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8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Utility; Make Music

Author             :

Standalone Release(s)   : 1984: COMPOSER, MicroMart, £4.95

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron/BBC Dual Version

Actual compatibility    : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128

Supplier            : MICRO MART, 1st Floor Edward House, Tindal Bridge, Edward

                    St, BIRMINGHAM B1 2RA. Tel: 0044 (0) 121 233 8707

Disc compatibility     : ADFS 1D00, CDFS 1D00, DFS 1D00




This program was written to enable you to enter music into your Beeb from a representation of a Keyboard drawn graphically on the screen. The program also has the ability to save and load tunes you have entered, edit any notes you may have entered incorrectly and an exercise mode where you will be taught how to read music.


The program is menu-driven, which simply means you are given a number of options, and entering the number of the option you want will go to the correct part of the program. If you wish to return to the menu at any time, you just press <ESCAPE>.


NB. When composing, if END is not marked tune may not replay correctly.


Option 1: Load A Tune

To load a tune you will be asked for a filename, this is the name you give to the file when you save it. When loaded you will be asked for the tempo you wish the tune to be played at; 1 is very fast and 10 very slow. You will find that 3, 4 or 5 are right for most tunes. Pressing the red function Key f0 will replay the tune and print on the staves. To exit this part of the program, press Q.


Option 2: Compose A Tune

This option draws a representation of a piano Keyboard on the screen with all the white notes named, for those who are not familiar with a Keyboard. Above this are printed the staves where the music will be printed and underneath the length of the notes in numbers and graphical representation of notes as printed on the music.


The first thing you are asked for is the length of the bar you require and this must be given as the number of crochets per bar. For example a tune in 4/4 time requires a bar count of 4.


The next thing you are asked for is the Key you are going to compose in. This determines the correct sharps and flats which are written on the staves. NB. Although the sharps and flats appear on the staves you must enter all notes correctly off the Keyboard, i.e. if the tune calls for an Eb you must enter it as such and not just as E.


Then you can actually begin composing. The note is to be entered in two stages. First you must enter the pitch by moving the flashing cursor to the note you require on the Keyboard by means of the grey arrow Keys on the computer. When you have the cursor correctly positioned, you simply press <RETURN>. Next you enter the length value from the numbers under the Keyboard or the drawings of the notes by again positioning the cursor as above and when correctly positioned pressing <RETURN>.


The length of a semi-quaver is 1, a crotchet 2, a minim 4 and a breeve 8. Dotted notes are also shown.


Using Option 8 you can initialise for single bass notes or arrpegio chords further information is given under Option 8. These are usually found on modern music written above or below the staves. Most chords last for a whole bar and the length for the chord must be entered accordingly.


You then carry on composing your tune or copying it from music note by note. If you want to enter a chord note and a melody note you must enter the low note first. Bar lines are written automatically according to the length of bar you have selected.


When you have finished you must end the composing by moving the cursor to END on the far right of the Keyboard and pressing <RETURN>. NB. If you escape from this option in any other way the end of tune marker will not be set and strange things may happen on replay.


Option 3: Replay A Tune

You will be asked which tempo you wish the tune to be played at, 1 is very fast, 10 is very slow; you will find 3, 4 or 5 is right for most tunes. The music will then be played and written onto the staves. The marker above shows the note actually playing.


Option 4: Save A Tune

You will be asked if you are sure that you wish to save the tune, answer Y or N, and then for a filename. This can be up to 10 characters long for cassette and seven characters for disc. The tune will then be saved for subsequent reloading.


Option 5: Change Instrument

Choosing this option allows you to change the way the melody notes are replayed. You are given nine options and pressing the appropriate red Function key will change the sound. The envelopes which govern this are held in PROCNEWENV(g) and the user can alter this if they want a different envelope. This is at line numbers 2880 to 2990.


Option 6: Exercise

This option works in reverse to the rest of the program in that you will be given a note on the staff and you must enter the correct note on the Keyboard. First you will be asked for the limit of notes you wish to be tested on, these are marked by moving the cursor to the lowest note and pressing <RETURN> and then the highest note and pressing <RETURN>. Then a note will be printed on the staves and you must move the cursor to the correct note and press <RETURN>. If you are correct, the note will play and your score will be incremented. Otherwise you will get another two goes to get it right after which you move onto the next note. After 20 notes you will be given your score. N.B. After each try the cursor returns to a random position on the Keyboard so if the note is the same do not just press <RETURN>.


Option 7: Edit

If you have entered a note wrongly either in pitch or length this facility allows you to overwrite this. You single step through the tune and are given the option to change the pitch or length of each note. Answering Y to the question will allow to change the pitch or length by positioning the cursor on the correct note or length. Pressing any other Key will move on to the next note. NB. The facility will only overwrite. It is not possible to insert notes missed out. If a note has been entered that should not be there then making its length 0 will erase it.


Option 8: Initialise

You are given a choice of single bass notes, that is notes below MIDDLE C on the keyboard, or arrpegio which sounds a major chords.


Hints: When you have got used to how the program works, you can speed up entry by moving the cursor in a horizontal direction just below the keyboard and just above the length of the notes.


Instructions' Source   : COMPOSER (Micro Mart) Inner Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet