Submitted by Steve Fewell
[9D7B] Convert the first value (current value) to an integer (if it's a Float).
If the first value is a string then issue a ype Mismatch error.
Push the first value to the stack.
[9D81] Get the next value (expression handler level 2 [AND]). For the next value
we only need to search the operators with higher precedence, as these must be evaluated
before we have the correct second value that we need. If the value obtained is a float
then convert it to an integer (if it's a string then Type Mismatch error).
EOR the Integer on the stack (first value) with the Integer in the IWA (second value)
storing the result in the IWA.
We now have the result we require.
Reclaim the stack space, set A = #&40 (as we are handling an Integer) and jump to
&9D3E to check for further OR/EOR operators which need to be processed.
9D66 | { | 032 123 157 | 20 7B 9D | JSR &9D7B Convert to Int, push to Stack & Get next value |
9D69 | 032 190 150 | 20 BE 96 | JSR &96BE Check for Integer & convert if Float | |
9D6C | 160 003 | A0 03 | LDY#&03 | |
9D6E | 177 004 | B1 04 | LDA (&04),Y | |
9D70 | Y* | 089 042 000 | 59 2A 00 | EOR &002A,Y |
9D73 | * | 153 042 000 | 99 2A 00 | STA &002A,Y |
9D76 | 136 | 88 | DEY | |
9D77 | 016 245 | 10 F5 | BPL -11 --> &9D6E | |
9D79 | 128 228 | 80 E4 | BRA -28 --> &9D5F Reclaim stack space & Expression handler level 1 |