Submitted by Steve Fewell
Call &BBAC to Initialise Page &7 and to clear variables, etc...
Set LISTO flag to #&80 (so that the top bit is set (indicating that we are in EDIT mode).
Before the EDITOR application can be caled, the program needs to be detokenised into ASCII-text and stored to memory
This is done by calling the LIST routine with the LISTO flag set to #&80 (meaning that all output will be stored to
memory instead of being displayed on the screen). All but the top bit of the LISTO flag is set to 0 to specify that no
special LISTO spacing formats are to be applied to the program listing.
So, lastly, call the LIST routine to handle the listing of the program and storing to memory.
B389 | EDIT 12,2 | 069 068 073 084 032 049 050 044 050 013 | 45 44 49 54 20 31 32 2C 32 0D | EQUS "EDIT 12,2" + '<cr>' |
B393 | 032 172 187 | 20 AC BB | JSR &BBAC Initialise Page 7 & reset Variable pointers, etc... | |
B396 | 169 128 | A9 80 | LDA#&80 | |
B398 | 133 031 | 85 1F | STA &1F | |
B39A | ...LIST... |