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8-Bit Software

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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Arcade; Bomb Submarines From Intricate Oil-Rigs

Authors            : Kevin Blake & Jason Sobell

Standalone Release(s)   : 1985: RIG ATTACK, Tynesoft, £7.95

Compilation Release(s) : 1988: MICROVALUE FOUR GAMES VOLUME 1, Tynesoft, £3.99

Stated compatibility    : Electron Side A, BBC Side B

Actual compatibility    : As stated

Supplier            : TYNESOFT, Unit 3 Addison Industrial Estate, Blaydon, TYNE &                   WEAR NE21 4TE. Tel: 091 414 4611

Disc compatibility     : ADFS 1D00, CDFS 1D00, DFS 1D00




RIG ATTACK is an action packed game with scrolling screens, demanding skill and quick reflexes to guide your helicopter from rig to rig without coming under attack from enemy submarines.


The submarine is equipped with the latest missiles, your 'copter carries short range bombs that need to be dropped at a low altitude to reach that darting submarine in the waters below.



Don't let your 'copter to run low on fuel shown by the bar meter at the base of the screen. Land on Helipads to re-fuel. When enemy sub comes onto the screen you have to eliminate it before you can re-fuel and continue your patrol.


Game Controls

Z - Left,   X - Right,   ; - Up,   . - Down,   : - Fire



Instructions' Source   : RIG ATTACK (Tynesoft) Inner Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet