MENU: Introduction/News Routines listed in Address order Routines listed by Category BASIC IV |
INTRODUCTION: Please let me know what you think, and whether you'd like to see more like
it. If anyone else wants to have a go at tackling BASICs I/II/III then please feel
free to post (added CJR: send them to 8BS) your own descriptions of routines
If I've made a mistake, and someone wants to correct/expand on something, then
please do so. Disassembly
After disassembling BASIC IV (Acorn 1984). I wanted a further challenge!
So I decided to attempt to disassemble BASIC4r32 (Acorn 1988) as I heard that it
includes a few differences from BASIC IV, like:
* Handling of the Tube (*BASIC & *HIBASIC entry commands).
* Updated Trigonomentry routines
* Automatically tokenising an ASCII program via use of *BASIC @
BASIC4r32 is part of the Alternative ROM set for MOS version 3.50.
BASIC 4 ROM - Reference information:
8000 to 9000 HTML TEXT CSV
9000 to A000 HTML TEXT CSV
A000 to B000 HTML TEXT CSV
B000 to C000 HTML TEXT CSV