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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Graphical Bridge Simulation

Author             :

Standalone Release(s)   : 1988: COLOSSUS BRIDGE 4, CDS, £12.95

                    1991: COLOSSUS BRIDGE 4, CDS, £3.99

Compilation Release(s) : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron Side A/BBC Side B

Actual compatibility    : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128

Supplier            : CDS, CDS House, Beckett Road, DONCASTER DN2 4AD.

                    Tel: 01302 890000

Disc compatibility     : Unknown




"COLOSSUS allows one player to play a complete game of Bridge with the computer controlling the other three hands. Each hand is bid according to the Acol system. Included are the Blackwood, Stayman and Baron conventions. The strong two club and take-out doubles are also supported. All four hands are displayed at the end of play.


"COLOSSUS has the following features:-


 *  Rebid/replay option

 *  Skip to the next hand

 *  Magazine subscription offer



 *  Rebid/replay option

 *  Skip to the next hand

 *  Hands with a specific point count/balanced distribution generated

 *  Hand input facility

 *  Variable speed of play

 *  Card autoplay/recommend option

 *  Claim trick(s)

 *  Displays the score to rubber

 *  Magazine subscription offer


"COLOSSUS TUTOR - a series of 10 hands to illustrate the fundamental principles of the game."



The Colossus program allows one player to play a complete game of Bridge with the computer controlling the other three hands.


Each hand is bid according to the Acol system. Also included are the Blackwood (aces and kings), Stayman and Baron conventions. The strong 2 club and take-out doubles are additionally supported.


Some computers have the memory required to display all four hands at the end of play followed by the score to rubber.


Playing A Game

As normal, the player sits South. To follow suit, just enter a single letter or number to indicate the card to play:

       i.e.    A   K   Q   J   T   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2  

To lead or discard, press a second key to indicate the suit:

                     i.e.    S   H   D   or   C

If a singleton is held in the suit led then this is automatically played as is the last trick.


To abandon the hand, press E. Press F to restart the program on the Master version.


Opening Leads

Partners bid suit, top of three card honour sequence, ace from AK, king from Kq, fourth highest of the longest suit held (no trumps), singleon or high-low from a doubleton. If sensible, partners lead will be returned.


Bidding Instruction

<SPACE> -  No bid,   D - Double,   R - Redouble

Otherwise enter two characters, the level 1-7 followed by the letter of the suit.


Bidding System

N.B. HCPs = High card points:  Ace = 4,   King = 3,   Queen = 2,   Jack = 1,   

                               < = less than,    > = greater than


a. Opening Bids

1 of a suit ... 12 - 19 HCPs

If two suits of equal length are held, the higher ranking is bid with two exceptions:

i. The suits are spades and clubs. Clubs are bid.

ii. The hand distribution is 4441. Here the suit below the singleton is bid except when the singleton is clubs when hearts are bid.


1NT ... 12-14 HCPs & a balanced hand (No singleton voids or five card suits).

2 of a suit ... > HCPs (2 clubs => 22)

2NT ... 20-22 HCPs & a balanced hand

3 of a suit ... 4-10 HCPs and at least a seven card holding

Opening bids of 3NT or higher are not made.


b. Overcalls

Suit ... 11 with a six card suit

         12 with a five card suit

      >  13 jump overall, minimum six card suit


1NT ... 15-17, a balanced hand a stop in the called suit

2NT  >  17 HCPs a balanced hand and a stop in the called suit

Double ... (for take out) > 13 HCPs and a singleton/void in the suit bid (below the three level). This distribution is not necessary for hands with with > 15 HCPs. Partner must take out the double into their best suit. With > 8 HCPs they must also jump. It is possible to pass if the suit doubled is their best (a double of a NT contract is always for penalties).


Pre-emptive overcalls are not made.


c. Replies to Opening Bids

To one level bids: <6 HCPs ... No bid

< 10 HCPs ... Support partners major with four cards or more.

If you have a four card major that can be bid at the one level, you must mention it. Raise partners minor with four card support.


Bid your best suit at the one level. Otherwise make the limit bid of 1NT. Do not bid at the two level. If two suits of equal length are held, the lower ranking is bid.


10-12 HCPs ... Jump raise partners major with four card support. Any four card major. With four card support, jump raise. Bid your best suit or 2NTs with a balanced hand. A bid of 2H over 1S required a five card suit due to the bidding space consumed.


> 12 HCPs ... Change the suit, show support, if held, on the next bid (delayed game raise). With > 15 jump shift or 3NT.


TO 1 NT: If you have an unbalanced hand, you must either use the Stayman convention or make a takeout bid into your best suit (jump with > 12 HCPs). The takeout into a suit at the two level is regarded as a sign off.


The Stayman convention is used if you have > 10 HCPs and a four card major. You bid two clubs. Partners must then bid their best major if they hold more than three cards in either major or a diamond denial. With a balanced hand, no bid with less than ten points, 2NT with 11 or 12 points otherwise three no trumps.


d. Replies to Overcalls

TO 1NT ... With a balanced hand, pass with less than eight HCPs, 2NT with 8 or 9 HCPs and 3NT with ten plus. Unbalanced hands: The Stayman convention may not be used in response to an overcall, 2C being for takeout. With > 11 jump in your best suit.


TO SUIT OVERCALL: As the overcall requires a five card suit, support may be given with a three card holding. A single raise is made with 6-11 HCPs, a jump raise with > 11.


As game is not likely with a holding of less than twelve points, (take-out double is used with strong hands in preference to an overcall) a no trump bid is made to show lack of sympathy for partners suit. A change of suit (requiring > 5 cards) is not forcing.


e. Replies to Strong 2 Bids:

With < 5 HCPs ... 2NT


f. Replies to 2NT:

With a balanced hand and > 4 HCPs bid 3NT. With an unbalanced hand, bid 3 clubs. This is Baron and request partner to bid his lower ranking four card suit except if clubs when 3NT is bid.


g. Replies to 2 Clubs:

This is a conventional bid showing > 22 and is no indication of a club holding. Bid two diamonds with less than eight points and 2NT with eight points. You cannot pass as partner may be able to make game.


h. Replies to Three Level Bids:

With < 16 HCPs, no bid. With 16 plus, either raise partner or bid 3NT.


i. Openers Rebid:


< 16 HCPs ... bid                        > 15 HCPs ... raise

IF PARTNER BID 2NT over 1NT then bid 3NT with anything but a minimum.

IF PARTNER BID A NEW SUIT then you are obliged to keep the bidding open except after 1NT - 2D/2H/2S. Here you pass the weak take out.


12-15 HCPs ... Support with a four card suit.

Rebid with a six card suit. New suit.


15-16 HCPs ... With a balanced hand, 1NT may be bid. Used to show a hand

suitable for, but too strong to open, 1NT.


> 15 HCPs ... As above with jump. A 2NT rebid requires > 16 HCPs. Note: if partner bid at the two level, then 2NT may be bid with > 14 points. A new suit bid by you at the three level is forcing for one round.


IF PARTNER BID 1NT over your suit and your hand is not unsuitable for trumps then:

< 17 HCPs ... No bid          17-18 HCPs ... 2NT         19 HCPs ... 3NT

To rebid your opening suit or a new suit at the minimum level is a sign off/preference request. A new suit at the three level is forcing for one round.


Blackwood Slam Convention

A check to see if the partnership is missing any aces/kings before moving into a slam. It is generally held that if the bidding indicates that in excess of 32 points are held, the possibilities for a slam must be examined. The convention is only used after a suit has been agreed. A bid of 4NT by the player will produce the prompt, "Blackwood?"


An entry of "Y" requires North to reply according to the number of aces held:

5C ... 0 or 4 aces     5D ... 1 ace      5H ... 2 aces     5S ... 3 aces

A bid of 5NT produces a smiliar sequence re. the number of kings held.

NB: The program will initiate Blackwood.


Colossus Tutor


A series of ten hands have been chosen to illustrate a number of the fundamental principles of the game. On each hand the player must enter the correct, pre-determined bid and then play before continuing to see a description of the hand.



Initially the player is asked to enter the number of the hand to be played (1-10).


The entry format for the bidding and play is consistent with that used in Colossus Bridge. However, if entry does not tally with the pre-determined best bid or selection, a beep is produced and the player must try again! The E key may be used to skip the analysis.


Hand Overview

1. Opening suit bids                  6. Defenders signals

2. Slam bidding                       7. Replies to pre-emptive opening

3. Defensive play                        bids

4. Strong 2 opening and Blackwood     8. Defensive bidding

5. Responses to overcalls             9. No trump declarer play

                                     10. Defensive play



Instructions' Source   : COLOSSUS BRIDGE 4 (CDS) Back and Inner Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet