Submitted by Steve Fewell
Update the BASIC Text Pointer A address (&0B-&0C) to include the PTR A offset value (in Y) (i.e. add Y to PTR A).
BASIC Text pointer A now points to the start of the '*' command.
Set X (LSB - &0B) and Y (MSB - &0C) to the address of BASIC Text pointer A.
Call OSCLI (&FFF7) to execute the Operating System ('*') command.
Continue to &8FAE to skip the rest of the line and execute the next command line or program statement (or to return to
the command line prompt if the program has finished or we were not running a program.
8FA4 | 032 188 155 | 20 BC 9B | JSR &9BBC Update BASIC Text pointer A (Add offset value & then reset offset to 1) | |
8FA7 | 166 011 | A6 0B | LDX &0B | |
8FA9 | 164 012 | A4 0C | LDY &0C | |
8FAB | 032 247 255 | 20 F7 FF | JSR &FFF7 OSCLI | |
8FAE | ...Execute next command line / program statement... |