Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only
Game Type : Arcade Adventure Platform Style
Author : Bruce Nesbitt
Standalone Release(s) : 1984: WIZZY'S MANSION, 1984, £7.95
Compilation Release(s) : 1987: ELECTRON POWER PACK, Audiogenic, £9.95
: 1990: TRIPLE GAME PACK 1, Summit, £2.99
Stated compatibility : Electron
Actual compatibility : Electron
Supplier : AUDIOGENIC, Winchester House, Canning Road, HARROW HA3 7SJ
Disc compatibility : Unknown
Wizzy, the incompetent wizard, has a problem - a nasty monster has taken over the room at the top of his mansion. In order to get rid of the monster, Wizzy must cast a spell, but he can't remember the right one. The pages of his book of spells are scattered throughout the different rooms so he must search the rooms picking up all the pages he finds. Unfortunately, his blundering spells have made all sorts of objects come to life and turn nasty! You must guide him through the mansion, picking up the pages and avoiding the nasty objects. Falling too far is also deadly.
You start with 8 lives and get a bonus Wizzy for every ten pages found.
Game Controls
Z - Left, X - Right, SHIFT - Jump
Instructions' Source : POWER PACK (Audiogenic) Inner Inlay
Review : No Review Yet