Submitted by Steve Fewell
Call routine &9BA6 to check that the statement terminates correctly with a ':', '<cr>' or 'ELSE-token' character,
issuing 'Syntax error' if it doesn't.
Call routine &BBAC to clear the run-time variable memory (variable pointer table), set up the page &7 constants
&07F0-&07FF, and the Program Start, Stack Pointer, LOMEM and VARTOP information. It also clears the LISTO flag and
clears the REPEAT level (&24), FOR level (&26) and GOSUB level (&25) - ready for the execution of the program.
Set BASIC Text pointer A to PAGE (MSB byte from location &18, and LSB byte = #&00).
Jump to &8F97 to tokenise the statement at the Text Pointer A location (should have no affect, as it is already
tokenised) and then execute the statement (via routine &901E). As the Text Pointer A is not pointing to the BASIC
Command line (location &0700-&07FF), the next program line will be executed after the current line.
8F12 | 032 166 155 | 20 A6 9B | JSR &9BA6 Check end of Statement | |
8F15 | 032 172 187 | 20 AC BB | JSR &BBAC Initialise Page 7 & reset Variable pointers, etc... | |
8F18 | 165 024 | A5 18 | LDA &18 | |
8F1A | 133 012 | 85 0C | STA &0C | |
8F1C | d | 100 011 | 64 0B | STZ &0B |
8F1E | w | 128 119 | 80 77 | BRA 119 --> &8F97 Tokenise and Execute command line |