Submitted by Steve Fewell
This routine gets the next field from an input (or data) line. The field value is returned as a string in the SWA
First, get the next non-space character and set Y to point to this character.
If the character is a double quote ("), then we have found a String value, so call routine AD19 to extract the String,
place the value of the String (without the surrounding quotes) in the SWA and update BASIC Text Pointer B Offset to
point to after the String value.
Keep getting the next character from BASIC Text Pointer B (Starting at Y) and store the character in the next free
SWA location (starting at &0600 - uses X as an index), until the character is a carriage return <cr>, or a comma ','.
Decrement Y and X (so that they point to the <cr> or ',' character), store X in &36 (the length of the field
excluding the <cr> or ',' character), and store Y in &1B (so that PTR B points to the <cr> or ',' character).
Set A to 00 (as return type is a String), and exit.
ACF8 | 032 213 142 | 20 D5 8E | JSR &8ED5 Get next non-space character (PTR B) | |
ACFB | " | 201 034 | C9 22 | CMP#&22 |
ACFD | 240 026 | F0 1A | BEQ 26 --> &AD19 Extract String | |
ACFF | 162 000 | A2 00 | LDX#&00 | |
AD01 | 177 025 | B1 19 | LDA (&19),Y | |
AD03 | 157 000 006 | 9D 00 06 | STA &0600,X | |
AD06 | 200 | C8 | INY | |
AD07 | 232 | E8 | INX | |
AD08 | 201 013 | C9 0D | CMP#&0D | |
AD0A | 240 004 | F0 04 | BEQ 4 --> &AD10 | |
AD0C | , | 201 044 | C9 2C | CMP#&2C |
AD0E | 208 241 | D0 F1 | BNE -15 --> &AD01 | |
AD10 | 136 | 88 | DEY | |
AD11 | 202 | CA | DEX | |
AD12 | 6 | 134 054 | 86 36 | STX &36 |
AD14 | 132 027 | 84 1B | STY &1B | |
AD16 | 169 000 | A9 00 | LDA#&00 | |
AD18 | ` | 096 | 60 | RTS |