Submitted by Steve Fewell
Call routine &9BA6 to check that the statement terminates with a ':', '<cr>' or 'ELSE' character (Syntax error
if not).
Set pointer &37-&38 to point to PAGE (high byte from location &18, and low byte = &00).
Store #&00 to the second byte of the program ((&37-&38) + Y (1)).
Call routine &BDE5 to check that the program at the address PAGE can be read correctly & is a valid program, 'Bad
program' if not.
Jump to &8F83 to prompt for the next command line input.
Note: The rest of the command line is ignored even if an 'ELSE' or ':' character terminated the statement.
8F00 | 032 166 155 | 20 A6 9B | JSR &9BA6 Check end of Statement | |
8F03 | 165 024 | A5 18 | LDA &18 | |
8F05 | 8 | 133 056 | 85 38 | STA &38 |
8F07 | d7 | 100 055 | 64 37 | STZ &37 |
8F09 | 169 000 | A9 00 | LDA#&00 | |
8F0B | 7 | 145 055 | 91 37 | STA (&37),Y |
8F0D | 032 229 189 | 20 E5 BD | JSR &BDE5 Check program can be read correctly ('Bad program' message if not) | |
8F10 | q | 128 113 | 80 71 | BRA 113 --> &8F83 Initialise & prompt for next command line |