Here is, in one page, all the useful information and help from elsewhere on the 8BS website
8 Bit Acorn Webring | The 8-Bit Acorn Webring. Or rather a webpage of links that used to be a webring |
8BS Catalogue | The entire collection of free and downloadable BBC discs |
8BS CD on Archimedes | Using an 8BS CD with disc images on an Archimedes |
8BS History | The story of 8BS right from the start |
8BS Magazine | Information about and view the original 8BS disc based magazine |
8BS Magazine | View the 8BS disc magazine |
A&B | Scans of the A&B magazine covers |
About 8BS | Information about 8BS |
Acorn | A discussion about Acorn, why I think it failed |
Acorn App Notes | Acorn Application Notes in Adobe Acrobat format. Thanks to Nick B |
Acorn Emulation | Emulation of the BBC on an Acorn machine |
Acorn History | The 8 bit history of Acorn |
Acorn Magazines | A list of all the Acorn 8 bit magazines |
Acorn Programs | Acorn Programs magazine cover scans |
Acorn User | Acorn User Magazine scans |
ADFS Utilities | Raf Giaccio's ADFS Utilities ROM |
All Acorn Machines | A list of all Acorn 8 bit machines |
Ample Patch | A patch to bypass the Ample music synthesizer system software protection |
Animations | Animated BBC related items |
Atom | About the Atom |
Barnsley Rovers | A page dedicated to my Granfather and the 9th and 20th Barnsley Rover Scouts. There are scans of 2 logs here that are well worth looking at |
Basic Disassembly | Basic ROM disassembly |
BBC B | Technical information about the BBC B. Mapped scan of the motherboard and linked information about it |
BBC B+ | Technical information about the BBC B+. Mapped scan of the motherboard and linked information about it |
BBC Emulators | Information about BBC Emulators and links to the ROM downloads |
BeeBug | Beebug magazine cover scans |
Board Repair | Repair to legs on a Watford 12 ROM board |
Bones Demos 1 2 | The Bones Demos as AVI movies. Bones 1. Bones 2 |
Byteback | The ByteBack Magazines. Scans |
C++ Basic Emulation | An article and download about BBC Basic emulation on the PC |
Carol's Cats | My Daughter's Cats |
CD on BBC | A short article about using a CD player on a BBC |
Cheat Discs | A download of cheat disc images |
Cheating in an Emulator | Cheating at games on the BBC emulator. Includes using a PC program to hack the emulator |
Comal | About the Comal language |
Credits | Thanks to all of these people |
Cub Monitor | Packing a Cub Monitor. You will find the cub monitor manual on the 'Manuals' page |
DataCentre | The RetroClinic DataCantre USB for the BBC |
DFS on a Tape BBC | The ins and outs of fitting a Disc Filing System to a tape only BBC |
Disc Drive Connectors | An article about BBC disc drive connectors |
Disk User | Disk User Magazine scans and PDFs |
Domesday | Photos of the Domesday System |
Download info | Information about the downloads from the 8BS website |
Ebay Master | A Master supposedly sold on Ebay |
Econet | Econet Utilities and info. This page is a little sparse at the moment. I need help here please! |
ElbUG Magazine | ElbUG Magazine scans |
Electron | Technical information about the Electron. Mapped scan of the motherboard and linked information about it |
Electron Games | Electron games reviews. Also very useful as a guide to all Acorn 8 bit games |
Elite | An article about the Game for the BBC |
Elite | All about one of the best BBC Games |
Emulator | Someone's thoughts on why the real BBC is better than an emulator |
Enquiry Form | |
Eprom programmer | Angus Duggan's home made Eprom programmer |
EEPROMs on the BEEB | Programming EEPROMs for the BEEB using the PC |
Extend Catalogue | Extended Disc Catalogue |
fdc info | Some help for the file transfer software called fdc |
File Transfer | Transferring files between BBC and PC. Everything I know about the subject including filetypes and all sorts of other info |
Fit a DFS | Disc interface fitting instructions. Includes a list of the required parts |
Fit a Genlock | Fitting a Genlock video titling hardware into a Master 128 |
Flashing LED | How to make the BBC LEDs flash |
Font | BBC Mode 7 style font for the PC by Ollie Brerton |
Game Disassembly | Main page containing the available game disassemblies |
Game Maps | Game maps by Mark Usher. These are joined screenshots |
Game Solutions | A collection of BBC game solutions |
Game Maps | A collection of game maps made up from screenshots |
GoMMC | An amazing new piece of hardware to replace floppies and hard drives using a card |
Guestbook | View or sign the 8BS guestbook |
Hints and Tips | A couple of hundred hints and tips |
Home Made BBC | Photographs of a home made BBC B computer |
Horrors | Various bad things about things in general |
Humour | Light relief |
Interface | Scans of the Interface magazine covers |
Internet | A very old article about using the internet |
Internet | Using the internet on Acorn hardware. An old article |
John Ilsley | The John Ilsley articles including an introduction to electronics. Build a moisture detector, continuous alarm, low voltage warning and lightpen |
Join 2 BBCs | Joining 2 BBCs with the RS423 ports |
Keyboard repair | Repairing the Acorn 8 bit keyboards with photos |
Let's Compute | Scans of the Let's Compute magazine covers |
Links | Links to other mainly BBC related websites |
Magazines | The Acorn 8 Bit magazines and links to PDFs |
Manuals | Manuals related to the Acorn 8 bit machines. Includes scans of manuals. Manuals in HTML format and finished OCRed manuals. Games and cheats. All recovered from The BBC Documentation Project. Also including the Hubert Nooiijen section, a substantial number of PDF scans |
Master 128 | Technical information about the Master 128. Mapped scan of the motherboard and linked information about it |
Master 512 Interrupts | The Master 512 Interrupts |
Master CMOS | Sorting out the Master battery backed CMOS |
Master Compact | Page of images and mapped information |
Master Repair | Movie in AVI format of a Master 128 repair. Download |
Music 500/5000 | Setting up emulation of the Music 500 and Music5000 |
Master ROM Upgrade | The Master 128 MOS Upgrade. All about the changes from the original MOS |
Mouse | Converting a PC mouse to work on the BBC |
Mullard Codes | Mullard capacitor colour code conversion |
Music | BBC related music. Includes downloads of disc images, .wav and .mp3 files |
Native Disc Formats | Different disc formats. Useful info for reading discs in using fdc |
New | What's new on the 8BS website |
Omnidisk | Disc imaging utility by Jason Watton |
People | Photographs of folks I know |
Photographs | A very large collection of BBC related photographs |
Postage | Postal Service Horrors |
Prices | A Weserve pricelist from 1986 for BBC related items |
Primary Numbers | An article about, yes, primary numbers |
Questionnaire | Light relief |
Repton | Passwords Maps Repton 2 |
Reviews | A large collection of BBC software reviews |
Roast | A type in listing to time your roast. Also an exercise in transfer of text from PC to BBC |
Rom Removal | Various methods of ROM removal |
Scans | Scans of leaflets, manual covers and software packaging covers |
Scart | BBC B RGB to SCART wiring |
Shows | Photos and video from several shows that 8BS has attended over the years |
Startup Sounds | BBC startup sounds |
Starturn Lathe | The Starturn lathe problem that someone had |
Submissions | The 8BS website 'On Line Magazine' |
Tape Reliability | An article about tape loading reliability on the Electron |
Tape to Disc | Articles from Albert Schofield about transferring tape to disc |
Teletext Font | Info on how to make a BBC teletext font on the PC |
Teletext Font | A page containing a set of Teletext Characters |
Testing a BBC | Restoration of a BBC in pictures |
The Disk User | Disk User Animations as AVI Large File Small File (right click link and 'Save As' to save to your hard disc) |
The Micro User | The Micro User Magazine scans |
Tools | Disc and BASIC manipulation tools |
Tyndale | In the footsteps of Tyndale |
Y2K Fix | Mark Bush's Y2K for the Master 128 year 2000 bug (bugged) |
Y2K Fix | Raf Giaccio's fix for Mark Bush's bugged Y2K fix |
Y2K Fix | Raf Giaccio's ROM fix for the Master 128 year 2000 bug. This includes an ADFS *WIPE command |
Y2K Fix | Edmund Burke's software fix for the Master 128 year 2000 bug |
Y2K Fix | Colin Culpitt-Smith's software solution to the Master year 2000 bug |
Y2K Fixes | All the Master year 2000 bug fixes |
You're Alan Partridge | A new game by Dave Edwards. |