Submitted by Steve Fewell
Check the next non-space character. If it's a '#' then jump to the PRINT# routine [&B847].
If the next character is a 'LINE' keyword token then set the carry flag; otherwise, decrement BASIC Text Pointer A
Offset (&0A), as we do not need the next character yet, and clear the carry flag.
Set bit 6 of location &4C to the value of the carry flag [by setting the top bit & shifting right one position].
Set &4D to #&FF (field extraction offset flag, #&FF if not currently extracting fields from the Input String).
[&B8CA] Call routine &9299, which does the following:
- * Get the next non-space character.
- * Call routine &927A to process any ' [quote], TAB( and SPC special print characters
- * If carry is clear on return from routine &927A, then a special function was carried out (either New line, TAB(
or SPC), so exit routine.
- * If next character is not " [double-quote] then a String is not present, so set the carry flag and exit.
- * Otherwise, we need to extract and output the String value, as follows:
- * [&92A5] Get next character.
- * If next character is <cr> [carriage return] then issue 'Missing "' error [as a closing double quote
wasn't present before the end of the statement line.
- * If the next character is a double quote and the characer after it is not then clear carry, set BASIC
Text Pointer A to BASIC Text Pointer B location and exit, as we have outputted the string value. Otherwise, we need to
output a single double quote character (as two double quotes were found inside the string value).
- * Call routine &BD98 to output the character.
- * Jump back to &92A5 to get next character of the string.
If the carry flag is clear on return from routine &9299, then a special character was found & processed, so keep
calling routine &9299 to check for further special operations (i.e. New line ('), TAB(, SPC or String (")), until
the carry flag is set (indicating that no further special characters were found); Set &4D to #&FF & clear carry flag
(as special characters terminate a field extraction).
[&B8D9] Shift byte &4C (the LINE-status byte) left 1-position (so that the top bit is set if we are in 'LINE'-mode)
(the processor flags are temporarily saved while this is done). This also removes the previous Top-bit setting (special
character) of &4C. Shift the carry flag into the top byte of &4C (moving the 'LINE'-mode flag right a position,
again). (The carry flag is clear if special characters were not found, or set if special characters were found).
So, now Bit 7 of &4C is clear if special PRINT characters (',",TAB(,SPC) were processed, and Bit 6 is set if were are
in 'LINE'-mode.
If the next character is "," or ";", then jump back to &B8CA to check for, and process, and special characters
after the field separator.
[Note: If special characters were found after the last ',' or ';', then a '?'-prompt is not output; also, additional
fields cannot be extracted from a previous input entry for any additional variables supplied - instead, the user will be
prompted for another entry value]
Next, we should either have a variable or the end of the statement, as we have processed all valid characters that can precede
a variable in an INPUT statement, namely: double quote ("), Comma (,), Semi-Colon (;), SPC, TAB( and quote (').
Decrement BASIC Text pointer A offset (so that the variable name starts at the next character, rather than the current one).
Save bytes &4C and &4D to the stack.
Call routine &98AE to evaluate the variable name (and create it if the variable doesn't already exist and isn't a
direct memory access (!x, ?x, $x).
If the zero flag is set on return from &98AE, then a variable was not specified, so retrieve the 2-bytes pushed to
the stack and jump to &9002 (to continue to the next statement if end of statement was found; otherwise, issue a
Syntax error).
Retrieve bytes &4C and &4D from the stack.
Call routine &9275 to Set BASIC Text pointer A offset to BASIC Text pointer B offset.
Store the processor flags to the stack (this stores whether the variable is a String or not).
if bit 6 of &4C is clear (i.e. we are not in LINE mode), and &4D location is not #&FF (i.e. not first field)
then jump to &B91F (to extract the next field).
If the top bit of &4C is set (Special characters were not found after the last field break), then output a
'?'-character - this is the default user input prompt.
Call routine &BA70 to get the user's input, as follows:
- * Set &38 to 6 and zero &37. This is the address to place the user's input entry: &0600 (The SWA).
- [Note: If called from &BA74, the address to place the user's input entry is &0700 (The Command Line)].
- * Set &39 to #&EE. This is the maximum input line length.
- * Set &3A to #&20 and &3B to #&FF. These are the minimum and maximum characters.
- * Set Y to #&00 (parameter block MSB), X to #&37 (parameter block LSB).
- * Set A to #&00 (OSWORD call 0 - get input characters from current device).
- * Call OSWORD (&FFF1) with A = 0 and the parameter block data in locatons &0037 - &003B.
- * If the carry flag is set after OSWORD call (with A = 0), then Escape was pressed, so generate an 'Escape' error;
otherwise, all is ok, so zero COUNT (&1E) and exit the &BA70 routine.
Store Y (the length of the input field) in &36 (SWA length field).
Clear the top bit of &4C (the special characters not found flag).
If bit 6 of &4C is clear (i.e. we are not in LINE mode), then fields are separated by commas (etc...), so:
- * [B91F] Set &1B (the current SWA offset) to A (this is 0 for the first field, & &4D for other fields).
- * Zero &19 and set &1A to #&06 (So that &19-&1A is a Pointer to the SWA value).
- * Call routine &ACF8 to Extract the next field from the SWA (& place it in the SWA starting at location &0600)
- * Call routine &8EEB to Get the next non-space character and compare with ",".
- * If comma not found (then <cr> found [if not <cr> get next char until ',' or <cr>] - end of input entry (SWA)); so,
set Y to #&FE (Next statement will increment this to #&FF - indicating that we are no longer extracting fields
from the input line).
- * Increment Y (SWA offset) [This equals #&FF when we are not extracting fields from the SWA] and store Y in &4D.
Retrieve the processor flags from the stack.
If the variable is an Integer (carry flag clear) then set the variable as follows:
- * [&B93B] Call routine &BC43 to store the variable address & type details (&2A,&2B,&2C) on the 6502 stack.
- * Call ASCII to Numeric conversion routine (ASCNUM, &AB4E) to convert SWA string value to a binary number.
- * Call routine &B32B to set the numeric variable to the numeric value (which is either a Floating-Point or Integer
- * Jump back to &B8CA to check for further variables or special characters on the INPUT statement.
If the variable is a String (carry flag set) then set the variable as follows:
- * [&B946] Zero &27 - (Set current result type to String).
- * Call routine &90AE to Set the String variable to the SWA value.
- * Jump back to &B8CA to check for further variables or special characters on the INPUT statement.
Disassembly for the INPUT routine
B8B2 |
h |
104 |
68 |
B8B3 |
h |
104 |
68 |
B8B4 |
128 142 |
80 8E |
BRA -114 --> &B844 [JMP &9002] check end of statement & process next program statement |
B8B6 |
032 223 140 |
20 DF 8C |
JSR &8CDF Get next non-space char (PTR A) and compare with '#' |
B8B9 |
240 140 |
F0 8C |
BEQ -116 --> &B847 PRINT# |
B8BB |
201 134 |
C9 86 |
CMP#&86 'LINE'-token |
B8BD |
240 003 |
F0 03 |
BEQ 3 --> &B8C2 |
B8BF |
198 010 |
C6 0A |
DEC &0A |
B8C1 |
024 |
18 |
B8C2 |
fL |
102 076 |
66 4C |
ROR &4C |
B8C4 |
FL |
070 076 |
46 4C |
LSR &4C |
B8C6 |
169 255 |
A9 FF |
B8C8 |
M |
133 077 |
85 4D |
STA &4D |
B8CA |
032 153 146 |
20 99 92 |
JSR &9299 |
B8CD |
176 010 |
B0 0A |
BCS 10 --> &B8D9 |
B8CF |
032 153 146 |
20 99 92 |
JSR &9299 |
B8D2 |
144 251 |
90 FB |
BCC -5 --> &B8CF |
B8D4 |
162 255 |
A2 FF |
B8D6 |
M |
134 077 |
86 4D |
STX &4D |
B8D8 |
024 |
18 |
B8D9 |
008 |
08 |
B8DA |
L |
006 076 |
06 4C |
ASL &4C |
B8DC |
( |
040 |
28 |
B8DD |
fL |
102 076 |
66 4C |
ROR &4C |
B8DF |
, |
201 044 |
C9 2C |
CMP#&2C ',' |
B8E1 |
240 231 |
F0 E7 |
BEQ -25 --> &B8CA |
B8E3 |
; |
201 059 |
C9 3B |
CMP#&3B ';' |
B8E5 |
240 227 |
F0 E3 |
BEQ -29 --> &B8CA |
B8E7 |
198 010 |
C6 0A |
DEC &0A |
B8E9 |
L |
165 076 |
A5 4C |
LDA &4C |
B8EB |
H |
072 |
48 |
B8EC |
M |
165 077 |
A5 4D |
LDA &4D |
B8EE |
H |
072 |
48 |
B8EF |
032 174 152 |
20 AE 98 |
JSR &98AE Evaluate variable name & create if new variable |
B8F2 |
240 190 |
F0 BE |
BEQ -66 --> &B8B2 exit & process next statement |
B8F4 |
h |
104 |
68 |
B8F5 |
M |
133 077 |
85 4D |
STA &4D |
B8F7 |
h |
104 |
68 |
B8F8 |
L |
133 076 |
85 4C |
STA &4C |
B8FA |
u |
032 117 146 |
20 75 92 |
JSR &9275 PTR A Offset = PTR B offset |
B8FD |
008 |
08 |
B8FE |
$L |
036 076 |
24 4C |
BIT &4C |
B900 |
p |
112 006 |
70 06 |
BVS 6 --> &B908 |
B902 |
M |
165 077 |
A5 4D |
LDA &4D |
B904 |
201 255 |
C9 FF |
B906 |
208 023 |
D0 17 |
BNE 23 --> &B91F |
B908 |
$L |
036 076 |
24 4C |
BIT &4C |
B90A |
016 005 |
10 05 |
BPL 5 --> &B911 |
B90C |
? |
169 063 |
A9 3F |
LDA#&3F '?' |
B90E |
032 238 255 |
20 EE FF |
B911 |
p |
032 112 186 |
20 70 BA |
JSR &BA70 |
B914 |
6 |
132 054 |
84 36 |
STY &36 |
B916 |
L |
006 076 |
06 4C |
ASL &4C |
B918 |
024 |
18 |
B919 |
fL |
102 076 |
66 4C |
ROR &4C |
B91B |
$L |
036 076 |
24 4C |
BIT &4C |
B91D |
p |
112 025 |
70 19 |
BVS 25 --> &B938 |
B91F |
133 027 |
85 1B |
STA &1B |
B921 |
d |
100 025 |
64 19 |
STZ &19 |
B923 |
169 006 |
A9 06 |
LDA#&06 |
B925 |
133 026 |
85 1A |
STA &1A |
B927 |
032 248 172 |
20 F8 AC |
JSR &ACF8 Extract next field (PTR B) |
B92A |
032 235 142 |
20 EB 8E |
JSR &8EEB Get next non-space char (PTR B) & compare with ',' |
B92D |
240 006 |
F0 06 |
BEQ 6 --> &B935 |
B92F |
201 013 |
C9 0D |
CMP#&0D |
B931 |
208 247 |
D0 F7 |
BNE -9 --> &B92A |
B933 |
160 254 |
A0 FE |
B935 |
200 |
C8 |
B936 |
M |
132 077 |
84 4D |
STY &4D |
B938 |
( |
040 |
28 |
B939 |
176 011 |
B0 0B |
BCS 11 --> &B946 |
B93B |
C |
032 067 188 |
20 43 BC |
JSR &BC43 Push &2A, &2B & &2C to the 6502 Stack |
B93E |
N |
032 078 171 |
20 4E AB |
JSR &AB4E ASCNUM (Convert ASCII String to Numeric value) |
B941 |
+ |
032 043 179 |
20 2B B3 |
JSR &B32B Set numeric variable |
B944 |
128 132 |
80 84 |
BRA -124 --> &B8CA |
B946 |
d' |
100 039 |
64 27 |
STZ &27 |
B948 |
032 174 144 |
20 AE 90 |
JSR &90AE Set String variable |
B94B |
128 247 |
80 F7 |
BRA -9 --> &B944 |
9299 |
032 224 142 |
20 E0 8E |
JSR &8EE0 Get next non-space char (PTR A) |
929C |
z |
032 122 146 |
20 7A 92 |
JSR &927A Check for "'", 'TAB(' or 'SPC' |
929F |
144 242 |
90 F2 |
BCC -14 --> &9293 [RTS] |
92A1 |
" |
201 034 |
C9 22 |
CMP#&22 |
92A3 |
208 237 |
D0 ED |
BNE -19 --> &9292 [SEC : RTS] |
92A5 |
200 |
C8 |
92A6 |
177 025 |
B1 19 |
LDA (&19),Y |
92A8 |
201 013 |
C9 0D |
CMP#&0D |
92AA |
240 232 |
F0 E8 |
BEQ -24 --> &9294 'Missing "' error |
92AC |
" |
201 034 |
C9 22 |
CMP#&22 |
92AE |
208 009 |
D0 09 |
BNE 9 --> &92B9 |
92B0 |
200 |
C8 |
92B1 |
132 027 |
84 1B |
STY &1B |
92B3 |
177 025 |
B1 19 |
LDA (&19),Y |
92B5 |
" |
201 034 |
C9 22 |
CMP#&22 |
92B7 |
208 177 |
D0 B1 |
BNE -79 --> &926A Clear carry flag, Set PTR A offset = PTR B offset & exit |
92B9 |
032 152 189 |
20 98 BD |
JSR &BD98 Output character in A |
92BC |
128 231 |
80 E7 |
BRA -25 --> &92A5 |
BA70 Prompt for and get the user's input line
BA70 |
169 006 |
A9 06 |
LDA#&06 |
BA72 |
128 002 |
80 02 |
BRA 2 --> &BA76 |
BA74 |
169 007 |
A9 07 |
LDA#&07 |
BA76 |
d7 |
100 055 |
64 37 |
STZ &37 |
BA78 |
8 |
133 056 |
85 38 |
STA &38 |
BA7A |
169 238 |
A9 EE |
BA7C |
9 |
133 057 |
85 39 |
STA &39 |
BA7E |
169 032 |
A9 20 |
LDA#&20 |
BA80 |
: |
133 058 |
85 3A |
STA &3A |
BA82 |
160 255 |
A0 FF |
BA84 |
; |
132 059 |
84 3B |
STY &3B |
BA86 |
200 |
C8 |
BA87 |
7 |
162 055 |
A2 37 |
LDX#&37 |
BA89 |
152 |
98 |
BA8A |
032 241 255 |
20 F1 FF |
BA8D |
144 006 |
90 06 |
BCC 6 --> &BA95 Zero COUNT (&1E) and exit routine |
BA8F |
L} |
076 125 155 |
4C 7D 9B |
JMP &9B7D Escape error |