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8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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Supporting the BBC B, B+, Atom, Electron, Master 128 and Master Compact

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Born in 1990 and on the internet from 05/03/1997, 8BS is for 8 bit Acorn computer enthusiasts and has over 14,000 disc images of free software. Is for PC users with BBC emulators. Produced 67 free disc based magazines and has downloads of software, pictures, manuals and stuff I have forgotten about totalling more than a shocking 65 gig and rising at an alarming rate.

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Or read it from 1997 to now.

  • 13/03/2023 Thanks to Steve Fewell for fixing the problems with the BASIC Disassembly.
  • 24/02/2025 Dave Edwards has collected together from all over 4 discs of adventure games. They are in the library here as TBI-228. Thanks Dave
  • 06/02/2025 Many minor alterations to the 8BS website. Many fixes to broken links, html finger slips and outright dumb errors. There will always be more mistakes, so don't be shy, please let me know of any problems you may come across. The Steve Fewell BASIC Disassembly section has many gaps (any volunteers to fix this?). Previously, links to none existent parts resulted in a 404 error page. These errors are now trapped and handled with a little more civility.
  • 28/01/2025 Jess has enabled SSL on the 8BS website. As I had been using absolute links, this required a major update to the website. This is hopefully complete but if you spot any problems, please contact me through the 8-Bit Software Enquiry Form and I will get on to it
  • 24/01/2025 Thanks to Dave Edwards for sending three disc images for the TBI section. They are: TBI-225, Primary Programs. TBI-226 The book of Listings and TBI-227 The Second Book of Listings. Also, thank you to Stephen for pointing out the broken link to BBC-101, now fixed
  • 03/01/2025 Six new additions for the A&B cover discs. 05-12 06-03 06-04 06-10 06-11 and 06-12. Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing these in for us.

  • 80s Website
    Site of the day 27/06/1999

    Acorn Computers

    Spam Free Email

    Have a look hereThanks for this webspace Jess