Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only
Game Type : Utility Program To Help Learn French
Author : Keith Spence
Standalone Release(s) : 1984: THE FRENCH MISTRESS LEVEL B, Kosmos, £9.95
Compilation Release(s) : None
Stated compatibility : Electron
Actual compatibility : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128
Supplier : KOSMOS, 1 Pilgrims Close, Harlington, Dunstable,
BEDFORDSHIRE LU5 6LX. Tel: 05255 3942/5406
Disc compatibility : Unknown
Please see THE FRENCH MISTRESS LEVEL A for these instructions.
Lesson Filenames
L17 Colours L25 Conjuctions & Prepositions
L18 Pastimes L26 Phrases
L19 Tools L27 Verbs - Present tense
L20 Countries L28 Verbs - Imperfect tense
L21 Medical L29 Verbs - Future tense
L22 Verb infinitives L30 Verbs - Conditional tense
L23 Adverbs L31 Verbs - Preterit tense
L24 Adjectives L32 Verbs - Present perfect tense
Instructions' Source : THE FRENCH MISTRESS LEVEL B (Kosmos) Back & Inner Inlay
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