Submitted by Steve Fewell
Set the IWA to value #&F2.
Call &BEE2 to read the contents of memory location &000000F2. This value is the LSB value of the Operating Systems
Text pointer. Store this value in X.
Call &BEE2 to read the contents of memory location &000000F3. This value is the MSB value of the Operating Systems
Text pointer. Store the pointer's address in the IWA (&2A = X (contents of &F2); &2B = contents of &F3).
The *EDIT command uses the Operating system's text pointer (&F2-&F3) to point to the 2-byte code '@' followed by '<cr>'
and pointer (&00-&01) to store the address of the edited BASIC program (in ASCII text).
Set X to #&14 (the number of attempts to try finding the byte value that we are expecting).
[&8F3F] Decrement X. If X has reached zero then [&8F80] create a NEW empty program and jump to the command line
prompt as startup initialisation is now complete.
Call &BEE2 to read the byte at the memory location pointed to by the address in the IWA, and then increment the IWA
If the byte is '<cr>' then no program text found at the IWA location, so [&8F80] create a NEW empty program and
jump to the command line prompt as startup initialisation is now complete.
If the byte is not #&40 ('@'), then jump back to &8F3F to check the next byte at the IWA address.
Otherwise, we have found byte #&40 ('@'), which indicates that BASIC has been called from *EDIT (or possibly another
[&8F4D] Call &BEE2 to read the byte at the memory location pointed to by the address in the IWA, and then increment
the IWA address. This is the next byte after the '@' character.
If the byte is not '<cr>' then no program text found at the IWA location, so [&8F80] create a NEW empty program
and jump to the command line prompt as startup initialisation is now complete.
Now we have found the byte sequence #&40 ('@') followed by #&0D ('<cr>').
Call &BEFE (NEW) to create an empty program that consists of the following bytes:
* #&0D ('<cr>') - to indicate the start of the program
* #&FF - to indicate the end of the program
[&8F57] Set BASIC Text pointer A (&0B-&0C) value to &0700.
Set Y (pointer offset) to 0.
[&8F5F] Load the next character pointed to by pointer (&00-&01). *EDIT places the start address of the BASIC
program (in ASCII text) in locations (&00-&01).
If the character is &00 (or 'null', ASCII 0) then this indicates the end of the BASIC program, so jump to &8F83
to initialise variable workspace (etc...) and prompt for the command line entry as the startup initialisations and
tokenisation of the *EDIT program are now complete.
Otherwise store the character in the command line buffer (&0700, pointed to by (&0B, &0C) at offset Y and
increment Y to next next character in the command line buffer).
If Y has now rolled over from &FF to 0, then the BASIC program ASCII text line is too long, and cannot have been
created from the *EDIT application, so [&8F80] create a new empty program and jump to &8F83 to initialise
variable workspace (etc...) and prompt for the command line entry as the startup initialisations are now complete.
Note: This wipes out the entire program (all lines entered so far), as they were not the *EDIT ASCII text program lines
(that we had thought they were).
Increment the (&00-&01) pointer (to the next character on the program line).
If the character that we have just stored at the end of the command line buffer is not '<cr>', then we haven't reached
the end of the line yet, so jump back to &8F5F to copy the next character to the command line buffer.
8F2D | 169 242 | A9 F2 | LDA#&F2 | |
8F2F | 032 024 174 | 20 18 AE | JSR &AE18 Set IWA to the 8-bit value in A | |
8F32 | 032 226 190 | 20 E2 BE | JSR &BEE2 Read byte from I/O processor (at the address in IWA) & increment IWA | |
8F35 | 170 | AA | TAX | |
8F36 | 032 226 190 | 20 E2 BE | JSR &BEE2 Read byte from I/O processor (at the address in IWA) & increment IWA | |
8F39 | + | 133 043 | 85 2B | STA &2B |
8F3B | * | 134 042 | 86 2A | STX &2A |
8F3D | 162 020 | A2 14 | LDX#&14 | |
8F3F | 202 | CA | DEX | |
8F40 | > | 240 062 | F0 3E | BEQ 62 --> &8F80 NEW (create null program) |
8F42 | 032 226 190 | 20 E2 BE | JSR &BEE2 Read byte from I/O processor (at the address in IWA) & increment IWA | |
8F45 | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
8F47 | 7 | 240 055 | F0 37 | BEQ 55 --> &8F80 NEW (create null program) |
8F49 | @ | 201 064 | C9 40 | CMP#&40 |
8F4B | 208 242 | D0 F2 | BNE -14 --> &8F3F | |
8F4D | 032 226 190 | 20 E2 BE | JSR &BEE2 Read byte from I/O processor (at the address in IWA) & increment IWA | |
8F50 | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
8F52 | , | 208 044 | D0 2C | BNE 44 --> &8F80 NEW (create null program) |
8F54 | 032 254 190 | 20 FE BE | JSR &BEFE NEW - reset the current program to an empty program | |
8F57 | 160 000 | A0 00 | LDY#&00 | |
8F59 | d | 100 011 | 64 0B | STZ &0B |
8F5B | 169 007 | A9 07 | LDA#&07 | |
8F5D | 133 012 | 85 0C | STA &0C | |
8F5F | 178 000 | B2 00 | LDA (&00) | |
8F61 | 240 032 | F0 20 | BEQ 32 --> &8F83 Initialise & prompt for (and execute) command line input | |
8F63 | 145 011 | 91 0B | STA (&0B),Y | |
8F65 | 200 | C8 | INY | |
8F66 | 240 024 | F0 18 | BEQ 24 --> &8F80 NEW (create null program) | |
8F68 | 230 000 | E6 00 | INC &00 | |
8F6A | 208 002 | D0 02 | BNE 2 --> &8F6E | |
8F6C | 230 001 | E6 01 | INC &01 | |
8F6E | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
8F70 | 208 237 | D0 ED | BNE -19 --> &8F5F | |
8F72 | 165 001 | A5 01 | LDA &01 | |
8F74 | 197 007 | C5 07 | CMP &07 | |
8F76 | 176 011 | B0 0B | BCS 11 --> &8F83 Prompt for command line and execute the entered command(s) | |
8F78 | 032 235 186 | 20 EB BA | JSR &BAEB Tokenise Line of program text and Insert Line into Program | |
8F7B | 128 218 | 80 DA | BRA -38 --> &8F57 |