Submitted by Steve Fewell
Name: Replace untokenised ASCII value with a 1-byte token
Starting Address: &8CEB
Entry criteria: &37 and &38 point to the start of the ASCII Keyword in the program text.
A contains the token value to replace the ASCII text with.
Y contains the offset to the end character of the Keyword.
Exit: Y = offset pointer to the end of the program command line.
Store A (the token value) as the first byte of the ASCII Keyword (the location pointed to by (&37, &38)).
Set (&39, &3A) to point to (&37, &38) + Y.
So that (&37, &38) point to the start of the Keyword and (&39, &3A) point to the end of the Keyword.
Copy each character from ((&39, &3A) + 1) to ((&37, &38) + 1) until a <cr> (carriage return character)
is encountered. After a <cr> has been copied, the routine ends, as the rest of the program line has been moved sucessfully
to be positioned directly after the token.
8CEB | 7 | 146 055 | 92 37 | STA (&37) |
8CED | 024 | 18 | CLC | |
8CEE | 152 | 98 | TYA | |
8CEF | e7 | 101 055 | 65 37 | ADC &37 |
8CF1 | 9 | 133 057 | 85 39 | STA &39 |
8CF3 | 160 000 | A0 00 | LDY#&00 | |
8CF5 | 152 | 98 | TYA | |
8CF6 | e8 | 101 056 | 65 38 | ADC &38 |
8CF8 | : | 133 058 | 85 3A | STA &3A |
8CFA | 200 | C8 | INY | |
8CFB | 9 | 177 057 | B1 39 | LDA (&39),Y |
8CFD | 7 | 145 055 | 91 37 | STA (&37),Y |
8CFF | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
8D01 | 208 247 | D0 F7 | BNE -9 --> &8CFA | |
8D03 | ` | 096 | 60 | RTS |