The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library
What's New?
Originally, this page was a quick way of updating what was going on at 8BS HQ. However, as it has had nothing removed from it since the 5th of March 1997, it serves as a good history of 8BS if you read it from bottom upwards.
- 06/02/2025 Many minor alterations to the 8BS website. Many fixes to broken links, html finger slips and outright dumb errors. There will always be more mistakes, so don't be shy, please let me know of any problems you may come across. The Steve Fewell BASIC Disassembly section has many gaps (any volunteers to fix this?). Previously, links to none existent parts resulted in a 404 error page. These errors are now trapped and handled with a little more civility.
- 28/01/2025 Jess has enabled SSL on the 8BS website. As I had been using absolute links, this required a major update to the website. This is hopefully complete but if you spot any problems, please contact me through the 8-Bit Software Enquiry Form and I will get on to it
- 24/01/2025 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending three disc images for the TBI section. They are: TBI-225, Primary Programs. TBI-226 The book of Listings and TBI-227 The Second Book of Listings. Also, thank you to Stephen for pointing out the broken link to BBC-101, now fixed
- 03/01/2025 Six new additions for the A&B cover discs. 05-12 06-03 06-04 06-10 06-11 and 06-12. Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing these in for us.
- 30/12/2024 Dave Edwards has sent two more typed in disc images from A&B. Today it is A&B-06-08 August 1989 and A&B-06-09 September 1989. Thanks Dave
- 28/12/2024 Two new A&B additions from Dave Edwards. A&B-06-05 May 1989 and A&B-06-07 July 1989. Thanks again Dave
- 25/12/2024 Minor updates (bug fixes) to BUG-01-08 and A&B-06-02
- 24/12/2024 Dave Edwards has send a further addition for the A&B section. Feb 1989 in the calalogue as A&B-06-02. Thanks Dave
- 23/12/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards for compiling a new disc for the A&B section. Jan 1989 aab06-01
- 03/12/2024 TBI-224 available. Weird Dreams Graphics. Dave Edwards programmed these 3 discs from the 1989 Amiga game. Explanation within the download. Thanks Dave.
- 20/11/2024 Two new additions to the TBI section of the downloads. TBI-222 Enigma and TBI-223 Paranoia. Two excellent games well worth a look at. Thanks to Dave Edwards for finding these and sending them to 8BS.
- 13/11/2024 Added to the TBI section of the download catalogue:
TBI-217 The Animation Station Demos
TBI-218 The Arabic Demos
TBI-219 BBC Micro Wargames
TBI-220 Jukebox. Some new tunes (to 8BS)
TBI-221 67 Discs of music from the Negative Charge PD library
All these thanks once more to Dave Edwards
Today, I re-examined and documented the size of 8BS and its pool of disc images. It is now over 65 gig on my hard drive from the last calculation of 50 a few years ago. The surprising thing I discovered though was the number of disc images 8BS sports. The main page proudly stated over 2000 for a number of years which was a guesstimate. Today, I did a proper search of the 8BS directory to discover the following:
14,941 images which break down into the following:
.DSD 2,226
.SSD 10,247
.ADL 894
.ADM 264
.ADS 1
.DOS 345
.ADF 142
.UEF 684
.IMG 122
.640 7
.800 9.
That represents a lot of individual files (it must be hundreds of thousands) and a lot of work from a lot of people. It's great to be part of a community preserving this stuff.
- 12/11/2024 TBI-215 added to the downloads. The complete archive of BBC Micro games published in the monthly magazine C&VG (Computer & Video Games). The zip contains both the DFS and ADFS versions of the collection. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending this to us. The Model B Computing (MBC) section of the library has been updated, so if you downloaded any of these discs before 0850 today, please delete these and download them again. The DSD images are now SSD. TBI-187 text adventure updated with a second disc image added. The new version is single loading and uses Mode 7. So for compatibility with the Electron, the original multi loading version is included in the download. TBI-216 added to the downloads, 2 discs of images converted by Image2BBC. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending these.
- 11/11/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards and The Organ Grinder's Monkey for an update to TBI-181, a further demo added to The Ricky Gervais Show. Thanks once again to Dave Edwards for sending a new addition to the TBI section. TBI-214. A disc of recursion demos by Jan Vibe. Taken from the BBC Lives! website many years ago.
- 10/11/2024 Dave Edwards has sent 5 collections to add and update to the PD Library. Thanks Dave.
1. Update to the Acorn Programs Discs (APD) section. We now have issues 2, 3 and 6 added. Issue 5 is updated with the BBC B versions added as previously only the Electron versions were on this disc.
2. TBI-212 added to the TBI section. The Laserbug Collection. A collection of all the PD games that were published in Laserbug magazine, a mail order magazine from the early Eighties.
3. TBI-213 This is a collection of Public Domain stuff that Dave Edwards has put together from a number of places. It is the library of 0xc0de. 0xc0de was a prolific Acorn Electron games developer and "tinkerer". Dave has put all of his projects onto a set of six single sided menu-driven compilation discs all zipped into one download.
4. A new section to the 8BS PD library. PCW Popular Computing Weekly. Compiled into 6 single sided discs by Dave. Containing early works of people that went on to write popular games.
5. Another new section is TWM Tom's Walker's Music Library. Originally released in 2010, these discs were only available for a short period of time but fortunately were preserved by Dave E and sent to 8BS.
12/10/2024 Dave Edwards has sent a further 6 disc images. This time, the rest of the BeeBug cover tapes put on to single sided disc images. Volume 1 Issues 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 to add to 4 and 5 that he sent last time. Now available in the BUG section of the download catalogue. Thank you Dave, amazing work. Dave promises there is a lot more stuff to follow too.
- 10/10/2024 Dave Edwards has recovered from two tapes, two very early Beebug companion tapes and put the contents on to two disc images now included in the BUG section of the 8BS download catalogue. They are from Beebug Volume 1 and are issues 4 and 5. Thanks again Dave.
- 10/10/2024 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for updating The Model B Computing Companion tapes and discs. If you previously downloaded these, please delete your downloads and take copies of these new ones as Dave has updated the menus. I have made a change to the disc download catalogue. TBI-199 that contained the MBC discs is now removed from the catalogue and a new section MBC is created to hold the Model B Computing section.
- 06/10/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the 46 Acorn related 'Your Computer' companion discs to 8BS. They are available in the download catalogue in a new section 'YCM'. Volume 04 Issue 08 does not exist, apparently due to industrial action at the time.
- 04/10/2024 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for transferring all of the Model B Computing Magazine tapes to disc. The 10 DSD disc images are now available within the original download in TBI-199. This includes all of the tape images in .uef format and issue 8 which up to now had been missing from the 8BS library.
- 12/10/2024 Dave Edwards has sent a further 6 disc images. This time, the rest of the BeeBug cover tapes put on to single sided disc images. Volume 1 Issues 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 to add to 4 and 5 that he sent last time. Now available in the BUG section of the download catalogue. Thank you Dave, amazing work. Dave promises there is a lot more stuff to follow too.
- 10/10/2024 Dave Edwards has recovered from two tapes, two very early Beebug companion tapes and put the contents on to two disc images now included in the BUG section of the 8BS download catalogue. They are from Beebug Volume 1 and are issues 4 and 5. Thanks again Dave.
- 10/10/2024 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for updating The Model B Computing Companion tapes and discs. If you previously downloaded these, please delete your downloads and take copies of these new ones as Dave has updated the menus. I have made a change to the disc download catalogue. TBI-199 that contained the MBC discs is now removed from the catalogue and a new section MBC is created to hold the Model B Computing section.
- 06/10/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the 46 Acorn related 'Your Computer' companion discs to 8BS. They are available in the download catalogue in a new section 'YCM'. Volume 04 Issue 08 does not exist, apparently due to industrial action at the time.
- 04/10/2024 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for transferring all of the Model B Computing Magazine tapes to disc. The 10 DSD disc images are now available within the original download in TBI-199. This includes all of the tape images in .uef format and issue 8 which up to now had been missing from the 8BS library.
- 02/10/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending us a disc containing all 27 of the game type in programs from 'Games Computing' now available as TBI-211
- 28/09/2024 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a new addition to the TBI section. TBI-210 a disc of 9 games from various 'Personal Computer' magazines
- 30/03/2024 Thanks to Chris Fox for searchable PDF scans of the missing Acorn Computing (Was The Micro User) Magazines. 116, 117, 119 to 125, 127 to 131, 133 to 135 and 144.
- 17/02/2024 Thanks to Steve for a decent scan of the View Guide Second Edition, now placed in the manuals section.
- 7/09/2023 Thanks to Hubert Nooijen for 25 new additions to his epic work in the Manuals section, the following PDFs added to the collection: Colossus-Chess. The-DOSFS-ROM-User-Guide. Acorn\65C102-Co-Processor-User-Guide. Acorn\Master-Compact-Welcome-Guide. Acorn-User\ViewChart. Acornsoft\Aviator. Acornsoft\Database. Acornsoft\Termulator. Acornsoft\ViewIndex-Readme. Acornsoft\ViewSheet-User-Guide. Acornsoft\C\C-Configuration-Guide. Acornsoft\C\C-Release-Notes. Acornsoft\Chemical-Structures\Chemical-Structures. Acornsoft\Chemical-Structures\Students-Notes-Bonding. Acornsoft\Chemical-Structures\Students-Notes-Shape. Books\BBC-Micro-Advanced-Programming. Books\Guide-to-the-BBC-Roms. Books\Intelligent-Adventures-for-the-Electron-and-the-BBC-Microcomputers. Books\Introductie-in-CPM. Books\Op-avontuur-met-de-BBC. Books\Software-for-the-BBC-Micro. Books\The-BBC-Micro-Book-(McGregor-&-Watt). Books\The-BBC-Micro-Compendium. Hardware\ATPL-Sidewise-+-User-Manual. Hardware\ATPL-Sidewise-User-Manual. Torch-Computers\Perfect-Filer.
- 20/08/2023 More than a year since an update. Yes, still here. Correction to manuals download 'Applications' page. Description for Tonks Comms Interbase revealed after being hidden by my coding error. Umi Midi Sequencer section added to the 'Music' page. Thanks to 6funswede from Stardot for finding the manuals for it.
- 09/07/2022 Thank you to Mark Blackall for submitting some more CP/M disc images. Added to the TBI section as TBI-209. BASIC interpreters and compilers which will complement his previous submission of TBI-208.
- 04/01/2022 Thanks to Ian Clapperton for sending a scan of the Beebug Masterfile II manual. Added to the Manuals>Applications page
- 11/09/2021 BBC PD 172 ADDOS found and added to the download catalogue.
- 10/09/2021 Youtube video of the PC128S startup and Welcome disc added to the Pictures>Computers page. Personal Software Issue 4 placed on the magazines download page.
- 09/09/2021 Olivetti Prodest PC128S ROMset added to emulator info page. An album dedicated to the PC128S added to the 'Music' page. Errors in the recent PC128S additions to 8BS corrected, thanks to Carlo for pointing them out. A link to Stardot's thread on disassemblies put on the 'game>disassembly' page.
- 05/09/2021 Welcome disc for the Olivetti Prodest PC128S added to TBI-103-2. Links for Prodest PC128S related websites added to the Links page. Master Compact emulator link added to the Links page. Images of the Olivetti Prodest PC128S added to the Pictures>Computers page.
- 04/09/2021 Thanks to Proteus075 for finding a long missing entry for the BBC PD section of the catalogue, BBC98 Clipart and BBC115 Computu News. The Olivetti Prodest PC128S (Not to be confused with the similarly named but totally different Olivetti Prodest PC128) is the Italian version of the Master Compact, basically the same but packaged differently. This discovery has added a bunch of new stuff to the 8BS website, so here we go: To the Manuals>Essentials>Master page, The Welcome Guide and a manual. To the Manuals>Adverts page, 3 adverts. In the Magazines section, Issues 1 to 13 (but not 10 and 11) of the Olivetti Prodest User Magazine in PDF format. Thanks to Proteus075 for this. That's it for the moment but there is a lot more to come, watch this space.
- 03/09/2021 9 New entries to the JGH section. Various utilities
- 02/09/2021 Nine discs copied from the Mad Rabbit PD section (MRP) to the TYB section. This is to keep the TYB section comprehensive and the MRP section original.
- 01/09/2021 The disc download catalogue had become too large and needed splitting up. When the catalogue is selected, each section is then available from the slide-out menu. As it might be handy for quick searches, the original all in one version is still available. Thanks to Jess Rowbottom for updating the MRP collection with BB-005 Pubs of Wakefield and a fixed BB-034, now in the 8BS MRP section as MRP-005 and MRP-034.
- 29/08/2021 Two new entries into the TBI section of the download catalogue:
TBI-207 Procrastinet 4, sound samples. Thanks to Jess Rowbottom for finding this one.
TBI-208 Z80 CPM Collection. Thanks to Mark Blackall for this, he has converted 69 disc images from the Simtel CPMUG collection to .dsd format to work on the Z80 co-processor. Full list of discs and contents are provided within the zipped download.
- 28/08/2021 Thanks to Jess Rowbottom of Mad Rabbit Public Domain for imaging her full library and submitting it to 8BS. Now replacing what was in the 8BS MRP section with 85 new disc images.
- 10/06/2021 ARC-11 added to the download catalogue. A huge collection of Archimedes PD and Freeware.
- 30/05/2021 A new disc added to the TBI section. TBI206. Written in 2020-2021. A colourful Mode 7 text adventure by Lee Newsome (leenew) of stardot. This is a must for text adventure players. Not many locations but great puzzles, I completed the game in about 4 days so there's a good few hours of enjoyment in it. Please read the text file included with the zip.
- 26/05/2021 Master 512 games additions now checked with walkthroughs etc added where I could find them.
- 23/05/2021 More game additions to the Master 512 section here. 512-183 to 512-273, that's a further 91 disc images added. Thanks again to Marcus Ambler of Stardot for gathering these together for us. Over the coming days I will be tweaking the catalogue descriptions.
- 22/05/2021 Thanks to Marcus Ambler of Stardot for sorting out a stack of Master 512 games. I am working my way through them, adding them to the Master 512 section of the download catalogue here. Today, 65 additions 512-118 to 512-182. Expect another 90 in the coming days.
- 21/05/2021 Three new disc images added to the Acorn User section, August September and October 1994 cover discs. Thanks to Dunkinator and Lurkio on Stardot. Thanks to MrGpG and Lurkio of Stardot for two new additions to the Manuals>Publications downloads: Easy Add On Projects For Commodore 64, VIC20, BBC Micro & Acorn Electron. By Owen Bishop and A Science Teacher's Companion To The BBC Microcomputer
- 16/05/2021 GEM Discs and GW BASIC and added to the disc download 512 section
- 15/05/2021 Corrections and changes to the disc download catalogue: BBC-55 Mike Brudenell (correct name) has for many years been referred to by the wrong name in the catalogue. Corrected.
Three of the nine missing BBC PD discs sussed out. BBC-101 Soccer Challenge is the same as TBI-35. BBC-122 Star Trek is the same as BBC-164. BBC-150 History and Geography this is the same as BBC-124 and BBC-125 but in Mini Office 2 and plain text format. Another long standing error in the pool fixed, BBC-157 was a DSD (double sided) image intended as two SSD (single sided) images with no menu on side 2. I have split this DSD image into two SSD images and uploaded changed from containing one .dsd to two .ssd images and added a simple menu.
- 12/05/2021 A few tweaks to the '8BS Magazines Online' pages. They should display a little better on mobile devices
- 10/05/2021 Links page checked, fixed and updated
- 08/05/2021 Manuals many minor alterations and corrections. Too many to list.
PDF formats added to the following:
Fileserver Level 1 User Guide
Econet Level 2/3 Fileserver User Guide
JAFA Mode 7 Adapter Mark 2
Slogger Electron Rombox Plus
Master128 System ROM User Guide
Peartree Master ROM Cartridge Instructions
Superior Software Top tips
The Adventurers Companion
The BBC Micro Adventurer
This should now be all of the Manuals section downloads in easily readable format (all multiple page files converted to single files)
- 07/05/2021 Manuals>Applications View User Guide PDF version added
- 05/05/2021 Manuals>Publications changes:
BBC Operating System Annotated Disassembly, text version fixed, PDF version created.
512 User Guide Programs disc User Guide Images fixed, PDF created
512 Technical Guide, duplicate entry removed
- 04/05/2021 Bullseye added to game cover scans
Games manual Moonbase Beta duplicate info removed
Manuals>Games PDF versions added:
The Hobbit
Moonbase Beta
Superior software scans on the Manuals>Games page redone. I am particularly pleased with this one :-)
- 03/05/2021 Manuals>Essentials. PDF format added to Master Advance Reference Manual. Master Compact Welcome Guide cover image added to the two scannned manual versions.
Manuals>Games. PDF format added to:
Countdown to Doom
Defender, duplicate text removed, PDF added
Gateway To Karos
JCB Digger
Acornsoft Maze duplicate info removed
Tree of Knowledge
Omega Orb Solution tidied up
Indoor Soccer
Frankenstein 2000
Survivors, complete map added
Dunjunz duplicate info removed
Complete Games Guide RTF and PDF formats added
Red Arrows
Epic games
Karakombs name corrected to Katakombs and cover image added to manuals and cover scans pages
- 02/05/2021 Manuals>Econet. PDF formats added to:
Econet API
Econet Layers
Programmers Guide (parts)
Manuals>SJResearch all downloads now available in PDF
- 01/05/2021 Manuals>Articles PDF formats added: ADFS Info
Disc Drive and DFS Guide
Connecting a BBC To TVs. Plus RTF graphics added
Sideways Sound Effects
Master Motherboard Links
Michael Foot's Cheats
Manuals>Datasheest now all PDF versions available
- 28/04/2021 Manuals>Hardware>Archimedes All now available in PDF format
- 27/04/2021 Manuals>Applications section. PDF versions added to:
ACP Advanced Disc Investigator.
ADFS Utilities
ACP Advanced ROM Manager
BeeBug Astaad
Acorn User Discs: Bibliography - Gallery
- Listings
Forth Disassembly
BBC OS Annotated Disassembly
BeebUG C User Guide
Clares BROM
Cares Disk
Chalice Centurion
Enigma Disk Imager
Epson NLQ
EXDIS Extended Disassembler
Acorn Z80 Fileplan
Z80 GrafPlan. Also error in pages 16 and 17 fixed
Icon Art Master
Lisp SBL14
BeeBUG Magscan Bibliography
BeeBUG MasterROM (page numbering fixed)
MemoPlan also link to image version fixed
Micronet Terminal
Mode 7 Simulator
S Pascal
BeeBUG Toolkit
Dumpout 3
- 26/04/2021 New bits added to History of 8BS and File Conversion pages
- 19/04/2021 Thanks to Hubert Nooijen. A new section in the 'Manuals' pages. What promises to be a very large influx of high quality PDFs. Starting with 105 here
- 18/04/2021 History of 8BS page updated with a few photos
- 14/04/2021 Five new additions to the manuals>publications page from Mark Usher. Thank you mark.
6502 Applications PDF
Assembly Programming Made Easy PDF
The Micro User - Getting Started in Sound and Graphics on the BBC PDF
Interfacing The BBC Microcomputer PDF
Using Floppy Discs With the BBC Microcomputer PDF
- 12/04/2021 Updating the Elite page with a few things starting with a video of gameplay.
- 12/04/2021 The old drop down menu is no longer anywhere on the 8BS website. Every page has the new slide out menu. You may need to clear the cache for 8BS from your device to ensure you get all the latest pages. There are 1421 of them. I still have a fairly long 'to do' list but the whole site should run properly as intended now. If there are any problems, I would very much appreciate it if you could drop me a line.
- 06/04/2021 All of the thumbnails for the pool images pages deleted. Those pages are now very data heavy. If you are on a 500meg a month for a fiver plan, avoid!
- 04/04/2021 There are now 1315 pages updated with 179 to go.
- 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 126 pages done, 1368 to go.
- 30/03/2021 A fairly big update of the 8BS website is now ongoing. I am attempting to make it more mobile friendly and adding a new sidebar menu, tap or click the hamburger top left. Consequently, until I get through updating the thousands of pages, there will be two different menus in use. Pages not updated will have the old drop down top bar. Updated pages will have the side bar.
- 28/03/2021 A new article about programming AT28C256 EEPROMs for the BBC on the PC using an XGPro TL866II Plus. This is the story of how I did it. Find it in the 'Other BBC>Harware section of the menu' or here. This is my first published page in the new style I am adopting that hopefully works better on mobiles. I am now working on a new menu. Watch this space.
- 21/03/2021 A new disc in the CJR section, CJR-25. 2048. A very
addictive game that I wrote for the BBC computer similar to one I found on Android. Slide tiles in one of four directions using the cursor keys on a 4x4 grid to join tiles numbered from 2 and 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and finally 2048. It gets really tricky as the grid fills. Highscores can be saved to disc. Undo facility. Move count. Enjoy!
- 26/02/2021 Stats page updated
- 18/02/2021 Thanks to Mark Usher for the following additions to the manuals section: CUC DFS . Thanks to Mark for finally finishing off and sending the long awaited Midwich DFS Manual pdf version. Error in link to Assembly Language by Ian Birnbaum fixed, thanks for pointing it out Mark.
- 16/02/2021 Thanks to Mark Usher for the following updates/additions to the manuals section, available from the manuals menu:
A new searchable scan of The 6502 Development Package manual.
A new searchable pdf scan of CJE Micros Master 128 SWR Protection Switch.
An update to the Opus DDOS Challenger manual, searchable pdf.
An update to the Opus DFS Disc Manual, searchable pdf
Opus Disc Manual CUC, probably the original manual. Rtf and images.
Tubelink Doubleview advert. Searchable pdf.
Wight Scientific Signwriter. Searchable pdf.
- 12/02/2021 Thanks to Mark Usher for filling in a gap in the manuals section. He has scanned and sent the AMX Stop Press User Guide that had been lost from the archive.
- 23/01/2021 Thanks to Philip Mulrane for an update to the BBC B+64k RAM Board zip file, it now includes the Gerber files.
- 20/01/2021 Thanks to Philip Mulrane for sending his BBC B+64K RAM board build. Prompted by me refusing to sell him mine, he went about designing and building his own. The PDF instructions are at Menu>Other BBC BBC>Hardware and the full submitted download is there too.
- 25/09/2020 Thanks to John Anderson for sending his scan of the Supastore Guide by Jim Milne. Available for download in the manuals-applications section
- 14/07/2020 Thanks to Jack Gibbons (Hilton Computer Services) for submitting TBI-205 Personal Banking System. Available from the 8BS catalogue
- 14/06/2020 Laserbug issues 2 and 4 to 16 placed on the magazine download page. Taken from and attributed to Jason Scott. Thank you.
- 09/06/2020 Thanks to David Cooper from the Retro Computer Museum for these scans: The Micro User vol 9-no 2. The Micro User Education Specials 1 and 2. The Micro User Games Special. Acorn Users v12 no8 and v13 no1. A&B Magazines: 1983 May-June. 1983 July-August. 1984 Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Oct Nov Dec. 1985 Jan Feb. A&B cover scans Apr May, 87 Jan, 88 Nov, 91 Mar Apr. Using The BBC Micro, From Personal Computer. All of these can be found on the magazine download page. Finally, thanks to the Center For Computing History for scans of Model B Computing magazine covers.
Thanks to Retropdf for filling in the rest of The Micro User gaps with 096 097 099-106 110-115.
- 03/06/2019 Whelks, the 8BS mirror is no longer working
- 30/03/2019 Thanks to Lee Varga for sending the Pull out Elite Guide that was missing from The Micro User scan TMU035, Volume 3 Issue 11 January 1986. Zip updated.
- 02/03/2019 Nothing to report, still here!
- 25/08/2017 TBI-45 updated (Repton Screens) after ColinMacc claimed responsibility for six sets of screens previously attributed to 'unknown' author. Danger, Dollar, Rude, War, Moon and Xmas. Thanks to Lurkio from Stardot, BBC-26 Binkleyterm Mailer Documentation recovered, after many years of being missing, and placed into its rightful place.
- 01/08/2017 Added a new set of pages displaying all of the images from the pool. Accessible from the top menu >Other BBC>Pictures and Sounds or here
- 27/07/2017 Hit counter scrapped. Visits September 1999 to Jul 2017 - 592,269
- 24/07/2017 TBI-200 Added to the pool. CEEFAX pages from around 1988. Concatenated into 35 files and displayed using the 8BS scroll utility.
Destroyed Realities 2 Disc Based Magazine added to the pool as TBI-64-2.
TBI-201 added, 50 games by Cascade.
TBI-202 added, The Beeb at 35 Demo.
TBI-203 added, 11 digitised sounds with a playback speed option.
TBI-204 added, Greg Cook Transfer utilities. Encode .uef, tape to disc etc.
CJR-24 added. Digitised photos and video stills.
- 23/07/2017 Mad Rabbit PD section added to the catalogue as MRP. Most of the discs are duplicated elsewhere in the library, this is noted in the descriptions. Put here for completion. Hopefully more of the collection will turn up in time. Hint hint Jess!
- 22/07/2017 Links to 20 classic books from Usborne placed here in the manuals section. Type in stuff for games, tutors for BASIC and Machine code. If anyone has the typed in listings from these books, 8BS would be keen to put them up here. Thanks to Shawty to starting me off on that one by lending me one of the books. Usborne won't allow hosting of them but host them themselves and allow free download for personal use.
- 19/07/2017 Model B Computing Tape Magazine added to the pool as TBI-199. Tapes are in .uef format. Just one missing, number 8.
- 18/07/2017 Input magazine PDFs added the the Magazine Download page. Let's Compute! added to the Magazine Download page. A couple of issues of Computer Answers magazine added to the same page. The Home Computer Course and issue 1 of the Home Computer Advanced Course placed on the Magazine Downloads page
- 17/07/2017 Thanks to Acorn Electron World for Electron User magazines and The Stairway To Hell for the cover tapes, now available for download from the magazine scans page. I have created PDFs from the original JPG scans hosted on AEW. New entry into the ELK section, ELK-12, the Electron User cover tapes
- 11/07/2017 New webring added. Old webring recreated in a page
- 07/07/2017 OddJob Game by Mike Wyatt added to the pool as TBI-198. Thanks to Mike for allowing 8BS to place this here. An unreleased game, written in 1986. Screenshot maps for the game here.
- 05/07/2017 The Acorn 8-Bit Webring ceased working when Perl was removed from the 8BS website. Anyone clicking on any of the webring links from other websites would get the 8BS 404 error page. I have created a new page and linked to it from the 8BS 404 error page so that after a few seconds the webring loads. As far as I could see, this was the simplest solution. Any suggestions for a better solution gratefully accepted. The on-line java BBC emulator removed. I think there is now nothing else left to fix here.
- 04/07/2017 New page added. Help for using B-em and emulating the Music 5000
- 03/07/2017 Revamp of the Music section of the catalogue now complete
- 29/06/2017 Major revamp of the Music (MUS) section of the download catalogue. The Music 5000 and 500 stuff is being checked and reorganised. The whole section has been deleted but fear not, I am in the process of putting it all back in with much more added. The old disc numbers will not be re-used, so the MUS section is being numbered starting at MUS-100. I am painstakingly checking every single file and documenting it.
- 27/06/2017 Music 500 User Guide added to the manuals section
- 25/06/2017 Server log statistics added to the 'Website Utilities' section
- 23/06/2017 Raining today so had a go at the 8BS disc image download catalogue. It is now more how I would like it to look. Made a few changes to the catalogue info page too, hopefully gives a slightly clearer explanation of how it works. I really would appreciate constructive criticism about it, good ideas are always welcome.
- 14/06/2017 Guestbook and contact forms added. These are hosted by other websites and the contact form contains adverts. Thanks to Steven Fosdick for sending a scanned OCRed PDF of the Acornsoft IsoPascal Manual. Added to the Manuals>Applications menu. Thanks again to Steven Fosdick for a scan of the BCPL manual, placed on the same page. This manual has had a hard life as the scan shows.
- 13/06/2017 Back up and running with a lot of changes. New search engine currently indexing the site. Catalogue of disc images is a bit basic and needs updating.
- 05/03/2017 8BS will be 'off air' for a few days soon. Don't worry, we will be up and running again shortly
- 27/03/2017 Thanks to Shawty for a couple of additions to the Speech synthesizer page here
- 20/12/2016 OS 1.2 Annotated Disassembly added to the manuals pages.
- 19/12/2016 More additions thanks to Shawty. New page created in 'Other BBC > Tools Disc and BASIC'. Four tools added for manipulation of disc images, BASIC and tape. Web Based Disc Viewer placed on the new page. Link shown on 16/12/2016 altered accordingly.
- 16/12/2016 Thanks to Peter Shaw, Shawty, for submitting a Web Based Disc Viewing utility.This utility also allows for download. Not fully implemented but may be updated in future. Currently supports viewing and downloading of single sided DFS disc images. The utility with a few disc images and info by Shawty can be found in the floating menu at the top of most website pages from the section: 'Other BBC>Tools Disc and BASIC'. Directly accessible via this link:
- 08/11/2016 Information and images added to the 'Other BBC > Hardware > All About The Acorn 8 Bit Machines' page
- 04/11/2016 Thanks to Daniel Beardsmore for letting us know his progress on tracking down information about keyboard switches. Link to his pages about this added to the 'Other BBC > Hardware > Inside The BBC Computer' page. Adding this tiny nugget of information to the website unearthed a major problem with my programming of the data within the menu system and after that, something else! I had inadvertently given two separate sections the same name within the menu data. As a consequence, a whole section of the menu was repeated instead of the intended section being shown DOH! That is now fixed. So, instead of 'Other BBC > Hardware' being linked to manuals, it is now correctly linked to 9 other pages dealing with hardware items. New page added as 'Other BBC > Hardware > Speech Synthesizer' to accommodate 5 scans of something I found here not attended to.
- 21/10/2015 Thanks to Stephen Hart for a new addition to the pool. TBI-197. An educational game Europe Rally from TSSL. Thanks again to Stephen Hart for sending a PDF scan of the 1983 BBC Micro User Show Guide. Downloadable from the 'Downloads>BBC Related Magazines' link.
- 12/08/2015 Thanks to Julian Brown for a new disc the pool. Added to the TBI section, TBI-196. A demo using the 'Mythical Chunky Graphics Mode'
- 16/07/2015 Thanks to Mark Ferns for Acorn Computing PDF of March 92 (tmu109) added to the TMU download page
- 31/05/2015 Thanks to Mark Ferns for Acorn Computing PDF of Feb 92 (tmu108) added to the TMU download page
- 15/05/2015 Thanks to Mark Ferns for Acorn Computing PDFs of Jan 92 (tmu107) and Nov 94 (tmu 142) added to the TMU download page
- 20/04/2015 Acorn Computing August 1994 PDF scan added to the TMU download page (tmu139). Thanks to Mark Ferns who has promised more to come.
- 03/02/2015 Acorn Computing December 1994 PDF scan added to the TMU magazine download page.
- 22/04/2014 Thanks to Craig Edwards for releasing TBI-109 to the Public Domain. Catalogue now reflects this.
- 19/03/2014 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for 2 updates: BeebUG volume 08 numbers 09 and 10. Thanks to Chris Jordan for sending a PDF of the patent for the invention of shadow RAM boards. Placed in the downloads>BBC related manuals>hardware>other section. Thanks to Matthew Thompson for pointing out that pages missing from the Acorn User scan of issue 242 are just a supplement of adverts, the accompanying text file within the zip altered accordingly.
- 24/12/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for 3 updates: BeebUG volume 08 numbers 06, 07 and 08.
- 13/12/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for 2 updates: BeebUG volume 08 numbers 04 and 15.
- 04/11/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for 5 updates: BeebUG volume 07 numbers 09 and 10. BeebUG volume 08 numbers 01, 02 and 03.
- 22/07/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG volume 07 number 08
- 04/07/2013 Finally got around to sorting out the token Archimedes disc images in the ARC section of the pool. Renamed the disc images to .adf extensions so they run directly in Arculator0.99.
- 25/06/2013 A project I started quite some time ago now finished (more or less). Mode 7 font
- 20/06/2013 New addition to the CJR section. CJR-22. I was sorting through all my stuff and thought I would see how easy it would be to import the current National Lottery numbers into 'Lotter7' my 'Ultimate' Lottery program. It was simple and so CJR-22 is born containing v1.1 of the program suite. Needless to say after 1825 games, my lottery program came up with a couple of minor display bugs that have been fixed. I didn't expect to be using it after 999 games. Give it a go! If you win a couple of million after using it, please find time to leave a message in the guestbook or something :-)
- 19/06/2013 CJR-21 the ADFS disc containing a load of stuff I programmed, now made a little more user friendly by including a text file within the image and the zip download listing each of the files contained within the image and what it is.
- 18/06/2013 The Yorkshire Boys TYB section of the catalogue, changes made. The double sided images of 8+9 and 10+11 split to single sided images, as they were intended to be.
- 17/06/2013 Added the facility to go straight to any section of the 8BS catalogue from the floating menu. Fixed the floating menu where I had forgotten to add scroll on some of the larger items in that menu. Some items would disappear off the screen in smaller windows :-(
- 16/06/2013 A further trawl through the 8BS catalogue of disc images. BBC-118-2 updated. dsd image relaced with .ssd image. Duplicate side 2 removed. TBI-157 ADFS version supposed to be ADFS M but wasn't. Fixed (not just a file rename, a full remake of the image). Changes to TBI-46 Peter Davy Educational software: 40 track and single sided 80 track disc images redone so that they are all single (40 or 80 track as appropriate).ssd images (previously they had been doubled up onto .dsd images). They are all now as Peter Davy intended.
- 15/06/2013 A check through the pool reveals some housework required to keep disc image file extensions following a standard. BBC-103a file extension renamed to .adl from .a. EUG ADFS disc images with file extensions .adf changed to .adm (there were 13 of these scattered through the collection). TBI-173-3 renamed from .adf to .adl. EUD (all ADFS), TBI-180, TBI-181a, TBI-183a, TBI-188a and MUS-24a file extensions changed from .adf to .adm.
- 14/06/2013 Changes to the Fast Access section. A problem with the scans of Fast Access Volume 1 cards found and fixed. Issue 3 PDF was low quality and the JPG versions were missing. All six sets of the Fast Access cards are now in a single zip file for easier download. Links for the scans now also placed into the Magazine Download section of the 8BS website. Fast Access volumes 2 and 3 now turned into single sided disc images (three for each entry in the catalogue as this is how they run best). Download for each issue changed to just one zip file instead of the previous two.
- 12/06/2013 Ten new entries for the Master 512 section of the 8BS catalogue. All games. 512-108 to 512-117.
- 11/06/2013 A further eleven new entries for the Master 512 section of the 8BS catalogue. All games again. 512-97 to 512-107.
- 10/06/2013 Eleven new entries added to the Master 512 section of the 8BS catalogue. All games. 512-86 to 512-96.
- 07/06/2013 Updates and changes to the JGH section of the 8BS catalogue. JGH-1 to JGH-10 updated by Jonathan Harston. Two new discs added: JGH-08 (Z80 Utilities) and JGH-CPM-1 (Acorn CP/M).
- 30/05/2013 Major changes to the Master 512 section of the download catalogue complete. Step by step instructions with screen grabs for creating and installing a new hard drive in BeebEm (although it does come with one already working). Added to the emulator page here
- 25/05/2013 Changes to the 512 section of the PD catalogue: All of the ADFS 800K images have had their filename extensions changed from .a to .img so that they will run directly in Beebem and B-Em the BBC emulators. The rest of the 512 discs are DOS and each zipped entry in the catalogue for the DOS discs now contains the original separate files that were simply dragged off the original floppy PLUS a 720k DOS image containing those files with an extension .dos. These DOS images will now also directly run in B-Em. With that done, the 512 section will be now fully tested, catalogued, documented and have any required extras added. For the first time in their long history. Watch this space.
- 22/05/2013 The following documentation added to the 'Manuals' pages: Superior Software Speech! Elite III. Acorn DFS User Guide chapters 5 and 6 only (Filing System and Utilities Commands). Morley Teletext Adapter Addendum in Dutch. Morley Teletext Adapter Function Key Strip. Solidisk 2 and 4 Meg Board in HTML. Solidisk Eprom Programmer in HTML. Thanks to The BBC Lives! website for these, missed when the manuals were merged previously.
- 21/05/2013 Thanks to Matt for pointing out that the BBC User Guide on the 'Manuals>Essentials' page was out of date. Version 1.00 now added to the downloads, also a link to an HTML version of the BBC user guide added. Updates to the 'Links' page of various BBC BASIC related websites.
- 15/05/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG volume 07 numbers 06 and 07
- 01/05/2013 HADFS version 6 added to the pool as JGH-HADFS6. Includes the manual and source. The major update and re-arranging of the manuals pages is now finished. From now on I imagine just the occasional addition. Anyone is welcome to send anything not on the manuals pages to 8BS for inclusion. Weenies Zone game map in screenshots added to the Game Screensot Maps page.
- 30/04/2013 Adding the game section to the manuals page creates a duplicate on the 8BS website, I am in the process of merging those pages together. The old game map/solutions/cheats page will then become a game screenshot map only page.
- 29/04/2013 More updates for the manuals pages. Notably many new additions to the Games section but a few added to other sections. Too many to list here.
- 28/04/2013 Manuals pages updated with more or less the last stuff I have. A request now goes out to all those that have anything not on these pages to consider sending it to 8BS for the 8BS BBC Computer Documentation Archive.
- 27/04/2013 40 or so scans added to the manuals pages. Game disassemblies added to the Game Disassembly page.
- 26/04/2013 Been hard at work sorting out manuals. A large number of manuals (about 3 gigabytes in total) available. Several libraries of manuals including the 8BS one and The BBC Documentation Project are now combined into one. Uploaded today. More to come.
- 23/04/2013 Had the trusty scanner out after digging out some manuals. Update to the Watford Electronics ROM/RAM Expansion Board MK2 Manual. Watford Electronics Solderless Sideways ROM Board Manual updated.
- 22/04/2013 Photos and video from the Wakefield Acorn And RISC OS Computer Show 2013. They can be found at: Other BBC>The Shows>Wakefield 2013 . 8BS-67 was released with no fanfare whatsoever and the gand total of two downloads on day one.
- 19/04/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG volume 07 number 05
- 14/04/2013 Thanks to flibble from stardot for donation of Acorn Users and thanks to SarahB for scanning them. The final batch of 7 Acorn Users completes the 8BS collection. Acorn User scans 145 and 147 to 152 placed on the download page.
- 13/04/2013 8BS-67 is now complete and will be released on 19th April 2013.
- 09/04/2013 8BS-67, the disc based magazine is almost full now. It is scheduled for release around the 20th of this month. There are still a couple of kilobytes spare on it, so it's not too late for your submissions. Be part of it! Click on the link on the main page of the 8BS website for details.
- 08/04/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUGs volume 07 numbers 03 and 04
- 04/04/2013 Thanks to SarahB for scans of 104 Micro Users. All of 1983 to 1990 plus a few more. More on the way.
- 24/03/2013 Thanks to Hubert Nooijen for supplying 8BS with a beautifully restored Master 128. 8BS has some real hardware again. GoSDC next on the list.
- 11/03/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUGs volume 07 numbers 01 and 02
- 05/03/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v06 n10
- 25/02/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v06 n09
- 21/02/2013 Having lost mine to a disaster in the loft, I am looking for a Master 128 and also a monitor. If anyone has a spare looking for a good home, please contact me using the 'Contact 8BS' link on the main page of the 8BS website. Thank you!
- 28/01/2013 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for update to BeebUG v06 n08
- 11/01/2013 Thanks to David Boddie for sending scans of Acorn User 147 for turning into PDF. Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. That leaves us with only 6 missing now.
- 10/01/2013 Thanks to Jonathan Harston for a magnificent job on The Micro User cover discs in the TMU section of the 8BS catalogue. He has worked his way through the first four years, adding missing programs and discs, putting menus on all of the discs. Replacements for 40 and 6 new additions (new additions are from 1986 numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12). Update your collection now. I am working my way through the catalogue descriptions of these discs. To start with I have simply deleted the old text for these updates, so from now on, as I get the job done, if the text is there you can be certain it is up to date. The links to the images in the catalogue link to the new discs.
- 18/12/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG v06 n06 and n07
- 11/12/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for update to BeebUG v06 n05
- 26/11/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for update to BeebUG v06 n03 and 04.
- 19/11/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for update to BeebUG v06 n02. Elite Dangerous being worked on, check this out and this
- 27/10/2012 Thanks to John S for the loan and CB750
for the scanning, the rest of BeebUG magazines from Volumes 11 and 12. That gives us the full collection.
- 22/10/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for update to BeebUG v06 n01.
- 13/10/2012 IDE converter page removed as there had been two reports of this project not working.
- 09/10/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG v05 n9 and n10.
- 04/10/2012 Thanks to SarahB for a further 8 Acorn User Scans. The rest of 1993, Feb 1994 and Jul 1995. This leaves us wanting 7 more. Currently there is no source for these, so if you have any of the following magazines and would like to help out, please contact 8BS: 145 147 148 149 150 151 152. Acorn User cover and contents scans removed from Acorn User page as these are now superseded by the full scans.
- 02/10/2012 Thanks to SarahB for 9 scans of Acorn Users, giving us the missing ones from 1992. SarahB now has 8 left to scan. We only need 7 more for the full set. Anybody got them? Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v05 n07. Thanks to Richard Hanson for a photo of the fluffy Repton featured in some of the Repton 3 completion screens, placed on the Repton page.
- 24/09/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v05 n02.
- 10/09/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v05 n01.
- 04/09/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG v04 n08 09 and 10. That completes the update to volume 4.
- 02/09/2012 Thanks to SarahB for 10 scans of Acorn Users. An update to Number 1 plus the rest of 1991.
- 27/08/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v04 n07.
- 20/08/2012 Thanks to SarahB for an update to the PDF scan of Acorn User number 1. Thanks to Keith Wilks for a donation of 27 Acorn Users sent to SarahB for scanning.
- 07/08/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for an update to BeebUG v04 n06.
- 02/08/2012 Thanks to Matthew Thompson for scans of Acorn User 266. That completes 2003
- 31/07/2012 Ten new additions to the Acorn User magazine scans. PDFs of most of the missing ones from 2003 added. Thanks to Matthew Thompson for the scans. Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG magazines volume 4 numbers 3 4 and 5. Thanks again to uicr0Bee
for a PDF of the BeebUG Magscan manual.
- 26/07/2012 Twelve years and five months since the last 8BS user ID was issued. A warm welcome to new member W2A! TBI-102 fixed, the menu stated it was TBI-101.
- 25/07/2012 Thanks to Dean Alex for updates to Acorn User cover scans, two with the floppy disc still attached Aug and Oct 1998.
- 24/07/2012 Work has started on 8BS 67
- 23/07/2012 Hints and Tips page created using text from BBC PD disc 147. Here.
- 22/07/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee
for updates to BeebUG magazines v3n10 and v4 n1 n2. As part of my trawl though the 8BS magazines I realised that there were some archives on those discs that I had not examined, mainly because of the fiddling about required to get them extracted and running. I have extracted those archives, placed them on to separate disc images and bundled those images up with the relevant magazine disc downloads. Some archives were de-archived onto the ADFS version of the magazine, I have not included these. Here is a list of the updated images, (all DFS): 8BS 16 17 18 19 29 31 32 33 34 46-2 47.
- 21/07/2012 My goodness, there's a ball of yellow stuff in the sky, what is it? Thanks to uicr0Bee for updates to BeebUG volume 3 numbers 6 8 and 9. 8BS Disc magazine pages now contain most of the stuff that is likely to work in this format. All that is needed now is to organise the presentation so it doesn't offend the eyes, mouse and fingers (for those with touch screens) too much. Currently experimenting with various ideas. Comments would be appreciated although I do know that I am probably only talking to myself at this point. Important note. Whilst playing with the disc images I discovered two corrupt ones that had been on the website and downloaded numerous times. Forunately I have a ludicrous amount of backup and have replaced the bum discs. They were: 8BS-36 side 2 and 8BS-39 side 2. I suspect the corruption was caused by compacting the disc image with something a while back, stupid idea when I was zipping it up anyhow.
- 20/07/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for updates to BeebUG magazine scans Volume 3 Numbers 1 2 3 and 5. I have completed my marathon before the olympic games. Haven't had my head down stuck in the computer for such a stint since I last edited an 8BS magazine. All the 8BS disc based magazines are now here. I shall create a new 8BS disc based magazine (number 67) with stuff I have found on the Winchester backup that I have FINALLY managed to read on the PC. Right, off to move about a bit and shift those thrombi into my lungs
- 15/07/2012 Thanks to SarahB for 40 scans of Acorn Users. Two of which are updates to other scans. Here they are: All of 2000 (not Aug). All of 2001. All of 2002. 2003 April and July. That finishes all of the magazines that SarahB has, so any spaces in the Acorn Users are still required for our archive. Any volunteers? Work on the 8BS magazine conversion plods on. Currently working on 29
- 10/07/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for Beebug PDF of Volume 12 number 7. 8BS 47-66 currently here. Plodding on with the job.
- 09/07/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for Beebug PDFs of Volume 12 numbers 2 and 4.
- 02/07/2012 Realised that the new page I created to display the 8BS magazine teletext articles would also display the plain text ones quite adequately. I now intend to eventually replace the original page that has problems with the teletext articles with this.As I type this, I am about to start work on 8BS63, (working backwards from 66)
- 30/06/2012 As the teletext 8BS magazine articles can still only be best viewed in an offline emulator or real BBC, I have done something I had been meaning to do for a long time. Joined sreenshot images. Job only just started, done issue 66 here. The intention is to work backwards through them all.
- 29/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for sending another BeebUG retail catalogue PDF. Thanks to SarahB for sending PDF scans of the whole of Acorn User 1999 (201-215), Acorn User magazine page updated accordingly. 618 Disc images loaded into the on line BBC emulator.
- 28/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for sending four BeebUG retail catalogue PDFs, available for download from the BeebUG Magazine download page. The apostrophe police have confiscated about 900 from the website, almost 1k of space saved. Mucked about with the 8BS Magazine online page. JBEEB Java BBC emulator added here (link removed 05/02/2025). A few disc images available currently, this is a work in progress but well worth a look. Contact me if you want images adding as you can't directly load your own into it.
- 27/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for sending PDF scans of BeebUG volume 11 numbers 3 4 5 and 6.
- 26/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for PDF scans of AcornUsers 204 (February 1999) and 208 (June 1999). Thanks to SarahB for sending 12 PDFs of Acorn Users from 1998, all except October (190-198 200-202).
- 25/06/2012 Thank you to uicr0Bee for two BeebUG magazine PDF scans V10n9 and n10, completing volume 10. The whole volume is now also available for download in one zipped file. See the BeebUG magazine download page. Thanks to DominicP for sending PDF scans of Acorn Users 210 and 211 (August September 1999), placed on the Acorn User page. Thanks also to DominicP for scans of BeebUG vol11 iss 02, I have turned them into a PDF, on the download page. Missing pages from Acorn Users June 1984 September 1984 integrated with associated PDFs, updated PDFs now available. Full check of Acorn User PDFs completed. Done due to errors in naming discovered. Error in naming of Acorn User PDF discovered and corrected, what was called July 1997 (183) was in fact June 1997 (182). Corrected. Unfortunately, there have been 137 downloads of this particular magazine and therefore there will be a lot of these wrongly labelled PDFs about now. Thank you to SarahB for 11 Acorn User PDFs, the missing ones from 1997: 177 178 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 188 189.
- 24/06/2012 Correction to error in naming of Acorn User uploaded yesterday. Name was 211 (September 1999) and should have been 212 (October 1999). Downloads of Disk Users 3 7 9 12 and 14 re-uploaded, problems caused by OCR skew correction (hah) fixed. Sorry about all that.
- 23/06/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for four BeebUG PDF scans: v10n5, v10n6, v10n7 v10n8. Thanks to DominicP for BeebUG PDF vlln1. Placed on the Beebug magazine download page. Thanks to DominicP for PDF scans of Acorn Users 212 (October 1999) and 217 (February 2000).
- 21/06/2012 Most manuals on the 'Manuals' page converted to PDF. A few problems discovered and resolved. Music 5000 manual replaced with a good copy.
- 20/06/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for two BeebUG PDF scans, v10n3 andv10n4. Placed on the Beebug magazine download page. Work started on converting all existing manuals on the 'Manuals' page to PDF. Too many to list here. Working from top to bottom of the list.
- 19/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for four Acorn Users 117 (April 1992), 220 (May 2000), 222 (July 2000), 228 (December 2000). Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 18/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for three Acorn User PDF scans 162 (December 1995), 163 (Christmas 1995), 223 (August 2010). Placed on the Acorn User download page. Thanks to uicr0Bee for three BeebUG PDF scans v09n10, v10n01, v10n02. Placed on the BeeBug magazine download page. That concludes the volume 9 collection which is now available to download as one zipped file.
- 16/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for sending scans of seven Acorn Users: 129 (April 1993, a smaller version replacing the previous one). 133 (August 1993), 135 (October 1993), 136 (November 1993), 143 (June 1994), 158 (August 1995) and 160 (October 1995). Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 14/06/2012 Thanks to DominicP for sending a scan of Acorn User 129 (April 1993). Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 12/06/2012 I have written a slideshow viewer for the image collections on the 8BS website. Here and there you may find the option to 'View as slideshow'. The slideshow rolls around ad infinitum through the images in the folder selected by the link. Two links at the bottom of the page will allow you to: Either pause at the current image (do 'Back' in your browser to continue) or return to the page you came from.
- 11/06/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending scanned PDFs of BeebUG v09 issue 8 and 9.
- 10/06/2012 Thanks to SarahB for 11 PDF scans of Acorn Users from 1996 (All except Jan and Nov).
- 09/06/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for five more PDF scans of BeebUG magazine v9n3 4 5 6 and 7. Placed on the BeebUG page. More minor changes made to magazine download pages, Disk User, Acorn Programs and ElbUG given their own pages.
- 08/06/2012 Various pages related to magazine scans altered here and there, adding thumbnails and tidying up. Thanks to uicr0Bee for a PDF scan of BeebUG volume 9 issue 2. Placed on the BeebUG page. BeebUG index scans turned into PDF. Separate for each volume but also one single PDF containing all 12 indexes created, this PDF is searchable, making it easy to search the whole BeebUG collection.
- 07/06/2012 Completed: Disk User magazines rescanned and placed on the magazine download page as searchable PDFs.
- 06/06/2012 Thanks to SarahB for five PDF scans of Acorn Users from 1995. 153 to 156 and 161. Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page.
- 04/06/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scans of Beebug Magazines v5n6 and v9n1. Placed here. All references to 'Disc User' throughout the 8BS website when referring to the magazine 'Disk User', corrected. Dear me, I should have got that one right sooner. Thanks to SarahB for 10 more Acorn User scans (102 Jan 91, 125 Dec 92, 134 Sep 93, 137 Dec 93, 138 Jan 94, 140 Mar 94, 141 Apr 94, 142 May 94, 144 Jul 94, 146 Sep 94), all available from the Acorn User section of the Magazine Download page.
- 03/06/2012 Ongoing update of Disk User Magazine scans. I am rescanning at a much higher quality and making the new PDFs searchable. Updated files denoted by a thumbnail of the front cover. See the Magazine Download Page for further details. Thanks to SarahB for sending PDF scans of 12 Acorn Users from 1990 (one of which is the May supplement), available from the Magazine download page.
- 02/06/2012 Last of the Byteback magazines re-scanned and placed on the Magazine download page. All links should be working again now. The new PDF scans are smaller but better quality and are searchable. Fast Access cards updated. These cards come with the Fast Access discs all of which are available for download from the FAC section of the 8BS catalogue. The scans seem good enough so I have OCRed the PDF versions so that they are now searchable.
- 01/06/2012 Rescanning and OCRing Byteback magazines. Old copies removed from website. Some of the Byteback links will not work, the ones that do are the updated ones.
- 30/05/2012 Scans of Acorn Program magazines renamed to make them logical. Uploaded PDF scans of issues 1 and 6 of Acorn Programs. Scans of Elbug magazines also added to Magazine Download Page.
- 28/05/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User 100 (November 1990) in PDF format. Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 22/05/2012 Webring checked and updated to fully working at last.
- 21/05/2012 Thanks to SarahB for 11 PDF scans of the Acorn User the whole of 1989 apart from April that was already there. Thanks to uicr0Bee for a PDF scan of Acorn User 105 (April 1991), placed on the Acorn User download page. Steve Fewell's scans of Acorn User 27 (October 1984) viewable on the 8BS website on the Acorn User page in HTML are now updated to the original images. Therefore the 8BS CDR section catalogue entry of AUM-27 is removed. Housekeeping. More removals from the 8BS catalogue. Out go CDR-01 (the pool) CDR-02 (images) and DVD-01 (general stuff all off the website). I don't see the need for them. The two versions of the BBC New Advanced User Guide on the 'Manuals' page replaced with a PDF made from the original scans with no loss of the original scan quality. MAN-02 (original New Advanced User Guide scans) removed from the 8BS catalogue. Same treatment for The Master Reference Manuals Part 1 and Part 2 and also the Master Welcome Guide. Old versions removed and updated with no loss of quality from original scans. MAN-01 (original scans for those three manuals) removed from the 8BS catalogue. ByteBack Magazine that can be found on the magazine scans page given the same upgrade. BBM-01 removed from the 8BS catalogue.
- 20/05/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for a scan of Acorn User 103 (February 1991), placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 18/05/2012 Thanks to SarahB for scanning another twelve Acorn Users: 66 to77, the whole of 1988. Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 15/05/2012 Thanks to SarahB for scanning twelve Acorn Users: 54 to 65, the whole of 1987. Placed on the Acorn User download page.
- 09/05/2012 A bit of fiddling about on the website, fixing broken scripts here and there and moving things about. Slight re-organisation of the floating menu at the top of the pages, hopefully making its use a bit more easy. PCW Article about the BBC scanned by DominicP placed on the 'Magazine' page. Thanks DominicP.
- 08/05/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User 50 (September 1986), placed on the Acorn User download page
- 07/05/2012 Thanks to SarahB for scanning Acorn Users 47, 48, 51, 52 and 53. Placed on The Acorn User download page. Thanks to DominicP for sending 18 scans to fill a few gaps in The Acorn User front page section. Thanks also to DominicP for sending scans of missing pages from Acorn User scans: Dec 1983, May 1984, and September 1984. These have been added to the zip files of the scans
- 06/05/2012 BeebUG magazine scans for volmes 1 to 8 found. Placed here on the BeebUG page. Credit for the work to TopBanana. Promise of more to follow.
- 05/05/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning another Acorn User, number 49 (August 1986). Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page
- 01/05/2012 Thanks to SarahB for filling in the following six gaps in The Acorn User scans: Numbers 3, 5, 7, 19, 21 and 31.
- 26/03/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn Programs Magazine from February-March 1984. Placed here
- 05/03/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning another Acorn User, number 46 (May 1986). Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page
- 05/02/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning another Acorn User, number 45 (April 1986). Placed on the Acorn User ma.gazine download page at 'Other BBC>BBC Related Magazine Scans>The Acorn User Magazines'
- 23/01/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 44 (March 1986). Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page. Fixed guestbook which had been out of action for many months.
- 16/01/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 43 (February 1986). Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page.
- 14/01/2012 Discovered Beebdroid the Android BBC emulator. Visit the market from your Android mobile or see the 8BS 'Links' page
- 09/01/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 42 (January 1986). Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page.
- 08/01/2012 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User numbers 40 and 41 (November and December 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 13/12/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 39 (October 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 28/11/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User numbers 37 and 38 (August and September 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 22/11/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 36 (July 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. Thanks also to uicr0Bee for scanning five issues of Acorn Programs. Placed on the magazine download page.
- 19/10/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 34 (May 1985) and 35 (Jun 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 18/10/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 33 (Apr 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 10/10/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 32 (Mar 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. There is a numbering problem with this issue. The magazine states it is number 31 on the spine but it is number 32.
- 24/07/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 30 (Jan 1985), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 21/07/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 29 (Dec 1984), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. Uicr0Bee says that he is happy to scan any of the missing issues from 1983 and 1984 if someone could lend them to him. Please contact 8BS if you have any of these magazines and are prepared to help out.
- 05/07/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 28 (Nov 1984), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 27/06/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 27 (Oct 1984), updated the existing 8BS scan with an improved one.
- 25/06/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 26 (Sep 1984), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. Please note yellow pages XIII-XVI and pages 101-104 are missing.
- 20/06/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 25 (Aug 1984), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 13/06/2011 Some manuals in tiff format were not readable in most viewers so I have converted them. Full list on the 'manuals' page. Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning 'Assembly Language Programming' by Birnbaum as a PDF. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 06/06/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for scanning Acorn User number 24 (July 1984), placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 03/06/2011 I have had a report of Issue 4 BBC Bs locking up after a lot of use, the problem becoming more frequent until a rest of a few weeks is required. Has anyone heard of this before? Please let me know via the 'contact 8BS' link or the 8BS Message Board. Link to Daniel Beardsmore's entertaining website placed on the 'Links' page.
- 29/05/2011 Thanks to Martin Anderson for turning the difficult to view tiffs of the Floppywise Plus manual into a PDF. Now available for downoad from the manuals page. Thanks to uicr0Bee for his latest work, a scan of Acorn User number 23 (Jun 1984). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 13/05/2011 Received an email from someone connected with the reloading of the Domesday Project. As a result I have put the related page on the 8BS website in a slightly more prominent position, giving it a place in the main drop down menu at the top of this page in 'Other BBC'. I have tidied the page up a bit and will be adding more to it shortly. Have a look, some of the original data from the project has been made available on a dedicated website.
- 15/04/2011 Just spent a couple of weeks messing about with some new Repton 3 levels. To cut a long story short, I have updated the TBI-45 Repton 3 disc AGAIN. I have tweaked my own 3 sets of levels (TOPD, TOPD2 and TOPD3) and tested them thoroughly.
- 29/03/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 22 (May 1984). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. There are some pages missing from this scan, I have included a note within the scan, listing the missing pages with a request for scans of those missing pages.
- 23/03/2011 TBI-45 is transformed. Now is the time to update your copy. There are now a large number of Repton 3 sets of screens on four single sided discs available for download from the catalogue. I have also listed all of the associated passwords on the Repton pages of this website. Also I have placed all of the maps for these sets on the Repton map page of this website. I have tried to give credit to authors of the screens where possible, if you know of any of the ones I have left as 'unknown', please let me know.
- 22/03/2011 I have found another 30 to 40 sets of Repton 3 screens. I am working on adding them to TBI-45. Available shortly, watch this space.
- 21/03/2011 Haven't done this in a while. TBI-45 has a new set of Repton 3 screens added to it, a file called YJ2rep created by Andrew Snodgrass. I found this whilst searching for the designer of the OSMI set of screens. Appropriate password and map screen pages in the Repton section of the 8BS website altered also. This set has been hiding from me on the 8BS-18 magazine disc. Be sure to update your copy of TBI-45. Available from the catalogue download section of this website. It also came to my attention today that I had not placed a crown on screen F of TOPD3 repton screens. Fixed on TBI-45.
- 19/03/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 81 (Apr 1989). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page
- 26/02/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 20 (Mar 1984). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page
- 21/02/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 18 (Jan 1984). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page
- 26/01/2011 Thanks to Steve Fewell for alerting me to a scan of issue number 1 of The Acorn User magazine. I have tried contacting the host of the scan to obtain permission to host it on the 8BS website but have had no reply and so have just linked to it from the Acorn User Magazine download page. Link to Dave Edwards DVD of Acorn User scans put on the Acorn User magazine page and the 'Links' page..
- 05/01/2011 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 17 (Dec 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. Adam includes a note with this scan, the center page is missing, if anyone can provide a scan of the missing pages he will fix it and I will replace the download.
- 23/12/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 16 (Nov 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 20/12/2010 Michael Hunsley contacted me, giving encouragement (thanks!) and pointing out it was he that drew the Repton 2 maps on the 8BS website, I have therefore credited him with that and also added his rendition of the Warehouse map to the game maps page. It is considerably better than my attempt.
- 09/12/2010 Thanks to Dave Edwards Electron User Group disc 73 added to the downloads page EUG section.
- 01/11/2010 Thanks to Dave Edwards Electron User Group discs 71 and 72 added to the downloads page EUG section.
- 08/10/2010 Omniflop info and links on the 8BS website changed to Jason Watton's own website. This ensures the info is up to date and relieves me of the job of ensuring just that.
- 05/10/2010 Matt Robinson is converting 8BS magazine discs to run on the web. Link placed on the 'Links' and 8BS magazine page
- 27/09/2010 Jason Bennison's Dancing Beebs removed from the 8BS website as one of the files involved was being reported as containing a virus. Possibly a false positive but best to be safe if unsure.
- 26/09/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending scans of Acorn User Numbers 14 and 15. Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. New disc added to the TBI section of the pool. TBI-195 A musical and graphical demo by CRTC called The Master Of Your Old School. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending this to 8BS.
- 15/09/2010 Thanks to Ollie Brerton for sending a couple of BBC Mode 7 style fonts for the PC. I have added a new menu item for this 'Technical>BBC Style Font'. Also added to the 'On line Magazine'.
- 09/09/2010 Thanks to Reed Sadler for sending three discs of BBC PD stuff. Added to the 8BS Pool. BBC PD 0, a catalogue disc. I have added this to the existing download so that there are now two versions of the BBC PD catalogue there. Reading these will show how the catalogue changed and maybe explain why there are differences in the entries here and there. BBC 149 D.R.E.A.M.S. database. Finally, BBC174 Pupil Assessment
- 06/09/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 13 (Aug 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 16/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 12 (Jul 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 12/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 11 (Jun 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. Thanks to Paul Aslin for four photos added to the 'See Boards' page. Australian made Econet and 1Mhz adapter plus an Acorn Econet board.
- 11/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 10 (May 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 08/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 9 (Apr 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page.
- 07/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 8 (Mar 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page. This magazine has no cover (front or back). Adam placed a front cover scan from the 8BS website into the PDF. If anyone can help by sending scans of the cover (four sides) we would very much appreciate it. New disc for the TBI section TBI-193 a disc of 22 games. Sent to me by Dave Edwards contains some I have not seen before. Well worth a look at. Seven new discs added to the TBI section: TBI-194 1 to 7, music discs. They are from the BBC-PD library. Thanks again to Dave Edwards for these. The first five are discs you will already find in the BBC PD section of the 8BS catalogue. The reason I have included them again is that all seven have had a new menu system added to them by Dave which makes them very easy to browse.
- 06/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 6 (Jan 1983). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page
- 04/08/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User Number 4 (Nov 1982). Placed on the Acorn User Magazine download page
- 03/08/2010 Photograph of Jonathan Harston's Multi Drive conglomeration of various drives placed on the disc drives pictures page.
- 30/07/2010 A bit of a Pugwash fest today. A couple of new tunes on the music page. TBI-192 added to the catalogue with a couple of Pugwash tunes on it
- 19/07/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee for sending a scan of Acorn User September1989 in PDF format. Placed on the Acorn User magazine download page. Acorn User October 1984 PDF updated with improved quality
- 17/07/2010 Five tape versions in UEF format added to The Micro User (TMU) section of the catalogue. TMU-90-09. TMU-90-11. TMU-90-12. TMU-91-03. TMU-91-04. Elbug Introductory Cassette added to the Elbug section (ELB) as ELB-0-t. DFS conversion added as ELB-0.
- 15/07/2010 File listing of the tapes in the Electron User Disc (EUD) section of the downloads catalogue added. ADFS M versions of the EUD tape images created and added to the catalogue. Very few words there to describe a lot of work.
- 14/07/2010 Added to the Pool. Acorn User Magazine listings in tape format (uef). Jan 86. Jul 86. Sep 86. Nov 86. Dec 86. Jan to Jul 87 inclusive. TAU-14 added to the pool in ssd and uef format, Best of Acorn user. Thanks to 'The Stairway to Hell' for these. TBI-179 Electron Computing: catalogue entry improved and the 7 disc images renamed correctly. Tape versions in uef format of these 7 discs added to the catalogue also. A load of tape images (uef) added to the catalogue in the Electron User Disc section (EUD). Some previously missing bits placed in there.
- 13/07/2010 Added to the pool: TBI-191 a Stop Press Clipart section containing 8 discs, including a viewer so that Stop Press is not required to view the images. Thanks to Dave E for these. About to start work on Mad Rabbit PD stuff. That could end up being a big job with a huge addition to the pool with a bit of luck. Awaiting Jess Rowbottom and a promised big box of CDs to rip. Meanwhile I will try to organise what I have of it already into its own new section. Just discovered the RetroClinic DataCentre amazing bit of kit. Link put on the 'Links' page and a new menu item created for it, see the menu at the top of the page under 'Technical'. Photo of a Masterglass put on the Miscellaneous Pictures page. Atom Technical Manual scan added to the 'Manuals' page. MGM Lifetime Disc Drive Manual added to the 'Manuals' page.
- 12/07/2010 Changes made to a lot of the BASIC II Disassembly pages. New discs in the TBI section: TBI-182, Stephen Scott Games. TBI-183 Soft Centre Games. TBI-184 Moscow Demo by The Organ Grinder's Monkey. TBI-185 Chuckie Egg Game with screen editor and checker. TBI-186 Music Demo World. TBI-187 To Hell in a Hamper text adventure. TBI-188 Danosoft Games and Demo disc. TBI-189-1 Bazzasoft text adventures. TBI-189-2 Bazzasoft Utilities and Games. TBI-189-3 Bazzasoft Cheats. TBI-189-4 Bazzasoft Game Solutions. TBI-190-1 David Johnston PD Games. TBI-190-2 David Johnston Games 2. See the catalogue for details.
- 11/07/2010 As promised! Lots of new additions to the 8BS pool. TBI-180, You're Alan Partridge by The Organ Grinder's Monkey. The Yorkshire Boys Retribution Demo, the full thing, added to the TYB section of the pool as TYB-13. TYB-12, PD Desk Top Publisher added. Thanks to Dave E for these. See the Download Catalogue for full details. A new section added to the 8BS PD catalogue. Headfirst PD containing 17 disc images five of which are discs that were previously elsewhere in the 8BS library. See the HPD section for details. The following discs now removed from the library as they are replaced by those in the new HPD section: TBI-24, TBI-152-1, TBI-152-3 TBI-152-10, TBI-152-11. Added, another disc to the Pool TBI-181 thanks to Dave E again, a demo with text and graphics, Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington discuss who should live in a ludicrous imaginary situation where Karl has the choice.
- 10/07/2010 Thanks to uicr0Bee from Poland who has taken the time to scan Acorn User magazines for us. He has scanned the following: Oct 92, Dec 93, Sep 95, Jan 96, Nov 96, Jul 97, Nov 97, Oct 98, Dec 99 and Christmas 99. All of these are available as zipped PDF files from the 'Magazine Scan' section of the 8BS website (Using the drop down menu at the top of the page: Other BBC>BBC Related Magazine Scans> then choose Acorn User). Adam has scanned 21 Acorn User magazine covers and contents pages. I have added these to the page also. Update to the pool of free discs with Electron User Group issues 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70. Right, I have had my lot for one day but I can promise you, there is a lot more to come fairly soon, plenty of great stuff for me to get sorted out here, so keep checking :-)
- 14/05/2010 Thanks to Peter Blake for sending me a set of screenshot maps and solution for XOR for the Electron and a map solution for the Electron version of Survivors. Both of these can be found on the Game Solutions page. Scan of map and text file containing a lot of useful information for a text adventure I wrote that can be found on CJR-01 Inca Treasure, placed on the 'Game Solutions' page.
- 02/05/2010 Found tape images of The Micro User on Matt Cocker's TMU site. I have placed these into the 8BS TMU collection as TMU-00. Four of the images fill gaps in the 8BS TMU collection. I have converted them to disc format. TMU-83-5 TMU83-10 TMU83-11 TMU85-9 all new additions to the pool.
- 01/05/2010 Repton AVIs on the 'Repton' page updated with sound and better quality DivX codec. I got carried away and added a new one too, one of my own screens ToPD2 from disc CJR02, the ones with the Ambulance theme.
- 30/04/2010 History of 8BS page updated with an explanation of why 8BS went down for so long.
- 29/04/2010 Acorn 8 Bit Webring fixed. I am surprised that half of the links on the sites are still working even though the code has been dead for over 4 years. I am in the process of trying to resurrect the non-working links (temporarily removed from the webring to keep it working smoothly). Just been emailing with some of my old Beeb mates. I have missed it. So, what's been happening on the Beeb scene while I have been having a break? Let me know!
- 28/04/2010 Non-working small and pointless scripts removed from a large number of pages on the site. Mainly to do with counting stuff. A lot of other small bits fixed. Random pages and images fixed. Survey and feedback pages removed. Catalogue view as a table removed, leaving view as a list, this was the most popular version in the vote.
- 27/04/2010 A few more bits fixed in the catalogue download section. Top few lines of 'What's New' page added automatically to main page of website. Link to my personal website added.
- 26/04/2010 Thanks to Jess again for help with server configs to get scripts working properly again. Enquiry form running. Counter working. Message board working. Feedback/comments page working. Catalogue working. Online 8BS magazines working. Not a bad day. It seems that the only stuff not working now is the 'Recently Added' scripts. I don't see a problem there, I have just run out of time for the moment.
- 25/04/2010 Chris Richardson back again after a four and a half year break from it all. The 8BS website is going to be updated. Started by getting the catalogue working. A lot of stuff to be removed next, all the non-BBC stuff that is relevant to me is on my own Karoo website now at my personal webite.
- 13/12/2005 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for sending more screenshot maps. This time of Jet Set Willy. Placed in the 'Game Solutions' section
- 11/12/2005 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending some screenshot maps of Jet Set Willy II. Placed in the 'Game Solutions' section
- 02/12/2005 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending 5 new discs of software for the pool. A new section added. APD, Acorn Programs Discs. These are listings from the magazine Acorn Programs. Still looking for issues 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 and 11 if anyone can help please
- 25/11/2005 Dave Edwards is releasing a new game next year called 'You're Alan Partridge'. There is some info about it and some screenshots as a taster that I have placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 11/10/2005 I have implemented a new menu system on the 8BS website. Comments on it would be appreciated, especially if you find any problems. I did it after someone reminded me that the old one failed in some browsers
- 07/10/2005 8BS has taken a long rest. Thanks to Jess for replacing the server motherboard and getting it up and running again
- 21/08/2005 Thanks to Michael Foot for photos of his Acorn Fileserver, placed on the pictures page
- 20/08/2005 Thanks to Eelco Huininga for 38 scans of various manuals. See the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Jess for loading owl with the CD of scans
- 19/08/2005 Thanks to John Simpson for submitting a RISC OS game disassembler with example disassembly of Chuckie Egg. Placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 02/08/2005 Jess has fixed the problem of bandwidth on Owl by placing a throttle on it. The 8BS website will now be quite slow I am afraid. As I have said before, this is only a temporary thing, I hope to have things back to normal before too long
- 01/08/2005 It's no good! Folks are still nicking too much of Jess's bandwidth by downloading huge chunks of stuff from the 8BS website. Please respect my request to take it easy or I will have to remove the large files from the website. Remember, this is only a temporary thing. Hopefully all will be well shortly
- 31/07/2005 Anonymous FTP access temporarily disabled on the 8BS server as people are still downloading large chunks of the website. At the moment I ask that you don't do this for reasons previously mentioned 12/05/2005 and 17/06/2005
- 17/07/2005 Thanks to Robert Sprowson for a scan of a BBC advertising leflet and Master function key strips. Placed in the 'scans' area of the 8BS website. The 8BS website server owl is still playing up a bit. It needs a nudge now and again to get it going. Please bear with us while we (Jess) gets it sorted out
- 12/07/2005 Still loads of problems keeping the 8BS website going. The server keeps having a rest now and again. I have removed all email addresses from the guestbook and removed the facility to add them as I have now had a few people mentioning that they are being spammed thanks to the guestbook. Tell me about it. Well over 4000 emails a day (at the last count but it is probably substantially more than that now) into the 8BS email box is ridiculous. Fortunately Jess and Karoo have a set of configurable email filters that reduce that down to a manageable amount.
- 30/06/2005 The server (owl) did not like the heat at Jess's place at all recently and gave up the ghost on numerous occasions. the 8BS website reliabilty has been a bit patchy recently. I am working on getting the server based here at my home address to enable me to permanently keep an eye on owl. Watch this space, no promises as yet. I have been unlucky this year in attending BBC gatherings. If anyone is interested in a Northern (Sheffield sort of area) meet, please contact me
- 17/06/2005 Now what did I say on 12/05/2005? Jess messaged me to say people have been downloading the whole blooming website. Causing bother on the home network. This is not good and not what we need. Jess provides the hardware and support for 8BS on the back of Jess's own home network. It only takes a couple of fools to ruin it for everyone else. Jess has had to take steps to ensure this does not happen again. I am disappointed really but not surprised I suppose
- 12/05/2005 Great re-start. I have just received an email from someone asking me to remove an image from the pictures pages as it was being used without his permission. Makes it all worth while eh? I do try to ask and then give credit every time, but this one slipped by somehow
- 12/05/2005 8BS came back on line last night after a long rest. Thanks to Jess for plugging the rescued owl back in on his landing. It is running off the back of a home network at the moment so we need to be careful about bandwidth please folks! Please don't try to download loads of things. Please hold off with your submissons to me until the message about the cyclist pedalling hard to keep the server going on the main page disappears
- 08/03/2005 Thanks to John Kortink for a huge scan of the New Advanced User Guide. Too big for the internet, I have placed it on a CD and called it MAN-02, see the catalogue for availability. I have greatly reduced the filesize and placed it on the 'Manuals' page for download
- 10/02/2005 I have placed all the 8BS magazine articles on line, viewable from the 'Magazine' page. To do this, I simply removed all of the disc based magazine files from their respective disc images and placed them on the website. A script converts them to readable format so that they are formatted more or less the same as on the BBC (40 or 80 column). The script adds colour and a sort of graphics conversion to the 40 column teletext files
- 10/02/2005 The 8BS website is going to move servers sometime in the next couple of weeks. This may or may not involve some down time. So if 8BS disappears, don't worry, keep checking, it will be back. Thanks to Ian Wolstenholme for sending a PDF version of the MDFS manual. Available for download frm the 'Manuals' page
- 08/01/2005 Thanks to Jason Watton for an update to OmniFlop the Windows XP utility to read/write BBC floppies. Also thanks to Jason for a whole new page to describe it plus another for the manual. All available for viewing on the 'File Transfer' page. Jason has done a fantastic job with programming both the utility and the pages. Thanks to Dave Edwards for 6 new additions to the software pool, Electron User Group discs 63 to 65 in both ADFS and DFS format
- 07/02/2005 Thanks to Dave Edwards. 13 New disc images added to the ELK section of the pool. The Electron section. ELK-05 to ELK-11 added. See the catalogue for details
- 05/02/2005 Thanks to Raf Giaccio for another set of utilities. This time they are for the GoMMC. I have added his page of things to the main menus on the front of the 8BS website now
- 01/02/2005 Thanks to Paul Collins for sending a couple of A&B Magazine cover scans, two supplementals that I did not have, now available on the 'A&B' section of the 'Magazine' page
- 22/01/2005 Thanks once more to Jon Welch for sending a further update for Xfer the serial link transfer program. It will now transfer single files and disc images of most types both to and from the PC. Excellent!
- 16/01/2005 Thanks to Jon Welch for a very useful update and fix to Xfer the serial transfer program. He has fixed the non-working DFS disc image transfer option and added an ADFS disc image transfer option. He has added and fixed a couple of other things too. See the 'File Transfer' page for the download which contains full instructions and info. Thanks to Jon Welch for sending a program to transfer BBC tapes to disc images using the sound card. Info and download on the 'File Transfer' page
- 13/01/2005 Thanks to Paul Collins (eBay MarillionUK) for sending a load of Acorn User Magazine cover scans. Adding to the few that were already there, he promises to fill most of the gaps over the next month or so. Available from the 'Publications' menu
- 31/12/2004 Thanks to Jason Watton for providing a new piece of software. It updates the Windows XP floppy driver to be able to read BBC floppies using a piece of software called OmniFlop. Details on the 'File Transfer' page
- 01/12/2004 Thanks to Jason Watton for an update for Omnidisk. Available for download from the 'File Conversion' page and the 'On Line Magazine'
- 26/11/2004 Many things added since the last update of this page. My apologies for not entering them here. Please check the 'Latest' utilities for pages and pictures to see the more recent changed or new things on the website. Thanks to Chris Whytehead for some photos added to the 'See Computers' pages
- 28/09/2004 I have redone the PD download catalogue. It is now a database that is presented by a script. Have a look at it and please let me know what you think
- 15/09/2004 Thanks to Thomas Heck for sending pdf versions of the New Advanced User Guide and some intersheet manuals. All available from the 'manuals' page
- 06/09/2004 Prior to my big push to load the whole pool on to a GoMMC card, I have renamed a small number of disc images within their zip files (this therefore does not affect download filenames from the website). There are now only four file extensions for disc images in the 8BS pool (not counting the 512 section). These are:
Double sided DFS disc (400k) = .dsd
Single sided DFS disc (200k) = .ssd
ADFS Large (640k) = .adl
ADFS Medium (320k) = .adm
- 28/08/2004 I have compacted all of the DFS discs in the pool. This has the effect of substantially decreasing the length of time it takes to write the disc image to a real BBC disc. If you find any problems with any of the discs, please let me know
- 15/08/2004 Thanks to Richard Head for updating his Repton screens. They are now all full sets of screens. Excellent puzzles, they are well worth a look. See TBI-45 in the downloads section
- 04/08/2004 Thanks to Richard Head for a new addition to the Repton screens. He has submitted 2 sets (one finished and one partially finished). See TBI-45. I have turned this catalogue entry into two single sided discs, both in the same zipped download. I have added the maps and passwords to the relevant pages on the website too
- 26/07/2004 Back from the Classic Gaming Expo UK 2004 show. I have rearranged a couple of pages on the site. An account of the show will be found on the 'Shows' page
- 07/07/2004 Preparations for the Classic Gaming Expo UK are going well. Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given me some goodies to take down to Croydon with me. Some neat Repton stuff! He has lent me some maps and solutions. I have photographed them as best I can and placed them on the website in the game solutions section. The Spellbinder and Elixir maps are especially worth a look at. Make an effort to get yourself down there on 24th and 25th of this month :-)
- 17/06/2004 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Rombox Manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page, thanks also to Dave for the photos of the Rombox, placed on the photos page
- 11/06/2004 Thanks to Keith Howell for sending some Z80 info. Available from the 'On Line Magazine' and manuals page. Thanks also to Keith for sending a Master 128 review, available in the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Raf Giaccio for sending his Y2K Fix ROM listing. Available form the Y2K fixes page (follow the link to Raf's separate fix page)
- 05/06/2004 Thanks to Dave Edwards for converting a huge terrible scan of the VoxBox manual into a tiny RTF file. Available for download on the 'Manuals' page. DAVE I STILL CAN'T REPLY TO YOUR MAILS BY DOING 'REPLY'. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending seven new discs added tothe TBI section of the 8BS catalogue. Electron Computing. See the TBI catalogue
- 28/05/2004 Thanks to Savvidis Ioannis for scanning the System 5 Manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page ready for OCRing if there are any volunteers please?
- 26/05/2004 New additions to the TBI section of the 8BS pool thanks to Dan Beardsmore for TBI-177 Hangman and TBI-178 Evil Invaders
- 12/04/2004 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a typed in version in Word format of the Cumana DFS manual for the Electron. Also thanks to Dave for a work in progress typed in version of the Electron User Guide in Word format. Available for download from the 'manuals' page. Dave, I am replying to your emails, but they are being bounced back 550 Invalid recipient. Have you changed your email?
- 30/03/2004 Thanks to Jules Richardson for photos of the Acorn System 5, placed on the 'See>Computers' page. Thanks also to John Kortink for photos of various boards placed on the 'See>Boards' page
- 25/03/2004 A new page (totally unrelated to Acorn 8 bit stuff) added after I scanned in two Rover logs from 1929 - 1942
- 24/03/2004 Owl died again last night until late today due to a power failure
- 16/03/2004 The 8BS website was down for short while today due to a power cut. Apologies for that
- 15/03/2004 Repton Infinity maps and hints added to the 'Repton' pages
- 13/03/2004 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a solution and map to Star Drifter. Placed on the Game Solutions' page
- 12/03/2004 Thanks to David Hawkins for an rtf version of the ATPL Sidewise board manual. Placed on the 'manuals' page
- 11/03/2004 Thanks to Geoff Stevens for the ATPL Sidewise Plus manual, scan and PDF placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 09/03/2004 BBC B and B+ motherboards photographed and placed in the 'insides' section replacing smaller similar images. Speech Synthesizer plans placed in the 'on line magazine'
- 07/03/2004 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages. Steve says the job is nearly finishd now, a bit of tidying up and then a check for anything he may have missed
- 05/03/2004 Cumana QFS manual scanned and placed as a scan and PDF file on the manuals page
- 02/03/2004 Various scrips that do little jobs around the website totally rewitten, if you have noticed odd things happening on the website over the last coule of days, this is the reason. I have rewritten the counter as the one I was using was an awful spaghetti mess. Another one keeps a tally of how many folks are looking at the 8BS website at this moment, see the main page
- 27/02/2004 Thanks to eBay sellers for pictures of BBC related items now placed on the 'pictures' pages. Thanks to Richard Hall for pointing them out for me. A new article attempting to list all Acorn 8 bit machines placed in the 'on line magazine'
- 25/02/2004 Thanks to Dave Edwards for 6 new discs for the pool. The Electron Music 5000 discs and 4 discs with Music 5000 files. All available for download from the MUS section of the download section. New Repton 2 Map placed onto the 'Repton' pages with a link to the original website which is well worth checking out. Thanks to Stewart Goldwater for pointing it out to me and Darren Salt for the pictures and map
- 16/02/2004 New search engine installed on the 8BS website. If you have any problems with it, please let me know. I have put a lot of work into getting it up and running. The engine can be tailored to a certain extent, so constructive comments would be very much appreciated and welcome
- 15/02/2004 Thanks again to John Kortink for sending a very large scan of the Master Reference Manual Part 2. I have reduced it in filesize considerably and placed it on the 'manuals' page. The original scans have been placed on the CD 'MAN-01' (see the CDR section of the catalogue). I am waiting now for a promised large scan of the Advanced Reference Manual for the Master which will then complete the CD MAN-01
- 13/02/2004 John Kortink has sent a huge scan of the Master Reference Manual Part 1. I have placed a greatly reduced in filesize version on the 'manuals' page and have placed the original scans on the CD 'MAN-01' (see the CDR section of the catalogue)
- 12/02/2004 A load of lovely Repton things fell through my letterbox this morning thanks to Steve Hanson. I have scanned them and placed them on the Repton page for your perusal
- 11/02/2004 Already the 8BS upload facility has been used to great effect. Thanks to John Kortink for sending a very high quality scan of the Master Welcome Guide. I have created a new CD in the CDR section, if you want the unaltered scan and a PDF version of it, see the catalogue CDR section for more details. I have reduced the filesize considerably and placed the scans onto the manual pages here with a similarly reduced filesize PDF version of it. John promises further excellent quality scans soon. Watch this space
- 10/02/2004 At last I have managed to get around to sorting out ftp upload access to owl. You can now upload things to the 8BS ftp upload directory using your normal web browser ( or ftp anonymously to with your FTP program
- 08/02/2004 Concept keyboard manual scans and Computer Concepts Speech manual sorted out (images rotated) and uploaded. PDF versions of the following manuals created and uploaded: 6502 Co Processor. Acorn Speech. ATS (Acorn and Morley). Computer Concepts Speech. Master Compact Service Manual. Concept Keyboard User Guides. Electron User Guide. Manuals page reorganised so it is hopefully less confusing
- 07/02/2004 Interface Magazine. 512 User Guides, Acorn and Dabs Press. Atomic Theory. All these turned into Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Placed in the relevant places on the 'Manuals' and 'Magazines' pages. The Master 512 Technical Guide converted from the HTML web page to Adobe PDF format. Master Compact Welcome Guide converted from HTML to PDF. Finally, the Basic ROM disassembly section converted to pdf format. Remember that the Basic Rom Disassembly pages are not quite finished, so the pdf conversion is not the final version either
- 06/02/2004 I have made a lot of changes to the 8BS website today. I have deleted a lot of things and am uploading replacements. Please bear with me while I get everything uploaded. Byteback magazines: Individual scans removed from byteback magazine page, cut into single pages and zipped as scans then another zip of the magazine as PDF. Software bargains catalogue, Impact Games Catalogue, and Beebon magazines all given similar treatments. See the relevant sections in the 'Magazine' page
- 05/04/2004 The IP address of the 8BS website changed today, as a result the website was not reachable until the new address worked its way into the internet. Re-scanned The Disk User Magazines 1 to 5 and turned 1 to 14 into PDF files. Placed with the scans in the catalogue and on the magazine page. These will take me a day or so to upload so please be patient if you get a 'file not found' error
- 04/02/2004 Fast Access cards re-scanned and turned into PDF. Placed with the original scans in the catalogue and manuals pages. Thanks to Jess for adding a larger hard disc to owl. My old PC drive is going to good use. The 8BS website can now hold another 10 gigabytes of stuff. Acorn User October 84 in PDF available from the magazines page
- 02/02/2004 Master Reference Manual Part 2 re-scanned and turned into PDF available for download from the manuals page. Master Operating System, turned into PDF format
- 01/02/2004 Well, I tried various ways of getting around the problem of selling things from the 8BS website to support 8BS and failed miserably. The Inland Revenue wins, I admit defeat. Everything in the 8BS advert is now free. Once things I have to pay for are gone, that is it, I will not be stocking up on any of the items that run out. I will still accept donations of equipment for re-distribution. I would sooner fund 8BS out of my own pocket than have 8BS as a business and be regarded as self employed and dealing with all the crap that goes with it. Master Reference Manual Part 1 re-scanned, turned into PDF format and placed on the manuals page. I am pleased with the way this went, reducing the filesize from about 12 meg to about 2.5 meg. I shall be working on a few more manuals like this shortly
- 31/01/2004 A lot of emails to and from me have gone missing over the last couple of days, server problems I think. If you don't receive a reply from me, please keep trying until you do
- 26/1/2004 The Repton Section is just about finished now. Major additions in the last 2 or 3 days
- 23/01/2004 I have had a fairly major revamp of the Repton page. Maps and passwords. I have a few plans for these pages. Keep an eye on them
- 19/01/2004 Star Wars demo from GLM-05 added to the AVI collection. Available from the 'On Line Magazine'. FDC use demo as an AVI placed onto the 'File Transfer' page
- 18/01/2004 I have converted the Bones 1 and Bones 2 demos to AVI movies. Available from the 'On Line Magazine' page. Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 13/01/2004 CDR-02 now available. See the Catalogue CDR section. This is a CD of all the photos I have taken of BBC related things, about 430 megabytes in 2000 files at present. A browser page is included on the CD. I have also placed all the images from the 'see' directory of the 8BS website on the CD with the html pages to browse them
- 10/01/2004 Large (all in one) software download catalogue improved so that the links in the table at the top of the page to the rest of the page now work
- 09/01/2004 Improved some of the photos. The STL 32k board plus 128k upgrade and BBC sprite board
- 07/01/2004 Thanks to Nick B for sending Adobe Acrobat versions of some Acorn Application Notes. Available from the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Wouter Scholten for a load of photos of an Acorn Atom and software working. Thanks to Rich Hall for pointing the page out to me. See it on the 'Photos' page
- 06/01/2004 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the 'Basic Disassembly' page
- 05/01/2004 The Disk User Magazine scans are now fully uploaded and working. Apologies, I had to delete them all and upload at 28k, it took a day or two. I have turned the Disk User animations into AVI files. See the TDU section of the catalogue and the 'On Line Magazine' for downloads. Thanks to Dan (Telcontar) for pointing out errors with the Galaforce MP3. I have uploaded the file he pointed me to that is a much better and fuller version of the tune. Thanks to The Stairway To Hell website for the file. Downaloadable from the 'Music' page
- 04/01/2004 The Disk User Magazine scans updated. I have re-scanned 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and 14. I have resized the black and white scans in 1 2 3 4 and 5 making the filesize smaller. Thanks to Mick Needham for donating the Disk User Magazines enabling me to scan colour originals replacing the black and white photocopy scans that were here before
- 31/12/2003 As promised (see the entry here for 20/12/2003), the 8BS advert has returned. Take a look!
- 29/12/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 21/12/2003 You can now obtain discs from the 8BS pool on real BBC floppy or as disc images on CD for free! Simply send me the appropriate formatted media and return postage. See the catalogue for details
- 20/12/2003 I have taken the decision today to no longer sell anything; parts, software, services and so on. The tax man has decided my 8BS activities have to be accounted for. Fair enough I suppose except that it is not worth the grief and effort involved in the nightmare of paperwork as essentially I do this on a non profit making basis. Don't panic though. The emphasis there was on 'sell'. I am hoping there is a way I can continue with the service I have been providing without gaining the interest of the tax man. Watch this space
- 19/12/2003 Thanks to Ken Hewson for sending scans of the Acorn and Morley ATS manuals. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 14/12/2003 Thanks to Richard Hall for a scan of the Morley Master AA board manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 09/12/2003 Owl died for a couple of hours today (1146 - 1401). Apologies. A terrible unplugging accident. its life was saved only by the swift action of a technician plugging it back in again after Jess asked. Thanks Jess
- 07/12/2003 Thanks to Gorgon Dyer for OCRing the Snap Camera Manual. Now available from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending an OCR of the Electron Database User Guide, available from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for photos of Logo Control Gear added to the photos pages. Thanks to Ken Hewson for lots of photographs of various odds and ends placed on the 'Pictures' pages
- 29/12/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 21/12/2003 You can now obtain discs from the 8BS pool on real BBC floppy or as disc images on CD for free! Simply send me the appropriate formatted media and return postage. See the catalogue for details
- 20/12/2003 I have taken the decision today to no longer sell anything; parts, software, services and so on. The tax man has decided my 8BS activities have to be accounted for. Fair enough I suppose except that it is not worth the grief and effort involved in the nightmare of paperwork as essentially I do this on a non profit making basis. Don't panic though. The emphasis there was on 'sell'. I am hoping there is a way I can continue with the service I have been providing without gaining the interest of the tax man. Watch this space
- 19/12/2003 Thanks to Ken Hewson for sending scans of the Acorn and Morley ATS manuals. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 14/12/2003 Thanks to Richard Hall for a scan of the Morley Master AA board manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 09/12/2003 Owl died for a couple of hours today (1146 - 1401). Apologies. A terrible unplugging accident. its life was saved only by the swift action of a technician plugging it back in again after Jess asked. Thanks Jess
- 07/12/2003 Thanks to Gorgon Dyer for OCRing the Snap Camera Manual. Now available from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending an OCR of the Electron Database User Guide, available from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for photos of Logo Control Gear added to the photos pages. Thanks to Ken Hewson for lots of photographs of various odds and ends placed on the 'Pictures' pages
- 24/11/2003 I have now temporarily re-routed my emails through another server. If you have sent me an email recently and not received a reply, please try again
- 23/11/2003 Apologies for slow or no replies to emails. My ISP is becoming more and more useless with various mail server failures.
- 09/11/2003 Thanks to Raf Giaccio for submitting a ROM version of the Master 128 Panel. See his page for more info. Apologies for a problem with the Electron Games Reviews pages over the last few days. I uploaded them all after correcting a problem and then left them, not realising I had not set the read permissions correctly on all 800 or so pages. Fixed now
- 04/11/2003 Thanks to Jason Watton for submitting an article about his disc imaging program called Omnidisk. Available from the 'file conversion' page and the 'on line magazine'
- 22/10/2003 Alive again! The owl power supply blew up in a nasty way on 18/10/2003 leaving the 8BS website dead. Jess has made a temporary repair. Thanks Jess. I think at some stage owl will go down again, hopefully for only a short time while the repair is made more permanent
- 06/10/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the 'Basic Disassembly' page
- 01/10/2003 Scan of HCR Micron Plus manual placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 12/09/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic disassembly page
- 09/09/2003 Thanks to Raf Giaccio, an update to hs Y2K bug fix ROM for the Master 128. An ADFS *WIPE instruction added. Also a new ADFS Utilities ROM. Place on his page available from the 'Y2K' page. I have also added a new page that lists most things available on the 8BS website. I hope that this proves to be useful
- 22/08/2003 Thanks to Philip Greenland for sending a Windows GUI BBC character code generator. Available for download from the 'On Line Magazine' page. The software includes an uninstaller
- 21/08/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the BASIC disassembly pages
- 05/08/2003 Redo of all the download statistics on the 'Website Stats' page after doing something about a niggle I have had for some time to do with what constitutes a genuine download. I have added in to the totals some other statistics for real disc sales from the past. If you have submitted stuff to 8BS, you can now see an accurate figure for how many copies of your disc or article have been dispatched from 8BS
- 02/08/2003 Thanks to Sebastian Mennicke for sending a development version of his BBC Basic emulator. Available on the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 01/08/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic ROM Disassembly pages. Scans of Let's Compute! covers placed on the 'Magazines' page
- 26/07/2003 ROM fix for the year 2000 bug in the Master 128
- 26/06/2003 Thanks to Stephan Richardson for a couple of CDs of magazine cover scans. I have reduced the filesizes and uploaded them to the 8BS website. Stephan has sent a couple of Acorn User cover scans and Acorn Computing cover scans from volume 10 issue 8 to volume 13 issue 1. All available on the 'Magazines' page
- 10/06/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 17/05/2003 Thanks to Dave Moore for sending some fixed TMU discs now available or download from the catalogue section of the website. TMU-84-3 to TMU-85-3, thirteen discs
- 02/05/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly page. Thanks to C.C.Lomas for scans of Beebon issues 1 and 3 now available for download from the 'Magazines' page
- 19/04/2003 Thanks to Dave Moore for sending an update to the 'Programme From The Micro User/Electron User Show' download available on the 'Magazines' page. Thanks to Dave Moore (scanning and CD) and Jeremy Grayson (loan of magazines) for sending some scans of Impact Games Magazines, now available for download from the 'Magazines' page. Thanks to Dave for a scan of a Software Bargains and Mercury Games Catalogue, available for download from the 'Magazines' page
- 10/04/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 28/03/2003 Thanks to Ben Ryves for sending a gif of Repton. He is writing the game in Zilog Z80 assembler. Info on the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 24/03/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for updates to the Basic Disassembly page. Thanks also to Steve for two new discs for the pool. TBI-176-1 and TBI-176-2. Maths functions and analysis programs. See the TBI section of the catalogue for download and full descriptions
- 20/03/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for sending scans of two Dabs Press manuals, Conversion Kit and Fingerprint. Available for download from the 'Manuals' section. The associated discs can be downloaded from 'The BBC Lives' website
- 19/03/2003 The 8BS website was down from 14/03/2003 until just now. Someone unplugged owl while Jess was away! Anyhow, it's all better now. Apologies to those of you that missed your regular fix of 8BS
- 16/03/2003 Thanks to Dave Edwards for the German version of the Electron Plus 1 User Guide. Available for download from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for an improved version of the Electron Plus 1 User Guide now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 11/03/2003 New menu added. If you have problems with this, please let me know. I have thought about this for years before finally going for it
- 22/02/2003 The Acorn Electron Haven now opened. Maintained by Dave Edwards. See the 'Links' page. If you want to advertise a Dell computer on the 8BS message board, that's fine by me, as long as you are prepared for me to remove your text from the advert and add my own, inviting others to do likewise
- 21/02/2003 Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update to the Basic Disassembly page
- 3/2/3 Thanks to J.Tribbeck for sending a redrawn BBC B circuit diagram. A great improvement on the scan I have done. He says that there may be errors in it though so if you spot any, please point them out to us. Available from the 'insides/technical' page
- 1/2/3 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the DFS version of EUD-03 and the ADFS version of ELK-01. Now available for download from the relevant sections of the 8BS catalogue
- 26/01/2003 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the 'EUG Find it Fast' Catalogue. Available from the EUG section of the downloads page. Thanks also to Dave for an update to ELK-01, the Kansas collection
- 03/01/2003 A lot of new additions over the last few weeks, but I was too busy to document it here. Examine the 'latest file changes' links for new stuff. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel for updates to the technical pages for the BBC, BBC + and the Master 128
- 12/12/2002 Thanks to Jonathan Harston for pointing out a problem with a couple of discs in the 512 section. I have redone them 512-17 and 512-61
- 05/12/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a manual he has written himself for BBC Explorer 2. It is in Word format, downloadable from the 'Manuals' page of the website
- 23/11/2002 Thanks to Alastair Seggie for a diagram of the ROM Box Lead. Placed on the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 19/11/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for the S-Pascal manual now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 13/11/2002 Thanks to David Hawkins for the Micron Plus Eprom Programmer manual and ATPL battery backup instructions, placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 11/11/2002 The marathon of entering all of the Electron Games reviews/info pages into the index is now finished. 889 files! Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending me all of the files. Now viewable from the 'Electron Games' link
- 09/11/2002 Thanks to Lee at Vintage Computer for the Ebay advert. Thanks to Keith Nolde for pointing it out to me. Placed in the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Lee for a picture of a 16k RAM chip now placed on the 'Pictures>other' page. Thanks also to Lee for the improved photo of the M128 6502 co-processor, replacing the existing one on the 'Pictures>boards' page
- 07/11/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for an HTML version of the RomIt manual now viewable and downloadable on the 'manuals' page
- 03/11/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for a substantial number (57) of scans of A&B Magazine covers now placed in a page of their own available off the 'Magazines' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for the 'Sprite Utilities' manual, now placed on the 'Manuals' page for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Paintbox manual. Placed ready for download on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for slight updates to 512-19 and 512-52, info added to the zips. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for a new disc in the 512 section. 512-85, Time Traker a time and billing system now available for download from the 512 section of the catalogue. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Elkman User Guide, placed on the 'Manuals' page for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards for the PRES Advanced File Manager manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending his completed 'Electron Complete Games Guide', now in a page of its own available from the main menu
- 25/10/2002 Thanks to Janny Looyenga. 512-74-3 a manual for Flodraw added. Thanks also to Janny for 512-84 a new disc in the pool. A cooking program. Thanks to Ronald Barr for a disc containing graph plotters, now available for download as TBI-175
- 22/10/2002 Thanks to David Hawkins for photos of his setup and an LTM Portable, placed on the 'pictures>Computers' page
- 19/10/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for photos of a Watford hand scanner, 80186 co-processor, and an unusual board placed on the 'Pictures' page. Thanks also to Richard for an article placed in the 'On Line Magazine'. He made a repair to the legs of a faulty board that I sent him. I offered to take it back off him, but he was determined to repair it and managed. This is the story, with photos, of how he did it
- 18/10/2002 I have added the rest of the John Ilsley electronics articles to the 'On Line Magazine'
- 15/10/2002 Thanks to Dave Moore and Jeremy Grayson for a scan of the Bugbyte Magazine 'Beebon' placed on the 'Magazines' page
- 13/10/2002 Alastair Seggie's Starturn Lathe Nighmare put into the 'On Line Magazine'
- 12/10/2002 Thanks to Jon Irvine for a load of scans of A&B Magazine Covers. Placed on the 'Magazine Scan' cover page. Thanks also to Jon for a load of pictures for the 'Pictures' pages
- 10/10/2002 Thanks to Mark Bush for sending a new fix for the Master Y2K problem. Placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 09/10/2002 I had to do it. I put the Repton tune into my Motorola. Codes on the 'On Line Magazine' page. MP3 version of it too, recorded off my phone. Thanks to Richard Hall for sending scans of info about the 6809 Co-Processor. Placed on the 'Scans>Leaflets' page
- 08/10/2002 A Large number of Tape Game cover scans placed on the 'Scans' page. MP3 version of the Nokia Repton ringtone placed with the entry in the 'On Line Magazine' from yesterday for those of you without a Nokia
- 07/10/2002 Repton 3 Ringtone for Nokia phones placed on the 'On Line Magazine' Thanks to Gary McCallum for sending it. Loads of photos added to the 'Pictures' pages over the last few days. Thanks to everyone for these. Article by John Ilsley on how to construct a light pen added to the 'on line magazine'
- 03/10/2002 A new disc added to the TBI section. Thanks to Jon Hogeslag. TBI-174 a DFS disc catalogue extender allowing file descriptions to be added. Now available for download from the TBI section of the catalogue
- 02/10/2002 A fourth type of BBC keyboard discovered in my loft after Wouter Scholten pointed out differences to me. Photos added to the 'Insides/technical' page
- 29/09/2002 Thanks to Michael Foot for sending photos of an Electron (see them on the 'Pictures>Computers' page) and a BBC car shade (see it on the 'Pictures>Other' page)
- 28/09/2002 Fixed 'Recent Pool' and 'Recent Pictures' utilities. Since moving to the new owl server they had not been working correctly. I had not realised this until today
- 18/09/2002 WHS section removed from the website at the request of Wouter. He is maintaining these things himself. Link to be placed on the 'Links' page shortly
- 17/09/2002 Thanks to Jason Watton for prompting me. I finally sussed copying BBC discs using my machine with Windows XP. How I did it on the 'PC><BBC' page
- 15/09/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a new disc for the Beebug section of the pool BUG-28 Murom. Now available for download from the catalogue. Thanks to Philip Mulrane for sending the final version of the Ample ROM patch with article about it. Available from the 'On Line Magazine' and the 'MUS' section of the catalogue
- 14/09/2002 A further update to BBC-57 from Dave Edwards, including a new ADFS version. This disc is now full and a further disc is promised shortly. Thanks Dave
- 13/09/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending an update for BBC-57. The following text by Dave: Wowza! Amazing new BBC music demo of Eminem's STAN added to BBC_57. We're still looking for any music demos that are missing from the archives as well. If you have any to contribute please get in touch!"
- 12/09/2002 Thanks to Philip Mulrane for sending an Ample ROM patch. This enables you to use any of the Ample Software with your Ample ROM. Available from the MUS section and the 'On Line Magazine'. Stop press! I have temporarily disabled the links at the request of Philip while he finishes the testing. Watch this space...
- 10/09/2002 MUS-21 22 and 23 added to the music section. Music 5000 tunes sent to me by Gareth Babb. Some are duplicates of what is already in the pool.
- 09/09/2002 The last 5 discs added for the ARC section. Thanks to Philip Mulrane for scanning the Computer Concepts Speech Manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page. A Domesday system went up for sale on Ebay. The full collection of photos are placed on a separate page available from the 'Pictures' > 'Computers' page
- 04/09/2002 Five discs added to the download section. I have imaged some of the Archimedes Discs I have. Please see the ARC section of the catalogue
- 01/09/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for sending some photos of a Master ET. Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to ELK-01, available for download now
- 12/08/2002 The website was broken for a while. I also accidentally deleted a purchase enquiry e-mail. So if you did not get a reply from me, please try again
- 31/07/2002 Thanks to Janny Looyenga for submitting another disc for the Master 512 section. 512-83 Flexical a calendar/appointment program. Now available for download from the 512 section of the catalogue
- 30/07/2002 Econet page added. I would appreciate help from anyone who would like to add things to this page. Thanks to Alan Hulley for sending me a cover scan of Beebug 5-5. Thanks to all who have recently sent me photos. I have not included thanks on this 'What's New' page but have mentioned who sent what with the actual items. I seem to have had very little spare time this last month and have not updated this 'New' page at all, as you can see :-(
- 28/07/2002 Thanks to Stweart Goldwater for an update to the Cub Service Manual
- 17/06/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for an OCR of the Electron User Guide Errata sheet. Placed for download on the manuals page and also within the scan of the Electron User Guide
- 16/06/2002 Only 3 short now! Thanks to Dave Moore for sending TMU-83-4, now available for download
- 15/06/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for 4 new discs in the pool at the start of the EUD section 83-10 11 12 and 84-1
- 01/06/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for some more scans of game and utility covers. Placed on the 'Scans' page
- 31/05/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to EUD-07, now available for download from the EUD section of the pool. Thanks to Richard Hall for sending scans of a Master 512 advert and Mini Office II box and several games. Placed on the scans page
- 30/05/2005 Thanks to Richard Hall for another 16 Acorn User cover scans. Placed on the 'Magazines' page
- 29/05/2002 Thanks to Stewart Goldwater for an HTML version of the Microvitec CUB Monitor Service Manual. Now available from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for a cover scan of a Micro User Education Special. Now available on 'The Micro User' cover scans page
- 28/05/2002 With the recent addition and promise of further magazine cover scans, I have separated the magazine scans from the Manual scans page. Creating a new entry in the main menus 'Magazines'. Beebug Magazine cover scans placed on the 'Magazine' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for scans of A&B Magazine covers. Placed on the 'Magazines' page. Thanks to Martin Hodgson for sending his HTML OCRing of the Master Compact Welcome Guide. Now available on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for some Acorn User cover scans. Placed on the 'Magazines' page, more to come.
- 27/05/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for scanning parts of an 'Interface' magazine from Janualy 1982 containing some BBC info and also for a scan of the front cover of 'Acorn Programs' magazine issue 1. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending it on to 8BS. Now available for viewing from the 'Manuals/Scans' page
- 26/05/2002 Thanks to both Gordon Dyer and Richard Hall for sending scans of covers now placed on the 'Cover Scans' page. Thanks to Richard for sending the Watford Hand Scanner manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 28/05/2002 With the recent addition and promise of further magazine cover scans, I have separated the magazine scans from the Manual scans page. Creating a new entry in the main menus 'Magazines'. Beebug Magazine cover scans placed on the 'Magazine' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for scans of A&B Magazine covers. Placed on the 'Magazines' page. Thanks to Martin Hodgson for sending his HTML OCRing of the Master Compact Welcome Guide. Now available on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Richard Hall for some Acorn User cover scans. Placed on the 'Magazines' page, more to come.
- 27/05/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for scanning parts of an 'Interface' magazine from Janualy 1982 containing some BBC info and also for a scan of the front cover of 'Acorn Programs' magazine issue 1. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending it on to 8BS. Now available for viewing from the 'Manuals/Scans' page
- 26/05/2002 Thanks to both Gordon Dyer and Richard Hall for sending scans of covers now placed on the 'Cover Scans' page. Thanks to Richard for sending the Watford Hand Scanner manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 25/05/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending the PMS Multi-Font NTQ manuals, font library and scans. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks also to Gordon for starting the process of OCRing the 'Snap Camera' manual. Any volunteers for finishing the job? Available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 24/05/2002 Thanks to Richard Hall for scans of the Electron Data Recorder and Plus 3 leaflets. Placed on the 'Cover Scans' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending them to 8BS. Thanks also to Richard Hall for several new scans of books now placed on the 'Scans' pages.
- 23/05/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending the manual for the Arraymate package along with scans of the box and advert etc. Available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 22/05/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a new disc for the pool. The last A&B disc, now available for download A&B 1-6
- 21/05/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending an update for ELK-01, now available for download
- 18/05/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending a Word Document describing his modification to the Electron to increase tape load reliability. I have added it as a download to the existing page in the 'On Line Magazine' and also as an update to the 'On Line Magazine' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to A&B1-4 and a new disc to the A&B section 1-5, now available for download
- 14/05/2002 In a moment of boredom I wrote a random page script. Click on the link from the menu and view one of the 200 or so pages of the 8BS website at random
- 13/05/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for a collection of photographs placed throughout the website mainly in the 'pictures' section
- 12/05/2002 Scan of the 'Snap Camera' manual placed on the 'Manuals' page. Volunteers for OCRing please?
- 10/05/2002 Diagram now placed with the Plus 6 Fitting Instructions
- 08/05/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Advanced Plus 6 Fitting Instructions. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page, not quite complete, there is a scan to be placed with it as soon as it is available. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending photos of an Acorn Data Recorder, now placed on the 'photos-other' page. Article about joining 2 BBCs placed in the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Steven Flintham for originally submitting this to 8BS
- 06/05/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending a scan of the Electon Database User Guide. Now placed on the 'Manuals' page. Any volunteers for OCRing please? Thanks to The Admiral for an update of 'PC Arcadians, now available for download from the 'On Line Magazine'
- 05/05/2002 Thanks for Dave Edwards for sending the Electron Plus 3 User Guide. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 04/05/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards, the diagram for the Advanced Plus 7 Guide is now scanned and placed with the relevant zip on the 'Manuals' page
- 30/04/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending a large number of cover scans. Now placed on the 'Scans-Manuals' page. He has sent scans of the ISO Pascal package, Pascal From Basic, Electron View Package, Electron Viewsheet Package, Electron Lisp Package, Electron Assembly Language Programming, Electron Graphic Art and Electron Database
- 29/04/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for The Electron Plus 1 User Guide. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 27/04/2002 Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending a photo of a Master RAM Board. Placed on the pictures page. Thanks to Gordon for sending the User Guide for the Slogger Master RAM Board. Thanks also to Gordon for sending an update for the MRB fitting guide. Placed on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending updates for all the EUG zips. There is a text file accompanying each EUG disc image containing info. Dave has updated these text files with the date of issue of the EUG magazine. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending the Advanced Plus 2 ROM Guide, now available on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the ACP Advanced Disc Toolkit ROM, placed on the 'Manuals' page for download
- 19/04/2002 Right! You lot win. There were far more votes for the return of the 'all in one' 8BS catalogue than I expected. So, rather than make myself a load of work (which is why I got rid of it in the first place), I have written a script that cobbles together all the separate parts 'on the fly'. Click on the link in the main catalogue page. Let me know your appreciation please!
- 18/04/2002 Prices in the 8BS advert reduced for computers (some substantially), disc drives and a lot of other odds and ends. I have added a little to the bottom of the left hand pane of the 8BS website telling you which noise it is you hear welcoming you
- 15/04/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending me a collection of discs from MOSS PD. The demo disc and some clip art and pictures. 9 new discs in the TBI section, TBI-173 now available for download. I have acquired some Music 5000, 4000 etc related manuals and am busy scanning them. Have a look at the ones I have done so far on the 'Manuals' page. A few more to go. Hopefully finished in the next day or so
- 14/04/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending updates to EUG-46, now availlable for download
- 13/04/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sening an update for EUG-29. Now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG-10. 8BS now has the full collection of EUG discs. Thanks to Ian Wolstenholme for an article on making the BBCs LED's flash. Placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 09/04/2002 Thanks to Chris Johns for sending a new disc for the Educational section of the pool. EDU-08 now available for download
- 08/04/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a new disc for the pool. A&B 1-4 now available for download. Thanks to 'The Admiral' for sending a PC version of Arcadians. Now available for download from the 'On Line Magazine' section. This is an ongoing project, so keep an eye open for updates
- 07/04/2002 Thanks to Janny Looyenga for sending two new discs for the pool. TMU-85-8 and TMU-86-2. Now avalable for download
- 06/04/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B1-3 now available for download from the A&B section of the catalogue
- 01/04/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending a scan of the book cover Assembly Programming Made Easy now available for viewing on the 'Book Scans' page. Thanks to Matt for a couple of photos added to the 'Other' section of the 'pictures' page. Thanks to Stewart Goldwater for an HTML version of the Dumpmaster ROM placed on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending it. Thanks to Paras Sidapara for sending a photo of a B+128 now placed on the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for sending an OCRed version of the Slogger Master RAM Board manual. Now available for download from the 'Manulas' page. Thanks to Gordon Dyer for an article about Electron tape loading, placed in the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B 1-2, now available for download from the A&B section of the catalogue
- 30/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending a new disc for the pool A&B 1-1. Now available for download
- 27/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a new entry t othe BBC section. BBC-58 a collection of demos. Thanks to Dave also for another new entry, TBI-172, pictures
- 25/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update of BBC 56
- 24/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for pointing out that BBC-56 and 57 were in the library the wrong way around. (BBC 56 was BBC 57 and so on) Sorted. Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to BBC 57
- 23/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to the Epic Adventure help file. Ready for download from the game help page
- 18/03/2002 Many thanks to James Watson for sending a disc of his own work. Now placed in the pool ready for download on TBI-171. This disc is well worth a look at, the software does appear on other discs in the library, but this is a disc compiled by James himself with an introduction from him
- 17/03/2002 TBI-10 and 114 removed from the library due to duplication. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending an OCR of the Dumpmaster manual. Now available for download from the 'manuals' page. Photos of an Atom places on the 'pictures' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards, an update for EUG-41. TBI-90 removed from the pool as it was a duplicate. Two new discs in the BBC section thanks to Dave Edwards. BBC-56 and 57
- 16/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to BBC 40. Now available for download. Thanks also to Dave for a new entry BBC-46. TBI-06 deleted as it was duplicated elsewhere. GLM-01 and GLM-06 updated. TBI-87 and 158 updated
- 15/03/2002 Fitting info for Watford Solderless ROM Board Addendum scanned and placed on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending updates for the folloing discs: EUD 87-7 10 11 88-3 4 5. Now available for download. Due to the awful weather, I am not out on my new toy and have updated the survey instead. I am quite pleased with the new survey (click survey :-)). I have transferred the data from the old into the new one. All the questions are on one page and all the results are displayed on one page too. Right! I know the chat room has been there for a long time. I think it needs co-ordinating. SO, I will try to be there at 8pm for the next few evenings, if anyone else wants to be there too.... well, let's see
- 14/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for updates for the following discs in the library: EUD-86-04, 87-1 5 6 and a new disc 87-04. Now available for download. Thanks also to Dave for a new disc BBC-40. Thanks to Pete Turnbull for the loan of 3 manuals which I have scanned and placed on the 'Manuals' page for downloading. Any volunteers for OCRing please? 6502 Co-Pro Service manual. Z80 Service Manual. Prestel Adaptor Service Manual. These include the circuit diagrams
- 12/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Moore for sending TMU 83-03, the first Micro User disc. Now available for download from the TMU section of the catalogue.
- 11/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for spotting that GLM-10 was the same disc as BBC-13, so I have removed GLM-10 from the catalogue. Thanks again to Dave Edwards for sorting out BBC 39 now available for download for the first time
- 10/03/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending the Toolkit Plus Manual OCR. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sorting out BBC-05, now updated and available for download. Thanks to Janny looyenga for sending the Beebug Members pack. Now in the library as BUG-27 . Thanks also to Janny for sending A&B Music Disc, now in the catalogue as AAB-05. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sussing the disc out for me
- 09/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending an ADFS version of BBC-13. Now available for download. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending an OCR of the Disc Doctor manual. Now available to download from the 'Manuals' page
- 06/03/2002 Thanks to Kryten for starting the job of scanning and OCRing 'The BBC Micro an Expert Guide' work in progress available from the 'Manuals' page
- 04/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending updates of the 9 following discs: EUD-01, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 03/03/2002 Having nothing better to do, I have added a little bit of jiggery pokery to the menu page. The sound on opening the 8BS website is now chosen at random from the full range of 8 bit Acorn machine power up sounds. For the pedants amongst us, the Atom will sound when the website is down. If you always get the same sound, try right clicking and selecting 'refresh' when the pointer is over the menu. You can now view the daily 8BS visits stats from day one, have a look at the 'stats' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for updates for EUD 88-2 9 and 11. EUG-34. Now available for download. Also a new disc for the ELK section, ELK-04
- 02/03/2002 Grabby popped his clogs today in the early hours (01/03/2002) after a road accident. Graham was a good friend and he will be missed by many. Photo put back on the 'I know you' page
- 01/03/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending updates for the following EUD discs: 85-10 11 12, 86-2 8 11, 87-3, 89-10 11 12, 90-1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Now all available for download
- 27/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for updates of the following EUD discs: 84-3 5 7 9 11 12 and 85-2 3 4 6 9
- 26/02/2002 Thanks again to Kryten for another installment of the Master 512 Technical Guide, placed on the 'Manuals' page. Removed the new counter from the site as it was not working very well occasionally. Reverted back to one I have used before
- 25/02/2002 Thanks to Kryten for sending his work so far on the Master 512 Technical Guide. He has OCR'ed the scan and turned it into HTML. The work so far is available on the 'Manuals' page. He is slowly finishing the job of checking and formatting. We are done up to and including chapter 3, chapters after this are linked to from the index page but are garbled. Available from the 'Manuals' page
- 24/02/2002 A big change in the EUD section. I have separated out all the bundled zips of discs. They were zipped into bundles by year. Dave Edwards has promised a further sort out of these as many are typed in which he wants to replace with the original disc. I have done the same to the 8BS, BBC, EDU, FAC, TBI, BUG, ELB, TAU and TMU sections, the bundled images are now all separate zipped downloads.
- 23/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUD-16 and the DFS versions of EUD-01, 02, 04 and 12, now available for download
- 22/02/2002 Thanks to Jess, the 8BS website is now running on some replacement kit. Not as much space as before, but enough and a lot faster. Everything is up there and working now (I think). Just error trapping to be sorted out. The WHS section is back and the zipped ByteBack scans are there. If you find any problems, I would be very greatful if you would let me know. FTP Access is enabled on this server now.
- 21/02/2002 WANTED! Educational software for the EDU section. Any donations gratefully accepted. I have decided it is time to expand this section further. Great news, Jess has donated a new server and rescued the old hard disc. This has saved me a lot of upload time. I have sorted the wheat from the chaff and all that is missing for the moment is the ByteBack stuff. That will be up there in a few hours. The changeover to the new server seems to have gone very smoothly with (I think) most people not noticing
- 20/02/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending 5 manuals, all available for download: Acorn ROM installation instructions. Zif Socket instructions.Slomo Info. Watford Disc Drive info and Watford Solderless ROM Board info.
- 18/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUD-14 and 15, now available for download. Thanks to Kryten for OCRing the Master 512 Technical and Monitor Guide now available for viewing as an HTML page in the 'Manuals' section
- 17/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for supplying the Exile Solution. Now available for download from the Games Solutions page. Brain Jones says he would be happy to hear of any views from users on the functionality of BBC Connect (after release 2.0) and the 8BS disk images e-mail me please.
- 15/02/2002 Jess tells me that owl2 is ready to go, just needs to get down to the server to install it. Hopefully next week and then I will be able to upload the rest of the things (mainly the WHS section). Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending 3 DFS conversions for the EUD section of the library. EUD-08, 09 and 10
- 13/02/2002 Thanks to Peter Turnbull for the loan of the Master Compact Service Manual. Now scanned and available for download from the 'Manuals' page. The Circuit Diagram is also ready for download on the 'insides/technical' page
- 12/02/2002 Upload Status: Still to go, WHS and Byteback Zipped version of scans. Unfortunately, I am out of server space until Jess sorts it out for me, so those things will not be uploading for a while
- 11/02/2002 Upload Status, still to go: WHS scans (about 333 meg) and presently uploading The Disk User scans (about 197 meg). Photos taken from Peter Clements website placed on the pictures page. A Model of a BBC B and a Sentinel Chess set. A link to his website also placed on the links page
- 10/02/2002 Thanks to Pete Turnbull for letting me use a reply he sent to someone about disc drive power supply plugs. I have used his text as an article in the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUD-7 , 8, 10 and 13, now available for download. Dave Edwards has now started to send me DFS versions of the EUD discs. Please keep an eye on the EUD catalogue for additions. Updates for the non-working images of TBI-16 and TBI-18 sent by Dave Edwards. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for sending EUD-09. Upload status, still to go: Acorn User, WHS scans, The Disk Users, Fast Access Card, The Micro Users scans. This adds up to 615 meg still to go.
- 09/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending an update for TBI-165, new discs EUD-06 and 11. Now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards again, for an update to ELK-02. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for sending EUD-05. Website upload still ongoing. I have all of the scripts and things working now (I think). Just error trapping to be enabled. Everything other than some items in the 'othrdnld' directory is uploaded. Still to go are: Scans of Byteback, Acorn User, WHS scans, The Disk Users, Fast Access Card, MDW cheat discs, The Micro Users scans. This adds up to 961meg still to go. I am using a new visit counter, click on the count to see lots of interesting info
- 08/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Moore for sending TMU-83-7 8 and 9. Now available for download from the pool. Thanks again to Dave Moore for sending an update for TAU-7, a bug fixed in one of the games. Thanks to Dave Edwards for 4 new discs in the EUD section with the promise of a further 8 for there. EUD-01, 02, 03 and 12, now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the rest of the EUG discs. The full complement is now available for download. This time he has sent EUG-52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 and 60
- 07/02/2002 Hooray! Website fixed. I am having to upload everything, so lots will not work for quite some time, but at least 8BS is alive again
- 03/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Repton Infinity Manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 02/02/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG-47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 61 and 62 for the pool. Now available for download from the Electron User Group section of the library. Remember ByteBack magazine anyone? Paul Harvey has given me permission to place the scans of the 11 issues of ByteBack on the website, available for download from the 'Scans' page
- 31/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Moore for pointing out I was missing some Alligata Games from the catalogue. 5 New entries: TBI-166 Ebony Tower, TBI-167 Neanderthal Man, TBI-168 Q-Bix, TBI-169 Spitfire, TBI-170 Xanadu Cottage. All available for download now. Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to EUG33, now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG57, now available for download
- 28/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting The Larsoft Collection, now placed in the pool ready for download as TBI-165
- 25/01/2002 Website went down today. Broken completely. Not up and running until stated
- 23/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for an update to EUG-41, now available for download. Thanks to Dave for EUG-45 and EUG-46 now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwars for sending me his 40% completed guide to Professional Electron Games. Available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 21/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for 3 new discs. I have started a new section in the library, entitled ELK. This section is for Electron Discs. The 3 new discs start this section off. Thanks to Dave for the intro and text for the descriptions. An update of the data for BBC Connect sent to Brian Jones. Thanks to Steve Fewell for an update of the Basic Disassembly pages
- 20/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending another 8 discs for the pool. EUG discs of games reviews. Available for download as TBI-150-11 to TBI-150-18 although there is at present a problem with two of the discs, I hope to have these replaced shortly. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending the Stack Lightpen+ manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 17/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending two discs for the pool TAU 12 and TAU 13. Two tape conversions of Acorn User Compilations. Finest Favourites and Games Compendium. Now available for download from the TAU section of the catalogue
- 13/01/2002 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending The Adventure Creator Manual. Now placed on the 'Manuals' page. Dave promises a lot more like this
- 08/01/2002 Thanks to Steve Fewell for sending me scans of The Acorn User Magazine October 1984. I have placed a link to this new set of pages on the 'Manuals and Scans' page. Any more from volunteers will be gratefully accepted for the website
- 01/01/2002 Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending Watford Electronics 32K Ram Board Manual. Now available to download from the 'Manuals' page
- 30/12/2001 Thanks to all of those that tested my new voting script out for me and at the same time let me know how you wanted the 'Pictures' page to go. As I suspected, the vote was clearly for a break up of the page and so I have now split up the huge page into smaller lumps
- 26/12/2001 Thanks to Mark Usher for forwarding the following to me, a revision of the Creative Assembler manual from the Manuals page, done by John Simpson. Available for download now
- 19/12/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the 'Sound Expansion Cartridge Manual' for the Electron.Placed on the 'Manuals' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for a reshuffle and sort out of two discs in the pool. A&B-02 and A&B-03. Have a look at the catalogue to see the changes. Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel for an update to the Electron technical page. Thanks also to Rik for two photos of Electron with Plus 3 now placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 12/12/2001 Thanks to Daniel Kendall for sending a photo of a Watford 32K RAM board, placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 09/12/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Printer Driver Generator Manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page
- 08/12/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Jafa Systems Shadow RAM board manual. Now available for download from the 'Manuals' page. The moment you have all been waiting for (well about one or two hits a month). The 8BS Christmas page returns with a vengeance. Wrap up well, you may well need ear muffs. Thanks to P.Jagger for sending a photo placed on the 'pictures' page. A Real Time Clock Module
- 07/12/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the manual for the ACP DFS. Now available for donload from the 'Manuals' page
- 01/12/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a manual, placed on the 'Game Help' page. CASTLE FRANKENSTEIN, QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL, THE KINGDOM OF KLEIN and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. Thanks to Dave Edwards for this
- 30/11/2001 Thanks to Steve Fewell for submitting some more parts of the BASIC ROM Disassembly
- 27/11/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting TBI-164, crosswords. Now available for download. Thanks to Dave Edwards again for sending a Word format manual. This time, the Slogger Tape to Disc ROM User Guide. Thanks to Paul Richmond for scanning his hand drawn map of Sphinx Adventure, now available to download from the 'Solutions' page
- 25/11/2001 My last day as a Paramedic. Tomorrow I will be retired on ill health. Thanks to Matt Cocker for scans of The Micro User cassette inlays. Available from the 'manuals/scans' page
- 24/11/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Click Manual, available for download from the 'manuals' page. Dave says that if you want any manual in Word format, to e-mail him and he will do it.
- 20/11/2001 Photos of a BBC B in a Viglen case, a Grafpad and a Ram Disc added to the 'Pictures' page
- 17/11/2001 Thanks to Dave Moore for lending me The Disk User Magazines that I needed to complete the set of scans on the 'manuals' page. Uploading. I have had problems with my connection, so the process will be a bit slow
- 16/11/2001 Master Compact and packing placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 15/11/2001 Thanks to Matt Cocker for 11 new entries into the TMU section. 85-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 and 86-1. Now available for download
- 11/11/2001 Changed the format of the 'On Line Magazine' main page and a couple of the articles by myself. See for yourself. Please let me know what you think of it. I have also done something really pointless too. I shall be experimenting with it. I have made a full set of alphanumeric mode 7 characters in all the colours each in small gifs. My intention is to drag them into webpages. Next, I will think about the block graphics.
- 08/11/2001 Added yet more statistics to the stats page. This time, the totals of real discs I sent out from when I started doing this until I stopped keeping records. Adapted the stats script (that manipulates all the csv stats files) slightly so it would not turn the headings into links if the field heading does not contain the text 'URL'
- 07/11/2001 Spent most of the day struggling around with the message board, fiddled with it, mended it, broke it and mended it again. All sorted now ... I hope.... Tidied it up a bit and added a bit of text to the front page pointing out that I don't automatically delete messages. I removed a bug from the script that caused it to place &iamaquotationmark& there instead of a ". If you encounter any problems, please let me know.
- 06/11/2001 A month in the life of 8BS from 8BS-37 placed in the 'on line mag' section. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the solution to Moonbase Beta. Placed on the 'Game Help' page
- 05/11/2001 Statistics page updated with the monthly summary of downloads for 2000 and 1999. Thanks to Atze Dijkstra for AMX Art Manual placed on the 'manuals' page.
- 04/11/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for the Exile manual, placed on the 'manuals' page. Thanks to Keith Howell. Atom manual and books link placed on the 'links' and 'manuals' page. Thanks to Keith also for an OCR of the Hardware Guide to The BBC. Placed on the 'manuals' page
- 02/11/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for the SEDFS manual, placed on the 'manuals' page
- 01/11/2001 Monthly statistics updated on the 'Statistics' page
- 29/10/2001 Thanks to Atze Dijkstra for two OCRed books, AMX Mouse And ROM Manual and Creative Assembler, How to Write Arcade Games. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 27/10/2001 Scan of Master Compact Leaflet placed on the 'Scans' page. Scans of Master Compact Application Notes and Connecting a 5.25" Drive to a Master Compact placed on the 'Manuals' page for OCRing. Thanks to Matt Cocker for OCRing the BBC B and B+ Replay manual. Scan removed from 'Manuals' page and replaced with finished manual. Thanks to Matt Cocker for an OCR of the Master Smart Cartridge Manual. Placed on the 'Manuals' page
- 25/10/2001 Thanks to Steve Fewell a few more routines added to the 'Basic Disassembly' page
- 24/10/2001 Sort out of the 'Horrors' page with a new addition, someone sent me the ideal query today. I thought I would immortalise it.
- 23/10/2001 Scan of Electron User Guide placed on the 'Manuals' page. Volunteers for OCRing please!
- 22/10/2001 A third version of the Master Compact Welcome disc added to TBI103-2. New additions to the TBI section. These are discs that I have finally got around to filing properly (it's taken about 5 years to get around to it), they have been on the 'More Downloads' page. TBI-159 to TBI-161, video grabs. TBI-162 Photos from a 'Not The Acorn User Show'. TBI-163 The BBC Project by Peter Shaw (Windows program). I have separated all of the MDW cheat discs from the one big zip and made them available from the 'Solutions' page. Having taken everything off the 'More Downloads' page apart from stuff to do with manuals, I have remamed this section to 'Manuals', I have renamed the page that used to be called 'Manuals' to 'My Manuals'
- 21/10/2001 Thanks to Janny Looyenga for sending two disc images for the A&B section. A&B-03 Adventure Generator and A&B-04 Xanadu and Amnesia text adventures. The 8BS website hit 1027 megabytes today. More than a gigabyte of BBC stuff available here now! Thanks to everyone who has sent stuff to me. Keep it coming folks! Photo of Master Compact and cover placed on 'pictures' page
- 20/10/2001 Thanks to Matt Cocker for making a start on the Microvitec Cub Monitor Service Manual. Placed on the manuals section of the 'More Downloads' page. Volunteers to finish it off please? Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the manual for
The Quill, adventure writing system. Available for download from the manual section of the 'More Downloads' page. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending The Micro User Magazine cover scans for storage on the 8BS website. His website will remain the same but the images will be loaded from the 8BS server. I have placed a page available from the 'More Downloads' page from where you can view just the images, however, I suggest you visit the site if you want more info about the magazines themselves. Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending some Micro User tape conversions, swelling the 8BS library by another 12 discs. TMU83-12 TMU84-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 11. Now available for download from the TMU section of the catalogue
- 19/10/2001 Hobbit hints sheet added to the 'game help' page
- 17/10/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Switched Joystick interface manual, now on the 'more downloads' page. I have re-organised the 'more downloads' page as it was getting out of hand. All the various things were in the same directory. I have placed them into separate directories and adjusted the web page accordingly, most folks will not notice the change but I thought I would mention it just in case you have direct links to the files
- 15/10/2001 Thanks to Janny Looyenga for submitting two new discs for the 512 section. 512-81, 3D World Map and World Database. 512-82 World Time. Now available for download. Thanks to Glyn for his perspective on FDC, placed in the 'On Line Magazine'. Photo of a satellite receiver lead placed on 'pictures' page. Thanks to Jeremy Grayson for the bits
- 14/10/2001 Thanks to Matt Cocker for an update of TMU-86-9, he has sent a version that is menu driven. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the Slogger Catalogue. Now on the 'More Downloads' page. Thanks to James for the scan of 'The BBC Micro, an Expet Guide' now placed on the 'More Downloads' page.
- 13/10/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards. Another manual placed on the 'More Downloads' page. Mode 7 Adaptor. Thanks to Christopher Dewhurst for his disassembly of Swoop. Placed on a new page created especially for game disassemblies
- 12/10/2001 Thanks to Steve Fewell for more additions to the Basic Disassembly pages
- 10/10/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for two additions to the 'other downloads' page. Two manuals. Electron Rombox Plus and Electron Expansion 2.0
- 08/10/2001 I have reduced the charge for CD's from the CDR section of the pool to £5 each
- 07/10/2001 Major sort out today at 8BS. I have had a careful sort through my drawers of discs. As a result there are a few changes to the catalogue: A few discs returned to the catalogue that I had removed for one reason or another: TBI-6. TBI-10. TBI-42. TBI-46-40 (40 track versions of TBI 46). BBC-5. BBC-80. BBC-81. CJR-3 (old STD). GLM-1. GLM-3. GLM-10. FAC-1. FAC-3. Have fun seeing what they are! New additions to the catalogue. TBI-37-1 2 and 3. TBI-57-7. TBI-158. BBC-0. BUG-26. The 8BS website now is 1000 megabytes. HTML index for the WHS section added. This is mainly to tidy up all the loose ends in my site check, probably of no use to most people. After a whole day of sorting out. I am hopeful that there are no broken links or messed up downloads on the 8BS website despite its size. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you find a problem.
- 06/10/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards. Three games solutions added to the 'Game Help' page. Elixir. Uggie's Garden and Woodbury end
- 05/10/2001 I have come across another version of the Compact Welcome disc and added it to TBI-103-2 available from the TBI section of the catalogue. Scans of some Morley advertising sheets added to the 'more downloads page'
- 04/10/2001 I have not updated this page for a couple of days because I have been busy. However, there are a lot of changes to the 8BS website. Please examine the 'Recently Changed Pages' utility (top of this page) for all the details. However, special thanks go to Steve Fewell for his great work on the new BASIC IV ROM section of the website. Loads of new additions to this ongoing project. Steve is maintaining this section of the website himself, doing a grand job of it too. Thanks also to Christopher Dewhurst for his input to the project, an article from him there also. If anyone else wants to help out, please contact myself or Steve. Modification to the 'recently changed pages' script. Now it lists the contents of the message board and BASIC Disassembly project separately on the same page
- 26/09/2001 Thanks to Steve Fewell for submitting his first part of his disassembly of the BASIC IV ROM. If anyone wants to help out, please contact Steve or myself. See the article in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 24/09/2001 Thanks to Marc Bramham for a scan, placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 23/09/2001 Thanks to Paul Jagger for a couple of photos of an Acorn 32016 co-pro with 1 meg upgrade. Added to the 'Pictures' page
- 21/09/2001 Thanks to Matt Cocker for sending the TMU discs 88-2, 88-3 and 88-4. Now available for download from the TMU section of the catalogue. I have improved the descriptions of the first few entries in the section
- 19/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending the A&B disc 1-9, now available for download. Dave has now typed in all of the listings from the A&B magazines that he has. He still does not have the first six. We would appreciate it if anyone is prepared to donate or lend the magazines or simply copy the listings for Dave. If you have any of the first 6 A&B magazines please contact me
- 16/09/2001 Thanks to Matt Cocker for supplying two disc images for the pool TMU-87-2 and TMU-87-6. Now available for download
- 13/09/2001 Dave Edwards has sent A&B-02 and 1-8. Now available for download. Thanks again Dave. Updates for A&B 2-7, 2-11, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5
- 11/09/2001 Download statistics database updated with figires from June, July and August. See the 'Statistics' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing in the listings from A&B discs 1-14 and 2-9, available for download from the A&B section of the catalogue now
- 10/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for A&B disc 1-15. Now available for download
- 09/09/2001 Thanks to P.Hardwick for some photographs placed on the 'pictures' page
- 07/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for supplying an update to TBI-143-1 Sunday disc 1. Adaptations to ensure that it works with ElectrEm
- 06/09/2001Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B disc 2-8
- 04/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B disc 2-7
- 03/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for more A&B discs. First of all, corrections to A&B 3-1 and 3-2 and an update for 3-4. Also for the new disc - A&B 3-3 now all available for download from the website
- 02/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing in yet another A&B disc. This time 3-2. Available for download from the A&B catalogue
- 06/09/2001Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B disc 2-8
- 04/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending A&B disc 2-7
- 03/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for more A&B discs. First of all, corrections to A&B 3-1 and 3-2 and an update for 3-4. Also for the new disc - A&B 3-3 now all available for download from the website
- 02/09/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing in yet another A&B disc. This time 3-2. Available for download from the A&B catalogue
- 31/08/2001 I have received an update of TBI143-1 from Dave Edwards. A minor alteration to the disc now available for download. Thanks to Dave for the following A&B discs too: A&B 3-1, 4-6 and 4-8. Dave has also sent an updated 4-7
- 29/08/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further A&B disc (1-13), now available for download from the catalogue.
- 28/08/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further three A&B discs (1-11, 1-12 and 1-7), now available for download from the catalogue. He tells me he has now picked up all of the A&B magazines apart from the first 6, so we can expect a lot more additions soon. If anyone wants to supply Dave with these first 6, please let me know
- 25/08/2001 Thanks to Wouter Scholten for submitting 650 megabytes of scans. He kindly supplied smaller images for use on the website, these I am presently uploading (about 200 meg). Have a look at the WHS directory from the 'Other Downloads' page. There is a text file containing info in the WHS directory, a file new250801.txt lists those sent by Wouter today. I can supply the scans on CD at their original size if required. The file !readme.txt lists everything sent by Wouter so far. Thanks to Lee for the pictures, placed on the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Philip Mulrane for pictures of an Atom Econet, placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 22/08/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting EUG21 to the pool. Now available for download from the catalogue
- 20/08/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for three new additions to the A&B section of the pool. June 1986 and April, July 1987
- 06/08/2001 Thanks to Matthew Cocker for a lot of scans of book covers, added to the 'Scans' page. Thanks to Ken Scott for a photo of an external 6502 co-processor, placed on the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting two further A&B discs. A&B 3-7 (Jul 86) and A&B 3-10 (Oct 86), available for download from the A&B section of the catalogue
- 04/08/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting A&B disc 3-5, May 1986. Available for download now from the A&B section of the catalogue
- 24/07/2001 Thanks to Albert Schofield for his latest submission, tape to disc transfer. Added to TBI-70 and his page on tape to disc on this website
- 19/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting the A&B art package. Now placed in the library as A&B-01. Well worth a look at
- 17/07/2001 I have split up the recently added music 500/5000 zip and sorted the files. Creating 18 new single sided discs for the pool (MUS-02 to MUS-20). Now ready for download. The catalogue presently just lists the filenames from disc. I am hoping to get better descriptions in there soon. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending another A&B disc. A&B4-1
- 16/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further 12 EUG discs. EUG-33 to EUG-44, now available for download.
- 14/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further 5 EUG discs. EUG-24, 29, 30, 31 and 32 now available for download.
- 13/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further 7 EUG discs. EUG-20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28 now available for download. Thanks to Graham Bisset for a new addition to the pool MUS-02, a 1.7 meg zip of 46 disc images of Music 4000/500/5000 software. If anyone could catalogue this lot properly for the list, I would really appreciate it. MUS-02 is available for download from the 'Music' page
- 12/07/2001 Thanks to Jonathan Harston for some nice graphics. Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and 19. Available for download now
- 11/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG-06 available for download now. Also and update/correction to EUG-03
07/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending EUG-05, available for download now
- 06/07/2001 Thanks to Wouter Scholten for sending me a CD full of scans and things. I am presently uploading them to the 8BS website. They can be accessed via the 'More Downloads' page
- 02/07/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting another A&B disc to the pool, 4-3.
- 30/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for submitting another A&B disc to the pool, November 84. Thanks to Dave also for submitting lists of contents for the EUG discs, now in the catalogue
- 29/06/2001 Search through logs for individual items placed on 'Statistics' page. If you have submittted a disc to 8BS and it is on the website, you can search to see how many times it has been downloaded.
- 27/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for a further 15 discs added to the pool. They are: Electron User Group magazines 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 in DFS and ADFS format. The Micro User cover discs 86-4, 86-9 and 86-11
- 24/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards. Four new additions to the pool. A&B Nov-86, TMU 83-6, tmu 86-10 and tmu 84-12
- 22/06/2001 I have rewritten from scratch the download statistics database as there were problems with the one I had adapted from elsewhere. It should be working OK now. More improvements in the presentation to follow
- 21/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards for three further A&B discs, now available for download. A&B September 1986, December 1986, February 1987
- 20/06/2001 I have placed a page in the 'Statistics' section that calculates and displays space used on the 8BS server for various things.
- 19/06/2001 Thanks again to Dave Edwards for a further month of typed in listings from the A&B Magazines. August 86, available for download now. See the A&B section of the catalogue
- 17/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG for submitting a further three A&B listings discs. This time October and November 1985, April 86. Added to the A&B section of the pool, now available for download. I have noticed problems with the '&' in the filenames and have changed this character to 'a'
- 16/06/2001 Thanks to Paras Sidapara for the scans of the temporary BBC User Guide placed on the 'Scans' page
- 14/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG. He has typed in 3 months worth of the A&B Computing Magazine listings. See the new section in the 8BS catalogue entitled A&B. 8BS has recently moved to its very own server. There were a couple of teething problems, but I think they are all over now.
- 02/06/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG. A new entry in the 8BS catalogue, the TBI section. TBI-157. A compilation of Electron programs in DFS and ADFS format
- 20/05/2001 Thanks to Albert Schofield for his submission of tape to disc conversion. Placed on TBI-70 and in the tape to disc article on the website. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for filling in a couple of gaps in the TMU section. Added now are TMU-91-9, TMU-93-11 and TMU-93-12
- 01/05/2001 Thanks to Paul Granjon for the BBC to MAC transfer info. Link to the article on his website placed on the 'Links' page and 'BBC<>PC' page
- 22/04/2001 Scan of the Book 'Master Operating System' placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Volunteers for OCRing please
- 21/04/2001 Scans of Master Reference Manual Part 1 and Part 2 placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Volunteers for OCRing please
- 20/04/2001 Scan of Wordwise Plus Reference Manual placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Volunteers for OCRing please
- 19/04/2001 Scans of Viewsheet User Guide, View Guide and Acorn Speech User Guide placed in the 'More Downloads' page. Volunteers for OCRing please!
- 17/04/2001 Scan of Acorn Speech Upgrade manual and Econet Level 1 Fileserver User Guide placed in the 'More Downloads' sections. Volunteers for OCRing please
- 14/04/2001 Scanned book placed in the 'More Downloads' page. A Hardware Guide For The BBC Microcomputer, well worth a look at. Have a read of the info on the page with the download link. Volunteers for OCR'ing please! Problem with download of Music 5000 version of 'Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head' sorted out. I see a lot of people tried to download this and failed due to a filename problem. PLEASE, if you get a 'Not Found' error on the website, let me know!
- 13/04/2001 Thanks to Rob Iveson for scans of a Solidisc 1770 DFS board. Placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 10/04/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards of the Electron User Group. Update of TBI-143 sunday adventure. Also New addition from the pool thanks to Dave again, EUG-1, the first Electron User Group magazine
- 09/04/2001 I have started up an Acorn 8 Bit Webring for, guess what? If you have a website that is connected in some way with these machines, you are welcome to submit it using the form available on the main page of the 8BS website. Click on 'Join'. I have been careful to ensure that the webring front end is unobtrusive, banner free and very easily configurable to suit any website
- 08/04/2001 Article about Angus Duggan's Home Made Eprom programmer placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 07/04/2001 Link to Thomas Hart's Electron Emulation website placed on the 'Links' page
- 06/04/2001 The following Master 512 manual and Master 512 leaflet scans placed on the website. They can be found in the 'More Downloads' page:
Master 512 Technical Guide Dabs Press 13 meg
Master 512 User Guide Dabs Press 6 meg
Master 512 User Guide Acorn 9 meg
Master 512 Dabs Press User Guide Programs Disc
Master 512 Technical Information and Monitor Documentation
Master 512 Circuit Diagram
Master 512 Shareware Vol 1
Master 512 Shareware Vol 2
Master 512 Problem Solver Shibumi
Master 512 Applications Compatibility and Software List
- 05/04/2001 Thanks to Angus Duggan. Photos of his home made Eprom programmer placed on the 'Pictures' page, link to Angus's web page placed on the 'Links' page. Plans for the programmer placed on the website. Link from the photo. Scan of the Master 512 Technical Guide placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Volunteers for OCR'ing please
- 04/04/2001 Thanks to Dave Edwards of Electron User Group. New addition to the TBI section, Headfirst PD E003, a database for the Electron. TBI-153-3.
'Wants' and 'Others For Sale' pages removed and wants and for sale sections added to the 8BS message board. If you have something to flog or desparately want something, you are welcome to put your list on the board. The board will accept HTML, so you can add pictures and things if you want. I have mailed all the present wantees and sellees, so if those things are still for sale or wanted, they should appear on the message board shortly
- 27/03/2001 Thanks to Albert Schofield for his regular submission to the Tape to Disc' article placed on TBI-70 an in the tapt to disc article on the website
- 24/03/2001 Message board placed on the website. Any suggestions for new sections welcomed. Make use of it!
- 22/03/2001 Photo of a ROM extraction tool placed on the 'Pictures' page
- 20/03/2001 Photos of Electron with Slogger board fitted placed on the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Bri Thackeray for the Electron. Thanks to Jeremy for the amusing questionnaire placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 16/03/2001 Article about cheating using a BBC emulator added to the 'On Line Magazine'
- 11/03/2001 Pictures of a home made BBC B page added. Accessible from the 'pictures' and 'insides/technical>BBC B' pages. These photos are huge to show the details, but I think the machine is of great enough interest to warrant it.
- 09/03/2001 The final The Disk User magazines scanned and placed in the 'More Downloads' section with links to the downloads from the TDU section of the catalogue. All 14 are now available.
- 08/03/2001 Scans of issue 8, 9 and 10 of The Disk User Magazine placed in the 'More Downloads' section and a link to the download placed with the entry in the TDU section of the catalogue. Four to go. Article from the Guardian about the BBC computer and Acorn placed in the on line magazine (just a link to the official article). Scan of the Valiant Turtle Manual and disc of software placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Volunteers for OCRing please
- 07/03/2001 Scan of issue 6 of The Disk User Magazine placed in the 'More Downloads' section and a link to the download placed with the entry in the TDU section of the catalogue
- 04/03/2001 Scans of issues 2, 3, 4 and 5 of The Disk User magazine placed in the 'More Downloads' section and a link to the download placed with the entry in the TDU section of the catalogue
- 03/03/2001 Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel for improving the text on the BBC B+ insides/technical page
- 01/03/2001 Scans of the Vine Master Overlay board track negative and info placed on the 'On Line Magazine' page. Anyone wishing to build one can use this info to do it. If you do decide to build one, please let me know
- 28/02/2001 Screen grab map of Citadel 2 placed on the 'Game Help' page. This took me 2 days to do! My wife says I am a very sad man. A large numberof disc images containing game cheats placed on the Game Help page. Thanks to Mark de Weger
- 26/02/2001 Cheat for Citadel 2 worked out and placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 23/02/2001 EUD typed in listings, filenames added to the catalogue. I think that the 8BS catalogue of entries is now fully up to date for the first time in 10 years.
- 22/02/2001 Thanks to Rik Steenwinkel for making improvements and corrections to the technical info about the BBC on the 'insides' page. The catalogue on TBI-00, the catalogue disc is now a plain text version of the HTML catalogue. Voltmace joystick leaflet scan placed on the 'Scans' page. An interesting read as it describes some interesting bits of gear
- 21/02/2001 Details added to the TAU section of the catalogue. Photos of a roller ball, joystick, User Port Splitter, Stack light pen and a funny little adaptor for a Marconi roller ball put on to the 'Pictures' page
- 20/02/2001 Details added to the JGH section of the catalogue. New search added.
- 19/02/2001 At last! I have entered the missing details into the catalogue for the rest of the BUG section.
- 11/02/2001 Thanks to Albert Schofiled for his submission about tape to disc transfer. Added to TBI-70 and the tape to disc article. Photo of issue 3 BBC B motherboard added to the 'Pictures' page
- 09/02/2001 EUG section added to the pool. Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG, Dave is going to send the Electron User Group magazine disc on a regular basis. This section will be updated regularly, hopefully. More than 20 games and utilities reviews added to the 'Reviews' page. Thanks again to Dave Edwards
- 07/02/2001 Found a BBC B 'Type 3' (my name for it) keyboard in my loft that was not documented on the 8BS website. Photo's put on 'insides/technical' and in the advert
- 04/02/2001 A couple of pictures here and there updated. Stats page updated. The Disk User Magazine, volume 1 scanned and placed in the 'More Downloads' section, also made available from the TDU catalogue section
- 03/02/2001 I have gathered together all the circuit diagrams of Acorn 8 bit machines I could find and placed them for download on the 'Insides Technical' page. I have changed the layout of this page to hopefully make it more easy to see what is on it. I have scanned and uploaded the Fast Access Volume 1 cards. The Fast Access discs are available for download in the FAC secton of the catalogue. You will find links to the scans from the catalogue and on the 'More Downloads' page
- 02/02/2001 Thanks to Christopher Dewhurst, the vast majority of listings for the Electron User disc are now added to the EUD section of the pool. Just a couple missing: June 84, August 84, October 84 and April 87. Thanks to Nick Payne for an e-mail that I placed in the 'On Line Magazine' about his problems with a parcel service
- 01/02/2001 Scan of The Disk User Issue 7 placed in the 'More Downloads' section. Please have a look at the page if you have any Disk User magazines as I need help!
- 30/01/2001 Yet more photos added to the pictures page. Prolink joystick interface. R.H.Electronics Light pen. Home made lightpens with details of construction
- 29/01/2001 Apologies for all of those that missed the UK 8BS website last night and today. Poor Jess who host 8BS for us had a bad time with the server, it broke and 8BS was off in the UK. Hopefully all is well now. Photo of Chris Frettsome placed on the 'I know you' page. New chat room added. Old one removed
- 28/01/2001 Did a bit of tidying up today. A couple of anomalies with positions of pictures in the website. As a result, some of you will experience problems of 'file not found'. When this happens, just do a 'refresh' and your browser will find the altered stuff (I hope). Photos of a syquest drive with power supply and hard discs added to the 'Pictures page. Also photos of a couple of other odds and ends added
- 25/01/2001 Photos of the following items placed on the 'Pictures' page: Disc Drive Sharer. Dacom Modem. Cumana 3.5" Drive. Various Data Switches. Thanks to Dave Edwards of Electron User Group. TBI-156, in DFS and ADFS format. Best of Personal Computer World. 24 games for the Electron. Photographs of an Atom added to the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Chris Frettsome
- 24/01/2001 Photo of Care Electronics User Port Switch added to the 'Pictures' page. Scan of the BBC B 8271 Replay Fitting info and manual put in the 'More Downloads' section. Any volunteers for OCR'ing? What a busy month I am having!
- 23/01/2001 High quality photos of the home made BBC added to the 'Pictures' page. Also a BBC B Issue 2, 4 and 7 motherboard. Photos of a Micro Musician System Midi Interface added. Scan of Econet Level 2 Fileserver Manager's Guide added to the more downloads page. Volunteers for OCRing please?
- 22/01/2001 Photos of a BBC issue 1 and BBC with Torch Z80 fitted added to the 'Pictures' page
- 21/01/2001 Scan of Atomic Theory (Atom User Guide) added to the 'More Downloads' page. Any volunteers for OCRing?
- 19/01/2001 Scan of the Econet System User Guide added to the 'More Downloads' page. Any volunteers for OCRing?
- 18/01/2001 Electron User Discs added to a new section in the pool. EUD. There are only a small number of these discs here at the moment. I would appreciate it if anyone has any more if they could let me have copies
- 16/01/2001 3 new additions to the pool. 512-80, the game Zork. TBI-154, two games from Brian, connect 4 and Pontoon. TBI-155 Joseph Lavery pictures submitted by D.Edwards of Electron User Group. Some amusing text added to the 'On Line Magazine'
- 11/01/2001 Scans of Master Compact Welcome guide uploaded to the 'More Downloads' section. A volunteer for OCRing is needed!
- 07/01/2001 Scans of Microvitec Service Manual uploaded to the 'More Downloads' section. A volunteer for OCRing is needed!
- 06/01/2001 Chat room added and Christmas page taken down
- 05/01/2001 Thanks to Chris Frettsome, Atom photos added to the 'Pictures' page
- 04/01/2001 Thanks to Brain for submitting the game 'Pontoon' now available for download in the 'On Line Magazine' and 'More Downloads' pages. My intention is to place this in the TBI section of the pool eventually
- 02/01/2001 Thanks to Paul Jagger for photos of the Domesday Laserdisc placed on the 'pictures' page
- 14/12/2000 Thanks to Albert Schofield once more for another submission for the tape to disc articles. Now placed on TBI-70 and the tape to disc article
- 12/12/2000 Thanks to Janny Looyenga for submitting a text adventure game for DOS on the Master 512. 'Zork' now available for download in the 'On Line Magazine' and 'More Downloads' pages. My intention is to place this in the 512 section of the pool eventually
- 08/12/2000 Thanks to Brain for submitting the game 'Connect 4' now available for download in the 'On Line Magazine' and 'More Downloads' pages. My intention is to place this in the TBI section of the pool eventually
- 04/12/2000 A bit of a carve up on the 8BS website for the last couple of days. A change of server played havoc with some of the scripts. I am trying to get on top of the job. Please let me know if you have any problems and I will sort them out. The search from the main page was not working for instance.
- 29/11/2000 Christmas page added again. Log file search added too. This is a very powerful cgi script that I wrote today. You can search through the 8BS log files for anything you want. So, if you submitted a disc to 8BS, you can find out how many times it has been downloaded from JML, when and by whom.
- 25/11/2000 Thanks to Dave Edwards of Electron User Group. New disc and updates to the pool. JJF-58 DFS version updated. TBI-143 DFS version updated (all 3 discs). New disc in the pool TBI-153, brainteasers
- 21/11/2000 Repton passwords placed on the online magazine page
- 17/11/2000 Again, I have not updated this page for a time despite having added to the website. Amongst the things added: Pictures on the 'Pictures' page, article added to the tape to disc page, thanks to Albert Schofield once more. Webcam added.
- 23/10/2000 Removed the 8BS website from Karoo
- 20/10/2000 Reduced the filesize of from 12 meg to 3 meg. Radio program about the BBC computer
- 14/10/2000 Same admission as the last entry. I had not realised I had not updated this bit for so long. Today I have altered and uploaded the whole of the 8BS section of the pool. A few changes to the discs I have been meaning to make for a while
- 23/08/2000 I have been a bit slack in not updating this what's new page I am afraid for the last month. Best examining the 'Recently Changed Pages' to see what I have done.
- 27/07/2000 View the 'up to the minute' download stats for the JML website by clicking on the 'statistics' link next to 'Website 2' on the main page Takes a few moments while the many megabytes of data is sifted through, so be patient. Three new discs in the library. Headfirst PD discs. Added as TBI-151-01 10 and 11. The odd numbering is due to the fact that there are other discs in the collection that I would like to add, so if anyone has any, I would love to hear from you. Just one point, the info on TBI-151-10 is corrupt.
- 13/07/2000 Thanks to Martin Hodgson for sorting out the Red Moon solution. Now updated to the 'Games Solutions' page
- 13/07/2000 The old guest book seems to have gone off line. Oddly enough, I was just putting up one I have done. No adverts with this one. Please feel free to sign it. I will try to recover the old entries if the old one comes back on line
- 13/07/2000 Pictures of Acorn Atom added to the 'Pictures' page. Random image page added. See random pictures from the 8BS website. Refreshes every 10 seconds
- 09/07/2000 Thanks to Albert Schofield for his latest submission on tape to disc transfer. Added to TBI-70 and the tape to disc article on the website
- 07/07/2000 New search implemented. Try it. Let me know what you think
- 01/07/2000 I have finally got around to updating my manuals list. These are manuals that I have for reference. If there is one there you want to know something from, just ask me. I am hoping that they all end up OCRed too. Any offers?
- 24/06/2000 You can now email me to my mobile. It is sms so keep the messages short. 30/04/2010 EDIT - REMOVED - NO LONGER WORKING I will always have this with me. Remember, keep the message short!
- 15/06/2000 Thanks to Stian Eksund for the Genlock card. Photo on the 'pictures' page
- 10/06/2000 Thanks to Jason Bennison for his amazing dancing Beebs. It will not run in all browsers, needs ActiveX and you will need to download a temporary plugin (supplied on the page)
- 02/06/2000 Thanks again to Dave Edwards of EUG for submitting the game by Dominic Ford. Shipwrecked II Jupiter 3. Put into the pool as TBI-151. I have placed all the reviews from TBI-150 into pages on the website.
- 01/06/2000 Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG. 10 discs of reviews added to the TBI section TBI-150 260 reviews
- 31/05/2000 Photo of Martin Hodgson (D7X) put on to the 'Credits' page
- 27/05/2000 Martin Hodgson has updated his solution to Lords Of Time submitted last week. There was one last little bit that he could not solve that he has just sussed
- 20/05/2000 Thanks to Martin Hodgson for sorting out (very nicley) the Lords Of Time game solution on the games solutions page.
- 19/05/2000 Thanks to Dave Edwards of EUG. 24 Games reviews added to the games reviews page. A further 4 to be added in a few weeks.
- 15/05/2000 An article from Dave Edwards of EUG added to the 'On Line Magazine' Regarding Proaction
- 13/05/2000 Video of the loft put on a new page accessible from the 'Pictures' page. Thanks to Robbie Harrison for bringing some odds and ends around to photograph. All put on the 'Pictures' page
- 05/05/2000 (14:50) Thanks to Albert Schofield for his regular update of the Tape To Disc articles. Added to TBI-70 and the article on this website. Tape to disc.
- 26/04/2000 (13:04) Thanks to Martin Hodgson for sorting out the Repton 2 solution, now updated on the 'Game Solution' page
- 30/03/2000 (09:20) Link to the 8 bit games solutions page added to the links page. Links checked
- 26/03/2000 (23:30) New forms added to the website on the 'Survey' page and 8BS advert
- 25/03/2000 (14:23) Thanks to Albert Schofield for his latest submission on tape to disc transfer. Added to TBI-70 and the tape to disc article on this website
- 17/03/2000 (21:10) Experiment. A survey page added to the website.
- 13/03/2000 (19:43) Thanks to Martin Hodgson for OCRing the Beebug Magscan manual. Fowarded to Mark Usher for his documentation project
- 12/03/2000 (12:43) Thanks to Martin Hodgson, Citadel solution map improved (13:05) Article about Comal submitted by Alasdair Davis, put in the 'on line magazine'. Thanks Alasdair
- 10/03/2000 (10:47) Photos of Torch Graduate put on the 'Pictures' page
- 09/03/2000 (09:17) Photo of a BBC B with ATPL board fitted put on the 'Pictures' page
- 07/03/2000 (19:49) New page added. 'Shows' consisting of photographs of the 4 8BS 'get togethers'
- 06/03/2000 (19:10) Scan of Beebug Magscan manual put on the 'Other Download' page, ready for OCRing
- 05/03/2000 Scans of advertising leaflets added to the 'Scans' page
- 04/03/2000 (11:15) Thanks to Colin Culpitt-Smith (K2B) for submitting an article and software for a Master 128 Millenium bug fix. See the 'On Line Magazine'
- 03/03/2000 (1635) Photos of Acorn User SWR added to 'Pictures' page (18:13) Parcel Force page attached to the 'On Line Magazine'
- 02/03/2000 (08:40) Photos of Watford 12 ROM board and a BBC SWR added to the 'Pictures' page
- 24/02/2000 (08:05) Photo of Master 6502 internal Co-Processor put on the 'Pictures' page. (12:06) Electron Advanced Referenc Manual scanned for OCR'ing and placed on the 'Other Downloads' page
- 23/02/2000 (10:30) Photos of another two pairs of joysticks added to the 'Pictures' page
- 21/02/2000 (18:25) Thanks to Fred Price for submitting two discs of software for the pool. TBI149. Added to the catalogue. Upladed to the website. Two discs of poems. These are in the form of BASIC programs that when CHAINed are sent directly to the printer. No menu.
- 20/02/2000 (12:20)Thanks again to Martin Hodgson who has submitted another 3 game solutions with maps and info. Find them on the 'Game Help' page. (12:24) Master Compact Keyboard and Keyswitch photos added to my collection of keyboard photos on the 'Insides' page (12:30) Update of picture of my mate Thack and new photo of Robbie Harrison on the 'I know You' page. (16:35) Another 5 pictures put on the 'Pictures' page, several peripherals. (16:49) Picture of two tape games (Snapper) put on the 'Scans' page, Robbie Harrison pointed this out to me, the two games are slightly different but go under the same name from Acornsoft
- 18/02/2000 Photos of BBC in its original box and a Cumana Disc Drive box placed on the 'Pictures' Page. Thanks to Steve Lindsay for submitting the photos. Thanks to Martin Hodgson (D7X) for OCRing more games solutions. See the 'Game Help' page. Thirteen new solutions to games. I think I shall change your User ID to 0CR Martin!
- 17/02/2000 Photos of Aries B12 board put on the 'Pictures' page
- 14/02/2000 Many thanks to Martin Hodgson (D7X) for OCRing two games solutions from the 'Other Downloads' section, now available as text files from the same link
- 13/02/2000 New Article put into the 'On Line Mag'. RGB to SCART lead wiring
- 12/02/2000 Uploaded 2 more zips of scans of manuals. Two Concept Keyboard manuals. See the 'Other Downloads' page
- 09/02/2000 Thanks to Barrie Ellis for EDU-07 now available for download. Educational software aimed at disabled
- 05/02/2000 Thanks to Albert Schofield for his regular submission regarding tape to disc transfer. Added to TBI-70 (updated to the website) and the tape to disc article in the magazine section
- 26/01/2000 Chatroom set up on the website
- 25/01/2000 Anyone interested in getting hold of a kit or made up copy of the Vine Micros Master OS Overlay board should get in contact with me ASAP as I am considering the pros and cons of resurrecting a track negative I was given. The board plugs in where the 1 megabit Rom goes in the Master 128. ROMs within that ROM can then be overlaid with whatever you want. Very useful. I need to know numbers of people interested so that I can plan how (and when) to go about it.
- 24/01/2000 Addition to the 'Me' page brought on by David Rose's Panorama program. Changes to the 'Wants' page and additions to the on line magazine. Links checked and one added, linking to Robbie Harrison's Master 128 website
- 20/01/2000 It looks like I have not done much on the 8BS website for the last month, that is because I have to admit to a little lazyness as far as documenting changes goes. There have been a couple of new pages added and I have checked the links page out adding a couple of new links. BBC Central seems to have disappeared as well as one of the games sites. The Elite website re-appeared only briefly. Promise of a couple of other new BBC sites. I discovered with a new version of Netscape Communicator that my animations stopped after the first loop. This was caused by some sort of a bug in the 'Animagic' software I was using. I have fixed this using PSP, so all of you that have used the animations can re-swipe the graphics on the 8BS website to update. Please remember, I don't mind you using the graphics, but please link to the 8BS website from the graphic.
- 28/12/1999 Submission from Edmund Burke placed in the 'On Line Magazine'
- 24/12/1999 Edmund Burke has submitted a Master Y2K bug fix. I have put it on the 'On Line Mag' page. I have added a new cartoon to the Christmas page
- 16/12/1999 Albert Schofield has sent in his tape to disc submission. Added to the 'tape to disc' page, TBI-70 updated
- 12/12/1999 Link to James Watson's new BBC website added to the 'Links' page
- 08/12/1999 Removing a ROM from a BBC article added to the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 04/12/1999 Christmas decorations put up
- 01/12/1999 8BS has now acquired the domain name
- 29/11/1999 New scans on the 'Scans/Games/Disc' page thanks to Rob Kuczynski. Repton Infinity cover. Hey! Guess what! I have set the wheels in motion to buy the domain name
- 25/11/1999 Shortly, the Karoo URL is going to be discontinued. An update at Kingston Internet. The new 8BS URL is Please update your links accordingly. The new URL is up and running now. I have no idea when the old URL will become defunct but I will keep it updated until then. The old Karoo counter may not work when the old URL is chopped, so I have got a new counter courtesy of One new option in the 8BS menus now is to view the visit statistics
- 24/11/1999 Links page updated. Ian Bell's Elite page up and running again!
- 11/11/1999 Updated pictures on 'Insides' and 'Sounds'. Now includes Acorn Atom. Remapped Master 128, Master Compact, BBC B, Electron on 'insides'. Can't do the BBC B+ as I don't have one at the moment.
- 09/11/1999 Updated Photos placed on the 'Pictures' page. I am presently working on several others, so watch this space. New page added. A 'Wants' page. I seem to have a growing list of wants. This could be quite useful for others too as I am willing to put your request for items here too. Just email me with your list. New page. Added to the 'Pictures' page, the packing of a monitor and making of a Post Master's day. Updated photographs on the 'Testing out a BBC' page (found on the 'Pictures' page). A couple of the pictures on the 'Insides' page updated
- 07/11/1999 Albert Schofield has submitted another article about tape to disc. I have placed this on TBI-70 and in the tape to disc article on this website. Photo of a Master 128 in a Viglen case added to the 'Pictures' page. Picture of the Beebug Master Modem added
- 29/10/1999 Photo of Acorn Communicator added to the 'pictures' page
- 24/10/1999 Master and Compact .wav files updated on 'Sounds' page
- 23/10/1999 BUG-24 'Catalogue split utility' was faulty. Now fixed and uploaded. Thanks to Robert Patton for pointing out the error
- 18/10/1999 Cyber Roaster added to the 'On Line Magazine'. Thanks to Edmund Burke
- 16/10/1999 Scans of the two different Master Econet Modules added to the 'Pictures' page. 2 New links on the Links page. Mark Usher's Project Babel (Linking PC and BBC with Econet) and Richard Murray's Econet pages. It's Econet day here at 8BS
- 15/10/1999 Elite is a very popular game. I have devoted a page to this in the 'On Line Magazine' Contributions are invited. Metal Gear Solid cheat put on PSX cheat page
- 14/10/1999 Photos added to the 'Pictures' page
- 13/10/1999 512-79 Box. Simple to use screen designer, added to the pool. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for sending it. TBI-00 and catalogues updated. Uploaded to the websites. A huge influx of bits today. I spent a long while re-arranging the loft and belted my head several times on the beams. Hence the photos of the loft on the 'pictures' page (click on the roof of 'our house' there are 3 pictures there by the way). All the new stuff is in the 'For Sale' page. I have a box full of bits to be sorted yet. Also, I picked up a truly wonderful BBC. More later.
- 12/10/1999 Article from Edmund Burke added to the 'Why when Acorn' article on the 'Online Magazine' page. Discussing the demise of Acorn. Poor old Mark Usher of The BBC Documentation Project (see the 'Links' page) required that I mention his BBC Documentation Project (see the 'Links' page) on the 'I know you' page. My apologies for this omission on my part. So, I have. Also, 'Search' function placed right at the top of the main page
- 11/10/1999 Read right through the whole of the 8BS website and made minor changes here and there as I went. A bit added to the 'History' page. A bit added to the 'Emulators' page. 'Links' checked and a picture added. 'Me' page updated a bit. I discovered that many links to back to this website are broken due to the recent move of server, I am trying to tell folks. If you have a link to the 8BS website from your own, could you check it still works? Use I have picked up and expect to pick up a lot of 'new' second hand BBC items this week by the way
- 10/10/1999 Photo of Mark Usher updated
- 06/10/1999 One email too many telling me that there is a broken link on the Karoo website has driven me to make life more complicated for myself by fixing the links in the main menus so that anyone going for the downloads at Karoo is automatically shifted to the mirror where the downloads are.
- 02/10/1999 Fitting an 8271 DFS to a tape only BBC article added to the ,'On Line Magazine'. Earlier article on the same page about the same thing adapted slightly.
- 29/09/1999 Picture of Robert Schmidt added to the 'I know you' page
- 25/09/1999 Picture of Crispin Boylan added to the 'I know you' page. Third rewrite of my 'FARAZ' email to the BBC mailing list discarded unused
- 21/09/1999 Article on tape to disc transfer from Albert Schofield put on the 'Articles' page. Thanks again Albert. I tried the home made BBC out today and it works. See the photos on the 'pictures' page
- 17/09/1999 Thanks to Anton Veerman for OCRing the solution to Palace of Magic. See the 'game help' page. Anton has continued Mark Usher's crusade in making up screenshot maps. He has grabbed Palace of Magic. You simply MUST see it! Available on the 'game help' page. I have created a section in this page for all screenshot maps to be held.
- 16/09/1999 I picked up a Trekker Buggy today. Picture on the 'pictures' page. It is a truly amazing bit of kit.
- 13/09/1999 I found a price list from WeServe dated 14/03/1986. I have reproduced the interesting bits and placed them on the 'on line magazine' page. Note the price of Winchester hard drives in particular. Point Blank 2 cheat added to the PSX cheat page
- 12/09/1999 The big upload to the UK mirror is over. All there now. Pictures of one of my kites and another model Ambulance put on the 'me' page
- 10/10/1999 The big upload is still under way up to the UK mirror. Thanks to Jess Rowbottom for the web space added to the 'credits' page
- 09/09/1999 Sadly, I have had to remove the 8BS website from the Keele server due to problems caused by other people abusing their server. All the 'missing' downloads at Karoo are still to be found on the Aussie website. This can be a bit slow from the UK during the daytime as we have to go through the US to get there. A new website for 8BS! Someone has given 8BS a load of room on a server. Uploading will take a day or two. Anonymous FTP access is possible to this website
- 02/09/1999 List of manuals owned by myself, not for sale, added to the website. Anyone wanting scans of parts can ask.
- 28/08/1999 Two articles added to the 'On Line Magazine' page. A message to the BBC mailing list from Stuart McConnachie on how to convert a PC mouse to work on a BBC (to be updated with pictures later). An article constructed from responses to a question I put to the BBC mailing list
- 19/08/1999 Pictures of electron with Plus 1 and Plus 3 and wrappings added to the 'pictures' page
- 17/08/1999 Links page updated with a link to a website providing transformers that allow you to use a British BBC in the USA. Most of the anonymous game maps sussed. See the 'Game Help Page' Baron, Gisburne's Castle and Price of Magik. One left to do.
- 15/08/1999 TBI-148 Packet Radio added to the PD library. TBI-00 updated accordingly
- 14/08/1999 Article from Albert Schofield placed on the tape to disc page. TBI-00 and TBI-70 updated. Websites updated with new images of these discs
- 11/08/1999 Photo of the Hedon perspective of the total eclipse put on the 'me' page
- 09/08/1999 Correction to the catalogue. Apologies to Dave Edwards for accidentally crediting TBI-143 to someone else. Corrected now. Photos of my model Ambulances put on the 'me' page
- 07/08/1999 Cheats for PSX demo disc 49 put on the PSX cheat page
- 06/08/1999 Picture of Sandy put up on my 'spiders' page. Picture of my favourite food added to the 'me' page
- 05/08/1999 Link to Retro Corp put on the 'links' page. I have scanned in what I think is an excellent book and uploaded the tif files to here for someone to OCR. The file is huge. If anyone wants me to split it up into smaller doses so they can OCR it, I will. I don't want to have separate files floating about though. Watford Electronics Disc Filing System Manual for the BBC 7643K See the 'other downloads' page
- 03/08/1999 Photo of an Electron Data Recorder placed on the 'See 8BS' page. Something snapped today. Please have a look at the 'on line magazine'.
- 01/08/1999 New link added to Paul McGunnigle's emulation page. My mate Fat Thack will be head over heels with this one. The BBC section is a bit out of date, but hopefully it will be updated after my message to him. Karoo (good old Kingston Communications) have just upped my webspace on their server to 20 meg. This means that a lot of the 8BS website can be put back to Karoo. Everything except the following directories is now uploaded to Karoo: pool, othrdnld, music and scans. HTML remains unchanged between all sites, this means you will get a lot of 'NOT FOUND' errors when on the Karoo website if you try to download software. If this happens, just change to a mirror at Keele or Aussie. Any other solution would confuse me. Anyhow, I am sure it will not be too long before (good old) Karoo says 'help yourself' the way things are going. Naaa. Maybe I am being too hopeful there.
- 28/07/1999 Link to BBC Central temporarily disabled until problems are sorted out.
- 26/07/1999 Link to BBC Central put on the links page
- 24/07/1999 Three new discs for the pool. TBI-145 Gateway to Karos. TBI-146 Mirror of Khoronz. TBI-147 C.R.Dewhurst 4, games and utilities. All 3 available for download now, see the catalogue, TBI section for further details
- 21/07/1999 New improved version of the Firetrack music uploaded to the 'Music' page, this one includes the bonus level music
- 20/07/1999 This month's PlayStation magazine demo disc (48) cheats put on the PlayStation cheat page
- 19/07/1999 A few minor changes and additions to various pages not really worth mentioning over the last couple of days. Due to increasing problems with people not being able to read/write BBC discs on their PCs, I have been looking into serial links. I discovered that there is a gap in the software side of the link in that writing disc images to the BBC was not covered. Shortly, suitable software will be available. Watch this space. I also made the visit counter auto updating, you can now see other people visiting 8BS as you do. Neat avi animation added to the on line mag submitted by Darkmoon. A neat sound clip of Firetrak too! I have also put a full version of the Firetrak theme in the 'Music' page as an MP3
- 15/07/1999 Keytops and keyswitches added to the 'insides' page. If you have pictures of other types, please send them to me. 'links' page updated, non-working ones (at this moment) marked, definitely dead ones removed. I did it! Made up a lead to join the PC to the BBC using the XFER software. Complete success. I can now offer to make up these leads for people. See the 'Files PC<>BBC' page for info
- 14/07/1999 Link to Gareth Moore's Acorn Gaming Page added to the 'links' page. Gareth used to run GLM PD
- 12/07/1999 Keele website now working normally and up to date
- 11/07/1999 Scan of Solidisk DFDC board and 256K ROM board added to the 'Pictures' page
- 08/07/1999 'Credits' page tidied up, been meaning to do that for a while. I am also going to add photos to it as folks send them to me (hopefully). By the way... I have been looking at results of the 'Freefind' search 8BS website facility. Certain key words are being used quite a lot, I am now getting the gist of what folks are after and I am trying to accommodate. Peter Shaw's 'BBC project' added to the 'Other Downloads' page
- 07/07/1999 Photo of Stuart McConnachie (PCBBC) put on the 'credits' page
- 05/07/1999 Spiders page updated with snaps of Fluff and Hugh. Please note that the Keele website is still not working properly, I cannot yet upload to it. The copy of the 8BS website situated there is an old version. Presently, the website in Australia is the 'up to date' one
- 04/07/1999 'Music' Page updated. Many megabytes of MP3s uploaded. Music 5000 and Music 500 stuff. Master128>Music 5000>PC soundcard>MP3>ZIP. Pictures of the Music 5000 and Advanced Teletext Adaptor added to the 'See 8BS' Pages
- 01/07/1999 The 8BS Keele server has been down for a while. I have tried to avoid making changes to the 8BS website in this time, there have been a few additions/changes though. A couple of pictures added. Alterations to the file transfer page. The 8BS website was awarded site of the day on 27/06/1999, sadly the Keele site was down and even the redirect address was down for most of the day. Brilliant! Gex cheat for PlayStation update. Thanks to Robert Burky for sorting out the Citadel solution and map.
- 24/06/1999 Another submission from Albert Schofield. An article about tape to disc transfer, added to the 'Tape to Disc' article and TBI-70
- 22/06/1999 The 8BS website received 113 hits yesterday, might not seem many to some, but for the 8BS website which has been bobbing around 20 a day for a couple of years it represents a huge increase. Over the last 2 months the average has been slowly rising.
- 21/06/1999 Cheats for Gex, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Kula World, Demo 47 (Ape Escape, Syphon Filter), added to the PlayStation Cheats page
- 18/06/1999 8BS has ANOTHER new URL you can use now! This one is a redirect one so it does not matter where the website moves to, it will always be ''. Try it now! Don't forget to bookmark it. A Bugs Life Cheat added to PSX cheats
- 17/06/1999 Credits page added
- 13/06/1999 8BS has turned upside down! Yes, thanks to two very generous people, 8BS now has loads of room on two servers. Karoo is my provider and the index there ( takes you to From there, you can choose to go to the mirror in Australia As I write this, most of the website is in Aussie, I am still uploading the contents of the 'pool' directory followed by 'othrdnld' hopefully by the end of today it will all be there.
- 12/06/1999 Games maps/walkthroughs/hints added to the 'Games Solutions' page in the 'On Line Magazine'. There are many megabytes of stuff here. I need a volunteer to OCR or type in the text, thus making the downloads much smaller. Any offers? Laurie Whiffen's BBC Explorer 2 added to the disc image info page. Picture of the 3 8BS editors added to the 'History' page. User port project plans added to the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 11/06/1999 Disc image info page altered. BBCIM added with documentation. Image reading/writing/editing hints added/altered
- 09/06/1999 Christmas again! 512 section uploaded to the website for download. See the catalogue pages for details. Article from Martin Hodgson added to the 'On Line Magazine' Page
- 08/06/1999 All ADFS disc image files that were previously named with the .a extension, renamed to an .adl extension in line with what Stuart McConnachie (author PCBBC the best BBC emulator) has done. All ADFS images uploaded to the 8BS website updated accordingly. NOTE. No changes to the actual files, just to the name
- 07/06/1999 Even more PSX cheats added to the Final Fantasy VII cheat
- 06/06/1999 Article from Mark Usher about creating game maps placed on the 'Online Magazine' page. Cheers Mark
- 05/06/1999 Citadel map added to the online mag page. No ordinary map, it has been pasted together from screen dumps. Very big, but worth the wait for download. Electron User Group website link added to the 'Links' page. PSX cheat for Dodgem Arena added to the PSX cheat page
- 04/06/1999 TBI-144 added to the pool TBI-144 Shipwrecked. Jigsaw. 1D 48K A compilation from D.Edwards. Shipwrecked, Graphical Adventure Game. Jigsaw, makes your image into a jigsaw. Tower of Hanoi Patience. Idiots Delight Patience. Supersonic Snail Racing.
- 29/05/1999 PSX Cheat for Final Fantasy VII added to the PSX cheat page. Thats got rid of the backlog now
- 26/05/1999 More PSX cheats added. Demo 46, Live Wire, The Granstream Saga
- 25/05/1999 More Cheats for PSX added Bloodlines, Adventure Game, Tank Racer and Retro Force from Demo 44. Demo 45, Actua Ice Hockey 2, Pandoras Box, T'ai Fu, Ridge Racer Type 4, Big Race USA, Gex, R-Type Delta.
- 24/05/1999 Wild 9 cheat added to PSX cheat page
- 23/05/1999 For sale advert for other people added to the website (page gone) for details
- 22/05/1999 New photo of myself on the 'Me' page. Also a photo of my trusty steed put there. The rest of the pool uploaded. Not available for download now are the following sections: 512, ARC, CDR, EMU, but I think there's enough there for the moment. Karoo have been having bother with their mail server. It was down for a long while yesterday and today. So if you emailed me and did not get a reply, please try again.
- 21/05/1999 Mutant Spiders game added to the links page. Thanks to Stuart McConnachie for pointing it out. Changes to the layout of 'See 8BS'. Thumbnails used now. The whole 8BS pool made available on the internet for free download. See the catalogue. Wow, that was a busy day
- 17/05/1999 Search added to the website. I am really very pleased with it. To make the facilities of 'Freefind' work, I have made minor changes made to many pages.
- 13/05/1999 Tape to disc article from Albert Schofield added to the 'Articles' page. TBI-70 updated accordingly
- 11/05/1999 MP3s added to the 'Music' page
- 06/05/1999 Link to DFW's BBC page added to the links page
- 13/04/1999 A few more odds and ends added to the 8BS 'For Sale' list, including a buggy chassis. I have photographed this and put it on the 'See 8BS' page
- 06/04/1999 TBI-143 Added to the pool. Sunday. Graphic Adventure from C.R.Dewhurst
- 02/04/1999 Thanks to Martin Hodgson for an article about using Internet Resources of BBC stuff on an Acorn. Stairway to Hell added to the Links page. I have also added an article about using a CD player on the BBC. Articles to be found on the 'On Line Magazine' page
- 25/03/1999 Photo of a Master 128 in a Viglen case added to the 'See 8BS' page
- 16/03/1999 Albert Schofield has submitted more tape to disc information. Added to the Tape to disc article.
- 15/03/1999 Links checked and updated
- 10/03/1999 TBI-142 added to the pool. C.R.Dewhurst 3. Games and utilities.
- 03/03/1999 28 scans added to the tape games page
- 02/03/1999 Article about transfer of files between PC and BBC added to the Online Magazine page
- 28/02/1999 Overboard and OPSM 43 Cheats added to PSX cheat page. Photos of my pet spiders updated on the 'me' page
- 27/02/1999 Lots of new stuff (especially Tape Games) added to the 8BS advert. I have got an Acorn Atom! Working on cleaning it up and animating it ASAP. Atom Animation added to the animations page
- 23/02/1999 Albert Schofield has submitted another message regarding tape to disc. I have added this to TBI-70 and the relevant article on this website.
- 22/02/1999 Music 5000 link added to links page and music page. More stuff promised. Watch this space! Scan of the Master Replay put on the 'See 8BS' page
- 21/02/1999 MUS-01 added to the website and catalogue. Music 500/5000 software. Find it on the 'Music' page. Many megabytes of sound samples added to the music page
- 20/02/99 Software catalogue tidied up and put into tables. One large page containing the whole catalogue is available, but for those that prefer smaller chunks, the catalogue is split into sections now. I have made a request for Music 500/5000/Ample software as I wish to start a section on the 8BS website for this, so if you have any, please email me!
- 19/02/99 I want to fit a DFS to my tape only BBC article added to the on line magazine
- 16/02/99 Many changes to the website, too many to list. New 'On Line Magazine' created to take submissions received at 8BS. A new article put on here regarding IDE conversion.
- 14/02/99 Thanks to Leigh Preece for the extra web space, a whole ton of extras added to the 8BS website (28 Megabytes today!). Music and Scans
- 13/02/99 Link added BBC ROM image website. Thanks deary
- 03/02/99 PlayStation cheats added to a new page
- 02/02/99 Example articles re-arranged. Tape to disc articles from Albert Schofield added
- 18/01/99 Guest Book added
- 13/01/99 TBI-141 added to the pool. Thanks once more to C.R.Dewhurst. Several excellent games and utilities. See the catalogue
- 09/01/99 The last game review is now in. You can now suss out all of the currently available games from Superior Software. TBI-111 updated accordingly (Games Reviews)
- 06/01/99 It has finally happened! As I promised, I kept the club going while the support was there. I spent several months trying to get submissions from people. It became hard and unpleasurable work. There was therefore no incentive on my part to continue. After closing the magazine, several people offered support, but it was too late.
I offered a newsletter on TBI-00. However, I have only had a couple of requests for this in the last two months. I offered a 'for sale' section on TBI-00, there have been no submissions for it. This speaks for itself. There is no incentive for me to carry on with this. I am therefore now further winding 8BS down. I have altered all the text on the website, TBI-00 and the CDs to reflect the current state of 8BS. I have now reduced the work I have to do to a minimal amount. This is how 8BS will be for the foreseeable future:
- I will not be enrolling any new members, existing members will retain their IDs and can still use them. I will still be maintaining the 8BS database containing all their details, and more importantly their credit.
- 8BS will remain a Public Domain Library for the BBC and Master. I do not see me ever closing the PD library. It requires no effort on my part to maintain it.
- I will still stock loads of odds and ends.
- The website requires hardly any work to maintain. Presently there are around 21 visitors a day. This makes it well worth my while to maintain it. It would seem that the majority of interest now comes through the website.
So that is it. 8BS is now a completely different thing from the club that I took over.
- 14/12/98 Thanks again to Steve Allsopp for sending more descriptive info for the catalogue. This time TAU 91 and TAU 92 have been given his treatment. Steve has also submitted two new discs for the library, best of compilations for the Beebug section. BUG-24 Utilities and BUG-25 Games. See the catalogue for details.
- 02/12/98 Elite, Question of Sport and Revs reviews added to the 'Reviews' page. Thanks again to Crispin Boylan
- 30/11/98 Christmas decorations added
- 24/11/98 TBI-140 added. TBI-00 updated accordingly
- 21/11/98 Sim City Review added to the 'Reviews' page. Thanks to Crispin Boylan
- 19/11/98 After a couple of problems have been reported to me, I have reverted back to the old FDC program and text in the 'Downloads' page of this website, keeping the newly adapted FDC (see 14/11/98) for my own use as it works fine for me
- 18/11/98 Lots of new bits added to the advert. 8BS 61 to 66 now available on the downloads page or from the catalogue. Thanks to Robert Schmidt for hosting them.
- 14/11/98 Thanks to WHS for his adaptation of FDC now making read/write of BBC discs on the PC very simple indeed. The info on the 8BS download page adapted accordingly. The new FDC is available here.
- 06/11/98 Thanks again to Steve Allsopp for adding text to the catalogue. This time, better info for some of the TAU section. Catalogue and TBI-00 updated
- 04/11/98 Newsletter updated. FREE GAMES. In exchange for your review of the game.
- 28/10/98 Newsletter updated. TBI-00 updated. Thanks to Steve Allsopp for volunteering to maintain a wants and for sale list on TBI-00
- 27/10/98 TBI-00 has run out of space and therefore I have converted the 40 column text of the catalogue to 80 column thus saving/reclaiming huge amounts of disc space. The catalogue is not as pretty, but more practical now.
- 23/10/98 8BS Advert added to TBI-00. Catalogue text updated thanks again to Steve Allsopp. TAU-88 text is now far more descriptive of the disc contents. Steve is working his way through the whole 8BS catalogue improving the descriptions. TBI-00 updated accordingly and available now.
- 22/10/98 Newsletter added to website and TBI-00
- 17/10/98 Reviews added to the 'Reviews' page. This makes a full collection of the PAS discs plus a few others now reviewed. TBI-111, the reviews collection disc updated. NEW ENTRY in the TBI pool. TBI-139 Starquake. 8BS 66 completed and ready for issue. I shall be copying the discs and emailing images tomorrow. Starquake. See the catalogue for details. TBI-00 updated accordingly.
- 14/10/98 More text added to the TAU section of the catalogue thanks to Steve Allsopp. More new stuff in the 8BS advert
- 13/10/98 Today I finalised my decision to stop producing a regular disc based magazine as there have been only 4 submissions of small amounts of text for issue 66 (the deadline is on the 15th of this month). I have altered the text on TBI-00 (the catalogue/info disc) accordingly and turned it into a DFS only double sided disc. I have altered the text on the website to reflect the fact that the 8BS magazines stop at number 66. 8BS 66 will be full of stuff, so it is worth getting (I have used up a load of reserved stuff I had). Members in credit will be given the refund options available in 8BS 66.
- 01/10/98 Advert updated. 'History' article updated. FDC download updated (instructions now included). Catalogue updated with better descriptions of some BUG and TAU entries thanks to Steve Allsopp. Minor alterations made to several other pages.
- 26/09/98 Link to Ian Reid's BBC page added from the 'links' page
- 22/09/98 History of 8BS page added. Still being written (95 to now update)
- 21/09/98 TBI-45 Repton 3 Screens updated with a new set submitted by Jack Foster
- 17/09/98 I have sorted the 'stock' page a bit. Stuff is now listed alphabetically instead of randomly. I have reduced the prices of a couple of things as I am in a generous mood.
- 16/09/98 8BS 65 now available. Demo disc removed from website.
- 15/09/98 Minor alteration to advert. Hello Faraz
- 13/09/98 Tune added to the 'Sounds' page. New related link added to the links page (non-BBC but neato)
- 10/09/98 Picture of a new Ambulance added to the 'Me' page
- 08/09/98 Link to Derek Walker's BBC page added
- 22/08/98 'Me' page updated with photos of my spiders taken today. 'Links' page updated after checking all the links
- 21/08/98 A bit of amusing text submitted to 8BS added to the 'Members' page
- 17/08/98 Thanks to Steve Allsopp for the info for a lot of the BUG discs, now added to the catalogue text. All
s removed from the 8BS advert
- 07/08/98 Advert updated. Just a couple of new bits. New page added for my oldest son John. I have no idea what he has planned for it
- 17/07/98 Advert Updated
- 14/07/98 TBI-00 catalogue disc updated
- 12/07/98 Advert Updated
- 09/07/98 For a while, I have uploaded a largish zipped file to the website. It is a demo of PCBBC, transfer of software info and utilities. It also contains a few disc images from the 8BS catalogue. This is also available from me on floppy disc FREE as long as you send an SAE, while my stocks of throw-away floppy discs last.
- 07/07/98 Advert Updated
- 04/07/98 TBI-138 Elite A added to the pool. 8BS 64 now available.
- 07/06/98 A large amount of stuff added to the 8BS advert.
- 03/06/98 CD Roms now available containing images of large sections of the PD library. See the catalogue for details.
- 23/05/98 A whole new section added to the library. The ELB section, ELBUG discs, aimed at the Electron also worth a look at with a BBC or Master. See the catalogue for Details
- 15/05/98 CJR 3 STD Code Database updated
- 13/05/98 8BS 63 Available
- 10/05/98 Picture of the Roundhouse Living Steam Master 128 added to links and 'See 8BS' page
- 09/05/98 All
s removed from advert
- 08/05/98 Many thanks to Martin Pickering for releasing several items to the Public Domain. New Entries to the Catalogue: TBI-132 Interbase Programming Manual. TBI-133 Xmenu Rom. TBI-134 Select Rom. TBI-135 INTER-MAIL. TBI-136 WW+ Applications. TBI-137 INTER-BASE examples
- 07/05/98 Link added to Roger Loxley's Living Steam Website. This is because he makes his model Steam engines using a milling machine controlled by a Master 128. Oh, yes, I like steam engines too.
- 01/05/98 A lot of new stuff in the 8BS advert. Be quick, it will not be there long! Photo of a 3" disc drive and disc and a home made YES, home made BBC added to the 'See 8BS' page.
- 29/04/98 BBC B+ Motherboard scan mapped. Electron motherboard mapped but no info yet. Nearly done!
- 28/04/98 Master Compact mapped. Results t obe seen on the 'Insides' page, click on the Compact. Very little info to go with this. Again, any help with this would be appreciated.
- 27/04/98 'Horrors' page added. Having received a flat Rom in the post, I thought it might be a good idea to document some of the wilder things that happen at and to 8BS. Repton mug animation added to 'See 8BS' page
- 26/04/98 Having now spent 2 days fiddling with the motherboard scans I am reasonably happy with them. The Master 128 proved tricky and I went back to it several times. The problem being distortion of the image caused by the board not laying flat on the scanner due to the rear panel not being detachable. I am now ready to start mapping the rest of the motherboards. Master 128 board mapped and information added. Info on the ICs is a little thin on the ground. Help from anyone here would be appreciated.
- 24/04/98 BBC Motherboard documentation finished. It could do with a few more bits of info in it, I shall pop them in as I find out. Help here would be appreciated!
- 23/04/98 I have started the job of scanning, mapping and documenting technical details of the BBC, BBC B+, Electron, Master 128 and Master Compact mother boards. The framework is laid out on this website now, accessible from the 'Insides' page. I will update it as I proceed. Starting with scans of the BBC B (two, one with Econet and no disc interface, one without Econet and sporting a disc interface). An Electron, BBC B+, Master 128 and a Master Compact. Master Mos upgrade article added to the 'Example Articles' page.
- 22/04/98 New page added, 'Sounds' power up sounds. Thanks are due to David Moore for todays additions to the Alligata Software collection. Space Rescue added to TBI-121. Fruit Machine added to TBI-120. Contract Bridge added to TBI-123. Tons of new stuff added to the 8BS advert. A few pictures of my older son John's model rockets and his latest project added to the 'Me' page
- 20/04/98 Cosmic Asteroids added to TBI-120
- 19/04/98 New page added. 'Insides'. Pictures of 8 Bit Acorns with their clothes off.
- 15/04/98 Sound added to 'See 8BS' page
- 13/04/98 Many small changes made throughout the website. Switch on sound re-sampled. Sounds like the real thing now, in fact so good I have put it as my own windows startup sound.
- 10/04/98 TBI-130 added to the pool. Two text adventures from Jack Foster. TBI-131 Added. Alligata Games Who Dares Wins 2. Also Ultron and Chichenitza added to TBI-120
- 09/04/98 New page added with pictures of a dismantled BBC. Accessible from the 'See 8BS' page. Another animation added, an Econet Bridge. More pictures added to the 'See 8BS page'
- 08/04/98 Games Reviews added. Accessible from the main website page. More links added to Atom Pages
- 07/04/98 Link added to Mark Usher's BBC Documentation Project
- 06/04/98 Yet more pictures and animations added to 'See 8BS' and 'Animations' pages. A photo of George added to the 'Me' page.
- 05/04/98 Pictures added to See 8BS. Animations added to animations page. Link added to Crispin Boylan's BBC Games website.
- 04/04/98 Beebem 1.00 added to the downloads page.
- 03/04/98 TBI-129 System Wadgebury added to the pool. Also a picture of the Fast Response vehicle that I am trying out added to the Me page
- 29/03/98 8BS-53 to 60 are now available on the internet. Links on this site. Thanks to Robert Schmidt on The BBC Lives for hosting the files.
- 26/03/98 8BS-62 Available
- 21/03/98 Well, we are here for another year at least, just subscribed to Karoo again.
- 14/03/98 New 'Machines' page added, intended to host a collection of animations
- 04/03/98 Some new bits added to the 'See 8BS' page
- 28/02/98 Another month gone. Wow! Link added to PCBBC emulator. Help with file conversion offered on the 'Downloads' page.
- 26/02/98 What's This? Page added. Pictures of odds and ends that I would like to find out more about.
- 20/02/98 Links Updated. Ian Bell's Elite Web page link added
- 17/02/98 Links updated. Paul S Granjon link
- 13/2/98 Friday the 13th. Unlucky for some but not for 8BS, a load of new stuff in the 8BS advert.
- 08/02/98 Catalogue updated with 8BS 61. All
s removed and then advert updated, a few new goodies!
- 05/02/98 8BS 61 available
- 30/01/98 Text added to Downloads page, help with getting disc images to run in the Beebem emulator
- 24/01/98 Jack Foster has sent me 3 discs containing educational adventures. Now in the library as TBI-124, TBI-125 and TBI-126
- 23/01/98 Steve Hanson of Superior Software has given 8BS permission to circulate Alligata software. The first discs of software are in the catalogue as: TBI-120 to TBI-123. See the catalogue for full details
- 18/01/98 TBI-119 Bubble Bobble Game added to the pool
- 04/01/98 Pictures added to 'Me' and 'Others' pages
- 16/12/97 TBI-00 updated. The DFS version now requires two discs. A double sided DFS disc for the catalogue and a single sided DFS disc for the utilities. ADFS users still require only one disc.
- 15/12/97 8BS-60 Available
- 04/12/97 TBI-118 added to the pool. Three Men in a Boat.
- 03/12/97 512-77 Klingon Translator and 512-79 New York Word Processor V2.2 added to the PD library. Master 512 section. DOS+ only.
- 30/11/97 Animated Master 128 added. Changes made to several pages.
- 28/11/97 Animated BBC added. Animated 8BS added. Advert Updated.
added for recent additions.
- 27/11/97 TBI-117 Christmas Disc added to the pool. This disc is downloadable free from this website for the duration of Christmas
- 20/11/97 It is Christmas, so a relevant page is added
- 05/11/97 Advert Updated with a load of new goodies
- 27/10/97 8BS 59 Finished and available.
- 09/10/97 TBI-116 added to the 8BS pool. Pictures from NTAU2, the 8BS meeting 1997.
- 27/09/97 Advert updated. Links checked and updated
- 16/09/97 Link to Mike Wyatt's Beebem page added
- 13/09/97 Catalogue Updated. TBI-114 Music. TBI 115 Text Adventures.
- 09/09/97 TBI-00 Updated. 8BS Advert Updated. Catalogue Updated. Downloads Updated (Beebem 8 added, DISC IMAGE ACCESS!)
- 02/08/97 8BS 58 available.
- 01/09/97 Detailed info about 8BS added to the site as 'About 8BS'
- 30/08/97 Full stocktake at 8BS HQ. Advert updated accordingly. Many changes.
- 28/08/97 TBI-00 updated. TBI-113 added, Dictionary disc.
- 26/07/97 Advert updated.
- 21/07/97 NTAU2 Message Removed. Photos of the event added to "MEMBERS PAGES". JJF 48 Family History added to the catalogue.
- 17/07/97 NTAU2 Message changed. SHOW ON! Advert updated.
- 27/06/97 NTAU2 Message added to the main page. Jonathan Harston's bash in Sheffield. The 8BS annual get together.
- 25/06/97 Added to the pool. 512-74, Organisation Charts. 512-75 Kids word processor and Star Trek ASCII pictures. 512-76, Screen capture and graphics utilities
- 21/06/97 8BS Magazine Issue 57 Available
- 20/06/97 Link added to Sprow's BBC Page
- 19/06/97 Advert Updated
- 12/06/97 Advert Updated. APDL link added
- 30/05/97 I think. My watch battery is flat. The PC tells me what time it is, but not what day unless I ask it and I can't be bothered. Today, I have added a page of pics of various folks I know 'OTHERS'. Also other pics added to 'MEMBERS'
- 28/05/97 Catalogue updated with 512 72, VCR Databases and 512-73, Learn Basic
- 20/05/97 Catalogue updated (TBI-00) with TBI-111, Games Reviews and TBI-112 Digitised pictures.
- 19/05/97 Power up sound of Master switching on added
- 16/05/97 8BS Advert updated, disc drives, BBC Bs and Masters acquired.
- 15/05/97 That is it. The whole 8BS pool is now turned into zipped images.
- 12/05/97 Most of the 8BS pool now turned into images. Only the TAU and BUG sections to go. Catalogue and download info updated accordingly
- 11/05/97 Advert updated.
- 10/05/97 8BS-56 is born and is now available to 8BS members. Catalogue Updated
- 08/05/97 Links on Members Page (D6K) updated. Links on 'Links' page updated
- 06/05/97 Allowances made for browsers not capable of showing frames; If you have a non-frames browser, I would appreciate your comments, i.e. does it work? Scrolly message removed from border (I found it annoying). 8BS Advert Updated.
- 05/05/97 Master Battery and CMOS article added to example articles page. Is CJR on line page added. More links added to the menu frame. Scrolly message added to border. Thanks due to Mark Usher. John Cox, wrestler, councillor and Training Manager didn't turn up at Brid Amb for a meeting we arranged 50% failure rate now.
- 04/05/97 Download page info altered. See 8BS page created. Pictures added to the new page. Frames added to pages so that a menu is available at all times down the left hand side.
- 03/05/97 TBI-110 added to the software pool. Digitised Space pictures from the Apollo missions. From Neil Parry.
- 28/04/97 8BS-0 to 8BS-52, magazine discs, made available on this site thanks to Robert Schmidt for the space. Article from 8BS-55 placed in the '8BS Magazine' page, taken as a series of screen shots, pasted together.
- 26/04/97 Up to now, I have made DFS disc images available as single sided images. I recently discovered Beebem 0.06 that runs 8BS issues very well. This BBC emulator will use a single image of the whole disc (as opposed to two images, one for side 0 and one for side 2). So, from now on, I will make disc images available in .dsd (double sided) and .ssd (single sided) format. Download page altered accordingly. New pages added. Members Pages. For stuff submitted for the 8BS website by 8BS members. The page by Mike mallett moved to this.
- 24/04/97 8BS Guide To The Internet by Mike Mallett added to links
- 19/04/97 Picture of 8BS added to main page. About me page updated with a picture of me and the computers
- 18/04/97 About me page updated with a picture of my pet tarantula
- 13/04/97 Advert Updated
- 12/04/97 Magazine Articles And Advert Updated 8BS 24 25 26 27 28 29 Added
- 09/04/97 8BS Advert updated
- 06/04/97 TBI-00 catalogue disc updated
- 05/04/97 Catalogue Updated with 8BS-54 and 8BS-55. Also TBI-109, Crypt Paint II.
- 29/03/97 8BS Advert Updated
- 27/03/97 Info added to the download page. Putting DFS images onto floppies for use in a BBC. This 'new' page added.
- 22/03/97 8BS 55 available
- 05/03/97 Karoo let 8BS loose on the internet