Professional, Released On Cassette And ADFS 1D00 Disc
Game Type : Utility Program To Extend ANSWER BACK Series (Ages 12+)
Author : Keith Spence
Standalone Release(s) : 1985: AB500: FIRST AID, Kosmos, £4.95 (Tape) £5.95 (Disc)
Compilation Release(s) : None
Stated compatibility : BBC Master Compact
Actual compatibility : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128
Supplier : KOSMOS, 1 Pilgrims Close, Harlington, Dunstable,
BEDFORDSHIRE LU5 6LX. Tel: 05255 3942/5406
Disc compatibility : ADFS 1D00, CDFS 1D00, DFS 1D00
General Introduction
Please see ANSWER BACK FACTFILE 500: ARITHMETIC for this introduction.
Today, a knowledge of First Aid is essential. The growing use of chemicals, electical and mechanical appliances at home, at school and at work enormously increases the risk of injury. First Aid can save lives - but only if you know how to use it.
This FACTFILE 500 pack has been compiled by a very experienced First Aider and a Doctor. It will provide a greatly increased awareness of essential First Aid techniques and will also be of considerable help to anyone following a First Aid course.
500 Multiple choice questions on the following topics:
FA1 First Aid Principles FA11 Shock
FA2 The Skeleton FA12 Poisons and Poisoning
FA3 The Vital Organs FA13 Fractures
FA4 Examination/Diagnosis FA14 Joints and Muscles
FA5 Asphyxia FA15 Burns, Scalds, Heat
FA6 Unconsciousness FA16 Miscellaneous Problems
FA7 Heart and Other Attacks FA17 Common Medical Terms
FA8 Resuscitation FA18 Home Safety
FA9 Circulation and Bleeding FA19 Ailments and Illnesses
FA10 Wounds and Bleeding FA20 Revision
First load the control program from your ANSWER BACK QUIZ, then use the LOAD QUIZ option from the program menu to load the required topic. The filename to key in (when asked by the program) should be selected from the above list, for example FA12.
This pack does not contain a computer program. It must be used with an ANSWER BACK program available separately.
Instructions' Source : ANSWER BACK FACTFILE: FIRST AID (Kosmos) Inner Inlay
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