Links Checked/Fixed/Updated 03/02/2025
8BS Magazines on line
Matt Robinson's on line 8BS magazine project. Conversions of the original 8BS magazine for the web. Although they are now on the 8BS website here
Association of Acorn User Groups
Acorn Electron
The Acorn Electron Haven maintained by Dave Edwards
Gaming Pages
Gareth Moore. Gareth used to run GLM PD
Acorn User Scans
Dave Edwards has scanned The Acorn User magazines and made them available on DVD
Angus Duggan's Page
Angus Duggan's page. Containing, amongst other things, a plan for an Eprom programmer.
BBC Connect
Brian Jones's Front end for BBC Emulators
BBC Games Site
Crispin Boylan. Crispin is trying to gather together a full collection of info
BBC Mailing List
To join the BBC mailing list visit here
BBC Pages
Ian Reid
BBC Basic for Windows programmers
BBC Basic at On various platforms by Jonathan Harston
BBC BASIC Programming Language (where you can download versions of BBC BASIC for Windows, MS-DOS, Z80-based CP/M, Amstrad CPC, Tatung Enstein, RISC OS (Brandy BASIC), Brandy BASIC for NetBSD/OpenBSD/FreeBSD/Linux/AmigaOS/Mac OS X/ MS-DOS/WinCE
BBC Micro Games Archive
The place to go for any BBC Micro Game. Download or play on line
Michael Foot
Maintained by Ian Wolstenholme
Beebdroid the Android BBC emulator
Classic Acorn
Maintained by Richard Hall (Master 512)
A website from Yellow Pig. Very good for the Master 512 in particular. There is also a disc image manipulator here called 'Beeb Image'
Deskthority Wiki
Info about keyboards and switches
Educational Software Archive Flax Cottage
A large collection of well documented and regularly updated educational downloads
Ian Bell's Elite pages
Jonathan G Harston
John Kortink
A website with some interesting hardware available. GoMMC. ReTuLa and much more
Jon Welch's DFS and ADFS Explorer
PC software for manipulating disc images.
JS Beeb
JSBeeb. On line Javascript BBC emulator by Matt Godbolt. Load and run your own disc images or those from The Stairway To Hell
Master Compact Emulator
Music 5000
Olivetti Prodest PC128S (Italian Master Compact). Proteus075 websites 1 2. Another website.
Web-site of leisure ideas and creations for people with Severe Learning Disabilities,
including a BBC Micro used to help people speak, roll dice, and pick numbers.
Paul Granjon's Z Lab
Has some eclectic BBC related stuff.
R T Russell
BBC Pages, Including BBC Basic Tutorial and BBC Basic 86 Manual.
Signetics 2650
An interesting page where Voltmace gear is examined
Stardot Forum
A lively and busy Beeb forum, well worth a visit
System 1
An excellent site describing the System 1 by Mike Cowlishaw
Telcontar, an entertaining website by Daniel Beardsmore with this BBC page
The BBC Lives!
After a long break, it's back in the 8BS links page. A great resource for the BBC computer. A lot of stuff to delve in to here.
The National Museum Of Computing
Has one of the best collections of fully-working 8-bit machines anywhere in the world.
A classroom of BBC Micros and also examples of everything that Acorn ever made: Phoebe, BBC ARM development kit, Domesday laser discs etc.
Most material also digitised including all BEEBUGs and RISC User in searchable form
Thomas Harte's Electron Emulation
Thomas Hart's Electron Emulation site
Tim's Amstrad Users Site
Contains some BBC Basic downloads
US Master 128 website
Robbie Harrison
Year 2000 Fixes
M128 Y2K Fix
Andrew Benham's Y2K Fix
Mark Bush's free ROM Fix