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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Arcade

Author             : R. Leatherbarrow

Standalone Release(s)   : 1984: SUPER POOL, Software Invasion, £6.95

                    1985: SUPER POOL, SInvasion/Dixons, Free In 10 Pack

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron

Actual compatibility    : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128

Supplier            : SOFTWARE INVASION, 50 Elborough Street, Southfields, LONDON

                    SW18 5DN

Disc compatibility     : CDFS E00, DFS E00



A superb pool game with a difference!

Features include time restricted shots, variable cue strength, superb real time graphics.


Level 1 : Pot balls in any order.

Level 2 : Pot balls in correct order.

Level 3 : Pot and hit balls in correct order.



Instructions' Source   : SUPER POOL (Software Invasion) Back and Inner Inlay


Review (Electron User)

Have you ever sneered when Steve Davis missed a shot and announced to all and sundry "Even I wouldn't have missed that!"? I know I have. Well here's your chance to put your cue where your mouth is, because Software Invasion is giving you the opportunity to play SUPERPOOL.

Although not quite in the style or atmosphere of the Crucible Theatre, the game represents a pretty accurate simulation of a game of pool, with six balls, coloured and numbered, and a plan view of a pool table. All these go to make an attractive and uncomplicated display, with the scoreboard along the top edge of your screen.

You sight your cue ball by moving an indicator along the cushion, and this is where the ball will strike, provided, of course, that there is not a ball in between, which is in fact your aim.

You select the strength of your shot, press Fire and, if you're like me, the white ball then goes into a pocket. Of course a coloured ball should go in, but then I don't need to explain the rules to you, I'm sure.

In the first frame it's made easy, and you can pot any ball in any order. In the second frame, you have to pot the balls in number order. In both these frames it doesn't matter if you hit any other ball, but in the third frame you may only hit and pot the balls in number order. There are keyboard or joystick options, and your shot is on a timed basis - run out of time and you lose a life.

All in all this is a very good game, but some things I found off-putting. I would have liked the option to remove the timer, because it's not always appreciated, especially in the beginner's game.

I was also a bit dubious about where the balls ended up when certain strengths were selected, and they also have a tendency to suddenly speed up when no other balls are involved.

Taking everything into consideration, the pros outweigh the cons and if you want a game that will keep you interested for hours on end you have to go far to find one better than this.

Adam Young, ELECTRON USER 2. 7