Submitted by Steve Fewell
Increment the Text Pointer B offset (so that the next character is the character
after the '=').
Call &9CC9 to Compare the current value with the second value and set the flags
according to which value is greater, or whether the values are equal.
If the zero flag is set then the values are equal, so set the IWA to TRUE.
Otherwise, if the carry flag is clear then the first value is less than the second,
so set the IWA to TRUE; otherwise, the first value is not less than or equal to the second,
so set the IWA to FALSE.
Exit with A = #&40 (as we are currently handling an Integer value).
9DE1 | 230 027 | E6 1B | INC &1B | |
9DE3 | 032 201 156 | 20 C9 9C | JSR &9CC9 Compare Values | |
9DE6 | 240 217 | F0 D9 | BEQ -39 --> &9DC1 Set TRUE | |
9DE8 | 144 215 | 90 D7 | BCC -41 --> &9DC1 Set TRUE | |
9DEA | 128 214 | 80 D6 | BRA -42 --> &9DC2 Set FALSE |