Submitted by Steve Fewell
Check the value type (in A).
If variable type = 0 (String) then Type Mismatch error [96DD].
If variable type is Integer then Convert to Float [96DD].
Push FWA value to Stack.
Call the expression handler level 6 routine, A012, to get the value of the second
operand (the divisor).
Check the value type (in A).
If variable type = 0 (String) then Type Mismatch error [96DD].
If variable type is Integer then Convert to Float [96DD].
Pop Dividend (first value) from Stack and set argp to point to it.
Call the Floating-Point Divide routine (A5EE), to divide argp by FWA and store
the result in the FWA.
Set A to &FF as we are handling a float value. Store X in &27 and call
&9FDB to check for further *,/,MOD or DIV operators.
Note: The '/' Operator always converts Integer values to Float-Point ones.
The '/' Operator does not call the DIV routine if both of the operands are Integer,
because the result may not be Integer. The Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication
routines need to handle conversion between and use of Integer routines as well as
Floating-Point ones, as the Integer routines are quicker, as we know that integer
operands will usually give an Integer result (unless multiplication of large numbers
is carried out).
9FDB | 168 | A8 | TAY | |
9FDC | 032 221 150 | 20 DD 96 | JSR &96DD Check Result Type (& If Int, Convert to Float) | |
9FDF | 032 250 187 | 20 FA BB | JSR &BBFA Push FWA to Stack | |
9FE2 | 032 018 160 | 20 12 A0 | JSR &A012 Expression handler Level 6 [Skip Spaces, ^] | |
9FE5 | ' | 134 039 | 86 27 | STX &27 |
9FE7 | 168 | A8 | TAY | |
9FE8 | 032 221 150 | 20 DD 96 | JSR &96DD Check Result Type (& If Int, Convert to Float) | |
9FEB | 032 232 187 | 20 E8 BB | JSR &BBE8 Pop Float to argp | |
9FEE | 032 238 165 | 20 EE A5 | JSR &A5EE Floating-Point Division | |
9FF1 | 169 255 | A9 FF | LDA#&FF | |
9FF3 | 128 200 | 80 C8 | BRA -56 --> &9FBD Store X & Check for further *,/,MOD or DIV operators |