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8-Bit Software

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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Arcade; Overhead FRENZY Style Game

Author             : Wal Mansell

Standalone Release(s)   : 1984: CRAZY TRACER, Acornsoft, £9.95

Compilation Release(s) : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron

Actual compatibility    : Electron

Supplier            : ACORNSOFT, Betjeman House, 104 Hills Road, CAMBRIDGE CB2 1LQ

                    Tel: (0223) 316039

Disc compatibility     : Unknown




"You are in charge of a paint roller which you must guide around the edges of a maze of rectangles. Trying to prevent you from repairing these lines are several monsters which attempt to catch and crush the roller as it moves along. There are two different kinds of screen to paint: one which offers you the chance of gaining bonus points by painting in rectangles containing different objects, the other which poses the problem of how to avoid running out of paint.


CRAZY TRACER is fully compatible with either keyboard or joysticks."


Paint along the lines on the screen by guiding your paint roller along them, whilst avoiding the monsters which are chasing you.


There are two types of screen. On the first, you must paint along the dotted lines, going in any direction you wish. When you have painted along all four edges of a rectangle then it is automatically coloured in. Your task is to completely colour in all the rectangles. You can gain bonus points by colouring in rectangles while they have an object inside them. A maximum of four objects will appear at random on each



On the second type of screen the rectangles have numbers in them which indicate how many points you receive for colouring them in. The paint roller leaves a trail of red paint behind it as you move along. Once you have coloured in a rectangle you will have enough paint left to colour in an adjacent rectangle. Failure to complete painting round one of these will result in the paint running out and no trail being left. You can, however, obtain more paint by going back to a completed rectangle.


The game alternates between these two screens with the number of monsters chasing you increasing every other screen up to a maximum of six. You start with three rollers and lose one whenever a monster manages to catch you. A bonus roller is awarded for every 10,000 points you score; you can have a maximum of three rollers at any time.


A 'jump' option exists which causes the monsters to jump so that you can travel safely beneath them. Only three jumps are allowed for each roller per screen. The jumps still available are indicated by the number of acorns at the top of the screen.


Game Controls

Z - Left,   X - Right,   * - Up,   ? - Down


Alternatively you may use a joystick. The position of the joystick determines the direction in which the roller moves. The Fire button causes the monsters to jump.


<COPY>/<DELETE> - Pause/Continue Game,   S/Q - Sound/Quiet,   <ESCAPE> - Restart



Bonuses of 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 points.

Further bonus for colouring in all four rectangles containing objects. A bonus roller is awarded for every 10,000 points you score, up to a maximum of three rollers at any one time.



Instructions' Source       : CRAZY TRACER (Acornsoft) Back and Inner Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet