Submitted by Steve Fewell
The Keywords are listed one after the other. Each keyword contains the following parts
A) The Keyword itself
B) A 1-byte token value for the keyword (this value is always a negative value (>=&80) this
allows BASIC to easily determine when a Keyword stops and the token begins
(as to save space, the keywords are not stored as BASIC strings (which terminate with a
binary 0)).
C) A 1-byte flag value (this flag describes certain attibutes of the keyword and is used
by BASIC to syntax check the program and determine whether the keyword has been used
correctly or not.
The Keywords are listed in the order that BASIC evaluates keyword abbreviations.
I.e. AND is listed before ABS, so BASIC will interpret "A." as AND (not ABS).
The 1-byte flag associated with each Keyword has the following meanings depending
on which bit is set (a keyword may have a flag with many bits set at the same time):
Bit 0 - Conditional tokenisation (don't tokenise if followed by an alphabetic character).
This flag indicates that the keyword can safely be used as the start of a variable name (without being
tokenised as a keyword).
Bit 1 - Go into "middle of Statement" mode.
Bit 2 - Go into "Start of Statement" mode.
Bit 3 - FN/PROC keyword - don't tokenise the name of the subroutine.
Bit 4 - Start tokenising a line number now (after a GOTO, etc...).
Bit 5 - Don't tokenise rest of line (REM,DATA keyword, etc...)
Bit 6 - Pseudo variable flag - add &40 to token if found at the start of a statement.
I.e. this will apply to "PAGE=x" but not to "x=PAGE".
Bit 7 - Unused.
This values will be described at a later date, when the relevant routines are described.
This list is used for tokenising and de-tokenising (in REPORT/LIST) a program.
Note that the open bracket of many functions is included as part of the token,
so that when abreviating the function name (i.e. LE.) you must not include the open bracket.
Address of first char of Keyword | Keyword | Token | Flag (byte 7 first) |
&8456 | AND | &80 | 00000000 |
&845B | ABS | &94 | 00000000 |
&8460 | ACS | &95 | 00000000 |
&8465 | ADVAL | &96 | 00000000 |
&846C | ASC | &97 | 00000000 |
&8471 | ASN | &98 | 00000000 |
&8476 | ATN | &99 | 00000000 |
&847B | AUTO | &C6 | 00010000 |
&8481 | BGET | &9A | 00000001 |
&8487 | BPUT | &D5 | 00000011 |
&848D | COLOUR | &FB | 00000010 |
&8495 | CALL | &D6 | 00000010 |
&849B | CHAIN | &D7 | 00000010 |
&84A2 | CHR$ | &BD | 00000000 |
&84A8 | CLEAR | &D8 | 00000001 |
&84AF | CLOSE | &D9 | 00000011 |
&84B6 | CLG | &DA | 00000001 |
&84BB | CLS | &DB | 00000001 |
&84C0 | COS | &9B | 00000000 |
&84C5 | COUNT | &9C | 00000001 |
&84CC | COLOR | &FB | 00000010 |
&84D3 | DATA | &DC | 00100000 |
&84D9 | DEG | &9D | 00000000 |
&84DE | DEF | &DD | 00000000 |
&84E3 | DELETE | &C7 | 00010000 |
&84EB | DIV | &81 | 00000000 |
&84F0 | DIM | &DE | 00000010 |
&84F5 | DRAW | &DF | 00000010 |
&84FB | ENDPROC | &E1 | 00000001 |
&8504 | END | &E0 | 00000001 |
&8509 | ENVELOPE | &E2 | 00000010 |
&8513 | ELSE | &8B | 00010100 |
&8519 | EVAL | &A0 | 00000000 |
&851F | ERL | &9E | 00000001 |
&8524 | ERROR | &85 | 00000100 |
&852B | EOF | &C5 | 00000001 |
&8530 | EOR | &82 | 00000000 |
&8535 | ERR | &9F | 00000001 |
&853A | EXP | &A1 | 00000000 |
&853F | EXT | &A2 | 00000001 |
&8544 | EDIT | &CE | 00010000 |
&854A | FOR | &E3 | 00000010 |
&854F | FALSE | &A3 | 00000001 |
&8556 | FN | &A4 | 00001000 |
&855A | GOTO | &E5 | 00010010 |
&8560 | GET$ | &BE | 00000000 |
&8566 | GET | &A5 | 00000000 |
&856B | GOSUB | &E4 | 00010010 |
&8572 | GCOL | &E6 | 00000010 |
&8578 | HIMEM | &93 | 01000011 |
&857F | INPUT | &E8 | 00000010 |
&8586 | IF | &E7 | 00000010 |
&858A | INKEY$ | &BF | 00000000 |
&8592 | INKEY | &A6 | 00000000 |
&8599 | INT | &A8 | 00000000 |
&859E | INSTR( | &A7 | 00000000 |
&85A6 | LIST | &C9 | 00010000 |
&85AC | LINE | &86 | 00000000 |
&85B2 | LOAD | &C8 | 00000010 |
&85B8 | LOMEM | &92 | 01000011 |
&85BF | LOCAL | &EA | 00000010 |
&85C6 | LEFT$( | &C0 | 00000000 |
&85CE | LEN | &A9 | 00000000 |
&85D3 | LET | &E9 | 00000100 |
&85D8 | LOG | &AB | 00000000 |
&85DD | LN | &AA | 00000000 |
&85E1 | MID$( | &C1 | 00000000 |
&85E8 | MODE | &EB | 00000010 |
&85EE | MOD | &83 | 00000000 |
&85F3 | MOVE | &EC | 00000010 |
&85F9 | NEXT | &ED | 00000010 |
&85FF | NEW | &CA | 00000001 |
&8604 | NOT | &AC | 00000000 |
&8609 | OLD | &CB | 00000001 |
&860E | ON | &EE | 00000010 |
&8612 | OFF | &87 | 00000000 |
&8617 | OR | &84 | 00000000 |
&861B | OPENIN | &8E | 00000000 |
&8623 | OPENOUT | &AE | 00000000 |
&862C | OPENUP | &AD | 00000000 |
&8634 | OSCLI | &FF | 00000010 |
&863B | &F1 | 00000010 | |
&8642 | PAGE | &90 | 01000011 |
&8648 | PTR | &8F | 01000011 |
&864D | PI | &AF | 00000001 |
&8651 | PLOT | &F0 | 00000010 |
&8657 | POINT( | &B0 | 00000000 |
&865F | PROC | &F2 | 00001010 |
&8665 | POS | &B1 | 00000001 |
&866A | RETURN | &F8 | 00000001 |
&8672 | REPEAT | &F5 | 00000000 |
&867A | REPORT | &F6 | 00000001 |
&8682 | READ | &F3 | 00000010 |
&8688 | REM | &F4 | 00100000 |
&868D | RUN | &F9 | 00000001 |
&8692 | RAD | &B2 | 00000000 |
&8697 | RESTORE | &F7 | 00010010 |
&86A0 | RIGHT$( | &C2 | 00000000 |
&86A9 | RND | &B3 | 00000001 |
&86AE | RENUMBER | &CC | 00010000 |
&86B8 | STEP | &88 | 00000000 |
&86BE | SAVE | &CD | 00000010 |
&86C4 | SGN | &B4 | 00000000 |
&86C9 | SIN | &B5 | 00000000 |
&86CE | SQR | &B6 | 00000000 |
&86D3 | SPC | &89 | 00000000 |
&86D8 | STR$ | &C3 | 00000000 |
&86DE | STRING$( | &C4 | 00000000 |
&86E8 | SOUND | &D4 | 00000010 |
&86EF | STOP | &FA | 00000001 |
&86F5 | TAN | &B7 | 00000000 |
&86FA | THEN | &8C | 00010100 |
&8700 | TO | &B8 | 00000000 |
&8704 | TAB( | &8A | 00000000 |
&870A | TRACE | &FC | 00010010 |
&8711 | TIME | &91 | 01000011 |
&8717 | TRUE | &B9 | 00000001 |
&871D | UNTIL | &FD | 00000010 |
&8724 | USR | &BA | 00000000 |
&8729 | VDU | &EF | 00000010 |
&872E | VAL | &BB | 00000000 |
&8733 | VPOS | &BC | 00000001 |
&8739 | WIDTH | &FE | 00000010 |
&8740 | PAGE | &D0 | 00000000 |
&8746 | PTR | &CF | 00000000 |
&874B | TIME | &D1 | 00000000 |
&8751 | LOMEM | &D2 | 00000000 |
&8758 | HIMEM | &D3 | 00000000 |
&875F | Missing [+ ASCII 32 (Space)] | &8D | 00000000 |