Thumb | Description | Download | Credit |
Acorn 1770 Disc Interface Upgrade Kit Fitting Instructions | RTF | Mark Usher | |
Acorn 1772 addendum sheet | RTF | ||
Acorn 6502 coprocessor manual Issue No 2 Part No 408,000 March 1984 |
PDF Doc TIFs |
Acorn 6502 Development Package | PDF TIFs |
scan - Mark Usher pdf - Thomas Heck |
Acorn Advanced Disk User Guide | PDF TIFs |
Donated by Kevin Etheridge scan/ocr by Brian Foley scan - Mark Usher |
Acorn Advanced Teletext System | PDF Gifs |
scan / pdf - Ken Hewson | |
Acorn Advanced Teletext System User Guide | PDF TIFs |
scan - Eelco Huininga PDF - Andrew Taylor |
Acorn BBC B+ 128k Additional User Information | PDF RTF |
scan / ocr by Derek Walker scan to .PDF by Andrew Blount |
Acorn BBC B+ 64K Sideways RAM daughter board fitting instructions. Includes support disc as an .ssd image | RTF | scan / ocr by Mark Usher & Chris Richardson | |
Acorn Data Cassette Recorder Model No. ANF-03 |
scan to .PDF by
Andrew Blount ocr Frank Lee |
Acorn DFS User Guide Acorn DFS User Guide Chapters 5 and 6 (Filing Sytem and Utilities Commands) |
Acorn DFS User Guide - Issue no 2 Part no 403,700 July 1983 |
TIFs | Jim Hudd |
Acorn DFS User Guide Addendum | TIFs | ||
Acorn PANOS - Guide to Operations | scan / ocr - Chris Whytehead | ||
Acorn Prestel Adapter Service Manual - Issue 2 Part No. 415,001 August 1984 |
Acorn Prestel System User Guide Issue 1 Ref. No. 415,000 March 1984 |
scan - Eelco Huininga | |
Acorn Speech System User Guide |
scan - Chris Richardson ocr - Frank Lee |
Acorn Speech Upgrade |
scan - Chris Richardson ocr - Frank Lee |
Acorn Winchester Disc Service Manual | DOC+RTF | scan - Alan Williams ocr - Mark Usher |
Acornsoft ROM Insertion Info | RTF |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
Adaptec ACB4000 OEM Manual | Gifs | scan / ocr - Mark Usher | |
Adaptec ACB4000 User Manual | DOC | scan / ocr - Mark Usher | |
Ample Nucleus Programmer Guide | |||
AMS Disc System User Guide 3" microdrive | TIFs | ||
ATPL Battery Backup | RTF |
David Hawkins | |
ATPL Sidewise Plus | PDF TIFs |
Geoff Stevens | |
Mark Ferns David Hawkins |
BB PROM - Eprom Programmer | PDF RTF |
Geoff Stevens | |
Brainsoft Sideways RAM Installation Guide, Utils Manual, disc image |
scan Alistair Cree | ||
Cambridge Microcomputer Centre DFS Manual | TIFs | scan - Derek Walker | |
Compulock | RTF | scan - Mark Usher ocr - Andrew Jacobs Donated by David Wooding. |
Computech Integra B expansion board Issue - Preliminary-10 with ROM 1.07 |
scan / ocr - Ken Lowe | |
Concept Keyboard Manual 1 | PDF TIFs |
scan - Chris Richardson | |
Concept Keyboard Manual 2 | PDF TIFs |
scan - Chris Richardson | |
CUC Disk Manual | Mark Usher 2021 | ||
Cumana Disk Drive Guide | TIFs | scan - Derek Walker | |
Ground Control - UviPac Instructions | PDF RTF TIF TIF | scan / ocr - Derek Walker scan2 - |
HCR Micron Plus Eprom Programmer | PDF TIFs |
scan - Chris Richardson | |
HCR Micron Plus Eprom Programmer - Issue 2 | PDF DOC HTML |
ocr - David Hawkins - Keith Howell |
Inside Hybrids Music 5000 | HTML | Colin F | |
Marconi RB2 Trackerball User Guide | RTF JPGs |
scan - Derek Walker ocr - Dave Wade |
MGM Lifetime Disc Drive | PDF Plain Text |
Damien Guard | |
Micron EPROM Programmer | RTF | scan / ocr - Mark Usher Donated - Mike Tomlinson |
Micro-Robotics - Snap Camera Manual | PDF RTF |
Gordon Dyer | |
Midwich DFS |
PDF Multi TIF alt TIFs |
Finished PDF by Mark Usher 2021 rtfs by Richard J. Fairhill |
Mitsubishi Disk Drive Specifications MF501B / MF503B / MF504B | RTF | scan / ocr - Mark Usher Donated - John Tupper |
Morley Advanced Teletext System User Guide | PDF Gifs |
scan / pdf - Ken Hewson | |
Morley Electronics Teletext Adapter Addendum Dutch | |||
Morley Master 'AA' Rom Board | TIFs | scan by Richard Hall | |
Morley Teletext Adapter Support ROM | scan - Derek Kennedy | ||
Music 500 User Guide | Julian D Abram | ||
Music 2000 User Guide | PDF Impression |
by C.Dewhust | |
Music 3000 Expander Installation Guide | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 4000 Installation Guide | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 4000 Keyboard Manual | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 500 Upgrade info | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 500 Upgrade Installation Guide | PDF TIFs |
Music 5000 Ample Programmer's Manual | PDF TIFs |
Music 5000 Ample Toolbox | PDF TIFs |
Music 5000 and 4000 Installation Guide | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 5000 and 4000 News | PDF TIFs Impression |
by C.Dewhurst | |
Music 5000 User Guidel | PDF TIFs |
Music 5000 User Guide Addendum | PDF TIF | ||
Music 6000 Installation Guide | JPGs | ||
OPUS DDOS Challenger | PDF DOC |
Pdf - Mark Usher - update 2021 ocr - Chris Thornley |
PDF RTF TIF | scan - Mark Usher ocr - Frank Lee |
Pdf searchable - Mark Usher 2021 ocr - Francois Joubert ocr - Chris Thornley |
OPUS Disk Manual CUC (Most likely the original manual) | RTF | Mark Usher 2021. RTF and images | |
Pace Independent PSU | TIF | scan - Derek Walker | |
Peartree NR4200 RAM Board. Plain text also contains, JPG and disc image | PDF Plain Text |
Richard Hall | |
PMS Genie | PDF GIFs |
Preparing the BBC Microcomputer for the Z80 Second Processor | DOC | scan / ocr - Derek Walker | |
Preparing the BBC Microcomputer for the Z80 Second Processor (Acorn) | HTML | Keith Howell | |
Prism Modem 2000 Direct Connect Modem Specification and Instructions for use |
scan - Harry Axten ocr - Mark Usher |
SLOMO Microspeed Controller | PDF RTF |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
scan / ocr - Mark Ferns | |
Carsten Brasholt | |
scan / ocr -
Mark Ferns |
SOLIDISK EPROM Programmer Revised | DOC | scan / ocr - Shaun Buckley | |
SOLIDISK Sideways Ram OCTOBER 1st, 1984 (Revised version of the green JULY 1984 Manual) |
scan - Eelco Huininga | ||
SOLIDISK Sideways Ram SEPTEMBER 1st, 1986 (Revised version of the green JULY 1984 Manual) |
RTF | scan / ocr - Mark Ferns | |
SOLIDISK TWOMEG 128K Memory Expansion | Jason Flynn | ||
scan / ocr - Rodney Blackall
Stack Light Pen+ | PDF RTF |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
Technomatic - The Disk Book | RTF | scan Robin Stuart ocr Jim McLaren |
Teletext System User Guide - Issue 1 June 1983 Part No. 404,000 |
TIFs | scan - Eelco Huininga | |
The BBC Microcomputer IEEE488 Interface User Guide | DOC Gifs |
scan - Eelco Huininga ocr - J. G. Harston |
TIC TOC Real Time Clock | RTF | scan / ocr by Mark Usher Donated by Mike Tomlinson |
Torch Z80 co-pro Fitting Instructions | PDF TIF | scan - Eelco Huininga | |
Valiant Turtle Manual and disc | PDF TIF | scan - Chris Richardson | |
Vine Micros - Replay | scan - Chris Richardson ocr - Matt Cocker |
Voltamace - DELTA 14/B Handset System | TIF | scan - Mark Usher | |
Voltmace - DELTA 3b Twin Joystick | JPG | scan by Richard Hall | |
Watford Electronics 32K Ram Board Manual | PDF RTF |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
WE 12 Socket Solderless ROM Board | PDF TIF | ||
WE BBC Micro ROM Paging System Explained | RTF | scan / ocr - Mark Ferns | |
WE BBC Micro ROM/RAM Expansion Board MK2 | PDF JPG |
Geoff Stevens | |
WE Beeb Handscan | PDF RTF |
Richard Hall | |
WE Beeb Video Digitiser | Doc | ||
WE Beeb Speech Synthesizer | RTF | scan / ocr - Steven Flintham | |
WE Disc Filing System Manual for the BBC |
RTF | scan - Chris Richardson ocr - Graham Clarke |
WE Disk Drive Info The leaflet that came with the Watford disc drive |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
WE EPROM Programmer Operating Manual | scan - Gary McCallum | ||
WE Eureka 64k RAM Card for the BBC Micro | DOC TIF | scan - Mark Usher |
WE ROM/RAM board fitting instructions | RTF | scan / ocr - Mark Usher | |
WE Solderless Sideways ROM Board | RTF | scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
WE Solderless Sideways ROM Board | RTF | scan / ocr - Derek Walker | |
WE ZIF Socket | PDF RTF |
scan / ocr - Matt Cocker | |
WE The Complete Mouse User Guide for the BBC Micro | scan Hugh Vance | ||
Z80 (Acorn) Co-Pro EPROM fitting Voucher | HTML | Keith Howell | |
Z80 BBC Basic User Guide Issue no 1 Part no 409010 February 1984 |
RTF | scan / ocr - Derek Walker | |
Z80 Second Processor Service Manual | PDF TIF | ||
Z80 Second Processor User Guide | PDF DOC |
scan / ocr - Derek Walker |