The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library
Cyber Roaster 18/10/1999
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Programmed and Submitted by Edmund Burke
Try this short program out. An exercise in transfer of text to the
BBC for you. How did you do it? I would be keen to find out..
Incidentally, the program requires a TIME$ function on your machine.
10 CLS
30 PRINT'"Are you cooking beef, lamb, chicken, pork or
turkey (enter B/L/C/P/T)"
40 INPUT M$:IF M$="B" THEN meat$="beef"ELSE IF M$="L"THEN
meat$="lamb"ELSE IF M$="C" THEN meat$="chicken"ELSE IF M$="P"THEN meat$="pork"ELSE
IF M$="T"THEN meat$="turkey"
50 CLS
60 INPUT''"Enter the weight in kg.",W
70 L=W*2.2046
80 CLS
90 PRINT'"That is ";L;" lb."
100 PRINT'"Because we are cooking ";meat$;:IF meat$="chicken"
AND L<3 THEN PRINT " and the weight is under 3lb"
110 IF M$="P" THEN M=30 ELSE M=20:IF M$="C" AND L<3 THEN
120 PRINT " it will be ";M;" minutes per lb. and ";M;" minutes
130 TM=(M*L)+M
140 H%=TM DIV 60: M%=TM MOD 60
150 PRINT'"The total cooking time is ";H%;" hr. and ";M%;" min.
Press any key when cooking starts."
160 G=GET
170 T$=RIGHT$(TIME$,8)
180 CLS
200 MIN$=LEFT$(CLOCK$,5)
210 H$=LEFT$(MIN$,2):M$=RIGHT$(MIN$,2)
220 H=VAL(H$):M=VAL(M$)
230 FH=H%+H:FM=M%+M
250 END
270 R=FM
280 Q=R DIV 60
290 S=FH+Q
300 NFM=R MOD 60
310 PRINT'' "The time is now ";RIGHT$(TIME$,8)
320 PRINT'"The "meat$;" is due out of the oven at ";S;":";NFM;"
to the nearest minute."
This is how I transferred it to my real Master 128.
1. Copied and pasted the text into wordpad and saved as plain text to
3.5" 720K DOS floppy
2. Loaded DOSFS into my Master 128
3. Loaded the text file into EDIT on the Master (where I could check
it out, admittedly I could have just done *EX. <filename> instead)
4. Entered Basic from EDIT, thus converting the text to a program
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