Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only
Game Type : Arcade
Release Information : 1985: 5 COMPUTER HITS, Beau Jolly, £6.95
Compilation Comprises : 1. BUG BLASTER, Alligata
2. LUNAR RESCUE, Alligata
3. HELL HOLE, Alligata
4. CROWN JEWELS, Alligata
Stated compatibility : Electron
Actual compatibility : Electron
Supplier : MICRO POWER, 8/8A Regent Street, Chapel Allerton, LEEDS
LS7 4PE. Tel: 01532 683186.
Disc compatibility : CDFS E00, DFS E00
Please see individual entries for complete playing instructions.
Review (Electron User)
BUMPER BUNDLE is a tape collection of four programs: BUG BLASTER, LUNAR RESCUE, HELL HOLE and CROWN JEWELS.
BUG BLASTER is an action-packed arcade game with the sole object of blasting
everything that moves - and those things that sit still! You control the left
and right motion of the zapper which fires vertically. You can push it up and
down, but the window of movement is limited to the bottom five lines of the
At the start, the display contains randomly placed mushrooms. Immediately, a
centipede begins crawling left then right across the screen and slowly
descending. As you fire and hit the bug, it breaks into separate sections, each
with a life of its own.
Falling vertically down the screen and moving from left to right are various
other creatures - spiders, scorpions, dragonflies and snails. Each of these
scores points if zapped. If you come into contact with any of the bugs there's
an explosion and one of your three lives is lost.
Your LUNAR RESCUE mission is to descend from an orbiting station, carefully
avoid the asteroids, and land. After a man has boarded your craft, it ascends.
On the way up you have to avoid or destroy the aliens.
Eventually, you dock the rescue vehicle on the mother ship. You have three
attempts in each game. Scoring is based upon the number of aliens zapped and
the difficulty of the landing site chosen.
HELL HOLE is definitely a more intellectual arcade game. I've spent many hours
working at it, but I still haven't sussed out how to trap or capture the fiend.
Please let me know if you have the answer. Like the two other arcade games, the
graphics and sound are very good. All three are quality software.
The fourth program of the suite is an adventure game based upon the unlikely
event that a joker has stolen the CROWN JEWELS and then hidden them at various
locations in London. The graphics are not
outstanding but, as far as I could tell not having finished it, the adventure
is well worth pursuing.
I was really impressed with this collection of programs. All four proved to be
of a high standard in presentation and content. This is truly a BUMPER BUNDLE.
John Woollard, ELECTRON USER 2.12