electron setups, even where PAGE is at &1D00. Check out those loading screens! Thanks once more to Dave Edwards for submitting this disc
TBI-165-A The Larsoft Collection A -- --
See the DFS version for full info
TBI-166 Ebony Tower Game 1D 6 28
Alligata Software Game. Ebony Tower
TBI-167 Neanderthal Man Game 1D 5 14
Alligata Software Game. Neanderthal Man
TBI-168 Q-Bix Game 1D 9 15
Alligata Software Game. Q-Bix (Electron only)
TBI-169 Spitfire Game 1D 4 24
Alligata Software Game. Spitfire Flight Simulator
TBI-170 Xanadu Cottage Game 1D 4 22
Alligata Software Game. Xanadu Cottage
TBI-171 Games and Demos by James Watson 1D 20 80
Games and demo's by James Watson. 1 and 2 pixel vertical scrollers only works well on a normal bbc computer, OverDrive2002 a car game, Pac2000 a pacman clone, Powerball, Lottery, 3D Tunnel and Rocket Demo's, A classic Bomber game
TBI-172 AnimeWorld EUG Collection 1D 15 198
A collection of twelve new Mode 1 and Mode 4 full-screen pictures from Dave Edwards of EUG. Uncompressed freehand drawings based on 'anime' cartoons, these are well worth a look! Compatible with all BBC and Electron machines. Note the slightly adult nature of a few of the images
TBI-172-A AnimeWorld EUG Collection A -- --
See the DFS version for full info
TBI-173-1 MOSS PD Intro Disc A -- --
The Moss PD introductory disc. A lot of stuff in Moss PD seems to be taken stright from elsewhere. Some may not even have been PD at all. The clip art seems to be OK and so I have included it in the library
TBI-173-2 MOSS PD Clip Art C01 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-3 MOSS PD Clip Art C04 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-4 MOSS PD Clip Art C08 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-5 MOSS PD Clip Art C09 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-6 MOSS PD Clip Art C12 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-7 MOSS PD Clip Art C19 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-8 MOSS PD Clip Art C26 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-173-9 MOSS PD Clip Art C27 A -- --
Clip art. and screens. The disc contains a clip art viewer
TBI-174 XCat Extended Catalogue 1D 7 42
A program by Jon Hogeslag to extend the DFS catalogue to add a file description. Full documentation is included on the disc and in a separate document
TBI-175 Graph Plotters From Ronald Barr 1D 3 19
Graph-plotting programs from Ronald Barr. CHAIN'Graph'. The whole package contains 3 parts:- (a) Graph - the introduction. This then loads (b) TRIG - Trigometric and logarithmic graph plotter. From TRIG you can then load (c) QUAD - Quadratic and linear graph plotter.
TBI-176-1 Maths Functions 1D 7 2
Several maths functions written by Steve Fewell. The transcendental functions on this disc (i.e. EXP/LOG) are evaluated using power-series expansions rather than continued-fraction expansions (as in BASIC). The programs are in BASIC not assembly language. This disc provides a different perspective of these functions and an alternative implementation than the one used by BBC BASIC 4. The disk contains the following BASIC programs: COS - Cosine function EXP - Exponential function LN - Natural Logorithmn function POWER - Evaluation of powers (using LN & EXP) REAL-FL - Converts from real to Floating (scientific - #.####E##) format SIN - Sine function TAN - Tangent function
TBI-176-2 Analysis Programs 1D 6 7
Several analysis programs by Steve Fewell These programs have helped me in analysing the BASIC ROM. The disk contains the following BASIC programs: FLOAT - Converts between packed Float variables and Real (base 10) values FLOATH - Converts between packed Float variables and Real (base 10) values, the variable's exponent (1 byte) and mantissa (4 bytes) are entered in Hexadecimal SEARCHM - Searches memory between &8000 to &BFFF (The BASIC ROM) for the assembly language that you type in
TBI-177 LSAIT Hangman 1D 17 61
Master 128 only. Thanks to Dan Beardsmore for this excellent version of German Hangman. It contains a word list editor. This is Dan's webpage about the game
TBI-178 Evil Invaders 1D 5 15
By P.B.Cribland and D.G.Beardsmore. Thanks to Dan for this. Contains a customisable version. This is Dan's webpage about the game
TBI-179-1 Electron Computing 1 1D 16 88
Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending these seven single sided discs. The seven issues of Argus Press' ELECTRON COMPUTING magazine which was a tape-based only publication succeeded by A&B COMPUTING. They feature reviews, games and utilities, mostly by Steve Maltz who wrote for Shards Software and Margaret Stanger who wrote for A&B and Bug Byte. On this disc: Intro. News. Reviews. Shape Designer. Balances. North Sea Oil. Space Chase Game. Dots And Boxes. Money Matters.
TBI-179-1 Electron Computing 1 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-2 Electron Computing 2 1D 16 83
Intro. News. Reviews. Sound Shaper. Meter. Blatzplat. Crossword. Beat the odds! Tables Chaser.
TBI-179-2 Electron Computing 2 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-3 Electron Computing 3 1D 16 69
Intro. News. Reviews. Programming Utility. Lenses and Mirrors. Diamond Trial. Mystery Word. Simon Numbers. Beat The Tune.
TBI-179-3 Electron Computing 3 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-4 Electron Computing 4 1D 21 108
Intro. Block Slider. Graphs Utility. Current Electricity. Speedway. Competition Part 1.
TBI-179-4 Electron Computing 4 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-5 Electron Computing 5 1D 16 68
Intro. News. Explosion. Junior Maths. Competition Part 2. Golf. Squark. S.C.O.T.T. Marble Pyramid.
TBI-179-5 Electron Computing 5 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-6 Electron Computing 6 1D 16 73
Intro. Reviews. Cribbage and Sprint. Double Your Money. Laser Cycles. Runemal. Horseman. Voltone.
TBI-179-6 Electron Computing 6 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-179-7 Electron Computing 7 1D 20 77
Intro. Solitaire. Compiler Demo. Memzap. Landlord Adventure. Records. Snaker. Planets.
TBI-179-7 Electron Computing 7 T -- --
Tape version in uef format
TBI-180 You're Alan Partridge A -- --
Thanks to Dave Edwards for this Electron ADFS disc. YOU'RE ALAN PARTRIDGE. A public domain game by the Organ Grinder's Monkey, pits you in a battle of wills as the gregarious, ever popular TV character. You're up against Ray Woollard, "one of the toughest interviewers in the business" and his sidekick, Digital Dave.
YAP is the first modern game developed for a retro format, and includes full screen comic-book style interaction between the characters, a demonstration interview, on-screen scoring and six levels to battle your way through.
YAP also utilises the Millsgrade Voxbox expansion on the Acorn Electron, allowing Digital Dave to actually pose the questions in audible English. YAP is the first, and only, game for the Acorn Electron that incorporates speech synthesis in a realistic and humorous fashion. However, the game also works on a BBC B, B+ and Master 128.
YAP is a Mode 4 game and includes gorgeous graphics, blips and whistles, speech synthesis and a sense of fun. It is a tribute to the enduring fans of the series "I'm Alan Partridge" and poses multiple choice questions on each of the six episodes that make up Series 2. Each level requires a set number of questions to be answered correctly.
Do you remember which was Alan's favourite pump at the BP garage? Or why there were holes in his morning newspaper? Or which of Sonja's practical jokes actually worked? If so, and if you also love retro then you will love YOU'RE ALAN PARTRIDGE.
Also featured on the disc is a "Creation And Credits" demonstration, showing how elements of the game were created, including the progression of the speech bubbles and graphics that ultimately did not make the final version of the game. YOU'RE ALAN PARTRIDGE is something special.
TBI-181 Ricky Gervais Show 2x2D 67 472
Ricky Gervais Show. Two amusing demos with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant putting Karl Pilkington in ludicrous imaginary situations . Thanks to The Organ Grinder's Monkey for these. Disc 1 is in DSD format but uses only side 0
TBI-181-A Ricky Gervais Show 2xA -- --
ADFS versions of the above discs
TBI-182 Stephen Scott Games 1D 11 56
Two games by Stephen Scott. Androidz and Headcase Hotel. Thanks to Dave E for finding this one
TBI-183 Soft Centre Games 1D 21 98
Dicer. Fortune Valley. Hi-Lo. Snowball. Super Hanger. The Lost Treasure. The Search. Wizard Adventure
TBI-183-A Soft Centre Games A -- --
Dicer. Fortune Valley. Hi-Lo. Snowball. Super Hanger. The Lost Treasure. The Search. Wizard Adventure
TBI-184 Moscow Demo 1D 6 24
Moscow Demo by The Organ Grinder's Monkey
TBI-185 Chuckie Egg 1D 28 50
This is the A&F Chuckie Egg game complete with screen editor and checker by The Organ Grinder's Monkey
TBI-186 Music Demo World 2D 50 357
Daniel Pugh's collection of music demos. Best on the Turbo Electron with DFS and sound expansion. 28 Tunes on this disc
TBI-187 To Hell in a Hamper 2x1D 13 104
A text adventure game by J.Guest. Updated 12/11/2024. There are now two disc images in this download. The original is multi loading and works on all machines. The new version is compressed, more efficient and single loading. However, this new version uses Mode 7 and so will not run on the Electron. Thankd to Dave Edwards for sending the new version.
TBI-188 Danosoft Games 1D 61 273
Games: Percy II. Percy III. Q-Jump. The Quest For The Gobal. The Supermarket Firm. Invatron. Queue. Noughts And Crosses. The Beastie Adventure. Dano Software Demo. Invatron 2 Intro and Demo. Space Exploration Probe
TBI-188-A Danosoft Games A -- --
ADFS Version See the DFS version for full description
TBI-189-1 Bazzasoft Disc 1 Games 1D 31 169
Bazzasoft Disc 1. Four Text Adventure Games: All The Colours of Darkness. Eridan Rescue. House. Test of the Turnip. BAPS Bazzasoft Adventure Programming System.
TBI-189-2 Bazzasoft Disc 2 Utilities 2D 43 83
Bazzasoft Disc 2. Dungeon And Dragons Creator. Filing System Demo. Invasion of Planet X Monster. Space Commander. Sum Invaders II. Typing Tutor
TBI-189-3 Bazzasoft Disc 3 Cheats 1D 27 45
Bazzasoft Disc 3. Cheat it Again Bazza. Cheats for: Airwolf. Anarchy Zone. Arkanoid. Around The World. Bonecruncher. Codename Droid. Hostages. Imogen. Impact. Life of Repton. Omegas. Ransack. Repton 3. Syncron. Timelapsed. Zedon
TBI-189-4 Bazzasoft Disc 4 Solutions 1D 9 25
Bazzasoft Disc 4. Game Solutions for: Bored of The Rings. Eridan Rescue. Insomnia. Spiderman. Test of The Turnip
TBI-190-1 David Johnston PD Games 1 1D 11 40
Games from David Johnston PD. Adventure. Maze. Shoot. 3-D Maze. Racing. Text Adventure writing system
TBI-190-2 David Johnston PD Games 2 1D 17 44
Interceptor. Cat and Mouse. Treasure Hunt. 3D Roller Ball
TBI-191-1 Stop Press Clip Art 1 1D 30 185
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-2 Stop Press Clip Art 2 1D 29 198
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-3 Stop Press Clip Art 3 1D 22 112
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-4 Stop Press Clip Art 4 1D 31 64
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-5 Stop Press Clip Art 5 1D 21 195
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-6 Stop Press Clip Art 6 1D 31 100
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-7 Stop Press Clip Art 7 1D 19 173
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-191-8 Stop Press Clip Art 8 1D 20 138
Stop Press Clip Art. Contains a viewer so you don't need Stop Press to view it.
TBI-192 Pugwash Tunes 1D 2 --
A couple of BASIC Pugwash tunes.
TBI-193 Games Collection 2D 60 347
Games compilation. 22 Games on a menu driven disc submitted by Dave Edwards. Amidar. Aqua Attack. Arcadia. Centipede. Chopper II. Cred Breaks Out. Drunken Dan. Hangdroid. Hangman (Desert Style). Jedi Knight. Jouster. Mastermind. Morfix. Mr.Do. Orcrest. Protector. See Emily Play! Sidefighter. Sphenisciformes. Tubes. Turbo. Westquest.
TBI-194-1 Music Disc 1 2D 59 378
Music Disc 1. These seven discs are taken from the BBC PD catalogue and given a decent menu system thanks to Dave Edwards.
TBI-194-2 Music Disc 2 2D 59 266
Music Disc 2.
TBI-194-3 Music Disc 3 2D 61 268
Music Disc 3.
TBI-194-4 Music Disc 4 2D 55 398
Music Disc 4.
TBI-194-5 Music Disc 5 2D 62 340
Music Disc 5.
TBI-194-6 Music Disc 6 2D 62 254
Music Disc 6.
TBI-194-7 Music Disc 7 2D 44 283
Music Disc 7.
TBI-195 Demo The Master of Your Old School 1D 26 80
Music and Graphic Demo by CRTC. Code: puppeh and joey. Musix: insectecutor. Sundown 2010
TBI-196 Demo The Mythical Chunky Graphics Mode 1D 16 80
Another Music and Graphic Demo by CRTC. A web page about this demo can be found here:
TBI-197 Europe Rally. Educational Game T -- --
An educational game released to the Public Domain by Stephen Hart. This was from the Miss Shipman Series by TSSL (Tom Shipman Supplies Limited). This game is on a tape image. There are three formats within the supplied zipped file, .wav, .uef and .csw. If anyone can help with finding more of these titles, please contact 8BS. Some info from Stephen Hart:
Here is Europe Rally (pre Euro). We produce educational software including:
Maths Blaster
Spelling Blaster
Map reading (Spectrum)
Others I can't recall
All under the Miss Shipman Series (TSSL Tom Shipman Supplies Ltd) the tape inserts had a picture of his niece on the cover, we got into trouble for that. I am sorry because I threw out all the tapes with covers I had in a box by mistake some time ago so I don't have any any the other titles.
There were 5 programmers in the team, working in Wickford, all under 19 at the time (c1983)
Shaun Foyle
Keith Driscoll
Andy ?
Nick ?
Don't judge me on the quality of this one title (Andy ? wrote it lol).
TBI-198 OddJob. Game by Mike Wyatt 1D 9 36
OddJob is a game that Mike Wyatt wrote in 1986. It was never released but it is quite fun to play (if a little difficult!). There are 8 levels to complete and they increase in size as you progress. Level 7 is the largest, see the map on the game maps page here. If you manage to complete all 8 levels there is a cool animated finale!
TBI-200 BBC Ceefax Pages 2D -- --
35 sets of concatenated pages of CEEFAX Teletext pages from around 1988. Displayed using the 8BS Teletext scrolly thing.
TBI-201 Cascade. 50 Games 2D 53 198
The Haven. Cascade. 50 Games released by Cascade. Attacker. Barrel Jump. Black Hole. Boggles. Cannonball Battle. Derby Dash. Do Your Sums. Dynamite. Force Field. Galactic Attack. Galactic Dogfight. Ghosts. Hangman. High Rise. Inferno. Intruder. Ivasive Action. Jet Flight. Jet Mobile. Lunar Lander. Maze Eater. Motorway. Nim. Noughts And Crosses. Old Bones. Orbitter. Overtake. Parachute. Phaser. Planets. Plasm Bold. Pontoon. Psion Attack. Radar Landing. Rats. Rocket Launch. Sitting Target. Ski Jump. Smash The Windows. Space Mission (two). Space Search. Star Trek. Submarines. Tanker. Thin Ice
TBI-202 The Beeb At 35 Demo T1D 4 6
Simple Demo. Tape, disc and .gif
TBI-203 Digitised Sounds 1D 13 201
11 Digitised sounds. Alter the speed of playback option.
TBI-204 Transfer Utilities D2K3 By Greg Cook 1D 17 38
Transfer utilities. Originally distributed as a file to transfer to the BBC first, this is the disc that results from that. Also included is the original file itself. These are the programs:
autodsk: Transfers disc files to tape
autotpe: Transfers tape files to disc
dd: Uuencodes disc as image in .SSD format
dt: Uuencodes tape with BBC header information
dtx: As DT but with better unlock code and faster CRC
dtxasm: Assembles machine code image used by DTX
readme: Documentation for all files in DT2K3
sloadas: Assembles SLOAD screenshot decompressor
ssaveas: Assembles SSAVE screenshot compressor
txtload: Loads un-numbered text listings of BASIC programs
uudecod: Simple uudecoder which restores data only
uupromp: As UUDECOD but prompts remote host to send next line
TBI-205 Personal Banking System by Jack Gibbons (Hilton Computer Services) 1DA 20 100
This is a two disc zip TBI-205-1 is the original ADFS Disc. TBI-205-2 is adapted by CJR for year 2000 in both ADFS and DFS formats. Full explanation in the !readme.txt file included in the zip
TBI-206 The SIGMA Experiment Text Adventure 2D -- --
A five part Mode 7 colourful text adventure. By Lee Newsome. 5 scenarios that can be played individually as they are stand alone but played 1 to 5 make up a story.
The game relies on puzzles rather than mazes, the maps are quite small and some of the puzzles quite taxing.
If you like text adventures, this is a must. If you don't, try it anyway!
The zip includes a text file with info and a short review by me. Lee is keen to get feedback for this game so please show your appreciation by telling him what you think about it: Message leenew at
TBI-207 Procrastinet 4 Sound Samples 1D -- --
Sound samples with the following file names: 13Amp12, AirWolf, BTHass, BTIll, China, Crocket, D'Enq, Deluxe, Load, Menu, Message, Music, OxegC, Oxegene, Scumpi, Suburb, TurtPwr, WestEnd
TBI-208 Z80 CPM Collection 69x2D -- --
69 CPM discs taken from the Simtel CPMUG collection and converted to DSD format to work on Acorn 8 bit machines with the Z80 by Mark Blackall. The zipped download here contains the following files:
00-INDEX.TXT List of files
00README.TXT Descriptions of programs
01 CP/M utilities
03 BASIC E GAMES AND programs
08 CP/M utilities
14 CP/M utilities programs
19 CP/M ASM utilities
25 CP/M ASSEMBLER utilities
34 SAM76 macro / text processing language
36 Assemblers, editors, text processors, utilities
37 CBASIC2 AND OTHER programs
38 CP/M speed up, Tarbell controller utilities
40 Utilities, disk catalog, modem programs
41 Ham radio, Chess, VDM Pong, Fortran programs
42 Disassemblers, Diablo Driver, Clock routines
44 CBASIC2 Osborne/McGraw-Hill General Ledger
45 Osborne/McGraw-Hill Payroll Cost Accounting
46 CP/M utilities
47 CP/M utilities
48 The BDS C Sampler Disk
50 Pascal Pascal Compiler, SPEED for CP/M 2.2
53 BDS-C Users group Adventure disk
54 Xitan Disk Basic
78 Utility disk
79 MODEM programs for PMMI, SMARTMODEM, Serial I/O
80 Cromemco Structured Basic programs
81 CP/M utilities
82 North Star BIOS routines
83 MuMath/MuSimp, CBASIC routines, F-80 functions
84 MODEM v7.65, RCPMLIST v25A, XMODEM v5.0
85 BYE 7.9 remote user i/o program
86 BusinessMaster II - 1 of 5 vols
87 BusinessMaster II - 2 of 5 vols
88 BusinessMaster II - 3 of 5 vols
89 BusinessMaster II - 4 of 5 vols
90 BusinessMaster II - 5 of 5 vols
91 Microsoft Fortran programs
92 SECRTARY word processing program
TBI-209 CP/M Basic Interpreters and Compilers 4x2D -- --
4 x DSD discs submitted by Mark Blackall.
BASCOM53 is a copy of the MBASIC compiler 5.3.
CBASIC is the V2 Digital Research CBASIC compiler.
MBASICS is several versions of Microsoft MBasic.
NEVADA is the NEVADA basic system.
The four images are zipped together in the download with a text file containing brief descriptions.
TBI-210 Personal Computer Games Collection 1D 15 62
9 Games from Computer Games Magazines (Wikipedia link) Nine games: City Smasher. Engine Failure. Fighter Pilot. Galaxians. Hunchback. Insect Invasion. Light Cycles. Magic Square. Monstermania.
TBI-211 Games Computing Collection 2D 45 284
All the type in programs from Games Computing Magazine. Thanks to Dave Edwards. Aladdin, Alien Intruders, Asteroid Chase, Bombard, Booty, Breakout, Fisherman Fred, Gunfight, Holmes And Moriarty, Holy Grail, Horace In The Maze, Interplanetary Miner, Lifter, Mars Miner, Penalty Decider, Revenge Of The Toothless Vampire, Rocket Man, Roving Robot, Roving Robot 2: Transport Android, School Of Death, Seadog, Space Panic, Tank Battle, The House On Misty Hill, The Monster Of Arkyron, Towering Inferno, Transylvanian Adventure.
TBI-212 Laserbug Collection 1D 27 87
Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Laserbug Collection. This is a collection of all the PD games that were published in Laserbug magazine, a mail order magazine from the early Eighties. The games are:
1. Bazooka
2. Drive
3. Four In A Row
4. ICBM Attack!!!
5. Laserbug Grand Prix
6. Maze Muncher
7. One Armed Bandit
8. Oxygen
9. Photon Cycle Duel
10. Pontoon
11. Puzzle
12. Rings
13. Tennis/Walltrap
TBI-213 0xc0de Collection 6x1D 157 648
This is a collection of Public Domain stuff that Dave Edwards has put together from a number of places. It is the library of 0xc0de. 0xc0de was a prolific Acorn Electron games developer and "tinkerer". Dave has put all of his projects onto a set of six single sided menu-driven compilation discs all zipped into one download. Note that many of the Electron demos do very sophisticated things with the machine's hardware and, as a result, do not work with the ElectrEm or Elkulator emulators. However, all the games work just fine on emulators. Contents:>
0xc0de Games Disc 1.
A collection of some original basic games and abandoned game projects.
ASCII Invaders
Get Rich Or Die Trying
Meteors++ (Elk, An upgrade of the Acornsoft classic)
Money Grabber
Out Of This World (Unfinished)
Race (1 Liner)
Starship Command 2022 (Elk, An upgrade of the Acornsoft classic)
Tapper (Elk, Amazing conversion of the BBC original)
The Hunt: Search For Shauna (Elk, Adds the graphics contained in the BBC version)
0xc0de Games Disc 2.
A mixture of new BBC/Electron projects and Electron conversions.
Electrobots Going Underground
Lode Runner 2021 (Elk, Amazing conversion of the BBC original)
Manic Miner 2021 (Elk, Amazing conversion of the BBC original)
0xc0de Demos Disc 1.
A collection of demos, mostly for the Acorn Electron only.
1 Line 1 (Elk)
1 Line 2
1 Line 3
1 Line 4
1 Line 5
1 Line Maze Generator
Acorn Electron Speed Tricks
Bubbles Demo
Colour Text Scroller
Colour Scroller Demo (Elk)
Interference Demo (Elk)
Parallax Colour Demo (Elk)
Plasma Eggs Demo (Elk)
0xc0de Demos Disc 2.
A collection of demos, mostly for the Acorn Electron only.
Plasma Eggs Demo (BBC)
Racing The Beam (Elk)
Racing The Beam With Music (Elk)
Rotating 3D Earth
Smooth Colour Cycling Demo (Elk)
Stardot Demo (Elk)
Starfield Screensaver
The Code Show Demo (Elk)
Thousands Of Colours 1 (Elk)
0xc0de Demos Disc 3.
A collection of demos, mostly for the Acorn Electron only.
Thousands Of Colours 2 (Elk)
Machine Auto-Detect
Vertical Bars (Elk)
Vertical Rupture Demo (Elk)
Hatsune Miku Screen
Disc 6. Chip-8 Emulator (Acorn Electron Only)
CHIP-8 is known as the original fantasy game console. It is an interpreted programming language designed in the 1970s by Joseph Weisbecker for the COSMAC VIP 8-bit computer.
S-CHIP (SUPER-CHIP) was created by Erik Bryntse. It is one of many extensions to CHIP-8. S-CHIP has additional opcodes and a higher resolution.
My CHIP-8 emulator is written in 6502 assembler for the Acorn Electron and can play any CHIP-8 or S-CHIP game. Please note: I did not attempt to make my emulator cycle perfect. Also, sprite flicker is a typical CHIP-8 'feature'.
Blitz [CHIP-8]
Brix [CHIP-8]
Tetris [CHIP-8]
Octogon [SUPER-CHIP]
Octopeg [SUPER-CHIP]
TBI-214 Jan Vibe's Recursions 1D 30 45
Written by Jan Vibe back in 1990 features a number of "recursion demos", very short programs which run themselves over and over again to create some fascinating screens. All work on all series including the BBC B, B+. Master 128 and Electron apart from the Mode 7 demos which don't work on the Electron:
Ball In Points (BBC PD)
Black And White (BBC PD)
Blocks Berserk (BBC PD)
Colours 2 (BBC PD)
Colours (BBC PD)
Headache (BBC PD)
Mode 7 Madness (BBC PD)
Mode 7 Maze (BBC PD)
Moving Squares (BBC PD)
Nova 2 (BBC PD)
Nova (BBC PD)
Recursive Castle (BBC PD)
Recursive City (BBC PD)
Recursive Cross (BBC PD)
Recursive Fern (BBC PD)
Recursive Frog (BBC PD)
Recursive Rectangles (BBC PD)
Recursive Secant (BBC PD)
Recursive Squares 1 (BBC PD)
Recursive Squares 2 (BBC PD)
Recursive Squares 3 (BBC PD)
Recursive Swastika (BBC PD)
Recursive Tree (BBC PD)
Recursive Trisquares (BBC PD)
Recursive Xmas Tree (BBC PD)
VDU 19 Showing Off (BBC PD)
TBI-215 Computer and Video Games Collection 2D1A 54 305
This is the complete archive of BBC Micro games published in the monthly magazine C&VG (Computer & Video Games), which was one of the longest-running computer magazines in the United Kingdom. All of these are games, usually BASIC or hybrid, and of varying quality. There is a DFS and an ADFS version of this disc. The games run on the BBC B, Master 128 and Electron. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending this to 8BS.
Alien Chase
Ball Trap
Cave Flight
Dodge City
Dodgems 2
Four Colours
Frantic Farmer
Grand Prix
Haggis Bash
Hunchback Rescue
Key Chase
Mad Muncher
Missile Command
Noughts And Crosses
Operation Kristos
Purple Turtles
Smarty Berty
Super Sharks
Tank Battle
The Enchanted Castle
World Cup
World War One
TBI-216 Images from Image2BBC 2xD 34 588
Two disc images, one single sided and one double sided. These contain images converted by the program 'Image2BBC' later known as the 'BBC Micro Image Converter'. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending these to 8BS.
TBI-217 The Animation Station Demos 1D 26 81
A selection of animation demos originally downloaded from The Animation Station Bulletin Boards back in 1988. All of these demos work on the BBC B, B+, Master 128 and Acorn Electron. Thanks to Dave Edwards.
Agitated Maze, Ball Bearing, Boxes In, Boxes Out, Boxes Out In, Corridor, Ellipse Spin, Flipped Square, Foxes Head, Haileys Comet, In Betweening, Kites Tail, Pulsing Words, Read All About It, Running Lines, Simple Arrows, Space Planets, Spinning Cube, Animation Station Title, Trench Swoop 1, Trench Swoop 2, Water Fountain, Wheel Spin
TBI-218 The Arabic Demos 1D 18 202
A selection of demos produced by Acornsoft that were designed as the 'attract' mode for a BBC Micro in a shop window. Thanks to Dave Edwards.
Acorn Computer Logo Demo
Acornsoft View In Mode 7 Animation
Arabic BBC Micro Spotlight Demo
Arabix Welcome Demo
Archway View Animation Demo
TBI-219 BBC Micro Wargaming 1D 28 185
A collection of wargames (and utilities to construct others) which accompany the book BBC Micro Wargaming by Collins Software. Thanks to Dave Edwards.
Armymaker, Bena 2352, Bridge, Bridge2, Datasorter, Editdata, Invasion 1066, Mapmaker, Paris 1814, Tablemaker
TBI-220 Jukebox 1D 18 61
A selection of music demos for the BBC B, B+ and Master 128. The origins of this PD disc are unknown. It features a bunch of professional four-channel music demos which execute in machine code and play on interrupt. Thanks to Dave Edwards. Note by CJR This disc did not run correctly in Beebem Master 128 emulation but worked fine in BBC Model B emulation.
TBI-221 Negative Charge Music Library 67 -- --
A library of 67 disc images by Negative Charge who has a website here: and was active up until late 2023. All of these discs are compatible with the BBC B, B+ and Master 128 and feature four-channel music demos which have been converted from many different 8-bit formats to the BBC. Thanks to Dave Edwards for this. I have included all of these discs in one zipped file. A full description of the content of each disc is included in the zip. There are 25 DSD discs and 42 SSD discs
TBI-222 Enigma Game 1D 15 55
From Dave Edwards: Enigma released by Cervin Games, written by Daniel Pugh who wrote many of the music demos in the BBC PD library. Enigma is an overhead maze game. Pretty good, fast-executing machine code game. From CJR There are two disc images in the zip file. tbi222.ssd has page set to &1100 and will work on a Master 128 but will not work on a standard BBC Model B. tbi222-BBC-BDA.ssd has page set at &1900 and will work on a standard BBC Model B
TBI-223 Paranoid Game 1D 18 73
From Dave Edwards. Paranoid released by Cervin Games, written by Daniel Pugh who wrote many of the music demos in the BBC PD library. Paranoid is a fast-paced, flick-screen platformer. From CJR There are two disc images in the zip file that appear to be the same apart from the !BOOT file.
TBI-224 Weird Dreams Graphics 3x2D 66 801
Weird Dreams Graphics. Three discs (5 sides used) programmed by Dave Edwards. Graphics from the game Weird Dreams. Best explained by the text file within the download. Thanks Dave.
TBI-225 Primary Programs 1D 30 131
Thanks to Dave Edwards for this.
I found this disc which comes from a little-known PD company called Dragonrider PD. I don't know of any other discs by them.
Primary Programs From Dragonrider PD
1. Even Two In
2. Counting Time
3. Adding Time
4. Chain Letters
TBI-226 The Book of Listings 1D 31 87
Thanks once more to Dave Edwards for this.
The Book Of Listings:
A selection of programs, mostly games, originally published in the BBCSoft book of the same name, written by Martyn Bryant.
3D Super Plot (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Bomb Squad (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Cairo (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Chardef (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Codebreaker (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Dome Dweller (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Fairground Organ (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Franglais (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Gomoku (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Goodbye (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Grafix (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Life (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Little Eliza (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Magic Square (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Masterword (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Numbfinger (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Outlaw (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Poet (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Racetrack (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Rain Catcher (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Reversi (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Romland (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Safari (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Space Storm (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Turtle Graphics (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Tyranno (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Wordsquare (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
TBI-227 The Second Book of Listings 1D 21 91
From Dave Edwards:
The Second Book Of Listings:
A further selection of programs, mostly games, originally published in the BBCSoft book of the same name, written by Martyn Bryant.
Awari (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Backgammon (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Balrog (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Coffee Adventure (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Edit (BBCSoft/BBC Publications) gives a NO ROOM error
Graves (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
March (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Meteors (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Mine (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Queens (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Quiz (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Rebel (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Ricochet Golf (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Rollers (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Rotate (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Slalom (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Solitaire (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
Towers of Hanoi (BBCSoft/BBC Publications)
TBI-228 The Adventure Collection 4x2D 176 1375
From Dave Edwards 24 Feb 2025
Here are four more PD compilation discs for the TBI library - they are all the adventures that were not professionally released but which leaked out, or were written by home coders and distributed in playgrounds. As I've been building everygamegoing, I've found that these exist in quite a few places - type-in magazines and sometimes in slightly different formats (i.e. with obvious bugfixes and spelling/grammar fixes applied). These are my "definitive" versions, so don't be peturbed if you've seen many of them elsewhere.
Adventures 01
Bungle Brothers (BBC PD)
Dilithium Station Zero (BBC PD)
Dreadnaught (BBC PD)
Easy Adventure (BBC PD)
First Contact (BBC PD)
Gateway To Karos (BBC PD)
Greenfingers (BBC PD)
I Spy Red (The Ice Man)
Inca Treasure (BBC PD)
Adventures 02
Insomnia (The Ice Man)
Plague Planet (Alpine)
Secret Garden (BBC PD)
The Little Kingdom (BBC PD)
Mirror Of Khoronz (Derek Haslam)
Village Of Secrets (BBC PD)
Adventures 03
Colditz Adventure (BBC PD)
Dungeon Level 99 (Duckworth)
Garden Quest (A&B Computing)
Haunted House (Usborne)
Island Of Secrets (BBC PD)
Jungle Search (BBC PD)
Landlord Adventure (Electron Computing)
Mad Island (BBC PD)
On The Way To The Interview (Duckworth)
Pharoah's Curse (Home Computing Weekly)
Planet Of Muton (Duckworth)
The Mystery Of Silver Mountain (Usborne)
The Sea Queen (BBC PD)
Time Balls (BBC PD)
Winter Wonderland (Incentive)
Adventures 04
Aladdin (Steve Lucas)
Dinosaur Adventure (BBC PD)
Dracula Adventure (BBC PD)
Dragon's Tooth (Incentive)
Flight Of The Unicorn (BBC PD)
Gnome Adventure (Argus Press)
Graveyard Escape (BBC PD)
Kidnapped (BBC PD)
Martian Adventure (BBC PD)
Rainbow's End (D. D. Green)
Runestaff (BBC PD)
Satan's Challenge (BBC PD)
Shipwreck (BBC PD)
The Quest For The Last Baked Bean (BBC PD)