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Tape To Disc Transfer.

Submissions From Albert Schofield

Albert Schofield has submitted many messages about the popular subject of tape to disc transfer. This text can also be found on TBI-70 (Tape to Disc Transfer)

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (Albert Schofield ) Subject: Tape to Disc.

Chris has suggested that I write some articles on my pet subject which I will call Tape to Disc on the BBC Model 'B' Some of you may have started, like myself, with just a cassette based machine and later had a DFS fitted. Well, let us suppose that you have just switched your machine on and can't wait to get your programs on to disc. So you load your program, which is an ordinary basic program, from cassette, type *DISC, and in no time at all it is on disc. Then you run it. If it is a fairly short program it may work perfectly.

If it is a fairly long program then it will probably stop with an error message usually BAD MODE, the mode being bad because there is not enough memory available. The reason for this is because the DFS uses a large slice of memory. On a cassette based machine page is normally at &E00. You can check this by typing PRINT ~PAGE.

On a disc based machine page is much higher usually &1900. However, you can claim some of this memory back. If the program does not use any file handling commands such as OPENIN etc. and most games don't, then you can lower page to &1100. So type PAGE=&1100 and run your program again. If it works OK then add the following line to the beginning of your program:-
Put the filename of your program in place of PROG. Then when you run your program in future it will automatically set page to &1100.

But if your program still gives error messages with page at &1100 then you will have to download it to &E00. To do this add the following lines to the beginning of your program:-

1CLS:VDU23,1,0;0;0;0;:PRINTTAB(8,10) CHR$(131)"Downloading...."

The downloader deletes itself. Your program will then be in memory exactly as if you had loaded it from cassette. You can create an ASCII version of this downloader and save it to disc. Then with your program in memory the downloader can be *EXECed on to it and saved to disc. See page 402 of the User guide to do this. But first make sure that the first line of your program is not numbered less than six. If it is RENUMBER your program or the first lines will be overwritten.

That's all for this month. I hope some of you have found it useful. Next month I will deal with machine code programs.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC FOR M/C PROGRAMS

Most games are in several parts, each part chaining or *RUNning the next. If a program is chained then it is BASIC. If it is *RUN or *LOADed it is machine code. Let us suppose we have a three part game on tape. The first two parts are in BASIC and the last part is machine code. The first two parts can be just loaded type *DISC and then saved. If the file names are more than seven letters long then they will have to be shortened to seven letters, the maximum allowed by the DFS.

To get the M/C program on to disc type *OPT1,2 (RETURN) then type *LOAD""1900 (RETURN) to load the M/C program from tape. When the program is loaded you will have four sets of numbers after the filename. Ignore the first four numbers or letters in each set. The first set is the number of blocks and can also be ignored. The second set is the length of the program. The third set is the load address and the forth set is the execution address. Now type *DISC. To save the program to disc type *SAVE"filename"1900+length execution load

Put the proper filename in and the three sets of numbers where indicated. &1900 was used as a temporary address for loading an saving and is discarded when the program is saved. The three parts are now on disc so chain the first part. You may get an error message either FILE NOT FOUND or BAD FILENAME. This means that the first part CHAINS"".

A null string will not work on the DFS or the first part is using a filename more than seven letters long. Alter the first part to chain the filename of the second program. The second part may also need altering. If the load address of the third part is &1100 or more, the program may now run but it will probably be less so it will have to be downloaded. The following short relocator will do this:-

10 *KEY0 *LOAD "filename"1900|M *TAPE|MFOR T%=0 TO &length STEP 4: T%!&load =T%!PAGE:NEXT|M CALL&execution|M
20 *FX138,0,128
30 END

Put the filename, length, load and execution addresses in where indicated. Some DFSs include relocating utilities.

The Watford DFS has the commands *MRUN and *MLOAD which will do the relocating. If you have the BEEBUG DISC MASTER this has an excellent move down routine which tags a small machine code on the end of your program for either machine code or basic programs.

That's all for this month. Next month I will deal with the problem of LOCKED programs.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC'B'
First I would like to deal with MR. Gallagher's problem which he is having with 'MAGIC MUSHROOMS'. It is basically a tape to disc problem as your disc version has originated from tape and has not been fully transferred. Just over half way through the main file there are two references to TAPE. Use a sector editor to change these to DISC and you will then be able to save and load screens to disc.

This month I am going to deal with the problem of LOCKED files on tape. A LOCKED file on tape can only be *RUN. It cannot be *LOADed or *DUMPed. It cannot therefore be transferred to disc. However there are plenty of utilities for unlocking files on tape and locking them again. Once unlocked they can be transferred to disc in the usual way and most files work just as well unlocked as locked.

On the other hand some files when unlocked will not work and locking them on disc is of no use as this is a different method altogether. So what can be done ? If you have sideways ram the ROM FILING SYSTEM is very similar to the CASSETTE FILING SYSTEM, so the file can be put into a ROM image, locked once again and will work from the RFS. A short loader program can be used to load the ROM image and *RUN the locked file something like the following:-

10 *KEY10 *ROM|MPAGE=&E00|M*OPT1,2|M *RUN filename|M
20 ?&FF34=0:*LOAD filename 8000
30 CALL!-4

The first line programs the break key to enter the RFS. The OPT command lets you see the file loading and then the locked file is *RUN. The second line selects the rom bank to be used, in this case bank 4. Alter the 4 for any other bank. Then the rom image is loaded from disc. Use the filename you have chosen. The last line 'presses' the break key which initialises the rom image and *RUNs the locked file.

That is one way of doing it. But what if you do not have SWR. There is another and better way but not as simple. The reason the locked file will not work when unlocked is because the execution address is a false one so if you can find the true execution address then the file will work as normal without having to be locked. But how do you find it ? It is not always easy. It is in the file somewhere and in reverse order.

In some acornsoft games such as VOLCANO the true execution address is the last two HEX numbers on the file in reverse. In the case of VOLCANO the last two HEX numbers are A0 and 44, therefor the true execution address is &44A0.

Last of all there is another type of locked file which when unlocked will not work and when it is locked again it still will not work so I can only assume that it is locked originally in some special way. That is why if this type of file is backed up with a tape copier which has unlocking facilities, the resultant copy will not work. So with this type of file the SWR method cannot be used. The only way is to find the true execution address. With this type of file there is usually a short machine code loader which contains the true execution address. The file can also be *DUMPED and various addresses tried but unless you are an expert in machine code it can be a long task.

Next month I will be discussing various tape to disc utilities.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC'B'
There are many types of tape to disc utilities, some on disc, some on ROM. Some are quite good but tend to be fairly limited. For instance they cannot cope with games that are loaded as a continuous stream of data. This is where the utilities which save the whole of computer memory come into their own.

The best must be REPLAY as this will transfer just about everything but this requires quite a bit of extra hardware and specially formatted discs. However there is another memory saver which only requires a single bank of SWR and that is SNAPSHOT which, I believe is available from 8-BIT. This is an excellent tape to disc and disc to disc utility. It will not cope with everything but can transfer most. I originally obtained it from TELESOFTWARE and consists of three files. One is a text file with the instructions. When a program is saved to disc it is saved as two files. One is memory from zero to &1400, the other is memory from &1400 upwards. The command used to reload the saved program is *RESTORE. I have found that the best way to reload from disc is to save the ROM image. Have this on a disc with the two memory files. Then all that is needed is a short loader program something like the following:-

20?&FF34=0:*LOAD <FILENAME> 8000

This will load in the ROM image and give the *RESTORE command. If the game has a page of instructions it can be saved on to the disc as normal and the loader program incorporated into it. I have found that SNAPSHOT can be useful in another way. Sometimes a decoded file or a file loaded in as a continuous stream of data can be retrieved from the two memory files and used independently of SNAPSHOT. The ROM image takes up rather a lot of space on disc but this can be reduced to &500 and will still work.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC"B"
Sometimes when a game or utility etc. which may be made up of several parts has been transferred from tape to disc and then run, one or two parts may load and then suddenly the searching message appears on the screen and the computer is back in the tape mode. If the offending part is in basic then you will have to list it and look for *T. or *TAPE and eliminate it. Or it may be *FX140 which is the cause or even something like:-

FOR N%=6 TO &3F: N%?&200=N%?&D940:NEXT.

So a bit of detective work is required to isolate and eliminate the guilty section. Also the lines containing the statements may have been made unlistable so you may need to use *DUMP to find it. In this case you will have to use a sector editor to remove it. But what if the offending part is in machine code. With this you will have to *DUMP it and seek out the following sequence of hex numbers:- A9 8C A2. 8C is the OSBYTE CALL for TAPE (See page 434 of the user guide) If it is a long program it can be a lengthy search. Use a sector editor to eliminate the 8C. Replace it with a space (20) then all should be well. If the next part has to be loaded via sideways ROM then the 8C could be changed to 8D and then the computer will search in the rom filing system. 8D being the OSBYTE CALL for ROM (See page 165 of the advanced user guide)

I am sorry MR. GALLAGHER (4MD) that my information regarding MAGIC MUSHROOMS did not work for you. Your version of the game must be different to mine. However, this article should solve your problem. Let me know how you get on. As a last resort you could send me a copy of your version and I would try to sort it out for you or I could send you a copy of my version. And finally thanks ROY (20G) for the bouquet.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC"B"
In a previous article I wrote about the possibility of false execution addresses. It is also possible to have false load addresses. The file information is usually obtained by the use of *OPT1,2. The use of *OPT1,2 will obtain the information from the last block of the file.

In some cases the last block of the file has been altered to give a false load address. In fact some files have a different load address in every block but the load address in the first block must be the correct one. To obtain the file information from the first block, catalogue the file from cassette and as soon as the first block appears on the screen as "PROG 00" (PROG being the file name) press ESCAPE. Then type:-


The true load address will then be shown. Another way of finding the true load address of any file would be to load the file from cassette and then save it using SNAPSHOT. Then *DUMP the memory files so obtained to see where the relevant file starts. If you find that your transfer of any files from tape to disc does not work for no apparent reason it is always worth while checking the load address from the first block to see if it is the same as the one obtained by using *OPT1,2.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC"B"
Most of the newer games for the BBC micro on cassette are in quite a number of parts. Some of these games can be transferred to disc and will run without alteration at all provided that all the parts load at no less than &1100. If the last part loads at less than &1100 then it can be downloaded and the game will run perfectly even though the computer ends up in the tape mode. But if a section has to be downloaded before the last part has been reached then there is a problem as the DFS can not be re-entered without corrupting memory.

The way to overcome this is to put the last parts into a ROM image. They can then be reloaded from the ROM filing system with page below &1100. A short loader program can be written to load the ROM image or images and then run the first part of the game as I described in a previous article.

In last months article where I dealt with the problem of machine code programs that revert to tape I may possibly have caused some confusion by the way the article was set out. So, to recap, the three pairs of hex numbers to find are A9 8C A2. The 8C should be replaced with a space (20). I recently came across another method which is used to make a program revert to tape in OMEGA ORB. This game is in eight parts and they all load at &1100 or over so no downloading is involved. Five of the parts have an execution address of B80. At this location there is a tape routine which causes the problem. This routine is placed there by the third section "OMEGA2". This section is the loader and is really a basic program posing as machine code. So edit this using a sector editor. The first statement is !2944=&A28CA9. You will see that this contains the three pairs of hex numbers I mentioned earlier but in reverse order. Also 2944 is the decimal equivalent of B80. So again alter the 8C to 20. Then carry on shortening the file names to the seven characters that you have used to save them to disc. The game should then run from disc without any problems.

If anyone would like any help transferring to disc a game or utility please let me know either through the 8-BIT disc or drop me a line. My address is 46 FIR St. NELSON. LANCS. BB9 9RG.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC'B'
Transferring files from tape to disc is usually a simple task. Utilities exist for doing this and the computer can be left to get on with the job. Getting the files to work on disc is when the problems arise. However sometimes transferring files from tape to disc can be a problem if the file is exceptionally long as in some adventure games. Even with page at &1100 the file tends to spill over onto the screen when loaded, and when saved to disc may have bits of the DFS rom in it which means that it will not work properly.

A way round this problem is to transfer one block at a time. The following program will do this.

110 *TAPE
120 IN=OPENUP("")
130 *DISC
140 OUT=OPENOUT("filename")
150 *TAPE
170 C=BGET #IN
180 *DISC
200 *TAPE
230 *DISC

Enter the filename for the file on disc at line 140. If the file should happen to be locked add the following lines.
10 FOR pass%=0 TO 3 STEP 3
20 P%=&70:[OPT pass%
50 LDA #0:STA &3C7
70 ]:NEXT
80 ?&220=&70:?&221=0
90 *FX14,4

The file will be transferred to disc automatically (providing you have motor control) with no more than one block in memory at any time. With the complete file in disc it will then be necessary to set the load and execution addresses of the file to the correct values. The following program will do this.

30 $NAME="filename"
50 PARAM!2=&<load address>
60 PARAM!6=&<execution address>
70 X%=PARAM MOD 256
80 Y%=PARAM DIV 256
90 A%=2
110 A%=3 120 CALL OSFILE

Enter the correct filename at line 30. Enter the correct load address afte the '&' at line 50. Likewise enter the correct execution address at line 60.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B
Anyone who has used the cassette filing system will be familiar with control codes in the file names. These appear as queries (?) no matter what the control code is. Control codes cannot be used in disc filenames as they confuse the DFS. However, the control codes can usually be dispensed with when transferring files to disc but occasionally a file will not work without the control codes and this causes problems when transferred to disc.

There are various ways of getting round this, so to illustrate one method I will give details of how to transfer one such program to disc. The program is ATOM SMASHER which is in four parts :-

ATOM-SMASH, INST???, M/C???? and MAIN?.

The file that causes the problem is the third one M/C????. The first file is a short loader for the second file which is really only a basic program with protection so the first file can be dispensed with and the second file made listable by the following routine. Load the second file, INST???, from cassette by using *LOAD""18E0 . Then enter:- ?&227A=&FF to set the end of file marker. If page is normally at &1900 you should now be able to list the file, otherwise set page to &1900 first. Delete line 308 which is CALL&1790. Also delete line 310 which is *RUN. Add the following line:-


This is necessary to make room for the next file to download. Alter line 760 which is CHAIN"" to 760*M/C. Add line, 770 PAGE=&E00:RUN Now save the file to disc as INSTRUC . The last two files are machine code and load in below &1100 so they can be combined into one file so that they can be downloaded together. To do this load the third file from cassette with:- *LOAD""1900 . Then load in the last file with:- *LOAD""1E00 . Save it to disc with:- *SAVE M/C 1900+F00 BBA 900 . This file will have to be downloaded to &900 so use whatever method you prefer. By chaining INSTRUC the instructions will be displayed but the game itself will not work because the control codes have not been entered.

You can prove this by cataloguing a block or two of the third file from cassette. Press BREAK and chain INSTRUC . The game will now work. To identify the control codes catalogue a block or two of the third file, M/C????, press BREAK and enter:- *SAVE MEMORY 0 400 . This will save the first four pages of memory. Then *DUMP MEMORY and at location &3B2 can be seen the file name and the three control numbers. The fourth is just a query. Make a note of the seven numbers:- 4D 2F 43 98 80 8A 3F. These can be poked into memory by adding an extra line to the file INSTRUC just before it loads the next file as follows:- 756 !&3B2=&432F4D:!&3B5=&3F8A8098 See page 409 of the USER GUIDE. It is possible that slightly different versions of the game exist. If so you will have to make allowances for this.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC 'B'
Another game that will not work without control codes in the filename is ALIEN BREAKIN. This is in three parts. A-B-IN, ??? and A#B#IN. The last part being separated by the underline character. The first part is a BASIC program so load this from cassette and alter the last line 1400 to:- 1400*KEY0 *??? |M*RUN A#B#IN |M Then add line 1410*FX138,0,128 and line 1420END and save to disc. Then load in the second part from cassette using *LOAD""2E00 and save to disc using *SAVE ??? 2E00+5FC 3300. Then load in the third part from cassette using *LOAD""1900 and save to disc using *SAVE A#B#IN 1900+2097 22CA B6A. This last part will need to be downloaded.

If you now run the game it will probably work as the control codes have been entered during transfer but if you switch the computer off and on then it will not work. The control codes are 8E 8B 90. So you could alter line 1400 in the first part to 1400*KEY0 !&3B2=&908B8E|M*??? |M*RUN A#B#IN |M and it would then work.

But a better way is to use a sector editor. On part two, where at location &530 you will see the control codes in reverse order. Replace these with zeros. Also if you want music you will see at location &5A8 the filename for the last part with the A missing. Replace the missing A. And that's about all.

More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC'B'
The last of the programs that I have which will not work without control codes in the filename is DEMON DECORATOR. This is in two parts. Both parts are in basic but are unlistable. To transfer the game to disc, load the first part from cassette. The last few lines can then be listed by typing LIST850, (the comma is essential). Alter the last line 870 to:- PAGE=&1100:CHAIN"PAINTER". Then add an extra line:- 855PRINTTAB(6,19)CHR$(131 )"Press"CHR$(129)"SPACE"CHR$(131)"to c ontinue.":REPEAT:UNTIL INKEY-99<>0 . This line will allow time to read the instructions. Then save the file to disc. If the second file is then transferred to disc as PAINTER the game will then probably work, as the control codes will have been entered during transfer. If the computer is then switched off and on again the game will still work but in a very unpredictable way. To remedy this, load the second file into memory again and delete the following three lines:- 967, 1283 and 1685. These are the lines causing the problem. Save to disc again as PAINTER. The game should now work perfectly. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC'B'
Some cassette based games which, when transferred to disc, will load and run but will not work properly. One such game is SPACEMAN SID. When loaded from disc, all that appears is the top part of the screen and the bottom part but no action in between. The reason for this is because the last part is locked and will not work properly when unlocked. In this case it is necessary to make the computer think that it has loaded a locked cassette file. A locked cassette file can only be *RUN. It cannot be *LOADED or *DUMPed. When a locked cassette file is *RUN the byte at location &3CA is set (See page 347 of the ADVANCED USER GUIDE). So this byte must be set to make the computer think that it has loaded a locked cassette file. With SPACEMAN SID it should be set to A1. This can be done with the following poke:- ?&3CA=&A1. The game can be transferred to disc as follows. SPACEMAN SID is in three parts SID, SID1 and SID2. The first part is a basic program so load it into memory and alter the *T. command at line 21 to ?&3CA=&A1 and save to disc. Load in the second part using *LOAD""1900. The second part is part basic and part machine code. The machine code section contains the tape token 8C. This must be replaced by a space (20) to prevent the computer reverting to the cassette filing system. The file could be saved to disc and a sector editor used to alter the 8C which is at location &F6F in the file but an easier way is to type ?&286F=&20 before saving the file to disc. Then save to disc using *SAVE SID1 1900+1600. The third part SID2 will have to be loaded at &1900 using an unlocking utility. Then saved to disc using:- *SAVE SID2 1900+3600 E10 400. As this file loads in at &400 it will also have to be downloaded. I use the MOVE DOWN routine on the BEEBUG DISCMASTER disc for this but any downloader will do. The game should then load and run perfectly. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B
Last month I dealt with a game which would not work unless a character was poked into the locked program byte. This month I will deal with the game EAGLE'S WING which needs to have four characters poked into the four spare bytes immediately following the locked program byte. The four characters are DDH. (including the full stop). To PEEK at these locations, first catalogue a few blocks of any part of the game, press escape and type PRINT$&3CB. The characters DDH. will be shown. Typing PRINT ~!&3CB will show the hex equivalent in reverse order which is as they should appear in the necessary poke. So to transfer the game to disc a short loader program will be needed as follows:- 10 !&3CB=&2E484444 20 CHAIN"EAGLE" Save this to disc as LOADER. Load in the first part of the game, which is Eagle-Wing, using *LOAD""1900. This section is part basic so list it and copy line 10 and then list it again. The hidden line 15 can now be seen. Copy line 15 to eliminate the REM but leave the colon. Delete line 20. Copy line 40 and alter the last statement to:- *L. 1.EAGLE Add line
Add line
It is essential to do these alterations exactly as shown to maintain the same length of the basic which is &AB. Otherwise the screen may be corrupted. Save it to disc using:- *SAVE EAGLE 1900+600 8023. The second part, which is 1.EAGLE, is locked so it will have to be loaded at &1900 using a locked file utility. Save it to disc using:- *SAVE 1.EAGLE 1900+600 753E 7000 The last part, which is 2.EAGLE? is a bit tricky. It is locked and also, as the ? shows, the filename contains a control code. This control code is different in every block so it is in effect a changing filename. So type *TAPE and then enter *OPT2,0 to force it to load and load it in at &1900 using a locked file utility. Ignore the File? messages. Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE 2.EAGLE 1900+2C00 3200 1200 By chaining LOADER the game should now run. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B
Several members have been enquiring about the operation of Vine Micro's REPLAY tape to disc system so here goes with a rundown on it. REPLAY first appeared in 1985 and had to be tailor made for each make of DFS. It was activated by entering *REPLAY and some software used this command to block the use of REPLAY. So in 1988 Vine Micros brought out a MARK 2 version of REPLAY which would work with any 1770 DFS double density only. This version did not use the *REPLAY command but was activated just by pressing a push button switch which was usually mounted on the back of the computer. In 1989 Vine Micros ran foul of the new copyright laws and were banned from producing any more. If you have a REPLAY system fitted it is probably one of the original types. If you enter *REPLAY and get BAD COMMAND then you have the MARK 2 version. I will deal with the original version first. Insert a blank formatted disc into drive 0 and type *REPLAY or *REP. and the main menu will be displayed. Press the function key f5 to initialise the disc. Then press key f1 to create a new file. A filename can now be entered which can be up to twenty characters long. The name will appear flashing white to indicate that it is ready to be saved to. Now press BREAK and load in your game as normal. When it is fully loaded press the REPLAY switch just once. The two keyboard control LEDs will start flashing. Press key f0 and the game will be saved to disc. To reload the game in future type *REPLAY or do a SHIFT/BREAK. The menu will be displayed and the appropriate key may be pressed to load the game. The game can originate from either tape or disc. With the mark 2 version the discs have to be specially formatted. Place a disc in drive 0 and press the REPLAY button. The two keyboard LEDs will flash alternately. Press key f4. The message "Shall I format this disc ?" will appear. Press Y and answer the questions regarding the disc drive. The disc will be formatted and the menu will appear. Press SPACE and the utilities menu will be displayed. Press C to create a file which can be up to 31 characters long. Press break and load in your game. When it is fully loaded press the replay button and then press f0 and the game will be saved to disc. To reload the game press the REPLAY button and then key f0 and the menu will appear. With the mark 2 version it is not essential to create a file first. The game can be loaded in first and then the REPLAY button pressed followed by the f0 key and the game will be saved with the filename "UNSET". This can be renamed afterwards if desired. Here is a list of the buttons that can be used:- f0-SAVE TO DRIVE 0. f1-SAVE TO DRIVE 1. f4-ACCESS DRIVE 0. f5-ACCESS DRIVE 1. SPACE-RETURN BACK TO PROGRAM. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: REPLAY DISC UTILITY
It is often useful, when playing a game, to be able to re-save (or update) a file on disc for replay at a later date. With the REPLAY utility some files can be continuous update files in which case pressing the REPLAY switch will cause a save to the program just loaded. To set a program to be continuously updated, simply enter the EDIT FILE mode (option 4 from the main menu) then press the program letter, and then once the data file is displayed, press "U". The program name will then change colour to purple and "R&W" will appear to the left of the name which means READ & WRITE. Then press "E" to exit the edit mode and re-save the data file. On the mark 2 REPLAY the procedure is slightly different. In this case go into the EDIT DATA file mode and press the "R" key. The program name will then be prefixed by R/W instead of "R". To cancel this just repeat the process by pressing "R" again and the prefix will re-appear as "R". Once set, a program can be loaded as normal and then at some time during the program execution, the REPLAY switch can be pressed (along with one of the drive keys f0 to f3) and REPLAY will overwrite the old program on the disc. On the MARK 2 REPLAY it is advisable not to use the AUTOMATIC FILE CREATION feature on the disc with R/W files on it. This is because if you load a program from a R/W file, then any subsequent save to the disc will over-write this file except when there is a W-only file to save to, or the user has accessed the main menu. The file priority to a disc is:- (1) a W-only file. (2) a R/W file if the last access to the disc being used was to load in a R/W file. (3) a blank file. ie. automatic file creation. If the disc is full then nothing will be saved. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD) Subject: REPLAY DISC UTILITY
Some games have special screen formats and when saved with REPLAY the screen may appear broken up. To correct this, the REPLAY edit utility will have to be used. Some versions of REPLAY have the necessary data built in for certain games to correct this but the data will only be recognised if the game name is spelt correctly in upper case letters. To enter data, first transfer the program as normal from tape to disc. Get into the main REPLAY menu, then enter the 'Edit file' menu by pressing number '4', followed by the letter corresponding to the program to be edited. If the Mode needs changing, then press the letter 'M', and enter first the screen mode (the first number, ie. a number from 0 to 7),followed by pressing the <RETURN> key, and then enter the screen size (the second number i.e. either 1, 8, 10, 16, or 20 - do not enter the letter k), followed by <RETURN>. To enter the video data, press the letter 'V' from the edit file menu. You will then be asked 'Register ?', to which you should respond with the first number of the video data (eg. the '6' in '6,16', followed by pressing <RETURN>, and then respond to the 'Data ?' prompt by typing the second number (e.g. the '16' in '6,16', followed by <RETURN>. Video data is listed as multiple groups of two numbers. The first number in each group is the video register number, and the second is the video data value. To exit the video data entering stage, simply press <RETURN> by itself (i.e. without entering any data) when the 'Register ?' prompt appears. Colours are entered by pressing the letter 'C' from the edit file menu. You will then be asked the 'Logical colour ?' value, which is the first number in the group of two numbers (i.e. the '1' in '1,7') which should be typed in, followed by <RETURN>. Then the 'Actual colour ?' value should be typed in, which is the second number in the group (i.e. '7' in '1,7' followed by <RETURN>, To exit the colour altering mode simply press <RETURN> by itself (without entering any data). To exit the edit file menu, press the letter 'E'. The most common alterations needed are Mode/Screen size, Colours, and alterations to video registers 6 and 7. The values of these can easily be worked out by the average user who knows something about how the screen displays its data, or simply try different values until it comes right. The first thing to get right is the MODE, so try different values until you can actually see something on the screen that looks at least vaguely correct. If the screen is 'broken up' and you have tried all the different modes available (0 to 7) then you will need to try different values for video registers 1 and 2. Assuming that the screen looks reasonably okay, the next step is to alter video register number 6 until the full number of lines is displayed. Then try different values of register 7 until it is centred correctly. Vine Micros issued sheets of data values for various games already worked out. I have most of these sheets so if you have problems with any games, I may be able to help with the data values. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B
Cassette based games sometimes have extra protection devices such as a card with groups of colours which have to be entered before the game will run, so a copy is no good without the card. Sometimes a device called a LENSLOK is used. This has to be placed over the monitor until two characters appear which have to be typed in before the game will run. There is also a time limit and if, like me, your monitor is the TV and is a couple of feet away it can be a bit tricky. The only game I have come across which uses the LENSLOK is MOON CRESTA. The game as it stands is fairly straight forward to transfer to disc but the LENSLOK still needs to be used. What is needed is a method of transferring it to disc which dispenses with the LENSLOK. The game is in three parts, CRESTA1, CRESTA2 and the filename for the last part is just a space. The first part just gives a fancy screen. The second part handles the LENSLOK routine. The game itself is in the last part. So position the tape at the start of the last part and load it in using:- *LOAD""1900 When it is loaded in, enter the following eight pokes, pressing RETURN after each one. ?&465F=&00 ?&4660=&46 ?&466F=&D0 ?&4739=&00 ?&473A=&21 ?&4775=&50 ?&4776=&4D ?&477B=&50 Now enter *DISC and save the shortened file to disc using:- *SAVE CRESTA2 1900+2EBC 4400 16C3 All that is needed now is a short loader program as follows:- 10*KEY0 *CRESTA2|MCALL&4429|M 20*FX138,0,128 30END Save this as CRESTA. Chaining CRESTA will now run the game and no LENSLOK needed. More next month.

Hello Martin. Welcome to the club. I read your article with great interest. I too am an avid SNAPSHOTter. I usually use it as a sort of half-way house for getting a game to work on disc unaided. The main reason that SNAPHOT will not work on some programs is because the *WAIT command uses the 6522 USER VIA TIMER. This unit is used mainly to drive the printer and user port. Unfortunately some games also use this unit and this interferes with the *WAIT command. Sometimes SNAPSHOT will not shoot at all. Sometimes it shoots repeatedly and the solution is, as you say, to press break at the right time. Sometimes it shoots much too early and the solution then is to use a much higher number with the *WAIT command. Sometimes as high as forty or fifty. When SNAPSHOT does not shoot at all this can sometimes be got round in various ways. It is true that SNAPSHOT will not normally work with ELITE but if you can get SNAPSHOT to shoot before ELITE uses the 6522 timer then you will succeed. When ELITE is first run, the usual ACORNSOFT screen comes up with a window in the middle containing the title, in this case ELITE. This stays on the screen for about five seconds. During this time SNAPSHOT will work. This calls for a bit of tricky timing and several attempts may be necessary. I usually use *WAIT 2, then wait for about seventeen seconds and then enter *ELITE2. The disc cannot be BOOTed as pressing break disables SNAPSHOT but *EXEC !BOOT may be used. I have the superior software version of ELITE but I should think that it is basically the same as the original Acornsoft version. Also some games use the 6522 timer in the instructions or the initial screen. In this case just load the game itself. Sometimes SNAPSHOT will not shoot at the first attempt but will succeed at the second attempt so don't give up too easily. Finally if you have problems transferring any particular program I am always ready to give help. More next month.

Some cassette based games have very short data streams inserted into them. These are easily missed when transferring to disc and of course the game will not work without them. One such game is CAVEMAN CAPERS. This game is in six parts, CAVEMAN, CAVEMA2, CAVE2, CAPERS2, TUNE where the second half is a data stream and the last part is START. CAVE2 is the section that loads in both parts of TUNE and in the disc version is not required. So to transfer CAVEMAN CAPERS to disc proceed as follows. The first part CAVEMAN is an ordinary basic program so load this in and add the following two lines:-


Then save it to disc as CAVEMAN. Load in the second part CAVEMA2 using *LOAD""1900. Then enter 60 to delete line 60 and save to disc using *SAVE CAVEMA2 1900+118D 8023. The cassette should now be at the start of CAVE2 so put the computer into TAPE mode, type *RUN and load in CAVE2, CAPERS2, TUNE including the short data stream. As soon as the screen clears and 'Searching' appears at the top right hand side of the screen, press ESCAPE, type *DISC and save the now complete file TUNE to disc using *SAVE TUNE 600+130. Now rewind the cassette to the start of the file CAPERS2 and load this in using *LOAD""1900. Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE CAPERS2 1900+4000 164D 1600. Load in the last file START from cassette using *LOAD""1900. Save this to disc using:- *SAVE START 1900+500 164D 7B00. Chaining CAVEMAN should now load and run CAVEMAN CAPERS from disc. More next month.

Some cassette based games can only be made to work on disc by loading part of the game via Sideways Ram. COMBAT LYNX is one such game. This game is in three parts, COMBAT, LYNX and LYNX1. Part one is a basic program and *RUNs the second part. The second part is the loader for the third part. It is locked but works just as well when unlocked. The third part is also locked but will not work when unlocked. It is also a very long file (&7C00). The load address is &400. It therefore needs downloading but because of its length, I have found this impossible to do. Therefore it has to be loaded from Sideways Ram and locked in the ROM Filing system. COMBAT LYNX can of course be transferred to disc using SNAPSHOT. But this causes corruption at the bottom of the screen and also the flashing cursor is present. So for a perfect load SWR loading must be used for the last part. So load in the first part. Delete line 20 and add the following lines:-

30 ?&FF30=0:*LOAD LYNX3R 8000
40 ?&FF31=0:*LOAD LYNX2R 8000
50 ?&FF32=0:*LOAD LYNX1R 8000
60 CALL!-4

Save this to disc as COMBAT. This file works with the Watford ROM/Ram board. Otherwise you may have to alter lines 30, 40 and 50 to suit your SWR. Load the second part from cassette with an unlocking utility using *LOAD""2C00 and save it to disc using *SAVE LYNX 2C00+2C00. The third part, due to its long length, will have to be transferred to disc using the one block at a time. The method which I described in an earlier article. Also because the file is locked, the file that does the transferring will have to be combined with an unlocking utility. The file can now be saved into three ROM images and also locked. To do this I use the excellent ROM Image Generator by Mark Lock from the November 1987 issue of BEEBUG magazine. This allows you to lock the files and also continue from one ROM image to another with long files. Save the ROM images as LYNX1R, LYNX2R and LYNX3R and it is essential that the long file itself is saved as LYNX1. It is also essential that the ROM images are loaded in the correct sequence. The first file (COMBAT) does this. Chaining COMBAT will now load the ROM images and *RUN the game. LYNX1 will now load from the RFS in about twenty seconds and give a perfect display.

When transferring some games from tape to disc, it may all seem fairly straightforward, but when it has been finally transferred to disc and then run, it doesn't work. Then you have to start again and find out why. One such game is REPTON 2 from the Superior collection volume two. REPTON 2 is in three parts REPTON2, REPTONA and REPTONB. The first part REPTON2 just puts up a screen and can be discarded. The other two parts are both locked but still work when unlocked. When the second part REPTONA is transferred to disc and then *RUN, it re-enters the tape filing system and comes up with the searching message. So you then start to search through the file for the usual A9 8C A2 sequence as I described in an earlier article and when found, the 8C altered to 20 (space). The file is again *RUN but the searching message still comes up. The reason for this is because the file is encoded and the A9 8C A2 is just a red herring. The numbers to look for are EB CE E0. When decoded they become A9 8C A2. The CE needs to be altered to 6F which when decoded becomes 20. You can alter this using a sector editor but a much quicker way is as follows. Using an unlocking utility such as the one on last months disc, load in REPTONA using *LOAD""2300. Enter the following poke:- ?&4214=&6F Then save the file to disc using *SAVE REPTON2 2300+2100 43A0 Load in REPTONB using *LOAD""1900 again using the unlocking utility. Then save to disc using *SAVE REPTONB 1900+53A0 700 E00 REPTONB will need to be downloaded to E00 using the downloader of your choice. Entering *RUN REPTON2 will now load and run the game. More next month.

Transferring adventure games to disc can be quite tricky due to the long length of the main file. TWIN KINGDOM VALLEY is one such game. This also has a loader file LVAL which needs to be CALLed at a different address before it will work on disc. TWIN KINGDOM VALLEY is in four parts. TWIN, TITLE, LVAL and VALLEY?. The first file TWIN merely sets page to &E00 and can be dispensed with. The second file TITLE ia a basic program so load this in, delete line 225, and add the following lines:- 230 *KEY0 *LOAD LVAL |M *LOAD VALLEY |M CALL&7A21 |M 240 *FX138,0,128 250 END If you have the WATFORD DFS then the *LOAD VALLEY in line 230 can be changed to *MLOAD VALLEY to download it, otherwise the file VALLEY will have to be downloaded to &1000 by whatever means you choose. Now, having added the above lines, save the file to disc as TITLE. Load in the third file LVAL from cassette using;- *LOAD""7A00. Then save the file to disc using:- *SAVE LVAL 7A00+100. The last filename VALLEY? contains a control code but this can be dispensed with. Transfer this file to disc using the one block at a time method as described in a previous article. Save the file to disc as VALLEY. Set the load address to &1000. The execution address can remain at all zeros. Chaining TITLE will now load and run the game. More next month.

BUGEYES II is a particularly difficult game to transfer to disc as the last part has changing filenames and is also locked in a special way so that if it is unlocked and then relocked it will not work. Also it needs to be downloaded to &900. BUGEYES II is in five parts:- STARMAN, BUG1, SCREEN, BUG2 and changing filenames. The first part, STARMAN, is a basic program and has hidden lines. Load this in from tape and delete all lines from 41 upwards using DELETE41,1040. This will also delete the hidden lines. Add the following lines:- 50 *KEY0 *RUN BUG1|M*RUN BUGEYES|M 60 *FX138,0,128 70 END Save this to disc as STARMAN. The next two parts, BUG1 and SCREEN can be transferred to disc unaltered. The fourth part, BUG2, needs to have its execution address altered so load it in using *LOAD""1900. Save it to disc using *SAVE BUG2 1900+356 709 400 To load in the last part an unlocking utility will have to be used. Also use *OPT2,0 to force the changing filenames to load. Load it in at &1900. Ignore the File? messages. Save it to disc using:- *SAVE BUGEYES 1900+4F00 1E0A 900 This file will have to be downloaded to &900 using the method of your choice. If you have the WATFORD DFS do not use *MRUN as this clears the screen. Switch the computer off then on again. Chaining STARMAN will now load and run the game. The top of the screen will be corrupted by the downloading but this does not interfere with the playing of the game. If you have sideways ram and you wish to have a perfect load then the last part BUGEYES, instead of adding a downloader, can be put into two rom images. It is too long to go into one. Save the ROM images as BUG1R and BUG2R. Add the following lines to the first part, STARMAN, instead of as shown earlier:-

60 ?&FF30=0:*LOAD BUG1R 8000
70 ?&FF31=0:*LOAD BUG2R 8000
80 CALL!-4

Chaining STARMAN will now load the ROM images and run the game for a perfect load.

One of the most devious protection methods I have come across is in the game SWARM. It is in two parts, the first part being the loader. The second part uses 300 baud to load in the second block. Also the filename changes though this is not obvious. So for devious protection we need to use devious methods to transfer it to disc. First load in the first part, SWARM making sure that page is set to &E00. Enter the following two pokes:- !&E7C=&20202020 and also ?&E80=&20. Type RUN and press RETURN followed by BREAK. Type CALL&C10. The Searching message appears and part two SWARM1 can then be loaded in. Then type PAGE=&4000. Then CALL&40A0 can be entered. Now save it to cassette using *SAVE SWARM1 C00+2200. Do a hard reset and then load it back into memory using *LOAD""1900. Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE SWARM1 1900+2200 C00 C00. All that is needed now is the usual short loader something like the following:-


Of course the main file will have to be downloaded to &C00. If you have the WATFORD DFS then you can use *MLOAD otherwise use the down loader of your choice. Save the loader as SWARM. Chaining this should now load and run the game.

DROGNA is a game in two parts, DROGNA and the file name for the second part is a control code which shows up as a query. The first part can be discarded. The second part is locked and will not work when unlocked. This is because the execution address is false. If *OPT1,2 is used the load address is given as EFF and the execution address is given as 5CB9. Both are false. So load in the file from cassette using *LOAD""1900 using an unlocking utility. Then save to disc using *SAVE DROGNA 1900+4402 5C7F Typing *RUN DROGNA will now load and run the game.

SLICKER PUZZLE is a game which can be made to work on disc just by juggling the files about in memory. It is in three parts SLICKER, SLICK1 and SLICK2. The first two parts are in basic and the third part is machine code. Load in the first part and alter the &1600 in the last line to &2000 and save to disc. Load in the second part and add the following three lines

2 *FX3,2
4 *FX138,0,137
Save it to disc as SLICK1. Load in the last part from cassette using *LOAD""1900. Save it to disc using *SAVE SLICK2 1900+C2F 900 900. This file will, of course, need downloading to &900 using the method of your choice. Chaining SLICKER will now load and run the game. More next month.

RUBBLE TROUBLE is a game which is in four parts. The first two parts are the instructions which need to be downloaded to &E00. Then in effect BREAK has to be 'pressed' to load in the game itself which needs to be downloaded to &A00. Load in the first part RUBBLE which is a Basic program. Add line 10 as follows:- 10*KEY10 CLS|M*DISC|MPAGE=&2F00|MCH."RUBBLE2"|M Alter line 4800 to:- 4800 PAGE=&1100:CHAIN"RUBBLE1" Save to disc as RUBBLE. Load in the second part RUBBLE1 using *LOAD""1900. Alter line 250 as follows:- 250 CALL!-4 Save to disc using:- *SAVE RUBBLE1 1900+1C15 8023 E00 This file will need to be downloaded to &E00. Load in RUBBLE2 which is a Basic program. Alter line 70 to:- 70*RUN RUBBLE3. Save to disc as RUBBLE2. Load in the last part RUBBLE3 using *LOAD""1900. Save to disc using:- *SAVE RUBBLE3 1900+2B78 3500 A00. This file will need to be downloaded to &A00. Chaining RUBBLE will now load and run the game.

A few months ago I dealt with SWARM and I described the protection as devious. SUPER POOL is, if anything, more devious. The main file of which appears to load backwards and of course it has a special loader. However it is not all bad news as when SUPER POOL is transferred to disc it has the facility to save the high score table. A facility which is sacrificed for protections sake on the cassette version. SUPER POOL is in four parts, SUPOOL, POOL, LOADER and the last part has a series of control codes for a file name which vary throughout the file. The first part, SUPOOL, is just the logo for software invasion and can be dispensed with. Load in the second part using :- *LOAD""1900. Alter line 340 to:- 340 CHAIN"LOADER". Leave the two spaces after the line number so as not to upset the screen display. Save to disc using *SAVE POOL 1900+98D. The third part LOADER will have to be replaced by the following program. 10KEY0 *LOAD POOL2 |M*LOAD HISCORE 320A |MCALL&3512 |M 20*FX138,0,128 30END Save to disc as LOADER. The last part is more involved. Load in the third part LOADER from cassette using *LOAD"". Enter ?&70FE=&CA. Then type CALL&7102. THE Searching message appears. Now load in the main file. Save to cassette using :- *SAVE POOL2 1200+2DE4 3512. Switch computer off and on to regain control. Now load the saved file from cassette using *LOAD""1200. Then enter the following seven pokes, pressing RETURN after each one. $&3E7E="Press BREAK to save High Score table" ?&3EA3=&20 ?&3E7D=&83 ?&3E83=&85 ?&3E89=&83 ?&3E91=&85 ?&3E9C=&83 Now save to disc using:- *SAVE POOL2 1200+2DE4 3512 Chaining POOL will now load and run the game with the added facility of saving the high score table. More next month.

At first glance RANSACK appears to be a game which would be difficult to transfer to disc. The filenames are mostly ten characters long and the first file loads at &900 which would appear to need downloading. But this is not so. Actually it is fairly straightforward as it has been converted from the disc version so all that is needed is to convert it back to disc. Also the first part does not need to be downloaded. All the files are locked so an unlocking utility will be needed for each file. Load in the first file, RANSACK! using *LOAD""1900. Save it to disc using :- *SAVE RANSACK 1900+3FF 900 900 If you now dump the file you will see the TAPE command. Use a sector editor to change this to DISC. Further on you will see the seven original filenames which in order are SCREEN, NEL, N2, N3, N5, N1 and N4. The RUN command that appears before each filename has had 0D (carriage return) inserted after it to block it. Use a sector editor to replace all seven of the 0D tokens with 20 (space). All that is required now is to transfer the rest of the files to disc using the new filenames as follows. All the files can be loaded using:- *LOAD""1900 and saved as follows:- *SAVE SCREEN 1900+9C0 A15 2F00 *SAVE NEL 1900+500 A15 6AC0 *SAVE N2 1900+1040 A15 6FC0 *SAVE N3 1900+30D0 A15 2730 *SAVE N5 1900+500 A15 2200 *SAVE N1 1900+800 A15 62C0 *SAVE N4 1900+1630 A15 1100 Entering *RUN RANSACK or *RANSACK will now load and run the game.

Wizzy's Mansion is a game which is quite well protected but to transfer it to disc is once again easy when you know how. This game is in six parts as follows:- MANSION!, **********, PINK-FLOYD, MOTORHEAD, Differing filenames and MOTORHEAD. The first part MANSION! merely *RUNs the second part and can be dispensed with. The second and third parts contain the protection and show the title page and they also can be dispensed with. The game itself is in the last three parts. So load in part four, MOTORHEAD,from cassette using:- *LOAD""1E40. The fifth part has changing filenames so enter *OPT2,0 to force the computer to load it. Then load the file from cassette using:- *LOAD""2040. Ignore the File? messages. Finally, load in the last part, MOTORHEAD, from cassette using:- *LOAD""1900. Now enter *DISC and save to disc using:- *SAVE MANSION 1900+4F40 1185 8C0 This file loads at &8C0 so it will need to be downloaded. If you have the *MRUN facility then typing:- *MRUN MANSION will load and run the game. Otherwise you will need to use a downloader of your choice. More next month.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B.
JETPAC is a game in two parts, JETPAC and JET-PAC. Both are in machine code and both are locked. However both parts work equally well when unlocked. If the first part is catalogued using *OPT1,2 then the load address is given as &D80. This load address is false. To find the true load address, catalogue the file and as soon as the first block (00) appears press ESCAPE and then enter PRINT~!&3BE . The true load address will be given. The true load address is &5C00. Load in the first part from cassette with an unlocking utility using:- *LOAD""1900. Save it to disc using:- *SAVE JETPAC 1900+600 6000 5C00 The load address of the second part is also given as &D80 and this is also false. The true load address is &2000. Load in the second part using an unlocking utility and using:- *LOAD""1900 . Save to disc using:- *SAVE JET-PAC 1900+3A00 5900 2000 Entering *RUN JETPAC or *JETPAC will now load and run the game.

Most cassette based games load in several parts with the last part being the actual game. Sometimes the last part loads as a continuous data stream. Firebird games are usually like this. So how do you get it onto disc? The only way I have been able to do this is if the game will load and be saved on Snapshot. Then the main file of the game can be extracted from this. Snapshot requires at least one bank of sideways ram so if you haven't got SWR then you haven't got Snapshot. Fatman Sam is a good example of Firebird games. Fatman Sam is in three parts, Fatman, Fatman1 and the data stream. So load in the first part from cassette. This is a basic program. Replace line 40 with:- 40*KEY10CLS:*DISC|M*FX13,6|M*MRUN FATMAN2|M If you do not have the MRUN facility then leave out the 'M'. Replace line 50 with:- 50HIMEM=&5800:*RUN FATMAN1 Add line 60 exactly as shown except for the '@' which represents a space so replace these with spaces:- 60PRINTCHR$(131)"@Press"CHR$(129)"SPACE @@@@@to contiue."GET$ Add line 70:- 70CALL!-4 Save the file to disc as FATMAN The second part is locked so using an unlocking utility load the second part from cassette using *LOAD""6A00 Save a section of this to disc using:- *SAVE FATMAN1 6C00+F80 Snapshot saves the whole of memory to disc in two files. One is a short file covering page zero to &1400 or just over. The second file saves memory from &1400 upwards and is quite a long file. So when choosing the file names call the first one 'SHORT' and the second one 'LONG'. So save the whole game using Snapshot. Then load in the short file using:- *LOAD SHORT 1100., Then load in the long file using:- *LOAD LONG 2500. Now save the game using:- *SAVE FATMAN2 19C0+5E40 2200 8C0 If the file does not save first time, press BREAK and go through the routine again. It always saves the second time. If you do not have the MRUN facility then you will have to download the file to &8C0. Chaining FATMAN will now load and run the game. Of course if you just want the game then *RUNing FATMAN2 will do. Finally I must apologise for being absent from the last issue due to my submission disc becoming corrupted in transit.

There are a great number of tape copiers for the BBC. Some are very good and some are excellent but most of the best will not copy themselves. The best solution is to get them onto disc. SHADOW is one of the best. This tape copier is in four parts SHADOWINST, SHADOW, a short data stream and SHADOW2. The first part SHADOWINST is a basic program so load it in and alter line 70 to remove the *T. command. Change line 460 to 460PROCTITLE(6) Change line 470 to 470CHAIN"SHADOW" Then save the file to disc as SHADINS A short basic loader is needed next as follows:-


Save this to disc as SHADOW. Now load in the whole tape copier from cassette. Press BREAK and save to disc using:- *SAVE SHADOW2 7380+825 7736 Chaining SHADINS will now load and run the tape copier. If you don't want the instructions then just chain SHADOW. You can of course just *RUN SHADOW2 but do not be tempted to this as SHADOW will not then always produce a working copy of a game. SWARM is one such game. This is mainly because the *TAPE command is necessary and the loader program provides this.

Last month I dealt with transferring SHADOW tape copier onto disc. On the same cassette as SHADOW is a utility called INSPECTOR which allows one to scroll through memory and alter it if needed. INSPECTOR is in three parts, INSPECTOR, Sinner? which is in 300 baud and INSPECT2. To transfer INSPECTOR to disc a short loader program is needed as follows:-


Save this to disc as INSPECT. Now load in INSPECTOR as normal from cassette. Then select T from the menu to terminate. Now save to disc using:- *SAVE INSPEC2 6ED0+CDC 74DA Chaining INSPECT will now load and run INSPECTOR. If you wish to load a program into memory using INSPECTOR you will still have to load it from tape as INSPECTOR uses a null string. It is possible to load a program into memory from disc for use with INSPECTOR. First press break which will put INSPECTOR into disc mode. Then press L from the menu and when the message 'FILE NOT FOUND' appears, load in a program from disc. Then enter CALL&74DA to reactivate INSPECTOR.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.) Subject: TAPE TO DISC ON THE BBC B.
The IMAGE tape copier cassette has two copiers on it. The first one is a fairly straight forward tape copier and the second one is a data copier which will copy just about everything. I have only been able to transfer the data copier to disc by using SNAPSHOT and, as not everyone has got SNAPSHOT, I will have to find another way before I deal with it. The first tape copier is locked and will not work when unlocked and if relocked will still not work. So load in the first tape copier using:- *LOAD""1900 using an unlocker. Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE IMAGE! 1900+922 45E 400 . It's as simple as that! Of course it loads in at &400 so it will have to be down loaded. If you have the MRUN facility then entering *MRUN IMAGE1 will load and run the tape copier, otherwise use a downloader of your own choice.

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
The second file on the IMAGE cassette is a data file copier and will copy just about everything. The file is locked and will not work when unlocked. The file is encoded and when it is decoded is a basic program with a screen attached. It loads in at &B00 and can be saved to disc using SNAPSHOT. So save the IMAGE file using SNAPSHOT. When requested for the filenames, make the first one LONG and the second one SHORT. Press BREAK and load in the SHORT file using *LOAD SHORT 1100. Then load in the LONG file using *LOAD LONG 2500 Then save the file using:- *SAVE IMAGE2 1C00+B60 B00 B00 Press BREAK and load in IMAGE2 using LOAD"IMAGE2" and list line 50. The last statement on this line is CALL!-4 Replace this with four colons, which makes five colons with the one already there. Then save the file using:- *SAVE IMAGE2 1900+B60 B00 B00 The file IMAGE2 should be downloaded to &B00 to be in the same place as when loaded from tape but it appears to work just as well at &1900. So the choice is yours. Just chain IMAGE2. 
 To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
 A lot of early acornsoft games were in two parts, the first part showing the acornsoft logo and the second part being the actual game with the file name being ?. This was actually a control code and the load and execution addresses were both false. Also this file was locked and would not work when unlocked due to the false addresses. So if you knew how to transfer one of these games to disc you would know how to transfer all games of a similar format. So as an example I will deal with TETRAPODS. Load in the first file TETRAPOD from cassette using:- *LOAD""1900. List line 200 and change it to 200*RUN ? Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE TETRAPD 1900+8EF 8023 To find the true load address of the second file catalogue the file from cassette and as soon as the first block shows 00, press escape and type PRINT !&3BE and the true load address will be displayed which in this case is &E00. The first block must always contain the true load address. Next transfer the second file to disc using an unlocking utility with :- *LOAD""1900 and save it to disc using:- *SAVE ? 1900+2463 321A E00 To find the true execution address, dump the second file from disc using:- *DUMP ?. At the end of the file the last two pairs of hex numbers are 33 and 23. Reverse these two pairs and it becomes 2333. This is the true execution address. Load in the file again from disc using:- *LOAD ? 1900 and save it again using:- *SAVE ? 1900+2463 2333 E00 The file will of course need downloading to &E00 using the downloader of your choice. Chaining TETRAPD will now load and run the game. 

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
The game MINE from Program Power is in three parts, MINE,MINE2 and MINE3. The first two files are in basic and the third file is in machine code. It all seems fairly straight forward but there is a snag. Load in the first part from cassette using LOAD"". Then save it to disc using SAVE"MINE". Load in the second file MINE2 in the same way and save it to disc as MINE2. Load in the last file from cassette using *LOAD""1900 and save it to disc using:- *SAVE MINE3 1900+2900 D00 D00 This file will need to be downloaded to &D00 using the downloader of your choice. If you now chain MINE the game should run. But it doesn't. The reason is that the file MINE2 needs altering. So load in MINE2 and delete line 40 which is *LOAD"MINE3". Alter line 340 to *RUN MINE3 and save the file back to disc. Chaining MINE will now load and run the game. 

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
Superior software's version of GHOULS from Program Power can be quite tricky to get working on disc. It is in seven parts GHOULS, GHOSTS, SCREEN, GHOULS1, GCODE, GHOULS1 and G2. The first part is not really necessary to the game but for those who want it I will include it. First load in GHOULS from cassette with page at &1900 using LOAD"". List the program. Copy line 60 leaving out the last statement which is *OPT2,1. Replace line 70 with :- 70CHAIN"GHOSTS". Save the file to disc using:- *SAVE GHOULS 1900+46E. Load in the second file GHOSTS from cassette using:- LOAD"" and then list it. Alter line 300 to:- 300*LOAD SCREEN. Add line 310PRINT'"Press SPACE to"'" continue."GET$ Alter line 330 to 330CHAIN"GHOULS1" Now save the file to disc using:- SAVE"GHOSTS" Load in the third part SCREEN from cassette using:- *LOAD""5800 Save the file to disc using:- *SAVE SCREEN 5800+2100 The fourth part GHOULS1 loads in the sixth part which is also named GHOULS1 so the sixth part will have to be renamed to GHOULS2. Load in the fouth part GHOULS1 from cassette using:- *LOAD""1900. Enter the following poke:- ?&1A72=&32 . This will change GHOULS1 to GHOULS2 in the file. Save the file to disc using:- *SAVE GHOULS1 1900+1200 E00 E00 Load in the fifth part GCODE from cassette using:- *LOAD""1900 Save the file to disc using:- *SAVE GCODE 1900+2D 380 380 Load in the sixth part GHOULS1 from cassette using:- LOAD"" . Save it to disc using :- SAVE"GHOULS2" Load in the seventh and last part G2 from cassette using:- *LOAD""1800 Save it to disc using:- *SAVE G2 1800+3FFF 5700 This last part is locked so an unlocking utility will have to be used. Entering CHAIN"GHOULS" or CHAIN"GHOSTS" will now load and run the game. 

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
HIGH RISE HORROR is a game that is quite well protected. It is in eight parts and most of these are control codes which appear as ?. The eight parts are TITLE,?,??,???,????,?????,??????? and !. The last part ! is for information only and can be ignored. The first part TITLE is a basic program which has hidden lines which need to be deleted. Load this first part in from cassette using LOAD"". Then delete the following lines:- 80,90,100,420 and 430. Line 410 needs to be overwritten. Do this by typing  410CHAIN"?". Save the file to disc using:- SAVE"TITLE". Load in the second part ? from cassette using LOAD"" with page at &1900 then list it. Lines 30,40 and 50 have hidden parts after them which need to be removed. To do this simply copy these three lines as they show. Then enter the following poke:-
Then save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ? 1900+163 7900 7900
Load in the third part ?? from cassette using:-
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ?? 1900+2BEC 1100 1100
Load in the fourth part ??? from cassette using:-
Then enter the followig four pokes pressing RETURN after each one:-
Save this file to disc using:-
*SAVE ??? 1900+160 5E1E 5E00
Load in the fifth part ???? from cassette using
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ???? 1900+3FF 900 900
Load in the sixth part ????? from
cassette using *LOAD""1900
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ????? 1900+3FF 400 400
Load in the seventh part which is the last one ??????? from cassette using:- *LOAD""1900
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ??????? 1900+3FF 6D00 6D00
Chaining TITLE will now run HIGH RISE HORROR 
To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
The game SEA LORD from BUG-BYTE can be quite tricky to transfer to disc. The solution to this problem is to store the game all in one file which can then be downloaded to &600.

SEA LORD is in five parts. SEALORD, PART0, BUGGY, PART1 and PART2. The first two parts SEALORD and PART0 are just loaders and can be dispensed with.

So first load BUGGY from cassette using :- *LOAD""170F

Then load PART1 from cassette using
Lastly load PART2 from cassette using

Now save all the files to disc using
*SAVE SEALORD 1100+2A00 2400 600

If you have the *MRUN utility then simply typing *MRUN SEALORD will load and run the game. However the cassette version of SEALORD has been adapted from the disc version so if you add a downloader to the file to download it to &600 and save it as !BOOT and then enter
*OPT4,2 then simply pressing SHIFT/BREAK will load and run the game. 

SNOOKER(Version V1) from Acornsoft is in four parts, SNOOKER, SNOOK, ? and S2. It is quite well protected using false load and execution addresses and also has a control code for one of the file names. The first file SNOOKER is not essential to the game but makes for a tidier load. So if you wish to include it, load it in from cassette with page at &1900 using:- LOAD"" Then enter the following two pokes pressing RETURN after each one:- ?&19A3=&36 ?&19A4=&34 This will change &E00 in the file to 6400 which is the decimal equivalent of &1900. Then save the file to disc using:- *SAVE SNOOKER 1900+4B2 8023 The second part SNOOK is basic with machine code added. Only the basic part is needed for the disc version so load in SNOOK from cassette using:- LOAD"" . List the file and alter line 440 to read 440*RUN S2 . Delete line 450. Save the file to disc using:- SAVE"SNOOK". The third file ? is locked. It also gives the load address as &1C00. This is false. The true load address is &1B00. The fourth and last file is also locked and gives the load address as ?F00. This shoud be &E00. Also the execution address is given as &3059. This should be &8D00. However the last two files need to be saved to disc as one file so that they may be downloaded together to &E00. So next load in the third file "?" from cassette with an unlocking utility using *LOAD""2600 Then load in the last file S2 from cassette again with an unlocking utility using *LOAD""1900 Now save both files to disc using:- *SAVE S2 1900+2270 3000 E00 This file S2 will need to be downloaded to &E00. Chaining SNOOKER will now load and run the game. 
WALLABY from Superior Software is in four parts. WALLABY, WALLY1, WALLY2 and W. Getting the game to work on disc is mainly a memory problem. The first part WALLABY is not essential to the game and just shows the logo and can be ignored. The logo appears in part two anyway. The last two parts WALLY2 and W need to be joined together so that they can be downloaded as one file. So first load in WALLY1, which is a basic program, from cassette using :- LOAD"" . Alter line 1900 to:- 1900*KEY0 PAGE=&2C00|M*LOAD WALLY2|M If you have the MLOAD facility then the last command in line 1900 can be *MLOAD WALLY2 . Alter line 1910 to:- 1910*FX138,0,128 Then add the following lines:- 1920*FX138,0,79 1930*FX138,0,76 1940*FX138,0,68 1950*FX138,0,13 1960*FX138,0,82 1970*FX138,0,85 1980*FX138,0,78 1990*FX138,0,13 2000END Then save the file to disc using:- SAVE"WALLABY" . WALLY2 is also a basic program so load it in from cassette using:- LOAD"" . List line 0 and copy it, leaving out the last command, which is *RUN W . Save the file to disc using:- SAVE"WALLY2" . The last file W is a machine code file. It is also locked. Load it in from cassette using an unlocking utility with:- *LOAD""1900 . Then save it to disc using:- *SAVE W 1900+2100 B8F B00 To join these two files together first load in W from disc using:- *LOAD W 1100 . Then enter PAGE=&3200 . Next load in WALLY2 from disc using:- LOAD"WALLY2" . Then save both files to disc using:- *SAVE WALLY2 1100+23E8 B8F B00 If you do not have or use the MLOAD facility then this file will need to be downloaded to &B00 . Chaining WALLABY will now load and run the game.


The first part BREAK is a short machine code loader for the instructions screen. It is also locked. Load this in from cassette using an unlocking utility with:-

Save the file to disc using:- *SAVE BREAK 2500+1D9.

Use a sector editor on the file BREAK. Near the end of the file is the word TAPE. Alter this to DISC. Next on the file are two OPT statements. Delete these, replacing them with spaces.

Load the next file SCREEN from cassette using:-
*LOAD""1900. Save the file to disc using:-

The next file START is a short basic  loader and is not needed and can be replaced with START2.

Load in START2 from cassette using:-  LOAD"". List the file and delete the last two lines numbered 1000 and 1010. Add the following two lines:-
90PRINT"     Press SPACE to continue." GET$
Save the file to disc using:-
This will allow time to  read the instructions on the previous  screen.

The next two files PART1 and PART2 need to be joined together to form a single file PART2. PART2 is locked so the files need to be transferred to disc first. Load in part PART1 from cassette using:- *LOAD""1100

Save it to disc using:-
*SAVE PART1 1100+48FF
Load in PART2 from cassette using an unlocking utility with:-
Save the file to disc using:-
Next load in PART1 from disc using:-
*LOAD PART1 1100.
Then load in PART2 from disc using:-
Then save the files to disc using:-
*SAVE PART2 1100+1E70 1B70
The file PART1 may now be deleted. Next load in the file PART3 from cassette using:-
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE PART3 3000+2300
Then load in PART4 from cassette using:-
Save the file to  disc using:-
*SAVE PART4 1900+3C0
Then load in the last part KEYDOOR from cassette using:-
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE KEYDOOR 1900+257
Entering *RUN BREAK or *BREAK will now load and run the game. If you do not want the instructions then chaining START will do. 

To: 999 (all members) From: K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.)
INVADERS from I.J.K. SOFTWARE is in three parts, INVADER, 55 and invader, in lower case letters. A short loader program is first needed as follows:-
Save this file to disc as LOADER. Next load in the first part of the game, INVADER, from cassette using LOAD"" with page at &1900. List the file and alter line 70 to :-
70PRINT'" Press BREAK to continue.
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE INVADE0 1900+700 E00 E00
This file will need downloading to &E00 as a basic program using the downloader of your choice. The second file, 55, is not needed. Load in the third part, INVADER, from cassette, with page at &1900, using LOAD"". Do not attempt to list the file. Delete line 23. Then save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE INVADER 1900+3000 E00 E00
This file will also need to be downloaded to &E00 as a basic program. Chaining LOADER will now load and run INVADERS. 


SECRET SAM 1 from MRM SOFTWARE is in three parts, INTRO, SAM1-1 and SAM1-2. Load in the first part INTRO from cassette using LOAD"" .

List the file and alter line 90 to 90PAGE=&1100. Then save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE INTRO 1900+550
Load in the second file, SAM1-1 from cassette using LOAD"" and list line 70.
Copy the line altering PAGE=&D00 to PAGE=4352
Then save the file to disc using:- *SAVE SAM1-1 1900+4A5
Load in the third part SAM1-2 from cassette using
*LOAD""1100 Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE SAM1-2 1100+4C38
Chaining INTRO will now load and run the game.


The first part, TAPE is a basic program. Load this part in from cassette using:-
List it and alter line 180 to:-
180FOR N=1 TO 5000:NEXT
Then add the following lines:-
200FOR N=1 TO 8000:NEXT
If you have the *MRUN utility it can be used in line 220. Save the file to disc using:-
Rewind the cassette to the start again and chain the game until the first three files have loaded and then press BREAK and enter:-
which will save the file to disc. Now load in the last file, OBJCODE from cassette using:-*LOAD""1100
Now enter the following three pokes pressing RETURN after each one:-
?&1701=&31 ?&175B=&74 ?&175C=&74
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE OBJCODE 1100+5900 E00 E00
If you have not got the *MRUN utility the file will have to be downloaded to &E00 using the downloader of your choice.
If you design your own screens for the game you will still have to save them on to cassette as the file is downloaded to &E00. Chaining IMPACT! will now load and run the game.

The first part ALIEN is a basic program and has two hidden lines, lines 20 and 30.
First load in ALIEN from cassette using LOAD"" .
Delete lines 20 and 30.
Alter line 10 to:-
Save the file to disc using:-
Next load in the second file ALIEN+M/C from cassette using:-
Save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE ALIENMC 1900+4200 E00 E00
This file will need to be downloaded to &E00 using the downloader of your choice. Chaining ALIEN will now load and run the game. 

KENSINGTON from Leisure Genius is in two parts KEN and Ken.
Also it will not load if page is not at &E00.

First of all a short loader program is needed as follows:-

Save this file to disc as LOADER. Load in the first part of KENSINGTON using *LOAD""1900. List it. There is just one line.

Edit it to:-
Then save the file to disc using:- *SAVE KENSING 1900+814 E00 E00 Now rewind the game cassette to the beginning and play the game as normal.

After the game is played you will receive the question:-PLAY AGAIN?. Press the N key and you will get the prompt >. Save a section of memory to a blank cassette using:- *SAVE KEN C00+2400

Press BREAK and load the file from cassette back into memory using:- *LOAD""1900 Then save the file to disc using:- *SAVE KEN 1900+2400 C00 C00

This last file KEN will need downloading and this is a bit tricky as the file needs downloading to &C00 but page needs setting to &E00. So download the file to &C00 using the downloader of your choice.

Then, using a sector editor, alter the downloader, which is usually at the end of the file. Alter PAGE=&C00 to PAGE=&E00. In other words alter the C to E. Chaining LOADER will now load and run the game.

From K3H (ALBERT SCHOFIELD.) SQUEEZE from ACORNSOFT is in seven parts. The filenames are all identical,that is they are all SQ, so I shall refer to them as parts one to seven.

Part one is not needed so load in part two from cassette using:-


Then enter the following line exactly as shown with the six colons:-


Then enter the following poke:-


Save the file to disc using:-

*SAVE SQUEEZE 1900+612

A short loader program is now needed as follows:-


(Put spaces where @ appear in line ten)

Save this file to disc as LOADER.

Next load in the last five files, part3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 from cassette. Load them in turn using:-


for each one.

Then save them to disc as one file using:-

*SAVE SQ 1200+3CA8

Chaining SQUEEZE will now load and run the game.

FLIP! from Audiogenic Software is in two parts,
FLIP! and FLIP2. A short loader program is needed first as follows:-

Type this in and save it to disc as "LOADER".

Load in the first part of the game, FLIP!, from cassette using :- *LOAD""1900. Enter the following two pokes:-

?&1B07=&20 pressing RETURN after each one.

Then save the file to disc using:-

*SAVE FLIP! 1900+67C 8023

Next load in the last part, FLIP2, from cassette using:-


Save the file to disc using:-

*SAVE FLIP2 1900+3F55 5000 1100

Chaining LOADER will now load and run the game.

DEVIL'S CAUSEWAY from DATABASE SOFTWARE is in three parts:- CAUSEWAY, ???? and Causeway.

The second part, ???? is recorded at 300 baud and is just a short dummy file so this can be ignored.

Load in the first part, CAUSEWAY from cassette using:- LOAD"" .

List the file and delete line 100.

List the file again and extra lines will be shown.

Delete line 30.

Alter line 103 to:- 103CHAIN"CAUSEW2".

Save the file to disc using:-

*SAVE CAUSEWY 1900+600 1900

The last file is a basic program made to look like a machine code file. Press BREAK and enter PAGE=&1700.

Load in the last file, Causeway from cassette using LOAD""

Ignore the Bad program message and enter:- PAGE=&1900.

You can now LIST the file. Line 33 does not show on the screen.

Delete line 33. Save the file to disc using:- SAVE"CAUSEW2"

Chaining CAUSEWY will now load and run Devil's Causeway.

The first part GYROSCOPE is a basic program. Load this file from cassette using:- LOAD"". Delete line 10. Then save the file to disc using:-
Load in the second part from cassette using:-
*LOAD""1900. Then enter the following two pokes pressing RETURN after each one.
?&1924=&20, ?&1925=&20
Then save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE GYRO 1900+100 900 900
Next load in the third file, GYRO1 from cassette using;-
Then save the file to cassette using:-
*SAVE GYRO1 1900+400 400 400
Now load in the fourth and last file from cassette using:-
Then save the file to disc using:-
*SAVE GYROSCO 1900+4B00 D00 D00
This last file, GYROSCO ,will need to be downloaded to &D00 using the downloader of your choice.
Chaining GYROSC will now load and run the game.
FLIPPER from MICRODEAL is in two parts FLIPPER and Flipper-2. Even though this game is in only two parts it can be quite tricky to transfer to disc. This is best done by combining the two parts as one. Begin by chaining the first part from cassette with page at &E00 and when it is loaded press ESCAPE and enter:- LOAD"" and load in the second part. Then save the file to a blank cassette using:-
Press BREAK and load the saved file from cassette using:- *LOAD""1700 Next save this file to disc using:-
*SAVE FLIPPER 1700+3469 8023 C00
This file now on disc will need to be downloaded to &C00 using the downloader of your choice. If your downloader also sets page to &C00 then you will need to alter this to &E00 using a sector editor if need be.