Submitted by Steve Fewell
Call routine &BE41 to obtain the filename, and place it in the SWA, add <cr> character to the end of the filename,
set (&37-&38) to point to the filename and set &39-&3C to the filename load address (PAGE).
Set X (the parameter block starting address) to #&37.
The parameter block (&0037 - &0048) should now contain the following information:
* &0037-&0038 - Address of filename (the filename is terminated by #&0D).
* &0039-&003C - Load address of the file (LSB first).
* &003D-&0040 - Executeable address of the file (LSB first).
* &0041-&0044 - Start address (if we are saving a file) or the length of file (if not saving)
(LSB first).
* &0045-&0048 - End address of data save or file attributes (LSB first).
Call OSFILE (&FFDD) to load the specified file.
When loading, locations &003D-&0048 are left blank.
BDD7 | A | 032 065 190 | 20 41 BE | JSR &BE41 Get Filename and set parameter block filename and load address |
BDDA | d= | 100 061 | 64 3D | STZ &3D |
BDDC | 160 000 | A0 00 | LDY#&00 | |
BDDE | 169 255 | A9 FF | LDA#&FF | |
BDE0 | 7 | 162 055 | A2 37 | LDX#&37 |
BDE2 | 032 221 255 | 20 DD FF | JSR &FFDD OSFILE | |
BDE5 | ... Check program can be read correctly... |