Submitted by Steve Fewell
Name: Check for End of Statement
Starting Address: &9BA6
Entry criteria: &0A, &0B and &0C point to the input line.
Exit: Syntax Error if unexpected input is found at end of a statement.
This routine is called before a command (e.g. CLS) is executed to check that the BASIC
Statement line is terminated correctly, and contains no errors. If all is ok then
the routine returns sucessfully and the command is performed.
If errors are found on the input line, then a Syntax Error is generated.
The routine does the following:
Set Y to the offset which contains the next character to check. This will be &0A for the BASIC Text pointer A offset,
or, to &1B for the BASIC text pointer B offset (if called from routine &9B96).
Get next character on the line (at the offset position), skiping any spaces found.
If the next character is ':' or '<return>' or 'ELSE' (token &8B) then the
line has been terminated correctly, so update the pointer (&B, &C) and set the pointer offset
to 1. Test whether an error has occurred, if no error then return (otherwise goto 9B7D to issue an 'Escape' error).
If the next character on the line is anything else then generate a Syntax Error.
9BA6 | 164 010 | A4 0A | LDY &0A | |
9BA8 | 136 | 88 | DEY | |
9BA9 | 200 | C8 | INY | |
9BAA | 177 011 | B1 0B | LDA (&0B),Y | |
9BAC | 201 032 | C9 20 | CMP#&20 | |
9BAE | 240 249 | F0 F9 | BEQ -7 --> &9BA9 | |
9BB0 | : | 201 058 | C9 3A | CMP#&3A |
9BB2 | 240 008 | F0 08 | BEQ 8 --> &9BBC | |
9BB4 | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
9BB6 | 240 004 | F0 04 | BEQ 4 --> &9BBC | |
9BB8 | 201 139 | C9 8B | CMP#&8B | |
9BBA | 208 173 | D0 AD | BNE -83 --> &9B69 'Syntax error' | |
9BBC | 024 | 18 | CLC | |
9BBD | 152 | 98 | TYA | |
9BBE | e | 101 011 | 65 0B | ADC &0B |
9BC0 | 133 011 | 85 0B | STA &0B | |
9BC2 | 144 002 | 90 02 | BCC 2 --> &9BC6 Set PTR A Offset to 1 & Check for Escape error condition | |
9BC4 | 230 012 | E6 0C | INC &0C | |
9BC6 | 160 001 | A0 01 | LDY#&01 | |
9BC8 | 132 010 | 84 0A | STY &0A | |
9BCA | $ | 036 255 | 24 FF | BIT &FF |
9BCC | 0 | 048 175 | 30 AF | BMI -81 --> &9B7D Escape error |
9BCE | ` | 096 | 60 | RTS |
9B96 | 164 027 | A4 1B | LDY &1B | |
9B98 | 128 014 | 80 0E | BRA 14 --> &9BA8 |