Submitted by Steve Fewell
Copy BASIC Text pointer A values to Text Pointer B.
Check that '#' is the next non-space character - if it isn't then generate a 'Missing #' error.
Note: The next character will always be '#' as this routine is only called from the PRINT routine,
which checks for the '#' character before calling this routine!
Get the Integer value from PTR B (after the '#') and set Y to the LSB of this value.
This is the file channel number for the file that we will write to.
Push channel number to the stack.
If the next non-space character (after the channel number) is not a comma, then we have no
data to write to the file, so exit [if the end of statement was not reached then &9002 will
generate a 'Syntax Error'].
Call the expression handler (&9D3B) to obtain the result of the expression after the comma character.
Store the FWA value (in Floating-Point 5-byte packed format) to temporary Floating-Point location &046C-&0470.
This packs the FWA value (ready to be written to the file). This is done irrespective of whether the expression return
value is a Floating-Point value or not.
Retrieve the channel number (in Y) from the stack.
Store &27 (the returned value type) to the file [1-byte value] using OSBPUT (&FFD4)
[Y = channel handle & A = byte to write].
If the value type (&27) is Integer (positive &27 value) then write the 4-byte IWA value to the file
(using 4 calls to OSBPUT). The integer value is written Most-significant byte (&2D) first.
If the value type (&27) is Float (negative &27 value) then write the 5-byte packed FWA value at
location &046C-&0470 to the file (using 5 calls to OSBPUT). The Float value is written last byte (&0470) first.
If the value type (&27) is String (zero &27 value) then write the SWA value
to the file (using a separate OSBPUT call for each byte). Firstly, the string length is written (&36) [1-byte].
Next, the String value is written (last byte first (&0600+&36-1)-&0600).
After the returned value has been written, go back to &9144 to check if there are any more commas.
If another comma is present (after the expression) then another value is required to be written to the file,
so repeat the processing for the next data value. If no more values are found then goto &9187 to
pop the channel number value from the stack (clean up stack), store back the offset (in Y - set in &8EEB) to &0A
(Pointer A offset location), check for the end of statement (issuing Syntax error if not end of statement)
and start processing the next statement/program line (&9002).
9141 | < | 032 060 186 | 20 3C BA | JSR &BA3C PTR B=PTR A, Check for '#', Set Y to file channel number (PTR B) |
9144 | Z | 090 | 5A | PHY |
9145 | 032 235 142 | 20 EB 8E | JSR &8EEB Get next non-space char (PTR B) and compare with ',' | |
9148 | = | 208 061 | D0 3D | BNE 61 --> &9187 No comma found, so exit |
914A | ; | 032 059 157 | 20 3B 9D | JSR &9D3B Get result of expression |
914D | 032 017 165 | 20 11 A5 | JSR &A511 Store FWA to &046C & set argp=&046C | |
9150 | z | 122 | 7A | PLY |
9151 | ' | 165 039 | A5 27 | LDA &27 |
9153 | 032 212 255 | 20 D4 FF | JSR &FFD4 OSBPUT [Store variable type to file] | |
9156 | 170 | AA | TAX | |
9157 | 240 027 | F0 1B | BEQ 27 --> &9174 | |
9159 | 0 | 048 012 | 30 0C | BMI 12 --> &9167 |
915B | 162 003 | A2 03 | LDX#&03 | |
915D | * | 181 042 | B5 2A | LDA &2A,X |
915F | 032 212 255 | 20 D4 FF | JSR &FFD4 OSBPUT [Store IWA to file] | |
9162 | 202 | CA | DEX | |
9163 | 016 248 | 10 F8 | BPL -8 --> &915D | |
9165 | 128 221 | 80 DD | BRA -35 --> &9144 | |
9167 | 162 004 | A2 04 | LDX#&04 | |
9169 | l | 189 108 004 | BD 6C 04 | LDA &046C,X |
916C | 032 212 255 | 20 D4 FF | JSR &FFD4 OSBPUT [Store FWA (packed) to file] | |
916F | 202 | CA | DEX | |
9170 | 016 247 | 10 F7 | BPL -9 --> &9169 | |
9172 | 128 208 | 80 D0 | BRA -48 --> &9144 | |
9174 | 6 | 165 054 | A5 36 | LDA &36 |
9176 | 032 212 255 | 20 D4 FF | JSR &FFD4 OSBPUT [Store string (SWA) length to file] | |
9179 | 170 | AA | TAX | |
917A | 240 200 | F0 C8 | BEQ -56 --> &9144 | |
917C | 189 255 005 | BD FF 05 | LDA &05FF,X | |
917F | 032 212 255 | 20 D4 FF | JSR &FFD4 OSBPUT [Store SWA to file] | |
9182 | 202 | CA | DEX | |
9183 | 208 247 | D0 F7 | BNE -9 --> &917C | |
9185 | 128 189 | 80 BD | BRA -67 --> &9144 | |
9187 | h | 104 | 68 | PLA |
9188 | 132 010 | 84 0A | STY &0A | |
918A | L | 076 002 144 | 4C 02 90 | JMP &9002 'Syntax error' if not end of statement; otherwise, execute next statement/program line |
BA3C | 198 010 | C6 0A | DEC &0A | |
BA3E | 165 010 | A5 0A | LDA &0A | |
BA40 | 133 027 | 85 1B | STA &1B | |
BA42 | 165 011 | A5 0B | LDA &0B | |
BA44 | 133 025 | 85 19 | STA &19 | |
BA46 | 165 012 | A5 0C | LDA &0C | |
BA48 | 133 026 | 85 1A | STA &1A | |
BA4A | 032 213 142 | 20 D5 8E | JSR &8ED5 Get next non-space char (PTR B) | |
BA4D | # | 201 035 | C9 23 | CMP#&23 check for '#' |
BA4F | 208 176 | D0 B0 | BNE -80 --> &BA01 'Missing #' error | |
BA51 | 032 180 150 | 20 B4 96 | JSR &96B4 Get integer value (PTR B) | |
BA54 | * | 164 042 | A4 2A | LDY &2A |
BA56 | 152 | 98 | TYA | |
BA57 | ` | 096 | 60 | RTS |