Acorn Tape Deck

Electron Tape Deck. Thanks to Dave Edwards for these photos |
Electron Tape Deck |

Thanks to Gordon Dyer for these photos of an
Acorn Data Recorder |

Torch Graduate. Simply plugs into the BBC 1MHz bus, nothing
extra required for the BBC, everything required for the system is within
the box even a disc interface, so you can plug it into a tape only machine.
Turns the BBC into a DOS machine, will also run GDFS allowing you to use
DFS discs. |
Winchester Hard Drive. This one contains a 30 megabyte hard
drive. I have only used 7 meg of the space and there's TONS of
software on it! |

Thanks to Jeremy Shepherd for these 9 photos
of an MDFS Fileserver |

An MDFS Fileserver with single 40 megabyte hard disc drive |

Domesday Laserdisc. Thanks to Paul Jagger for these photos.
More on the Domesday system here |

Scsi interface for the Domesday system. Thanks
to Ian Wolstenholme for this |

Photos of a Syquest drive, power supply and
discs. The removable discs will hold 5 megabytes each. This particular
one does work but does not have the interface required. To test it out,
I simply plugged the unit into my hard disc drive interface |
Midwich Hard Drive. This hard drive is for a
BBC. It uses DFS |
Torch disc drive. Thanks to lee@vintagecomputer.co.uk

Torch disc drive. Thanks tothe eBay seller for these |

Byte Drive and the 3" disc that it uses
Twin 5.25" to 3.5" drive in a single
unit |
A 3.5" twin drive |
3 inch Disc Drive |
5.25" to 3.5" Drive. Thanks to M.Pye for this
photo |
Watford disc drives in plinth |
A nice Cumana 3.5" drive |
Watford Twin 3.5" drive. Thanks to David
Klotz for this photo |
Thanks to Richard Perrins for this photo of
a Disc drive and interesting case |
Cumana Disc Drive. Thanks to Richard Hall for
this photo |

Thanks to Paul Suttleworth for these photos of
a disc drive with front opening door. While we are at it, Paul sent a
photo of his setup |
Thanks to Kris Adcock for the photo. Thanks
to Paras Sidapara for the info. Opus Challenger 3-in-1 PCB (drive interface
and drive in one box, connects to 1MHz BUS) |
Inside a Cumana twin disc drive. Thanks to Rik
Steenwinkel. Info from Rik: Inside of a Cumana dual 5.25" drive unit.
Note the wires (red/white/yellow) attached to the drive logic board, and
running to a 40/80 track select switch on the back. Ribbon cable has been
disconnected from the front drive to allow viewing the switch wiring and
the power supply, of which each drive has a separate one |
Ram Disc. Thanks to Brian Thackeray for this
photo |

Watford Disc Drive Sharer. Front and back photos.
Allows 3 computers to share one disc drive |
An adapter to join two single disc drives. Thanks to eBay
seller Boxicle for this |
External Power Supply. Thanks to eBay seller jayedan for
this |
Electron Plus 3 and box |
Jonathan Harston's Multidrive |